alex, to random avatar

Well, here is my one-liner to fix federation with Threads in Pleroma. So at least we have that.

graf, avatar

@alex nope. no ACK. same error

Dec 15 00:16:50 pleroma: [error] Could not decode user at fetch <a href="" rel="noopener"></a>, {:content_type, "text/html; charset="utf-8""}
Dec 15 00:16:52 pleroma: [error] Could not decode user at fetch <a href="" rel="noopener"></a>, {:content_type, "text/html; charset="utf-8""}

here are the database queries as well

ec 15 00:17:35 pleroma: request_id=F6DZLvxXmll-J8gABDYI [error] QUERY OK source="oban_jobs" db=0.7ms INSERT INTO "public"."oban_jobs" ("args","attempt","errors","max_attempts","meta","priority","queue","state","tags","worker") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING RETURNING "id" [%{"op" => "incoming_ap_doc", "params" => %{"@context" => "", "actor" => "", "cc" => ["", ""], "id" => "", "object" => "", "published" => "2023-12-15T00:17:33Z", "to" => [""], "type" => "Announce"}}, 0, [], 15, %{}, 0, "federator_incoming", "available", [], "Pleroma.Workers.ReceiverWorker"]
Dec 15 00:17:36 pleroma: [error] Error while fetching <a href="" rel="noopener"></a>: {:error, {:content_type, "text/html; charset="utf-8""}}
Dec 15 00:17:36 pleroma: [error] QUERY OK source="oban_jobs" db=0.5ms idle=96.7ms UPDATE "public"."oban_jobs" AS o0 SET "state" = $1, "scheduled_at" = $2, "errors" = array_append(o0."errors", $3) WHERE (o0."id" = $4) ["retryable", ~U[2023-12-15 00:17:53.494014Z], %{at: ~U[2023-12-15 00:17:36.494059Z], attempt: 1, error: "** (Oban.PerformError) Pleroma.Workers.ReceiverWorker failed with {:error, {:error, {:error, {:validate, {:error, <a class="hashtag" data-tag="ecto" href="">#Ecto</a>.Changeset<action: :insert, changes: %{actor: "", cc: ["", ""], id: "", object: "", published: "2023-12-15T00:17:33Z", to: [""], type: "Announce"}, errors: [object: {"can't find object", []}], data: <a class="hashtag" data-tag="pleroma" href="">#Pleroma</a>.Web.ActivityPub.ObjectValidators.AnnounceValidator<>, valid?: false>}}}}}"}, 1301753494]
Zerglingman, to random

Absolutely incredible work, pleromer:
[2023-12-12 01:45:27.707798] message t.DEBUG: send internals {'in_reply_to_conversation_id': 890771269, 'in_reply_to_id': 'AchdoqRSPApHFHV2X2', 'to': ['Zergling_man', ''], 'visibility': 'direct'}
[2023-12-12 01:45:27.723024] message t.INFO: {'error': 'in_reply_to_conversation_id - Invalid string. Got: integer.', 'errors': [{'message': 'Invalid string. Got: integer', 'source': {'pointer': '/in_reply_to_conversation_id'}, 'title': 'Invalid value'}]}

conversation_id is given to the client as an int and expected back as a string.

lanodan, avatar

@Zerglingman ⚠ Conversation IDs can be found in direct messages with the pleroma.direct_conversation_id key, do not confuse it with pleroma.conversation_id.

tk, to fediverse avatar

Still waiting for for the GBA. :blobfoxannoyed:

fediverseobserver, to fediverse

Found 4 new servers found and 10 servers de-listed since 1 hours ago. Check out the Monthly and Daily Stats by software or server or the entire fediverse.

24,583 servers checked. 13,741,344 Total Users, 1,731,428 Monthly Active Users today vs 1,741,129 yesterday for the entire fediverse.

New servers found: a server from Japan a server from United States a server from Private a server from United States

De-Listed servers:

Help others find a home, send them to

OpenForFuture, to telegram

How can we promote the Fediverse on other 🔒 platforms? 🤔

💡 We created a Fediverse Sticker Pack for to make an experiment!

🎨 It was made using art found on the web about some of the most used platforms:

:mastodon: Maybe an artist (@davidrevoy?) could create a set with a more coherent style across all mascots? To be used for and others.

