queenslight, to fediverse

So, looking at three clients on the Mac so far, those being (also on Android) and , all of them if running on a Mac using (where Kimis is a Mac exclusive), all three of them have some issue or another at the moment.


As for , I'll be over there as well sometime.

When that is, highly unsure at the moment. One thing's definite though, both Friendica and have a way set more of friendly clients for screen reader use, on all platforms.

Misskey 's new, ain't gonna go hard on them too much. I know someone among the blind community will.

kojote, to random German
@kojote@sueden.social avatar

Wenn man seinen Blog als SocialMedia Plattform betrachtet, wird bloggen auch in etwa so unkompliziert wie selbiges. Ein paar Zeilen, ein Bild, fertig


@kojote Mastodon, oder oder andere heissen ja "Microblogging" Plattformen. Wenn es längere Texte sind, wie bei einem "normalen" Blog, kann man , oder andere nehmen oder auch Wordpress mit dem Plugin. Das bietet so viel!

hankg, to fediverse

Friendica 2023.04 just dropped today! Can't wait to upgrade to use some of the polished up API endpoints in Relatica! Some are already in there but not working since Relatica checks the Friendica version and knows what can and can't be done (like post editing) for a given version. Others I really wanted my real data to be available for me to implement with. So stoked either way. Hats off to the whole Friendica team! friendi.ca/2023/04/23/friendic…

bitpickup, to fediverse
@bitpickup@troet.cafe avatar


Just use and you can post and interact with and protocol at the same time. The beauty of the is that not every platform has to do everything.

youronlyone, to fediverse
@youronlyone@c.im avatar

A new version of software was released today: v2023.04.


We are very happy to announce the availability of the new stable release of Friendica “Giant Rhubarb" 2023.04. The highlights of this release are

  • The Mastodon compatible API of Friendica was improved,
  • Drag and Drop functionality was added to the Frio theme for image attachments, and
  • Christian Pöschl from usd AG reported a XSS fulnurability in a javascript dependency in the gallery of the Frio theme that was fixed.

What is Friendica?

Friendica is a decentralized communications platform, you can use to host your own social media server that integrates with independent social networking platforms (like the Fediverse or Diaspora*) but also some commercial ones like Tumblr.

Official announcement: https://github.com/friendica/friendica/releases/tag/2023.04

konstantin, to fediverse

I tried to report to that their social links feature fails to correctly validate handles unless they are hosted on a mastodon, and all I got was a link to their community discussions 🙄.

Since Microsoft is big enough to only care about things when there is enough noise, here is a link where you can upvote / make noise. :nes_fire:


Until this is addressed, if you happen to be using any other server type (e.g. , , , etc), GitHub will not accept your handle as a fediverse social link.

mitexleo, to random

So, we can't speak up against Bill Gates Or Pfizer ?

@admin @atomicpoet


@mitexleo you better leave Calckey, how many times should I say it? Join Mastodon, its best!

FINE, join at least if you want so much quote posts thing, but DON'T join Calckey, it has a BAD, AWFUL community!

Still, after all, is better.

P.S. I see you liking my posts, but you need to respond, dude. Why did you decided leave Mastodon for Calckey?

PLEASE, join ANY other project you want, but I'll block calckey.social soon, so you'll be unable to interact with me.

jcrabapple, to fediverse

The has a lot of great options! , , , and are ones I can personally recommend. I also hear is good. This is what social networking should be.

m0bi13, to random Polish
@m0bi13@pol.social avatar

Zapraszam do lektury nowego wpisu na moim blogasku "m0bi o Fedi":

O metodzie Kopiego Pasta
Czyli dlaczego bez “Wyszukaj lub wklej adres” na Mastodonie się nie da.


P.S. Artykuł o migracji niebawem ;)

@otwartezrodlo@101010.pl avatar

@m0bi13 Potwierdzam: warto nauczyć się korzystania z wyszukiwarki w i przyzwyczaić się do jej używania. Fajnie, że o tym napisałeś! 👍 Tym bardziej, że to działa nie tylko w -ie, ale też w innych usługach ( itd.).

stefanm, to fediverse

Jetzt, wo infolge abhanden gekommener Blauhaken (und ) wahrscheinlich noch mal eine größere Welle von Usern samt Gefolge aus dem Vogelkäfig zu abwandert, ist für mich vielleicht ein guter Zeitpunkt, mal wieder mit Klarnamen aufzutreten und zugleich zu unterstreichen, dass das nicht nur aus Mastodon besteht, sondern noch andere schöne Töchter hat. A mi, me gusta . Die von https://misskey.de/ ist zudem in guten Händen (betrieben vom gleichen Admin, der auch die -Instanz https://libranet.de/ betreibt, die schon seit Jahren existiert.

