penguin86, to fediverse Italian

I installed via OTP release and i can log in, I'm federated and is mostly working. But I cannot upload media: it fails saying the uploaded file cannot be moved from /tmp to pleroma's media folder. I tried to write in both position with the pleroma user to be sure the user can actually write: it can. Anyone has an hint on what is possibly going wrong?

hauleth, (edited ) to elixir avatar


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  • crw,

    @hauleth Ping the devs they always need a helping hand.

    lps, to fediverse avatar

    I would be very interested in knowing if there are projects other than that will be committed to keeping a pure Fediverse, spec and compatibility THAT IS NOT lead or even influenced by ...

    I fear that our BENEVOLENT Dictator may succumb to the dark side quite quickly:(

    tk, to fediverse avatar

    Apparently, recent and versions moved scheduled post responsibility to the server. Guess I really need to upgrade soon!

    pinkyfloyd, to kbin avatar updates!

    this week we have:

    launched our server at

    launched our server at

    launched our () server at

    upcoming tasks:

    register at our server to stay in the loop:

    ArtBear, to fediverse

    The isolated corporate "social" sites we used have competitors here in the but here they all interlock and share communities. A picture to help out our who may not be yet aware of the wider Fediverse of linked platforms and software.

    tk, to fediverse avatar

    Huh. If I hit, I actually get a response that references OStatus.

        "aliases": [
        "links": [
                "href": "",
                "rel": "",
                "type": "text/html"
                "href": "",
                "rel": "self",
                "type": "application/activity+json"
                "href": "",
                "rel": "self",
                "type": "application/ld+json; profile="""
                "rel": "",
                "template": "{uri}"
        "subject": ""
    tk, to fediverse avatar

    Has added groups yet?

    tk, to mastodon avatar

    @lanodan I’m having trouble getting following to work now. My user on KBBS is following my GS user on both the Pleroma side:

    pleroma=> SELECT id, ap_id FROM users WHERE id IN('0000016f-ee31-77b4-218b-430a336b0000', '00000188-d57c-611f-35da-dfec06df0000');
                      id                  |                  ap_id                  
     0000016f-ee31-77b4-218b-430a336b0000 | <a href="" rel="ugc"></a>
     00000188-d57c-611f-35da-dfec06df0000 | <a href="" rel="ugc"></a>
    (2 rows)
    pleroma=> SELECT * FROM following_relationships WHERE id = 18491;
      id   |             follower_id              |             following_id             | state |     inserted_at     |     updated_at      
     18491 | 0000016f-ee31-77b4-218b-430a336b0000 | 00000188-d57c-611f-35da-dfec06df0000 |     1 | 2023-06-20 14:11:01 | 2023-06-20 14:11:01
    (1 row)

    And on the GS side:

    MariaDB [social]> SELECT id, profileurl FROM profile WHERE id IN(3, 29);
    | id | profileurl                        |
    |  3 | <a href="" rel="ugc"></a> |
    | 29 | <a href="" rel="ugc"></a>          |
    2 rows in set (0.000 sec)
    MariaDB [social]> SELECT * FROM subscription WHERE subscriber = 3 AND subscribed = 29;
    | subscriber | subscribed | jabber | sms  | token | secret | uri                                                                             | created             | modified            |
    |          3 |         29 |      1 |    1 | NULL  | NULL   |,2023-06-20:subscription:3:person:29:2023-06-20T07:11:02-07:00 | 2023-06-20 14:11:02 | 2023-06-20 14:11:02 |
    1 row in set (0.000 sec)

    But I’m not getting non-mentions in my KBBS user’s timeline despite re-establishing this over and over. Any ideas?

    tk, to fediverse avatar

    Does this look weird at all? is rejecting it from for some reason.

        "@context": "",
        "id": "",
        "type": "Create",
        "directMessage": false,
        "to": [
        "cc": [
        "actor": "",
        "object": {
            "@context": "",
            "id": "",
            "type": "Note",
            "published": "2023-06-20T02:18:41Z",
            "url": "",
            "attributedTo": "",
            "to": [
            "cc": [
            "conversationId": "",
            "conversationUrl": "",
            "content": "Another #<span class="tag"><a href="" rel="tag">test</a></span> .",
            "isLocal": true,
            "attachment": [],
            "tag": [
                    "@context": "",
                    "name": "test",
                    "url": ""
    tk, avatar

    seems to prefer “naked” tags.

        "cc": [],
        "id": "",
        "to": [],
        "tag": [
        "type": "Note",
        "actor": "",
        "emoji": {},
        "source": {
            "content": "Hash tag <a class="hashtag" data-tag="test" href="">#test</a> .",
            "mediaType": "text/markdown"
        "content": "<p>Hash tag <a class="hashtag" data-tag="test" href="">#test</a> .</p>",
        "context": "",
        "summary": "",
        "generator": null,
        "published": "2023-06-20T02:25:46.156872Z",
        "sensitive": null,
        "attachment": []
    stefan, to fediverse avatar

    I'm looking into embedding fediverse posts and I see that out of the major platforms, only Mastodon and Peertube support embedding via iframes.

