
@afewbugs@social.coop avatar

"Electric vehicles as a whole displaced about 1.5m barrels of oil a day globally in 2022, according to Bloomberg. Two-thirds of that – almost 1m barrels a day – was just from electric bikes and mopeds, which are known as electric micromobility."


#eBikes #ElectricBikes

ivo, German
@ivo@nrw.social avatar

Gibt es eigentlich von , die keine Software in den Fahrrädern verwenden sondern auf setzen? Bestenfalls sogar ohne , oder ähnlichem -Bullshit?

@BrentToderian@mastodon.online avatar

STUDY: “The findings suggest that E-Bikes not only serve as a crucial alternative to cars but also complement limited transit services.” Via @sciencedirect

enobacon, (edited )
@enobacon@urbanists.social avatar

other than market or bias toward absence of real hills and cargo, why are there no with both crank+hub drive motors combined?

Hub motors give smooth power and regen braking but can't gear down for steep slopes. Getting started with the crank drive gets the hub up to an effective speed without putting so much force through the chain (and human-scaled cassette) while the hub bridges the shifting gaps. Regen braking greatly reduces brake pad maintenance & extends range.

@jef@mastodon.social avatar

@enobacon I think I've seen a bike with both front and rear hub motors. Maybe we need all three!

@enobacon@urbanists.social avatar

@jef that was my original plan for the bakfiets, but I like keeping the rear light so I can lift it and wheelbarrow around obstacles. The longtail has a similar ability to lift the front wheel and pivot. Spreading the traction to both wheels might be worth the added front weight for some applications but I think you need a fairly large geared hub motor to get good regen braking.

@the5thColumnist@mstdn.ca avatar

Bringing out the summer today so please no more

@enobacon@urbanists.social avatar

I think they had me at "large sprag clutch", but how do I connect a throttle control? toSeven mid-drive


Andres4NY, (edited )
@Andres4NY@social.ridetrans.it avatar

@enobacon That looks pretty attractive. DM02 pricing seems to be on par with a BBS02. The DM01 pricing seems a bit high for what it is.

edit: and then i spent the next hour and a half reading/watching reviews..

@gremlins@cijber.social avatar

searching for e-bike recommendations for my disabled ass, that won't break the bank and have an amount of cargo capacity even if it's like a few bags of groceries (more is better, i'm a disaster)? I need to nearly-never pedal and especially not up any hills or anything

please RB 🥺

@enobacon@urbanists.social avatar

"Finally, we find that even when incentive programs are designed cost-effectively, the costs per ton of reduced still far exceed those of alternatives or reasonable social costs of GHG emissions. We conclude that the argument for allocating public funds for e-bike incentive programs must be based on the co-benefits of e-bike travel and ownership, and not solely on GHG reduction" (like the 40k/yr people killed with cars, injuries, asthma & sedentary diseases)


enobacon, (edited )
@enobacon@urbanists.social avatar

Or we could account for the cost of driving as simply road wear and maintenance, plus the high cost of housing for cars (through subsidizing car parking, mandatory parking requirements, that non-drivers pay in their rent and groceries, anywhere that charges below market rent for parking spaces.) Or, who pays for all of the space between destinations, that makes it too far to walk?

@Tengrain@mastodon.social avatar

A friend sent me this from the NYTimes:

“Bicycle deaths in New York City hit a 23-year high in 2023, according to new data from the NYC Department of Transportation. Of the 30 cyclists who died last year, 23 were riding electric bikes. “

So I looked up the article, and that is all it says; that’s the entire thing. Nothing about how they died, just that they died.

It seems that the is having a War on Bikes, especially , and I wonder why.

@Tengrain@mastodon.social avatar


I’m going to assume these bicyclists were hit by cars (not an unreasonable assumption), so why is the framing it that are somehow dangerous, and not ?

Are bicyclists just keeling over dead?

This “news” is really garbage.

@Tengrain@mastodon.social avatar


One final thought (well, maybe 2), but does anyone ever notices that the word “crash” is almost never in the reporting, and 2) when these things are reported, they never mention that there are in the ; but sure, are keeling over dead.

It’s really weird how the can shift-blame everything in such a short blurb.

enobacon, (edited )
@enobacon@urbanists.social avatar

a tilting steering trike with suspension, that you've never heard of because it has a 250W motor and 16in front wheels. carrying this much load need more power and gear range than a pencil sharpener, and regen braking. (but you can lock the tilting from the handlebar, so that's cool for low-speed stuff.)