🙏 Hope you like the idea!


theTractor, to test

test da Pleroma

Il seguente link lo consiglio a chiunque abbia voglia di pubblicare dei contenuti da condividere con le communities Lemmy. Naturalmente rispettando le regole del server.



m0bi13, (edited ) to random Polish avatar

Przeglądam Wasze wpisy i łapię się za głowę, ile osób zaliczyło covid. Maskujcie się, szczepcie się, uważajcie, bo mamy kolejną górkę. I chyba tak już zostanie...

m0bi13, avatar

@Jenot to w ogóle fajny fork , z wieloma rozszerzeniami, polecany osobom korzystającym z / .

darnell, to fediverse avatar

After rewatching this video of melting down, I realize that the may have a new problem: 300 million migrants seeking out new home.


If you are on a , , , , etcetera instance, you might want to consider sending some funds to the site owner (& Fediverse platform creators) as they will need it sooner rather than later.

I expect the cost of instances to increase further once embraces .

madargon, to Fox avatar

Tan from - my amateur which I planned slightly different.

mho, to mastodon

I'll do it again in , maybe it is of interest for others too:

@heiseonline is on of the biggest official accounts on by a german media organization. It's now a year old and I had a look into the ~62k followers. Turns out, that federation in the seems to work: Less than a fourth are from, the rest are on more than 1900 different instances.

Original Post:


Cool. So I'm one of the few...

brembs, to random avatar

This is precisely what every university (and scholarly society!!) should be doing: have their own instance and drop X like a hot potato:

"an instance has been created [... ] on university servers, which is open to the university's organizational units. The active use of X will be significantly reduced."

We detail all the arguments about precisely why that must happen here:

caos, avatar
ctrlxcvz, to random

I wanted to try the default mastodon social instance to get the hang of it - and I know there’s all kind of specific-interest ones like for art, music, tech, games, etc. but does anyone out there have some recommendations for other decent, all-purpose ones?


@HistoPol @AlliFlowers @ctrlxcvz

There is a really easy way to navigate that issue. Use a popular instance as an alternative server.

This may change, but for now, Pleroma and its branches are far more relaxed about content. Most instances operate a for all

Just be ready for the and don't do it if you have a sensitive disposition

grischa, to fediverse

Was mir hier auf wirklich noch ganz dringend fehlt, ist die "Glocke" in Profilen wie bei z.B. . Die Benachrichtigung für neue Posts von wenigen Accounts.

Diese Funktion verändert die Nutzung von Social Media für mich sehr angenehm. Man könnte meinen, dass diese Benachrichtigung einen ständig wieder rein zieht. Bei mir beobachte ich aber das Gegenteil: Mit der Bimmel hört das Gefühl auf, etwas zu verpassen. Dadurch legt man den Tab viel öfter zur Seite. Ohne das beobachte ich mich, dass ich viel länger einfach rumscrolle.

Die Listen Funktion, mit der ich mir Favoriten zusammen klicken kann, ist da leider nur ein schwacher Ersatz für mich. Zum einen benachrichtigt da auch nichts, zum anderen kommen da halt dann bei Firefish auch Antworten auf andere Posts rein und nicht nur die originären Posts der Favoriten. Dadurch wäre das Geklingel dann auch wieder kontraproduktiv.

Vorschläge, wie man damit am besten umgehen könnte? 🙂

st3fan, to mastodon avatar

Testet mal den fantastischen und mastodon-API kompatiblen Webclient

👪 Multiple accounts
🪟 Compose window pop-out/in
🌗 Light/dark/auto theme
🔔 Grouped notifications
🪺 Nested comments thread
📬 Unsent draft recovery
🎠 Boosts Carousel™️
⚡ Shortcuts™️ with view modes like multi-column or tab bar
#️⃣ Multi-hashtag timeline (nutzbarer Webclient) (Quellcode für ) und Quelle der Feature-Auflistung hier oben.

Funktioniert auch mit uvm.

luca, to mastodon avatar

i'd love the filters in and in (the two platforms i use) to be a bit more sophisticated.

You can either filter out people or topics

What about filtering a person speaking about a topic ?

