
@worthlessbums@mastodon.social avatar

hey man i know it's super hard but like you can throttle spells as well

it's pretty easy

given how there are spell components to almost all the spells you love to hate

@worthlessbums@mastodon.social avatar

this is really verging on ttrpg vs. why did you not make this a computer game territory because there is no way i would calculate this by hand in the 70s

@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

@worthlessbums "Or about every 3½ standard years" wouldn't have hurt anyone.

@worthlessbums@mastodon.social avatar

i downloaded the free dnd rules pdf and i can feel @DarkestKale looking at me

18+ DarkestKale,
@DarkestKale@mastodon.social avatar

@worthlessbums 'even when playing Destiny <this guy's a cunt>'

Why? Why play with people who make you unhappy?

@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

@DarkestKale @worthlessbums My experience: because the rest of the group doesn't find them as offensive as I do, or because of Geek Social Fallacy #1.

@worthlessbums@mastodon.social avatar

you know i think /r/rpg is like /r/gamedev

in the sense that i know most everyone in /r/gamedev is not making games

and i don't believe that most people in /r/rpg are actually playing these games

i think they're just making shit the fuck up

@worthlessbums@mastodon.social avatar

"Any elf or half-elf forester has no abilities to detect secret or concealed doors, as he is never around these structures in the wilderness."

that is an aggressive drawback lol

@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

@worthlessbums Dude, you've never met a tree with a secret door? Smoke some of this…

@stavvers@masto.ai avatar

IT'S TUMBLR THREAD TIME! I'll be posting about 5-10 screencaps a day from the very best of tumblr. The mob wants it. The mob will get it.

@stavvers@masto.ai avatar

executive dysfunction

@stavvers@masto.ai avatar

lord montague


guilty gears as text posts tbh 🧵

tchoum, French
@tchoum@piaille.fr avatar

2/6 02:35



@tchoum@piaille.fr avatar

I got a score of 2633 on today's Chronophoto: 29/04/2024
Round 1: 777
Round 2: 0❌
Round 3: 849
Round 4: 924
Round 5: 83 https://www.chronophoto.app/daily.html

@tchoum@piaille.fr avatar

@yanncphoto oh joli!

@worthlessbums@mastodon.social avatar

blood glucose still over 100 today

i have no fucking idea

exercise, no exercise, eating clean

18+ worthlessbums,
@worthlessbums@mastodon.social avatar

all i'm saying is that paying off your credit card is less fun than ordering from grubhub

18+ worthlessbums,
@worthlessbums@mastodon.social avatar

Don't eat ice cream and then kimchi if you're lactose intolerant

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar






@RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @fbievan @sirber I sideload mobi files that I convert with calibre, workssreally well :)

@benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

For the last year I've been semi-daily posting "What I'm Listening To Today" links in this thread:


The thread is now so long it is increasingly breaking Mastodon, so I am making a new thread, starting here.

To recap, here's the entirety of the year-one thread in the most impractical possible format: A YouTube playlist containing 246 songs and running for just over 47 hours:


@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

What I'm listening to today: "Stay Crunchy", Ronald Jenkees

In this video a man in a little hat yells "Hello YouTubes" and slams directly into performing an absolutely mindblowing four-minute solo, on a MIDI electric piano VST over FruityLoops beats. (FLStudio/FruityLoops, is IMO, underrated as a serious production music tool.) Ronald, the musician, was an early vlogger who had a whole thing going on and this was the track of his that went most widely viral. It slaps


@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

What I'm listening to today: "Funky Stars", Quazar

This is a poppy eurodance DOS tracker tune from 1997. Feels good, slick production, moody 80s/early 90s feel.

After 2000 the artist behind this .xm went on to have a conventional career as a producer, making club techno remixes for a bunch of hip hop artists plus Madonna under the name "Axwell", then cofounding Swedish House Mafia ("Don't You Worry Child").

This track is listed on some mod archives as "Hybrid Song".


@worthlessbums@mastodon.social avatar


@worthlessbums@mastodon.social avatar

i am finding out you can literally play the scum and villainy faction in x-wing

@ghosttie@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@worthlessbums what, like pirates and smugglers?

@christianselig@mastodon.social avatar

Apollo will close down on June 30th. Reddit’s recent decisions and actions have unfortunately made it impossible for Apollo to continue. Thank you so, so much for all the support over the years. ❤️ https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/


@christianselig huge thanks for the time we got with Apollo. Any chance you'd like to have a crack at making a Lemmy client?

@christianselig@mastodon.social avatar

I’ve had a lot of questions about Reddit’s planned AMA today and “What if they…”, so I added a section to the bottom of my post to answer that and thought I’d share it here too.


@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

I've been told people on this website enjoy me trying to think through computer problems out loud while in incredible pain, so good news: I'm taking my new Thinkpad T14 (https://mastodon.social/@mcc/111218408629532857) out of the box and I'm going to install Linux on it first thing. So expect a LOT of complaining.

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Fuck you

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Oh… right after posting this I tried to alt-tab, accidentally entered win-tab, and win-tab caused the weather widget I don't want to blossom into a picture of Donald Trump. I guess, somehow, a dedicated button for showing you a picture of Donald Trump is something I should expect of Windows by now.