@enobacon@urbanists.social avatar

@acdha let's make the outside lanes of every 4-lane urban street into bus/bike-and-turn-only while we're trying to figure out how fast the e-bikes are allowed to go

@enobacon@urbanists.social avatar

the removable locking tote on each side of the frame is super cool, but the removal locking is over-complicated, just put a latch lever inside the locked box.

@davidzipper@mastodon.social avatar

In Bloomberg CityLab, I wrote about a new study that explores the power (and limits) of e-bike rebates.

TLDR: E-bike incentives can compel more people to ride (especially those with moderate/low incomes), unlocking benefits for public health, street efficiency, and urban quality of life. But they're an inefficient way to fight climate change.


@rivoluzioneurbanamobilita@mastodon.uno avatar

@davidzipper very interesting findings.

I think that from a local administration point of view, investing in bikes with the only objective of reducing CO2 emissions would be very short-sighted. I would love to see if this could affect traffic ( and so public space use) more than everything. Moreover an investment as such would work best accompanied to infrastructure improvement towards active mobility, is this happening too?

@enobacon@urbanists.social avatar

@davidzipper this conclusion only accounts for the cost of carbon emissions and likely way underpriced, besides my experience that e-bike miles each displaced 3 car miles, and the safety-in-numbers impact where each person on a bike encourages others to ride.
Dismantling car supremacy has way more climate impact than your individual car's co2 emissions

"[at $51/2500 miles] an individual e-bike would need to replace over 200,000 miles of car travel..."

enobacon, (edited )
@enobacon@urbanists.social avatar

In the last five years, caused only 3.8% as many injuries as bathrooms. Wear your bathroom , and shame your friends and family until they stop taking baths

without a helmet.

@tmstreet@urbanists.social avatar

@enobacon I have fallen on my head once. But I was running without a helmet.

@david_megginson@mstdn.ca avatar

@enobacon I have no skin in any e-bike safety debate, but my skin crawls when I see nonsense statistics.

Only about 7% of Americans use an e-bike at least once a month (according to YouGov), and they likely use them a lot less often than they use the bathroom. Also, bathroom injuries happen disproportionately to people with disabilities or the elderly, because it can be wet and slippery, have sharp corners and edges, and is often visited during the night when balance isn't at its best).

@enobacon@urbanists.social avatar

Petition by #TheStreetTrust to fix Oregon's proposed #eBikes law. #orPol #pdxPol #pdxBikes

"As currently written, HB 4103:
...would restrict some of the most affordable #eBike styles to [16yo and up]
...[allows localities to] ban the use of certain e-bikes from accessing multi-use paths and trails
...Enforcement based on e-bike class will be highly subjective and confusing for users
...Misses the mark on providing a clear definition... [cargo / 4 wheels, bigger motors]"


@cy@fedicy.us.to avatar

I suppose I just don't care enough about e-bike policy. "Relating to electric micromobility vehicles; declaring an emergency." What emergency?

@enobacon@urbanists.social avatar

@cy the legislative emergency is a formality that allows it to start on passage instead of next fiscal/legislative year or something. It's still just a task force / study group, nobody is being granted an emergency e-bike dispenser or anything.

@fbaum@social.ridetrans.it avatar
@Edelruth@mastodon.online avatar

Cargo ebikes: does anyone with practical experience have an opinion on basket in front, or to the rear?

@natknight@hachyderm.io avatar

@Edelruth My family have one of each, which we use for groceries and family trips with two little kids. I generally prefer the basket-up-front model: it's nice to be able to see the kids, and to be able to chuck a bunch of stuff in the basket without having to pack it into paniers.

@davidnewman@mastodon.social avatar
@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar

@davidnewman 😬 😱

@cyclingelectric@mastodon.social avatar

Quite an exciting reveal today from Gocycle - the longtail is here and as expected it's very different to much of its competition, even if only for its 22kg weight. Can't wait to try this one:
#ebikes #cargobikes #electricbikes #logitistics #urbanliving #commuting #transport #cycling

@enobacon@urbanists.social avatar

@cyclingelectric highly expensive for a front hub motor e-bike, with all the weight on the back wheel and no user-serviceable parts. No fenders?

@ChrisMayLA6@zirk.us avatar

Now that's what I call a Cargo Bike - this CaGo from Denmark is now available here - if are the future for travel, then this must make a strong showing for the part of that idea.

