
AnetteS, Swedish

Jag tänkte köra en liten efter min mormors ”gammal svensk bondejul”. Den tryckta, färgglada bonaden hängde alltid i mormors kök under december och nu brukar jag ha den i mitt kök. Den är märkt med ”Janne Martin Handprinted Gamlestadens of Sweden”.


16 december.
Tid för stora julbaket.


18 december.
Alla skall avsmaka slaktmaten.

EU_Commission, (edited )
@EU_Commission@social.network.europa.eu avatar

🚉More sustainable travel options for you soon.

Earlier this year, we announced we’re supporting ten pilot cross-border rail services, connecting more cities and shaping the future of train mobility, including:

🚆 Connecting 🇭🇺 Hungary, 🇦🇹 Austria and 🇷🇴 Romania;
🚆 New night train service 🇫🇷 Paris – 🇮🇹 Milan – 🇮🇹 Venice;
🚆 New service 🇩🇪 Munich – 🇨🇭 Zurich;
🚆 New night train service 🇳🇱 Amsterdam – 🇪🇸 Barcelona.

More: https://europa.eu/!v6b776

@tomminieminen@mastodontti.fi avatar
@jon@gruene.social avatar

@tomminieminen The projects are actually pretty good. It's the Commission's communications that are annoying!

k_tastrof, French
@k_tastrof@framapiaf.org avatar

"Ta thèse, c'est sur quoi?"
En décembre, je vous propose d'explorer les mots clés de mon travail de doctorat en psychologie.
1 jour
1 mot
1 texte de science-fiction🚀
ou fantasy🗡️
En thread et avec pour être repéré·es

@k_tastrof@framapiaf.org avatar

Certaines personnes savent très tôt qui elles sont et qui elles doivent être et cette certitude est valorisée. Moi j'ai de la tendresse pour celleux qui se cherchent et qui, faute de se trouver, finissent par s'inventer et se bricoler. Iels me ressemblent.

@k_tastrof@framapiaf.org avatar

Beaucoup de mes amis ont peur de la mort. Moi elle me semble reposante et c'est la vie qui me terrifie, imprévisible, incontrôlable et grouillante de tant de promesses de meilleur comme de pire.

MadameMollette, French
@MadameMollette@piaille.fr avatar

Quelle chaleur sur cette banquise ! Tout se déréglait, il fallait pêcher de plus en plus loin. Les menus devenaient lassants, céphalopodes tous les jours, quelle misère gustative. Nous, les manchots Adélie, nous avions constitué des groupes de pêche pour optimiser le travail. Ces abrutis de manchots empereurs, eux, se lamentaient tout le temps et rêvaient de voler. Ces gros lourdauds ! Clairement pas les manchots qui glissent le plus loin, ces empaffés impériaux

@MadameMollette@piaille.fr avatar

Parmi tous les chamois renfrognés des Pyrénées, Gérard l’Isard était assurément le plus énervé. Entre le tourisme et les sécheresses, tous les animaux montaient en altitude, il fallait se partager un territoire exigu et côtoyer la lie des herbivores. Ras les cornes de ces bouquetins qui viennent brouter mon herbe. Je vais migrer dans les pôles, annonça Gérard. Triple andouille a commenté son cousin Stan, le seul Pôle où tu finiras comme tout le monde, ce sera Pôle Emploi

@MadameMollette@piaille.fr avatar

Mes amis, c’est avec émotion que nous allons assister à l’effondrement du dernier glacier alpin. Selon les capteurs, il reste moins de 2 heures avant le glissement. Dans cet abri, nous serons spectateurs impuissants de ce drame. Au moins cette fois, il n’y aura pas de morts humains. Nous avons déplacé beaucoup d’animaux ainsi que les plantes rares. Nous ne pouvons pas tous les sauver hélas. Le Député s’étrangla, la salle sanglotait, il restait tellement à faire. Trop tard

@luckytran@med-mastodon.com avatar

This is why protesters are disrupting Biden every chance they get. Shameful.

MarSolRivas, French
@MarSolRivas@mastodon.online avatar

Une histoire tirée par les cheveux 🙄

@dlb@mamot.fr avatar


Ah bah ça c'est un rêve entretenu par plus que trois pelées et un tondu!

@MarSolRivas@mastodon.online avatar

@dlb @AugierLe42e Il était très motivé d'ailleurs, il disait souvent "Quand j'ai un projet, rien ne barrette" 😐

@foone@digipres.club avatar

You know those flash drives that have USB-A on one end and USB-C on the other?

I wonder what happens if you plug them both in at once... I'm guessing nothing good.