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

Today's theme is Normal!

You can take this test to see how "Normal" you are, and also how radically left wing you are! LOL Please share the results if you feel like it, or do nothing at all, because it really doesn't matter!


@Nonya_Bidniss@mas.to avatar

@RickiTarr Yeah I like tech and spent a whole career with the military. Sure, I like big weapons ok but most "male" associated traits in our society seem pretty negative to me. Yet my best friends are male. Some of whom are gay. Gay Marines. It's a conundrum. 😂

@DemocracyMattersALot@mstdn.social avatar


Wife disturbed by my “normal” score. LOL.

whangdoodler, Finnish

the circus that currently performs in finnish government is getting so out of hands that im just waiting for the day it just implodes in on it self like couple billionaires in a submarine.

below some things from the government period so far:


Biggest scandal this week in isn’t really about the nazis or their actions, hate campaigns, conspiracy theories or accusations towards international press being a part of putinist propaganda machine.

It is “is it okay to call a nazi accomplish or a nazi with mean names and overall use harsh language when opposing fascism.”-scandal.

For fucks sake I am 👌 close to completely loosing my shit over here.


This weeks and protests in gathered well over 10,000 people in three cities.

Protests were held in Kuopio on Friday 1.9. as well as in Joensuu and Helsinki on Sunday 3.9.

The message is clear; this government is racist, fascist and inhumane in its actions & programmes and finnish people do not accept that.

Next protests is 5.9. in Helsinki as the parliament gathers for the first time.


More than 10,000 gather in Helsinki to protest racism, government. A large-scale anti-racism demonstration took place in central Helsinki on Sunday afternoon. YLE NEWS 14:30 Updated 17:56.
Article in Karjalainen. Couple of hundred people gathered at Joensuu marketplace into a antiracism protests. “This is the worst government in history”. photo of diverse group of people gathered among market stalls. We wont be silenced-protest gathered people of all ages to the marketplace on sunday.

nabili, French
@nabili@masto.bike avatar

On pédale ici sur un faux plat montant, tantôt sur l’herbe, tantôt sur de la terre compactée. La pluie arrivant nous incite à ne pas y prendre de pause.

À vélo sur le chemin, avec des chevaux surpris commençant à trottiner

@nabili@masto.bike avatar

Arrivé au sommet 7 heures après avoir commencé, c’est un soulagement et c’est à peine si il me reste de l’énergie pour marcher ou parler avec toutes les personnes autour.
L’experience est très différente du col ak baital au pamir. Celui-ci donnait la sensation de vivre une aventure, seul perdu dans de grands espaces. Ici, il s’agit plutôt d’une montée brutale, non pas pour les jambes mais les poumons. Cela apprend à mieux connaître son corps et comment il réagit face à la montée en altitude.

Vélo devant un plus petit panneau du col et des montagnes avec un peu de neige

@nabili@masto.bike avatar

Enfin arrivé au lac, celui-ci me déclenche une émotion par sa beauté, comme peu de paysages peuvent le procurer.
Il est bien plus joli que je le pensais, et les photos ne parviennent pas à lui rendre justice.

Photo du lac entouré de montagnes sèches avec un peu de neige
Photo du lac avec monts Rocheux en neige et statue de Buddha et shiva devant
Côté du lac avec monts Rocheux en neige


Total deaths per 1M/pop., 3/11:

  1. Arizona 4,534 (+0)
  2. Mississippi 4,492 (+0)
  3. West Virginia 4,451 (+0)
  4. New Mexico 4,322 (+0)
  5. Arkansas 4,318 (+0)
  6. Alabama 4,289 (+0)
  7. Tennessee 4,263 (+0)
  8. Michigan 4,226 (+0)
  9. Kentucky 4,058 (+0)
  10. New Jersey 4,055 (+0)



Top 10 states in total deaths reported per 1M/pop., 9/27:

  1. Arizona 4,640 (+2)
  2. West Virginia 4,583 (+6)
  3. Mississippi 4,527 (+0)
  4. New Mexico 4,405 (+0)
  5. Arkansas 4,389 (+0)
  6. Tennessee 4,354 (+0)
  7. Michigan 4,340 (+3)
  8. Alabama 4,311 (+0)
  9. Kentucky 4,283 (+0)
  10. Florida 4,225 (+0)



NOTE: As of April 13, 2024, the Coronavirus Tracker is no longer being updated due to the unfeasibility of providing statistically valid global totals, as the majority of countries have now stopped reporting. However, historical data remain accessible. Worldometer delivered the most accurate and timely global statistics to users and institutions around the world at a time when this was extremely challenging. We thank everyone who participated in this extraordinary collaborative effort.

@gruber@mastodon.social avatar

Threads is the most fun, most interesting new product of the year, and no one in the E.U. can use it, or will be able to use it anytime soon, because their own elected officials passed a law that effectively bans it.

Nice job. Have fun over here in the library.

@downey@floss.social avatar

@gruber Trash talking international human rights protections is not the flex you think it is.

