Gerd_Brodowski, to Israel avatar

: / / / /

„Amid ongoing bombardment in the Gaza Strip, UN agencies and humanitarian partners continue to provide desperately needed food, water, healthcare and other services to the more than two million people living there.“

iokevins, to Ukraine avatar

Ukraine Stove Donations - If willing and able, please consider donating to deliver stoves to front line areas (they also can pool partial donations) 💜 🔥

Full details:

marc_michalsky, to Stoicism German

Ich finde, Deutschlands größte Friedensorganisation hat deutlich mehr Follower verdient!

Ich würde mich freuen, wenn Ihr uns hier folgt: @forumZFD


Norobiik, to delhi avatar

Schools were shut and non-essential construction was banned around #Delhi as the #AirQuality index in the city almost hit 500 – the highest the measurement will go and 100 times the limit deemed to be healthy by the #WorldHealthOrganization.

Delhi #AirPollution spikes to 100 times #WHO health limit | #India | The Guardian

Norobiik, avatar

The and chiefs, including the leaders of , UN Women, the World Food Program, the and Save the Children, described the killings of both Israelis and Palestinians over the past month as “horrific”.

UN agency, NGO heads make rare joint plea for Gaza ceasefire

WillHelm, to streetphotography avatar

Mal nach langer Zeit wieder was farbenfrohes und fröhliches zum :
Am letzten Samstag vor den Missionen der und organisierte die lokale ein Basketball-Turnier, an dem Teams aus beiden Schiffen, von Aurora, der Werft und Personen aus der Stadt teil nahmen.

Das ganze Event war nicht nur eine gelungene Veranstaltung nach innen, bei der alle nochmal Kraft für die kommende Mission tanken konnten, sondern auch nach außen, um der Stadt den ganzen NGO-Haufen❤️ näher zu bringen.

ein kind schießt mit einen fußball auf ein tor, im tor steht eine ältere person mit rescue-t-shirt
im vordergrund sitzen zwei personen mit rücken zu kamera, eine shirtaufschrift: "shipyard dogs". im hintergrund spielen leute baseketball, ein team trägt rosa tütüs
basketballspiel, zwei leute greifen nach dem ball der über den boden rollt

lukas, to opensource German avatar

Frage: Hat hier wer Erfahrungen im produktiven Einsatz von Consul ( ) und mag ihre/seine Erfahrungen hier drunter teilen? 😊

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 / 🇺🇸
Question: Does anyone here have experience in productive use of Consul ( ) and may share his/her experience under here? 😊

# #SustainableITInfrastructure#followerpower

lukas, to opensource German avatar

Frage: Kennt sich hier wer mit dem produktiven Einsatz von CiviCRM aus und mag seine Erfahrungen hier drunter teilen? 😊

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 / 🇺🇸
Question: Does anyone here know about the productive use of CiviCRM and may share their experiences under here? 😊

#OpenSource #FLOSS #FOSS #CiviCRM #Mitgliederverwaltung #EhrenamtlicheArbeitImGemeinnützigenVerein #NachhaltigeITInfrastruktur #MembershipManagement #ehrenamt #HonoraryPost #NichtRegierungsorganisation #NGO #VolunteerWorkInCommunityNonprofitAssociation #SustainableITInfrastructure #followerpower

witchescauldron, to random avatar

We can't keep doing this tech crap. Composting is the path for parasites and the

Think positive projects outside mess making, need crew, focus and dev :)

is a good hashtag for this.

WandernAustria, to random German avatar

"Es wäre ja ein Grund zu feiern, wenn es #Greenpeace nicht mehr gäbe!".

Harald Welzer in einem Vortrag bei einem Wandersymposium. Wirklich sehenswert!

#klimakrise #Zivilisationskrise #ipcc #nachhaltigkeit #ngo

smallcircles, to fediverse avatar

🤩 Aren't you just delighted by all those proprietary software apps for the ?

😮 Don't be. Each time you choose proprietary you help turn the fedi slowly in the direction of the usual corporate hellscape that the rest of the Web already is.

😨 And then we end up in an online space where for years we can complain to each other how we squandered an opportunity and how won once more.

🎯 Use apps instead, created by the public for the public.

🌻 Keep the Fediverse open.

hamishcampbell, avatar

@smallcircles a mess indeed, and mess making all round.

As you just said, we can't keep doing this crap.