@foone@digipres.club avatar

it also identifies itself as a
"VendorCo ProductCode", with vendor ID of FFFF and product id of 5678.

what butthole of aliexpress did we buy this USB drive from?

@ecn@mastodon.social avatar

@foone I just tested this! The answer is: the first device it's plugged into retains control, the other device doesn't see it.


Sky4Sushi, French
@Sky4Sushi@oc.todon.fr avatar

Bonjour, bonjour
Vendredi, vieillerie mais quelle vieillerie !🤩🎶💫

The Smashing Pumpkins - 1979

@Claire@mamot.fr avatar

@Kahte @Sky4Sushi
@bilbo_le_hobbit Mais c'est pas possible ça, ça marche pas, tu aurais 120 ans

@bilbo_le_hobbit@mamot.fr avatar

@Claire @Kahte @Sky4Sushi ah bon ? Si vieux que ça ? Bigre...

@juliank@mastodon.social avatar

In Case you were wondering: Yes, ICE trains are cheaper than regional trains on my main route.

I'm actually paying 49€ for the flatrate Germany-wide regional public transport ticket ("Deutschlandticket"), though.

@juliank@mastodon.social avatar

And if you plan a couple days ahead, the ICE with a savings price is 9.90€. like literally Monday. It's not a lot of days.

@juliank@mastodon.social avatar

@jon @andrew_shadura oh I found one but it arrives way too late, that's like bed time.

@ceoln@qoto.org avatar

Sheesh, "Don't Make Love Between Men Into A Weird Grim Obsessive Thing Every Single Bloody Time Challenge 2023".

Looking at you, #Bodies ...

@ceoln@qoto.org avatar

Hm, well, okay, that did have an ending! Not awful, but...

Made from a comic book -- I mean graphic novel -- does rather check out.


@ceoln@qoto.org avatar

Which is to say, if you'd spent like an hour reading it in graphic form, it would have been fun and visually appealing.

But as an eight hour miniseries, there are, well, a number of things that are just left hanging and/or don't make sense to the extent that you'd expect them to in a more primarily (what?) textual piece.

Something like that.

Fischblog, German
@Fischblog@chaos.social avatar

Ich bin ja nicht so der ganz große Blocker. Manche Leute blockt man halt, weil sie Faschos, Trolle, üble Arschlöcher oder so sind.

Und dann gibts da immer mehr, die in keine der Kategorien fallen, aber bei denen du in die Timeline guckst und dir nicht vorstellen kannst, dass von denen jemals ein positiver oder hilfreicher Beitrag zu irgendwas kommt.

Ich neige immer stärker dazu, da auch zu blocken, weil das Leben echt zu kurz ist, um auch noch die Verbitterung Wildfremder abzukriegen.

@fantazo@esperanto.masto.host avatar

@Fischblog Eine weitere Frage, die sich mir da dann stellt: ist es wirklich dann nicht mehr dein Problem?

Man kann hier auch bei anderen Problemen so argumentieren: wenn ich den hohen CO2-Ausstoß von den USA ignoriere, dann ist das dann ja nicht mehr mein Problem.

Wobei dann sich ergibt, dass durch Rahmenbedingungen wie die des Weltklimas es sehr wohl auch mein Problem ist, wenn Land X weiter CO2 in die Atmosphäre rausbläst.

Leider sind nicht alle Probleme deligierbar oder ignorierbar.

@Fischblog@chaos.social avatar

@fantazo Nein, wenn ich irgendwelche Hanseln auf social media blocke, ist das nicht wie Klimawandel. 😂

@film_girl@mastodon.social avatar

Something comforting about watching The Wizard of Oz, a film I literally know every line of, every musical note in the score, every song lyric, every movement in every scene, on Thanksgiving. As a kid, when it only aired once a year, I had to rely on a VCR recording of one of the CBS airings the rest of the year. Anyway, perfect movie is perfect.

@film_girl@mastodon.social avatar

@godofbiscuits oh yeah like, there are so many imperfections and set things you see that way, but to me, none of that detracts from a 85 year old film that is just an astonishing achievement on so many levels. Like, Gone With the Wind is a better film on almost every level (story, special effects, cinematography, acting, etc) HOWEVER, Oz manages to just capture every person’s imagination and truly take you to another world. Prob the first major motion picture to do that so fully.

@film_girl@mastodon.social avatar

@godofbiscuits like the longstanding rumor of someone hanging themself in it now being obvious to just be a crane moving around. But the fact that you can spot that stuff and it doesn’t matter, is a testament to why that film worked so well, even if it was an initial disappointment for MGM.

@kellan@fiasco.social avatar

Where is the content talking about contemporary software development issues? Like "How to migrate away from GraphQL?", "Maintaining software that was written by a team twice this size", "HTML and CSS for React Engineers", etc?