    Some of the platforms should at least support oEmbed, but I can't seem to get this to work.

    Does anyone know more about this?

    floppy, to kbin avatar

    I had a look at Fediverse profiles via and . I like how e.g. kbin presents posts and replies with indentation. 👍

    (For those new, you can use the kbin/lemmy web interfaces to look at any account.)

    Generally, when one post can have replies and replies can have replies, we end up with a tree-structure. Was there any attempt to visualise this on 's web interface? I think / does that.

    Maybe it's time for me to look for alternative interfaces, finally.

    realcaseyrollins, to fediverse avatar

    , but instead of a character limit, there’s a character minimum

    realcaseyrollins, avatar

    @colinsmatt11 I think there’d need to be an API-level policy tho since so many users use and other apps

    Codeberg, to opensource avatar

    : Tell us about your favourite / projects that are not available on mainstream platforms, whether on a self-hosted cgit or available as an archive download only.

    The world is more than and .

    thisven, avatar

    @Codeberg The more lightweight :fediverse: software has its own GitLab instance at and also hosts its code in a instance at

    Let's spread the word: Using :git: and providing code :github: is . 📣

    rexi, to kbin avatar

    is a decentralized content aggregator and platform running on the network. It can communicate with many other services, including , , , . The initiative aims to promote a free and open internet.

    Kbin is a Fediverse alternative to .

    youronlyone, to lemmyworld in Is more active than

    First, welcome to the ! I'm glad you found your way in the -based “federation network”.

    So, wait… what are these terminologies? And what exactly is the “Fediverse”?

    Think of it like this:

    • Name: Web
    • Protocol: HTTP
    • Browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Naver Whale

    Then you have the Fediverse:

    All these “fediverse browsers”, like Lemmy and Kbin, are commonly referred to as fediverse software. (extra info: Wikipedia calls Lemmy, Kbin, and similar answers-type or Threads-type software as “Link-aggregators”.)

    There is no “Mastodon network”. There is no “mastoverse”. There is no “threadiverse”. There is no “Threadinet”, or whichever -verse / -network people are coming up with.

    Any software that is using the ActivityPub protocol is part of the “Fediverse network”. Just like how any software that uses the HTTProtocol is part of the Web.

    That clear so far?

    Now, we go to your question.

    Q: I moved to and have noticed that has been popping up as another featured instance. What differs from vs Is .ml more active? and are called instances (the terminology used to refer to a fediverse server/service). These two are only two out of many fediverse instances available. In paritcular, these two instances are only two out of probably a hundred Lemmy-based instances available.

    What differs between the two? As far as features and functionalities go, none. Since these two Lemmy-based instances are using the same software, they have the same set of features. The only difference would be if one instance fell behind in Lemmy version upgrades.

    Since is one of two flaship servers of the Lemmy software project, naturally it will get the bulk of registrations and content.

    For example, before the Reddit Migration, there were already existing communities for many similar Subreddits, and many of those are in and are very active. So, when Subreddits started to migrate, some chose and other lemmy instances. Which allowed to catch up with the number of users and number of active communities that already have. AND, some of these are about the same topics/fandom.

    So… yep, that's the detailed explanation. ^_^

    I hope I wasn't confusing.

    gnulinux, to wordpress German avatar

    Fediverse-Serie: ActivityPub bei WordPress - einen Blog in ein soziales Netzwerk bringen

    Das Plugin implementiert das ActivityPub-Protokoll in einen Word-Press-Blog, was bedeutet, dass Blogbeiträge im Fediverse verfolgt werden können. Darüber hinaus werden Antworten aus dem Fediverse automatisch zu Kommentaren im Blogbeitrag.

    atomicpoet, to fediverse avatar

    Tech Press don’t understand the , so how can they understand its growth?

    To hear them talk, most of them believe that and the Fediverse are one and the the same. Some of them go so far as to call the Fediverse the “Mastodon network”.

    Which means that they don’t have a clue about what the Fediverse entails, nor how it has grown.

    Case in point: between Jan-May 2023, and its forks grew by 300,000 accounts. No one in the Tech Press reported this.

    Okay, perhaps they didn’t know because the bulk of growth happened in Japan. But still, this is fairly important to know since Misskey is now responsible for generating the bulk of Fediverse content. Even so, Tech Press think the Fediverse is about Mastodon.

    And now, and are experiencing lots of growth, with both collectively gaining 100,000 users in a week. This is quite a noteworthy event since the is part and parcel of dissension on – a pretty major Big Social platform.

    Does the Tech Media report on this? Nope. But again, that’s because they don’t understand the Fediverse nor what it entails.

    Then Meta signal that a new project they’re making, (a.k.a., ), will be joining the Fediverse. There’s even screenshots that show this app interacting with remote Fediverse servers.

