elaterite, (edited ) to privacy
@elaterite@fosstodon.org avatar

Is anyone seeing this toot using ungoogled-chromium?

It's actively maintained. What has been your experience?

I'm trying to de-googlefie my life as much as possible, but I do like Chromium, been using it for years. Thoughts?

[Update: Not interested using Tor. I already use Firefox for FB & Insta only. Also looking to get away from Mozilla corporate as well.]



@elaterite @torproject Claiming to not have a need for "" and dismissing it is like saying you don't need a first aid kit because you don't injure yourself...

It has it's reasons to exist and use even in "western" "democracies" as / aka. nee don't just rely on to track users...

They literally collect data against people's explicitly denied consent and setup "shadow profiles" based off their peers snitching on them.

jwildeboer, to random
@jwildeboer@social.wildeboer.net avatar

Wildeboer’s third theorem: Every commercial centralised service that offers “free” services and relies on ads and/or a percentage of subscription/donation fees ends up being supportive of misinformation, hate speech and far-right to nazi content. Either through ignorance or acceptance.

@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@Jain @jwildeboer Eeyupp...

Ro is an asshole and he has proven that time and time again...

Just like the entire gang...

If there are reasons to ban instances that federate with / aka. nee [or other problematic instances like https://h-i.social ], he's one of the people creating them on a ...


nano, to random
@nano@fedi.nano.lgbt avatar

like, is the fediverse just high school 2 now? i thought we wanted to be better than twitter but now we're just inventing new ways to bicker and hate eachother. we're going to fucking implode if we don't get the fuck along

@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@nano agreed.

Sadly we can't even get like basics done...
I.e. block / aka. nee from the :fediverse: because and is doing already!

leitmedium, to random German
@leitmedium@tldr.nettime.org avatar

Auf Threads häuft sich nun die Textgattung "Threads-Exit-Post". That escalated quickly. Ist aber auch wirklich erstaunlich unerträglich.

@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@leitmedium was erwarten wir anderes bei / ?

kkarhan, (edited ) to FediPact
@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

To make it easier to make work and to allow people and adminst to make their own informed decision, I've decided to make a that can be automatically imported and updated speifically to block and #/ aka. nee .

You can automatically pull it from this URL:

Feedback, suggestions and contributions are welcome!

18+ nileane, to random
@nileane@nileane.fr avatar

It looks like, if Threads knows you’re a trans person, it may just start bombarding you with transphobic posts in your For You feed — even if you’ve never interacted with that kind of content on the platform before.

Since I posted about this last night (https://www.threads.net/@nileanedorffer/post/C1GK2jDiIPA/?igshid=ODhhZWM5NmIwOQ==), a handful of other trans people have messaged me to say that they’re pretty much having the same experience.

@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@nileane that's because / aka. nee is a platform that is specifically designed to push genocidal !

Otherwise they'd actually do ...

samid, to threads
@samid@mastodon.de avatar

so, I learned that can not only get your posts, even if you blocked them (via different servers that didn't and that store your posts cus people there may follow you or interact with you), they can also monetize those posts by showing ads next to them. Thus making money off of you. Put that together with all the genocidal and fascist and other harmful activity. It makes me think that the of the has begun. The cycles seem to move faster and faster. I love it here and I've had many elightening convos and beautiful connections. Today I read that 41% of servers have blocked threads. Maybe there is still hope.
Esp. the neurodivergent community on here is the best I've ever experienced.

kkarhan, (edited )
@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@samid @actuallyautistic Please let me know of of a good one that does block / aka. "" nee because I just found out @stux doesn't do that anymore and I feel like I've been backstabbed with a Type 30 bayonet and it's tip is sticking out of my chest...


Erdrandbewohner, to random German
@Erdrandbewohner@social.tchncs.de avatar

Irgendwelche Technik-Journalierende, die süffisant meinen, dass wenn das Fediversum sich nicht den großen Playern öffnen will, müsse es halt unter sich bleiben.