Like if you find enriching speaking with someone on certain matters and not on others

if $old_uncle filter $politics

cc @Gargron, to fediverse

I decided to move my Pleroma instance from my old cloud service to the new, free one (guess which one). The reason for moving is simply cost cutting. Turned out it it took more time than I anticipated.

First, I spun up a VM with specs I thought would be enough to host a Pleroma instance. I set up one with 2 cores and 12 GB RAM, and 100 GB block storage. Other than same number of cores this was an upgrade to the previous VM, which only had about 2 GB RAM and 60 GB block storage.

I largely followed the instructions here on backing up and moving instance. I stopped the Pleroma service, then dump the PostgreSQL database.

The rather tricky part is moving the files. Not only Pleroma configs, but also nginx config and systemd service file. I can recreate them, but it seems easier to just copy them to the new server. You can copy paste the text files, but what about the database dump? It was time for me to get acquainted with scp (secure copy). The database dump was about 792 MB, but it was transferred rather quickly.

The time-consuming part was restoring the database back when I was reinstalling Pleroma on the new server. When it was still not finished after 36 hours, I decided that the VM was probably adequate to handle day-to-day load for Pleroma, but underpowered for database restore task. I boosted the capacity by upping the processor cores to 8. I also did some PostgreSQL tuning (using PGTune).

I repeated the restoration task, and this time it was finished after about 12 hours. After the reinstallation task was completed I lowered the specs of the VM back to the original state.

Lesson learned: Database restoration task is very computationally intensive. When I searched around, the time-consuming nature of the task is apparently a known problem. I also appreciate the ability of cloud services to temporarily scale up VMs capability when necessary.

Rate this:

thisismissem, to fediverse avatar

@thisismissem this is really cool! I think this is sort of what Pubkit is supposed to do (and I think it would do it better).

As it turns out, it (and/or Mastodon) does keep Firefish's extra Misskey fields, so you can see Misskey reactions in the log.

Can someone using or react to this linked post please? I want to see what they look like.

DieBedra, to random German

Guten Morgen Mastodon, good morning Cumbercollective!
Anything in Endeavour fans?



@DieBedra Guten Morgen von einer Instanz.

mk2, to fediverse French

Y a-t-il des admins Pleroma / Soapbox / Akkoma qui peuvent me confirmer si l'on peut empêcher l'indexage des moteurs de recherche comme le fait Masto ?


BjornW, to fediverse avatar

Most social media platforms allow personalisation: like a profile picture or a header image for example.

What if we'd use these to advertise the ? Help those unaware of the existence of the fediverse to explore it & experience the Internet as intended.

Use those in-active Twitter/X, Facebook, Instagram etc accounts for some good!

What do you think? Could we organize something like this?

@publicspaces @toon @dansup @Gargron @fediversereport @laurenshof


@BjornW @janvlug @publicspaces @toon @Gargron @fediversereport @laurenshof @dansup @smallcircles

To help people find a server:

@zleap kindly serves a copy of a fediverse flyer we made in Feb 2021. Its only dated because it doesn't push but Pleroma, which no longer works in Tor. If our memory is correct slows Tor to a crawl. The flyer is based around the older icon. Is also probably too complex understand in some parts.


Pleroma Blog - We got a grant from NLNet! (

Nice to see the Pleroma team getting an NLNet grant so development can pick back up. I missed it when it happened but apparently there was a big shakeup with the Pleroma dev team. I'm glad they seem to be recovering from that and hopefully we'll see some sustained progress with Pleroma again.

crossgolf_rebel, to fediverse

Meine mittags Wolke

Danke, das das Fediverse so bunt an Software ist und jeder seine Software finden kann. 👍

Falls ihr eine Funktion vermisst, liegt es vielleicht auch nur daran, das ihr die falsche Software für das Fediverse nutzt.
Mastodon scheint für viele zu reichen, nur ist Mastodon nicht alles

kathakatze, to random German

Ich hab da mal versucht, den aktuellen Stand der mehr oder weniger relevanten Plattformen aufzulisten.

Fehlt was? Habt ihr Anregungen?


@caos Es setzen nicht alle Plattformen "Markdown" gleich um. macht aus Markdown HTML und sendet es dann so. sendet "richtiges Markdown" - so viel ich weiss - das kann dann auch nicht richtig darstellen. @caos @kathakatze @nick

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