(Mind you, they're not cheap)


@Krux_22@mastodonsweden.se avatar

@ChrisMayLA6 In my youngest preschool they had a kind of ebike buss. They went for 5 km trips into the library in the centre of town for example in that.
Similar to this.

@christineburns@mastodon.green avatar

@Krux_22 @ChrisMayLA6 In Manchester we have actual cargo bikes for hire on street corners. The bikes, painted bright yellow, are unlocked for hire with an app and the bin portion includes kiddie seats. I often pass them with two or three children seated whilst Mum pedals them to the local shops.

tagesschau, German
@tagesschau@ard.social avatar

Verkehrsministerium: Fahrradblinker sollen für alle erlaubt sein

Egal, ob mit Motor oder ohne: Das Verkehrsministerium will künftig flächendeckend Blinker an Fahrrädern zulassen. Bislang geht das nur für spezielle Modelle. Eine Pflicht soll es aber nicht geben.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/innenpolitik/fahrradblinker-erlaubnis-plaene-bundesregierung-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

@prefec2@norden.social avatar

@tagesschau solange es nicht Pflicht wird, halte ich das für eine gute Idee, weil bei normalen Fahrrädern erhöht das unnötig das Gewicht und das muss nicht sein. Aber es gibt sicher Leute, die schneller fahren (20 km/h und mehr) und deshalb eher nicht die Hand vom Lenker nehmen sollten.

@lioracle@urbanists.social avatar

It’s obscene that enormous electric trucks and suvs are getting tax credits but are not


@moldybasil@mstdn.science avatar

@lioracle @TheWarOnCars that's easy it's because pickup trucks and SUVs are tools for hauling important stuff like groceries or wood or driving in snow or rain. Whereas bikes are just expensive toys for exercise. Pictures unrelated

A family SUV (white flyer E-bike) with a weeks worth of groceries
Three rugged off-road SUVs (my flyer E-bike, a veo bikeshare bike, and an old cheap mountain bike) in the snow

@clive@saturation.social avatar

@lioracle @TheWarOnCars


I've been thinking about this for quite a while too

Wrote an essay about it (free link): https://clivethompson.medium.com/its-time-to-subsidize-e-bikes-900a862b8e76?sk=dea9f07c0dab4be831ee50a197360f95

The good news, such that it exists, is that there are some emerging local/state programs to subsidize ebike purchases -- and when their effects are studied, they're great! Folks drive less, burn less fuel; towns have less traffic; the results are woven from win-win

So, yeah, we just need more more more of it

@enobacon@urbanists.social avatar

The only places I drive by myself are to the DMV/DEQ and the mechanic (i.e. trips for the car's sake.) Half of those trips are with a folding bike in the trunk.

@Tooden@aus.social avatar

@enobacon They should ask couriers who deliver food, how best to carry a cake. There is no guarantee that a cake will arrive intact, if carried in a car. It's all about the container and the care taken.

@enobacon@urbanists.social avatar

@Tooden also many people could very soon live much closer to a cake shop and grocery and piano teachers and whatever, besides having more frequent transit options and that associated reach.

@rgulick@social.coop avatar

Well, this sucks.

The NJ legislature just passed a bill requiring low-speed electric bicycles to be registered with the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission and to be insured.

Somewhere, either a fossil fuel lobbyist or an insurance industry lobbyist got his wings.

@rgulick@social.coop avatar

I've never heard of requiring eBike registration and insurance before. Any other states doing this?

@FeralRobots@mastodon.social avatar

@WearsHats @rgulick
In NY, for a long time, your ebike was unlawful if it had a throttle. At that time I was a big fan of being able to register an ebike as a class 2 moped. I still think it makes sense; I think it potentially opens a market segment for lawful ebikes that are fast enough to replace gasoline scooters.

@BarbChamberlain@toot.community avatar

WED 12/20 = last day to apply to WSDOT Active Transportation Division; head up education/encouragement, oversight of e-bike rebates & school-based bike ed. You have until 11:59pm Pacific time so it's not too late. TIP: Ask HR for complete job description. https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/washington/wsdot/jobs/4304664/education-and-encouragement-planner-tps5
#WSDOTActive #WSDOT #TranspoJobs #ActiveTransport #transportation #EBikes #SafeRoutesNow #BikeEd #KidsDeserveIt #FediHire #planning #BikeTooter #BicyclesChangeLives #BikeNite #cycling #EBikesRule

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