    But instead of reporting about how this will affect the existing Fediverse, press such as the say this is an altogether different social network than Mastodon.

    That’s right! Tech Press don’t even realize P92 will be joining the Fediverse – a social network that already exists!

    Is this all ridiculous? Yes.

    But this is why we have to be forthright about what the Fediverse is, what it entails, and why it all matters.

    We, on the Fediverse, must be our own Press.




    I'm not familiar with most of the other "things" like , , , or , but I'll guess that those "things" (?server application projects?) are using a different sub-set of protocol to service a different set of use case foci?

    Different use cases might have different focus, such as microblogging () or bulletin boarding ( subbing for ) or video streaming ( subbing for ) or other use subset of social function?

    In analogy to your last paragraph, if something doesn't work well on the Safari implementation of , it's Safari's problem.

    Thank you for your thorough answer. While I personally don't know about a lot of the examples you provide, it made me think differently about how to frame questions.

    atomicpoet, to fediverse avatar

    just overtook to become the 6th most used server software on the Fediverse.

    I have a strong suspicion that, by tomorrow, it will also overtake .

    And with how things are moving, it might overtake too – but we’ll see how things shake out.

    youronlyone, to kbinMeta in What instances is federated with?
    youronlyone avatar

    It depends on how you look at it. There are thousands of fediverse servers, and there are at least a million active users in total.

    Based on the context of this discussion thread/branch, those Lemmy servers mentioned would not even fall near the “dominating the network”, they are very far from dominating the fediverse network.

    But, if you are referring to “Reddit-like / Stackexchange-like / Quora-lack”, then sure, those servers mentioned are “dominating” the “answers UI/UX” space. However, the fediverse doesn't work like that, and you probably won't even notice it while using any fediverse software.

    In the fediverse, and servers acts like a group. If you have used and groups ( and respectively), then Lemmy and Kbin servers works similarly.

    If I post to a Lemmy “community” or to a Kbin “magazine”, that post will be re-shared/boosted/re-posted to everyone who subscribed/followed that community/magazine. Anyone who replies to that post, it will be re-shared/boosted/re-posted also.

    In other fediverse software, it will just appear as a regular status update thread. In Lemmy and Kbin, it will appear as a comment to a certain post.

    It's the same for, say, . The flagship BookWyrm server is “dominating” the “bookshelf UI/UX” space, however, outside of that, it's just another software. The only difference is that with BookWyrm, you get a shelf, track your book reading, leave reviews to a specific book, and so on.

    However, everything else are the same… if you leave a comment or posts an update about the book you are reading, it is no different from using , , , , , , , to post a new update that “I am not at page 879 of the book ‘Shaka. When the Walls Fell’.”

    And as far as the fediverse is concerned, BookWyrm is far from “dominating” the network.


    Bloonface, to fediverse

    The below, incidentally is what happens if you don't run self-destruct when closing a fedi server.

    The green line is the total number of "hey this server's dying!" pings that has sent out. Total for today is about 278k. The red line is the number that have failed because the destination instances is unreachable. These are running at about 25% of total requests. On a dip sample, the servers that have failed have just gone down - simply deleted from the Internet.

    If the self-destruct command had been run on all these instances, that'd be 25% off the total of about 700,000 requests, because m.b.c would already know that they're dead, and know not to ping them. I'd also have been using less disk space, since Mastodon will scrub all user and post records for dead servers once notified. I wouldn't mind so much but this is coming up to 24 hours just running these scripts and it'd almost be done by now if all these servers had shut down cleanly, and time is quite literally money here (since I can use a smaller Linode plan once m.b.c is gone, since even a Mastodon instance with nobody using it is a massive drain on disk space and system resources.)

    Please, for the love of god, if you're going to decommission your Mastodon instance, whether it be because you can't afford it or you're sick of Mastodon or you're just bored... please run tootctl self-destruct (or whatever the equivalent is on ///whatever) and wait for the Sidekiq queue to clear before doing so. It'll save everyone else a lot of aggro in the long run.

    gme, to fediverse
    choyer, to fediverse en-gb

    Having second thoughts about my self-hosted instance, it’s just too much of a resource hog for a single user / small instance on a 4 core / 4G vServer if you want to run other stuff ( is live, to be installed!) as well. On the other hand it is very nice that the software is stable, reliable and well designed. So either I need to move to a bigger server or decommission my self-hosted profile and look into other options for micro / macro blogging self-hosting again. I did like but the current version doesn’t install on my properly. Tried and - weren’t my thing, can’t get over the design. I do like and its possibilities but it is a bit clunky at times and I have some doubts if protocols other than the quasi standard have much of a main stream future which kinda could make the additional Friendica features a little islandish. Same applies to which I only start testing. Leaves and which could be good options but not sure about the reliability and gameplan there, I don’t want to tinker every night on my server so probably need to become a little more stable first, seems to have no current version on YunoHost, so need to explore other install options… Any thoughts very welcome! @fediversenews @fediversede

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