@kellan@fiasco.social avatar

"Hiring Practices for for Teams where People Don't Quit Every 18 Months"

@sushee@fosstodon.org avatar

@kellan uh another good one: getting out of the data swamp and a classic: you don't have big data

@house_of_five@wandering.shop avatar

1: Introduce a favourite secondary character as though they were a celebrity

I mean, she already is:

Lady Amelia, only daughter of Lord and Lady Luciel, and just about the most eligible young woman in the entirety of Sacaan. General gossip has it that she's more interested in her studies than her suitors, though there have been rumours linking her with several other young magicians in her classes at the university (though woe betide anyone who tries to raise the topic with her).

@house_of_five@wandering.shop avatar

3: What does your antagonist always have with them?

Avebury: His sword - which is partially self-defence and partially a status thing (carrying a sword marks you as of a certain social class/being a member of certain organisations).

Lucy: A small pouch containing a stick of chalk, dried herbs, and a pair of silver coins (i.e. the makings of a very very basic ritual).

Caine: [SPOILER (ish. Depending on your definition of 'with')]

@house_of_five@wandering.shop avatar

19: Do you write sympathetic antagonists? Why or why not?

So I don't know about sympathetic, but I like writing /understandable/ antagonists (at least, for my main villains) - I like writing people where you can understand how they got to where they are, even if where they are is a million light years away from anything approaching a rational or proportional response to things. Explanation not excuse and all that.

bjoernsta, German
@bjoernsta@journa.host avatar

Viele spannende Gedanken habe ich gestern aus der Perspektive von Wissenschafts- und Stiftungskommunikation zu Mastodon, Bluesky und alternativen Plattformen gehört - danke @MannbeisstHund und @Nicola_Wessinghage für die Einladung. 1/...

@bjoernsta@journa.host avatar

Die Entscheidung über Social Media Kanäle von den eigenen Werten ableiten - das war der Gedanke von @Nicola_Wessinghage: Es ist am Ende nicht vor allem eine Frage der Reichweite, sondern: Wofür steht meine Organisation, meine Stiftung? Sind Demokratie, Meinungsfreiheit, Antisemitismus (und weiter) zentrale Werte, dann passen X & Co. schlichtweg nicht zum Kern der Botschaft.

@bjoernsta@journa.host avatar

"Mastodon oder Bluesky?" Wenn wir die Entscheidung werteorientiert treffen, kann es nur Mastodon sein. Denn Bluesky erfüllt deutlich weniger Kriterien, um Demokratie auch langfristig und verlässlich zu stärken.

@taylorlorenz@mastodon.social avatar

Sports Illustrated has been making up fake AI authors, claiming they are real, then deleting them when asked and offering no formal comment, editorial note, or other response.

They’ve also been publishing AI generated content by people who don’t exist with zero disclosure https://futurism.com/sports-illustrated-ai-generated-writers

@pablor@mastodon.social avatar

@taylorlorenz There won’t be many complaints until they publish AI generated pics of bikini models. Unless they’re really hot, of course.

@luis_in_brief@social.coop avatar

@taylorlorenz Me: AI regulation is complicated, needs to be done thoughtfully and carefully, and will mostly fail because the future is unknowable

Also me: lying that your content was created by a human being should be punished with massive, business-crippling fines, if not outright jail, and we should pass laws to that effect tomorrow, kthxbye

@taylorlorenz@mastodon.social avatar

As we approach the new year, I humbly suggest you quit email (to the extent you can).

“I suggest you let it all go. There is simply no way for anyone with a full-time job and multiple inboxes to keep up with the current email climate.” https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2019/01/case-inbox-infinity/579673/

@danie10@mastodon.social avatar

@taylorlorenz you didn't really mention your alternative though? I get all my banking, investment, phone, medical, and other invoices and statements via e-mail. It would be triple time for me to go to each site to download those individually. They are legal notices too, with physical mail no longer being used. I do make a point of clearing my inbox every evening as many have deadlines attached for payments etc.


@taylorlorenz For personal use, I'm fully on 'let it go' mode with email and use text or Discord for my private correspondence, but at work i can't imagine anything replacing it. Teams isn't going to replace my office's six client-facing email addresses any time soon

pjap37, French

Bon, il faut que je trouve un mytho crédible, mais extraordinaire, pour justifier ce pansement.
La vérité est trop ennuyeuse. :blob_cat_sip:

18+ pjap37,

@plantex Mais mon mari a une grosse teub, pas un ouvre boite ! Au pire j'aurais le crane enfoncé.
Non non je garde la vis sous le bureau


Bon, vous n'avez bien fait rire !
Merci à tou•tes :blob_cat_heart:

@notjustbikes@notjustbikes.com avatar

Every time some holier-than-thou bike advocate is chastising me for "giving up" on North America and moving to Amsterdam, I check their profile and it'll show that they grew up in some shitty suburb or small town, and moved to one of the half-decent cities in North America.