Richtig, liebe Journalierende. Es mag euch äußerst seltsam vorkommen, aber es gibt viele wunderbare und sehr kluge Menschen, die auf die riesigen Internetkonzerne keinen Bock haben, sich bewusst für ein freies soziales Netzwerk entscheiden und sich darin sehr wohl fühlen. Für euch sind diese Menschen wie Außerirdische, nicht wahr? ;-)

@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar
fromjason, (edited ) to threads
@fromjason@mastodon.social avatar

The Medium is The Message is part one of a series (probably). In it, I argue that is not the assumed victory for the it appears to be.

Longterm interpolation with Threads sends the wrong signal— not that Meta and Mastodon use , a protocol the average user doesn’t understand, but that both share the same beliefs for the .


@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@fromjason EXACTLY THAT!

/ aka. nee from the :fediverse: is and will always be an act of self- and mutual defense!

jalcine, to random
@jalcine@todon.eu avatar

Here we go. And if Facebook, the maker of its own AI models and the like, won't be able to slow this down (and why would it? this would boost DAU and MAU, though artifically, but that hasn't stopped Big Tech from lying about engagement before), why on Earth would we want this bleeding into the open social Web?


And using the image of people of color in this during a time where we NEED to have our stories shared and believed — by introducing these easy stream of falsification; it's deeply irresponbile and just reminds me that at the end of the day, corportism, capitalism and its acolytes care nothing for humanity, just an inflated sense of hubris for being the one to shepard in the blue Trojan horse. (https://jacky.wtf/2023/12/5Qa1)

@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@rejinl @jalcine same...

It's infuriating...

Why anyone in the :fediverse: would not block the entire AS & all domains of / aka. nee is beyond me.

catto, to random
@catto@maidsin.space avatar

Threads released in Europe but I feel no desire to join at all tbh

@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@catto yeah, why would anyone want to use n/ aka. nee ?

wanderinglens, to random
@wanderinglens@kolektiva.social avatar

I see we're about to have this same conversation yet again, so AGAIN:

@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@wanderinglens also there is no redeeming factor letting / into the :fediverse: ...

But don't take my word for it:

343max, to random German

Willkommen in der selbstverschuldeten Irrelevanz!

kkarhan, (edited )
@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@343max Ich sehe das genau andersherum!

Niemensch sollte begrüßen oder mit Daten füttern!

Weil's nichts anderes ist als umbezahlte Tätigkeit als Stasi 4.0 -IM!


@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@jr @343max also wie alle die https://fedi.garden/about-this-site/ entsprechen...

dass / sich weigert dutchzuführen sieht man deren Bereitschaft [Trans-] Genozidale Gruppen und Hassrede zu hosten...

plutonian, to random
@plutonian@jorts.horse avatar

threads users gonna all be gay and using linux within a week of federation, guaranteed

@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@plutonian nah.

I just think the only valid way is to deny access as a matter of self- and mutual defense.

is not your friend!

starshine, to random
@starshine@woem.space avatar

why not join the :sparkls: fediverse :sparkls: we’ve got great software such as:

  • twitter 2.0 wannyabe that refuses to add any of the features people want
  • bloated javascript hell
  • fork of bloated javascript hell that gave up on the rust rewrite 3 functions in
  • another fork of bloated javascript hell made out of pure spite
  • functionyal spaghetti code that is barely maintained
  • fork of said spaghetti code that is also barely maintained
  • alpha software that is somehow more stable than everything else (but it’s not like that’s a high bar)
@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@starshine Don't forget:

mikka, to random German
@mikka@medic.cafe avatar

The whinging about Treads is sad.

There are a number of ways this can go:

  1. Threads won't federate. Happy now?
  2. Threads federates, you don't subscribe to anyone on the instance. Happy now?
  3. Threads federates, you blacklist the whole instance in your user blacklist. Now happy?
  4. Threads federates, you subscribe to a few people whose writing you like. Happy?
  5. Threads federates. Threads users realize, they can jump ship to another Instance and still talk with and to and about their friends. Threads loses users. Happy!
@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@mikka Either you are completely ignorant of tactics that ALL employ or you are a useful Idiot to ...