@stroughtonsmith@mastodon.social avatar

@gruber ah yes, damn those EU lawmakers for… checks notes …creating laws around privacy. How dare they 🙄 Next you'll tell us they trying to protect human rights or something, the fools!

@azonenberg@ioc.exchange avatar

Assembling the trigger crossbar board over lunch.

Not thrilled with the paste print quality, very inconsistent. the top left corner was way too thick as the board flexed during printing, the middle BGA skipped some pads, and the WLCSP in the bottom right was near perfect.

These big boards bend too much in my paste fixture, I need to find a way to prevent that before I do any more boards of this scale.

@azonenberg@ioc.exchange avatar

Also, life hack for anyone else who has a PicoScope 6000E series oscilloscope: the logic analyzer pods are connected to the scope via a standard SFF-8087 mini-SAS cable, you can find the Molex part number right on the supplied cable. But you don't have to only use that cable!

I had some longer ones than the stock one sitting around and they work fine, at least at lower speeds (you might have trouble working to full rated bandwidth due to cable losses). But this gives me much more freedom of bench layout since I can put the pod a lot further from the scope than with the stock cable.

@azonenberg@ioc.exchange avatar

The capacitive tower of babel is growing. I'm about to add my third cap to the second story.

timkmak, (edited )
@timkmak@journa.host avatar

Are you finding Mastodon to be less vibrant/active?

I’m worried that we are not getting as much engagement on our Ukraine war reporting as we used to.

We’re trying to decide which social media platforms to continue posting on, given how much effort it takes to replicate across all of them.

If you want to send a signal to us that we should keep posting here, will you sign up for our newsletter? http://Counteroffensive.substack.com

I’m only asking Mastodon users today so we can gauge impact.

@timkmak@journa.host avatar

Have been blown away by the response here.

The advice: use apps to automate hashtags and posting; shorter threads longer individual posts; vary posting times.

Also RTs are more important here because in an algorithm-less platform, no one will see us beyond our followers otherwise.

Any more advice?

Will you RT the first toot in this thread?

@timkmak@journa.host avatar

The news isn’t free.

And you get what you pay for: low quality opinion driven posts on social media for clout; or ad-driven commercial media in big organizations.

Or through the subscriber model, where I’m directly accountable to you.

We do posting on social media as a service to our followers!

But it ultimately will not be sustainable if we don’t get subscribers who sign up to pay.

Does that a little more sense?

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

What is a word that you had read, but after hearing it spoken aloud, you realized you were pronouncing completely wrong in your head?

Mine is pretty Embarrassing, and is just one of many!

MISLED! I'm not even sure how to type this out for it to make sense, but it was something like:



@RickiTarr browser trouble? if you already tried clearing your cookies, you may need to delete the cake (cache)


@Gaolaitch @RedTinDave @RickiTarr

I know someone who is absolutely committed to pronouncing forsythia as 'for Cynthia'

This is kind of the opposite of what you are doing 😁

@worthlessbums@mastodon.social avatar

i just wanna say i did not buy baldur's gate 3

my brother gifted it to me xD

@worthlessbums@mastodon.social avatar

i know you're trying to trick me video game

@worthlessbums@mastodon.social avatar

i wish just once a flunky npc would, without my needing an intimidation check to appear, look at this blood and gore steeped paladin emerging from the darkness and decide not to make a pithy british insult at me

read the room my good guy

dgar, (edited )
@dgar@aus.social avatar

One Two Three Four!
I declare a meme war!
Do NOT neglect your #AltText!!

@dgar@aus.social avatar
@acid@ohai.social avatar

Continued from... https://twitter.com/KagroX/status/1596724783819149312

Most new cases of COVID-19 reported 11/27:

  1. Japan +98,476
  2. South Korea +47,028
  3. France +37,675
  4. Taiwan +13,311
  5. Hong Kong +8,033
  6. USA +6,098
  7. Russia +5,918
  8. Brazil +5,667
  9. Chile +4,343
  10. Indonesia +4,151



Most new cases of -19 reported 10/20*:

  1. USA +3,373
  2. Germany +2,305
  3. Australia +776
  4. Hong Kong +636
  5. Czechia +569
  6. Poland +447
  7. Lithuania +354
  8. Bulgaria +310
  9. Macao +284
  10. Slovenia +69

*Only 15 countries reported.


Most new cases of -19 reported 1/25*:

  1. USA +9,252
  2. Australia +1,835
  3. Germany +861
  4. Poland +594
  5. Czechia +216
  6. Lithuania +210
  7. India +198
  8. Bulgaria +106
  9. Norway +63
  10. Slovenia +22

*Only 11 countries reported.


Continued from... https://twitter.com/KagroX/status/1596727958668210178

Thanks, Alito.

35,389,301 more Americans have contracted COVID, and 230,428 have died since the Supreme Court rejected the vaccine mandates.


Thanks, Alito.

42,108,577 more Americans have reported contracting , and 293,025 have died since the Supreme Court rejected the vaccine mandates.


Thanks, Alito.

45,651,859 more Americans have reported contracting , and 320,225 have died since the Supreme Court rejected the vaccine mandates.

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