Meinen bisherigen Account bei Mastodon werde ich bis auf weiteres und vielleicht auch längerfristig noch weiter betreuen. Allerdings werde ich das meiste, was ich dort poste, zunächst von meinem neuen Misskey-Account aus posten und dann dort einfach boosten. Auf diese Weise bekommt ihr es, wenn ihr mir dort folgt, weiterhin mit. Trotzdem freue ich mich natürlich über alle, die mir (auch) oder alternativ unter diesem neuen Account folgen.

Im Laufe des Wochenendes werde ich wohl auch allen folgen, denen ich mit meinem Mastodon-Account folge. Das Prozedere ist leider etwas umständlich, weil man von Mastodon nicht einfach so zu Misskey umziehen kann wie innerhalb von Mastodon. Da gibt es noch Verbesserungsbedarf. Ansonsten aber gilt: und !

gnulinux, to fediverse German
@gnulinux@social.anoxinon.de avatar

Fediverse-Serie - Foundkey: nicht nur Microblogging

Foundkey ist eine Microblogging-Software, die aber nicht nur Microblogging kann.



@crafti gnulinux selbst hat ja einen Mastodon-Account @gnulinux, daher ist diese Perspektive sowieso schon vertreten. Aber gerade die (noch) unbekannteren -Projekte vorzustellen ist ja das Ziel unserer Fediverse-Artikelserie !
Hier sind auch immerhin schon 11 Projekte vorgestellt worden: &
In Planung sind bereits: &
Zu allen anderen werden noch Leute gesucht, die einen Artikel dazu schreiben. Vakant sind bspw. noch & . Es sollten Artikel aus der Binnen-Perspektive sein, damit es auch wirklich anschauliche Einblicke gibt. Das kann auch nur ein kleiner, bespielhafter Erfahrungsbericht aus User-Perspektive sein oder auch (wie u.a. jetzt bei dem Foundkey-Artikel) von Leuten, die das Projekt selbst entwickeln oder mitentwickeln und/oder Admin-Erfahrung haben.

Hier im Podcasts ab ca. Min. 15 werden auch noch mal von @Lioh einige Hintergründe zum Fediverse berichtet, an dem sie auch selbst aktiv mitentwickelt hat (auch sehr aufschlussreich in Bezug auf die aktuellen Zentralisierungs-Tendenzen im Fediverse)

Für alle Themen und Projekte gilt aber: gnulinux.ch ist ein Community-Projekt, an dem alle eingeladen und aufgerufen sind, mitzuwirken und selbst zu schreiben: gnulinux.ch/mitschreiben
Je mehr Perspektiven hier eingebracht werden, desto besser! @Kaiteki @caos

hankg, to fediverse

The latest beta of Relatica mobile/desktop client for Friendica is now released: 0.4.0. The two biggest features are that it supports animated GIF attachments and now all platforms have video support thanks to a new Flutter library called "media_kit". That is along with a host of smaller changes mentioned in the CHANGELOG file. Right now due to some hiccups with XCode 14.3 the Mac version has to be directly downloaded and won't be through TestFlight. Otherwise for everyone else the installation and update process is status quo. More details, install instructions, etc. are at the below link


informapirata, to fediverse Italian
@informapirata@mastodon.uno avatar

Sei un utente Mastodon e vorresti usare i gruppi/forum Friendica e le comunità Lemmy? Allora questa guida fa per te!


  • Come funzionano i /forum e le comunità
  • Cosa sono queste utenze
  • Cosa rende diversa una comunità Lemmy da un gruppo/forum Friendica?
  • Come scrivere da un messaggio indirizzato a un gruppo/forum o a una comunità
  • Come trovare o creare gruppi/forum Friendica e comunità Lemmy



kytta, to fediverse
@kytta@fosstodon.org avatar

Users of , , , , , and/or — I need your help!

The next version of will add support for other Fediverse projects. I need to test it, but I don’t have any accounts to do it with. That’s where you come in:

  1. Go to https://beta.s2f.kytta.dev/

  2. Try posting something to your instance

  3. If you get redirected to a working share page, let me know in the replies! If you get an error, send me some info or a screenshot

utzer, to random

somehow clogs up, there is some queries that run forever.