Every. Fucking. Time.

They moved to a better city and it's fine, but somehow me leaving the continent is the worst crime imaginable.

It's so tiring.

Every urbanist moves if they're able to. At least I'm honest about it.

notjustbikes, (edited )
@notjustbikes@notjustbikes.com avatar

The only exception is if they were already born in one of the best cities in the country.

They won the urbanist birth lottery.

The rest of us shouldn't be shamed for wanting to live somewhere better.

And if you can't move, for whatever reason, that's fine too. Then you should join https://StrongTowns.org. That's why I've been promoting them since before Not Just Bikes was even a thing.

Chuck actually stayed in Brainerd, MN.

I think that's insane, but at least I can respect that decision.

@notjustbikes@notjustbikes.com avatar

If you'd like to become a Strong Towns member, go to:


I've been told that over half of all Strong Towns members heard about the movement through Not Just Bikes.

Even though the online drama is infuriating at times, I'm still proud of that accomplishment.

AndersGottlieb, Danish
@AndersGottlieb@krigskunst.social avatar

I am sure Margarita is right. The Americans are gonna flood into Russia to work as toilet cleaners, and probably together with the Canadians. Right @VikingChieftain ?


kimwulff, (edited )

@AndersGottlieb @VikingChieftain @eva_chaos @lindamarie It's not" Make Amerika greath again" No it's make Your bed avey morning. Great speech, that's how I know Americans, wish all Trump supporters would listen and understand.I think it's terrible if this man ( Trump) is allowed to destroy this great country https://youtube.com/watch?v=sBAqF00gBGk&si=NkCwWesQyTTGc3Xl

@eva_chaos@mastodon.social avatar

@VikingChieftain @AndersGottlieb
I'm from the Gulf Coast, and the beach is outside of the door of the house when I'm 20 miles in. Sochi is a shithole.

MarSolRivas, French
@MarSolRivas@mastodon.online avatar

Ouais, grave 😐

@parunenuitdete@piaille.fr avatar

@Wildebeest Bon anniversaire ! 🎂

@Kahte@toot.aquilenet.fr avatar
@SnoopJ@hachyderm.io avatar

pray for me, I'm about to spend money on a camcorder


@onelson @SnoopJ I mean, I don’t think my cat photos are worth 20k (yes I do), but

@onelson@mastodon.social avatar

@astatide @SnoopJ just kidding. The mammogram model is way more pricey than the color grading models.


@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

In the 2 years since its emergence, Omicron has proved to be not only staggeringly infectious, but an evolutionary marvel, challenging many assumptions virologists had before the pandemic. It has given rise to an impressive number of descendants, which have become far more adept at evading immunity and finding new victims.

“It was almost like there was another pandemic”


@Callalily@a2mi.social avatar

I bet. Some people act like it's gone. I still wear a mask.

@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

@Callalily Me too, never stopped. I don't get people. I don't get that mentality.

AkaSci, (edited )
@AkaSci@fosstodon.org avatar

The Hubble Space Telescope is down since Nov 23 due to a malfunctioning gyroscope, which is needed for accurate pointing.

Only 3 out of 6 gyros have been working since 2018. Hubble can be configured to operate, at somewhat reduced functionality, with just one gyro, but NASA is attempting to revive the faulty unit first.

Unlike in the Shuttle days, Hubble parts cannot be replaced.

Let's take a deep dive into Hubble's Pointing Control System and its gyros.


AkaSci, (edited )
@AkaSci@fosstodon.org avatar

Here are a couple of dramatic pics from the final spacewalk of Hubble Servicing Mission 1 on Dec 9, 1993.

Tasks for the day included installing protective covers on the replacement magnetometers.

Astronaut F. Story Musgrave is anchored at the end of the Remote Manipulator System (RMS) arm in both pics.
Astronaut Jeffrey A. Hoffman (bottom of frame in pic 1) assisted Musgrave with final servicing tasks on that day.



AkaSci, (edited )
@AkaSci@fosstodon.org avatar

OTD on Dec 10, 1993, Hubble was released from its "repair shop" on Space Shuttle Endeavor.

"ESA astronaut Claude Nicollier grappled Hubble with the robotic arm for the final time and lifted it above the payload bay. Ground controllers commanded its aperture door to open, and Nicollier released the telescope. Bowersox fired Endeavour’s thrusters to slowly back away from the telescope."

Now that's what you call "Mission Accomplished" 👍



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