In the end, it doesn't matter which one is applying here...

Cuz consensus is that is bad - period!


mic, to Instagram
@mic@chitter.xyz avatar

I know I should have stopped using a long time ago, but this (much like how I ignore the whatsapp notice) makes me wonder if I should just delete Instagram too.

I don't even really use Instagram anymore, and to ask €12.99 is outrageous. Which makes me think it's purposefully expensive to make you want to turn on ad tracking.

What you would agree to if you decided to use Instagram for "free"

@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@mic Personally I'd not only cancel the account and ban them from retaining any data about me but also demand them to certifiy the irrevocable deletion of data and that they'll never ever try to track you or store ajy data aboit you ever again!


bfdi, to random German
@bfdi@social.bund.de avatar

Die Meldungen über ein vermutetes Datensammeln von MS über Outlook sind alarmierend. Wir werden am Dienstag beim Treffen der europäischen Datenschutzaufsichtsbehörden die rechtlich dafür federführenden irischen Datenschutzbeauftragten um einen Bericht bitten

@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@Cyb3rrunn3r @PiiiepsBrummm @bfdi Außerdem wird nur als gegen -Anfragen und *innen sowie 's missbraucht.

Sonst wären wie / & längst verboten worden...


kkarhan, to bot German
@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

:boost_requested: :boost_ok: :boost_animated: WANTED: Instance Recommendations for a FLOSS Project:

I do want to setup a 2 accounts for OS/1337.

  1. One main account for news and announcements (kinda like @ubuntu and @thunderbird have).

  2. One for publishing changes (similar to @linux and @netbsdsrc ).

kkarhan, (edited )
@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

:boost_requested: :boost_ok: :boost_animated: WANTED: Instance Recommendations for a FLOSS Project:

If anyone can recommend a good instance that isn't compromized by aka. / or is filled with and -haters let me know.

I may also intent the same for other projects of mine like & besides OS/1337 to enshure my account ain't a single point of failure.

matthew_d_green, to random
@matthew_d_green@ioc.exchange avatar

The EU chat control legislation has been temporarily postponed. That’s good news. The bad news is there’s another vote in December. https://www.patrick-breyer.de/en/chat-control-vote-postponed-huge-success-in-defense-of-digital-privacy-of-correspondence/

@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@matthew_d_green That's intentional journalistic malpractice!

In the meantime @EU_Commission even publicly admitted to people susceptible to their -Style on like / / ...

sonjdol, to Instagram German
@sonjdol@ohai.social avatar

Hab versucht, 'nen Account zuberstellen - unter meinem Namen. Wurde direkt nach einem Post gesperrt. Nach dem Versuch, es wiederzubeleben, wurde es unwiderruflich gesperrt. Wa soll icht tun, wenn ich morgens beim Kaffee nicht so aussehe, wie auf dem Bild beim Photoshooting.. Fuck

@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@sonjdol Viel Spaß beim "Gutes Geld schlechten Konzernen nachwerfen!"...

Die einzig wirksame Konsequenz wäre sich deren shice konsequent zu verweigern!

Alles andere ist -Tätgikeit für !

gerrymcgovern, to random
@gerrymcgovern@mastodon.green avatar

"Central region of Castilla La Mancha, which produces a quarter of all Spanish grain, is expected to lose 80 per cent to 90 per cent of 2023’s harvest, and water restrictions loom large."

Facebook is planning to build a €1 billion (S$1.5 billion) data centre in the middle of the drought area.

"Meta expects the facility to use about 665 million litres of water a year, and up to 195 litres per second during “peak water flow”


@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@gerrymcgovern which corrupt f**k did allow the construction of such a wasteful datacenter?

There are options that ain't that lossy and there's an even better option:

Bannong for illegal Espionage as per program.
is bad and !

funny, to random
@funny@wetdry.world avatar
@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@funny everyone using right now...

stylinstainless, to random
@stylinstainless@mastodon.online avatar


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