Composting is the path for parasites and the the core of this mess.

Think positive projects outside this mess making, need crew, focus and dev :)

And is a good hashtag for this

witchescauldron, to random avatar

Why do all alt grassroots events have the same speakers

I start to understand why all alt/grassroots events have the same speakers. Looking about, you send out invites to everyone who has done it before. To reach out to new people would be taking a risk, would be hard work to hand hold them though the process. The lack of time and resources leaves little focus than to just repeat the past. This is a hard realization and incite into poverty.

Am starting to feel slightly ashamed of not knowing this before. Ideas please, we do need to fix this.

Not a , rather a we are only human.

“To be honest, you should be commended for putting it all together in the first place. No one else is doing it and it’s essential. Every form of direct action is worthy and amazing given the world we live in.”

“1 a bit of mentoring goes a long way
2 offer expenses and look for some funding – either grant funding or crowdfunded
3 offer speaker training events”

Your idea would work if we had the time and the funding, time is relative, but funding for alt/left is tiny and hard to get. Almost all left’ish funding is dispelled in and pointlessness. Ideas for diverting some of this waste might be a start? Actually it is a good time to try this, who is up for it?

witchescauldron, to random avatar

Take a moment to think about basics

Take a moment to think about basics: activism/campaigning is about building resistance to the mainstream to change its flow in progressive directions. Were is about shifting activism to reduce these resistances to the mainstream flow. Thus, it’s good to understand that is a agender to build the jobs of the people involved and is in turn funded to this end. Good not to get the shit mixed up.

Lifestyle is a way of forming a tribe inside this mainstream flow. The problem for activism is that this old school tribalism is obviously a BLOCK on social change, as looking and talking right are MORE important than being right. Being right would be “resistance” and lifestyle is about going with the counter flow.

On the other hand, the are advantages to “modern” tribal and lifestyle activism – it functions as social glue to hold campaigns together and provides a “uniform” flag to rally round. You notice I do not use words like anarchist, socialist, liberalism here as these have a different role in social change thinking – they are the ideas – the clothing is what I am taking about is the hashtag.

is about blowing up the flow of the mainstream so it floods into a different path, with much “calcollateral” damage in the process as we live inside a highly urban complex society. Both paths can be useful, both have costs.

Good not to mix this shit up

witchescauldron, to random avatar

A path out of the funding mess

The is an unspoken negative effect of traditional foundation funding agendas on grassroots projects. These grassroots projects often have different priorities and goals than traditional organizations, and the formal processes used by existing projects, such as and, may not be well-suited for them.

team aims to address this issue by focusing on empowering communities through decentralized decision-making processes. Their experience and track record make them well-suited to carry out this mission.

If successful, the project could have a significant impact on the way communities make decisions in the future. By empowering grassroots movements and organizations, it could help to ensure that their voices are heard and that their needs are addressed.

witchescauldron, to fediverse avatar

In "governance" at the moment people are mostly crew, some are careerism, others are doing careerism.

Neither of these are real friends of any alternatives, they are friendly enemies ;)

rafa_font, to random avatar

Migration: the pull factor is a myth.

Push-pull models are inadequate to explain , they fail to capture the complexity of migration

Once rescuers came onto the scene, pull factor talk exploded

To counteract such accusations, scholars showed the lack of correlation between NGO presence at sea and figures of migrant departures

But the pull factor theory proves resilient

Instead: we should radically disengage from pull factor talk

From EU Observer:

juergen_hubert, to Germany avatar
musictraveler, avatar

Elon Musk is a dangerous dictator just looking for world domination

But with the reckless German non-European immigrants import he has unfortunately a point

When and also the rest from will continue with this the will finally collapse in the same chaos like Africa

The left should not complain about the AfD but question themselves why people vote for such extreme party 🤷🏻‍♀️ It’s more wise

musictraveler, avatar

I think it is wise to value the priceless Democratic values in Europe

And instead of fighting against fascism we should take the breeding ground away

Fighting makes the different camps only stronger in their ideas

Without breeding grounds we do not have fascism, extreme left or extreme right anymore 🤷🏻‍♀️

peterdrake, to unity avatar

I'm trying to learn to develop multiplayer games in Unity, using the project from Binary Lunar's excellent tutorial:

If I simultaneously run a local build on my machine (which happens to be a Linux box) and run the game within the Unity editor, I can create a host in one and a client in the other. They play together happily.