I can not:

  • restart MariaDB by 'systemctl restart mariadb.service'
  • restart all processes that run these query's to kill them

I can only kill mariadb, systemd will then automatically restart it.

How can I troubleshoot this, there seems to be nothing in the logs, just shows many long running queries when it happens. Otherwise it seems to run fine.

Any idea? Maybe an idea what to search for to find a solution? Whatever I searched for did not help.

hankg, to mastodon

Question for those that use Mastodon clients that allow multiple accounts logged in concurrently. Is that more like a fast switching between accounts but at any one time you are a particular user or is it merging timelines/contacts/etc. across all the accounts? As part of my Relatica refactoring I think I'm going to try to add multi-account support and the former seems to be the right way to go to minimize confusion for most workflows.

briankrebs, to random

I'm pretty sure Mastodon is the first social network I've been on that didn't immediately ask me to betray all of the people in my address book.

@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar


I'm pretty sure that the is one of the first social networks I've been on that didn't ever ask me to betray any of the people in my address book.


informapirata, to fediverse

La sola idea di inviare un messaggio da Pixelfed per vederselo ricondividere su Lemmy (una piattaforma così diversa) è qualcosa di esaltante!
Quando si parla di crisi di (crisi, peraltro inventata da blogger disinformati e in cerca di click) ci si dimentica di che cosa sia il e di come i recinti costruiti dalle grandi piattaforme centralizzate stiano per essere spazzati via dalla rete libera, federata e interconnessa!

hankg, to fediverse

I present the first named release of the Friendica mobile/desktop client: Relatica. It is still very much a work in progress but I'm going to start opening it up for beta usage (early beta). For iOS that will mean me letting up to 100 people into the inside testing team (Apple's limit). For the other platforms I'll be posting binaries/packages/install instructions for Android, Linux, macOS, and Windows in the coming days as well. I also setup a Relatica Matrix room for interactive discussions with me and other users. The README on the GitLab repo will have all those sorts of details. Enjoy! gitlab.com/mysocialportal/rela…

KelsonV, to RSS
@KelsonV@wandering.shop avatar

I got tired of forgetting where the / are on various platforms and having to track them down, so I started a list.


Currently covers deep breath , , , , , & forks, & forks , , , , , and


Feel free to let me know what I should add to the list (or any corrections I need to make) in a reply to this post!


@KelsonV I see an Atom feed button on my profile (<host>/profile/<name>) which opens <host>/dfrn_poll/<name>. Discovery in Feeder gives another Atom feed as well with url <host>/feed/<name>/. The latter seems to work better.

liaizon, to random
@liaizon@wake.st avatar

Projects that need taggable accounts on the fediverse that align with their name:
, , , , and

When someone asks about options for servers or clients I have a habit of tagging recommendations, and when there is not an account for the thing, I have to stop and search for a dev or find a website address to link to etc.

ArtBear, (edited ) to fediverse

Where am I? Is this the Fediverse? What is the Mastodon? How do I Firefish? Am I Pixelfed? Do I Lemmy?

👇Click post. Help Thread cont below.

Hi there👋 What I've learnt in a year so far about . Condensed to help others.

1st understanding.
We make friends across multiple Fedi platforms at once.

Imagine if instagram, tiktok, facebook, twitter, youtube all connected & run by users to help users, not wall us apart & annoy us, for ad profits.

ArtBear, (edited )

If there are subjects I don't want to deal with I can set filter words in my profile settings which will stop certain topics.

& it's different platforms+software have masses of clever tools, & different ways to access. You communicate with people all over the Fediverse, seamlessly

So much more to discover: =Instagram but not trying to sell you stuff
=Youtube but not ads based
=Facebook but not harvesting data
=slick new Twitter replacement

crossgolf_rebel, to fediverse German
@crossgolf_rebel@chaos.social avatar
Zeugs, to random
@Zeugs@social.cologne avatar

Has anyone tried ?
Do you have experience with the "Fediverse" interaction between mastodon and Friendica?

chris, to fediverse German
@chris@social.inzeiten.de avatar

Falls ihr bei ebenfalls Probleme habt, Antworten ("replies") auf Tröts von anderen Instanzen zu sehen:
Das Problem ist seit langem dokumentiert (https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/14017).
Solche Kernfunktionen(!) des nicht vernünftig umzusetzen hat selbstverständlich ganz erhebliche Auswirkungen darauf, wie mastodon als Plattform wahrgenommen und genutzt wird.

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