I also made a MacOS build and downloaded it on a separate machine. I can run the game there and create a host.

Strangely, if I then try to create a client from the other machine (either the local Linux build or within the editor), I get this message:

[Netcode] Cannot start Host while an instance is already running
UnityEngine.Debug:LogWarning (object)
Unity.Netcode.NetworkLog:LogWarning (string) (at ./Library/PackageCache/com.unity.netcode.gameobjects@1.6.0/Runtime/Logging/NetworkLog.cs:28)
Unity.Netcode.NetworkManager:CanStart (Unity.Netcode.NetworkManager/StartType) (at ./Library/PackageCache/com.unity.netcode.gameobjects@1.6.0/Runtime/Core/NetworkManager.cs:697)
Unity.Netcode.NetworkManager:StartHost () (at ./Library/PackageCache/com.unity.netcode.gameobjects@1.6.0/Runtime/Core/NetworkManager.cs:830)
NetworkUI/<>c:<Awake>b__4_0 () (at Assets/Scripts/NetworkUI.cs:20)
UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update () (at ./Library/PackageCache/com.unity.ugui@1.0.0/Runtime/EventSystem/EventSystem.cs:530)

This only happens if there is an instance running on the Mac!

Of course, the only time you would want to create a client is if there is another instance (a host) running. It's as if the game running on the Mac and the one running in the Unity editor think they're the same program, and therefore refuse to make a "second" network connection.

What can I do about this?

RTP, to news avatar

📺 VIDEO:🌹 "Thorn In The Side Of Secure 🔓 Encryption"

Looking Into #NGO Lobbying For Encryption Compromises

Public Early Watch On Blog (click peertube) Shows up on channels soon

#News #Blog #HumanRights #e2ee #encryption #crypto #Thorn #security #infosec #cybersecurity #privacy #anonymity #AI #anonymous #Journalism #integrity

Hamishcampbell, to mastodon

Resource use is an issue with the #mastodon codebase, it's not a #block on using it but is an issue to think about using a different #activertypub codebase instead.

With Mastodon going down the #ngo path and wedded to feudalism as "governance" we also face these common issues for tech projects.

We make a mess in #openweb good to try different paths #4opens #OMN #OGB

dsfgs, to mastodon

Is really viable for the small to medium-sized operator?

We assert, "NO!"

We did something simple. With a Mastodon tab open we hit Ctrl+Shift+E to get the Network Tab. With an inactive thread open in Mastodon, we went to another website to read an article.

An hour passes and what we discovered shocked us. Mastodon somehow justified sending us 55MB of data. The said 55MB over 1500 requests (53MB transferred).

@gabriel @witchescauldron

witchescauldron, (edited )

@dsfgs resource use is an issue with the mastodon codebase, it's not a on using but is an issue to think about using a different codebase

With Mastodon going down the path and wedded to feudalism as "governance" common issues for most tech projects.

We make a mess in ;)

Kai_Jansson, to politik German avatar

Aus dem Newsletter von @correctiv_org: Bitte teilen. Danke :-)
"Engagieren Sie sich im Sozialbereich und haben auch davon erfahren, dass Projekte in Gefahr sind, weil freiwillige Leistungen des Bundes zusammengestrichen werden sollen? Schreiben Sie es uns (gern auch vertraulich). Wir sammeln die Fälle und berichten darüber im Spotlight."
#politik #gesellschaft #umwelt #ngo #sozial

msquebanh, to hongkong avatar

2023 (RDA), the organised by - based that promotes in was held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on September 7. This year’s finalists were emerging talents from Germany, Australia, Canada, France, Hong Kong, India, Sri Lanka and the US, who were shortlisted after a gruelling 9 month competition.

ttntm, to python avatar
dsfgs, to InitialD

Online #video itself is not sustainable, and required special deals and #cronyism. That's mostly what breaking #netNeutrality was about — and its wrong.

We talk about an ethical #streaming video-format that can combine higher resolution stills with 12 fps video max.

#ethicalVideo #videoFormats #mafia #cartel #screwTube #yOutUBe
@jeffcliff @mangeurdenuage


@dsfgs @tetrislife @jeffcliff @mangeurdenuage @Zenoka

Campaign is for groups, so better off on a activist subject instances, we don't have an instance for this for now. If we can get a big donation, we should have one

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