@Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar

Here is the appellate court's denial of Trump's claim of immunity:

The decision opens by summarizing the allegations in the indictment, being careful to add that guilt hasn't yet been determined.

The court then dismisses the idea that they don't have jurisdiction over the issue and concludes that it does.

Then, on to immunity. The court rejects Trump's "separation of powers" argument, saying this:

That's strong language.


@Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar

While saying that this is an issue of first impression, the decision is constantly citing Supreme Court precedence and rulings. (The hope of course is that SCOTUS declines to hear the case or, if it does, declines to delay the trial.)

Screenshot #1: The court cites SCOTUS to debunk the "but he was the PRESIDENT" argument.

Screenshot #2: The idea here is: SCOTUS said a president is not immune from responding to a criminal subpoena why would he be immune from criminal indictment?


The President does not enjoy absolute immunity from criminal subpoenas issued by state and federal prosecutors and may be compelled by the courts to respond

@RunRichRun@mastodon.social avatar

Don't say it enough -- thank you for your updates and your analysis.

@Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar

As you might expect, courts really didn't like being told they had no authority to preside over the criminal trial of a fromer president. (Screenshot #1)

Criminal acts are not shielded by immunity and an indictment means a grand jury alleges that there were criminal acts, therefore, court have authority.

So simple, really.

Legislators have criminal or civil immunity for "what they say or do in legislative proceedings" but that criminal immunity is limited and doesn't apply here.


@Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar

The decision next spends some time on who has immunity for what.

Footnote #7 contains some mild judicial snark. Good lawyers don't quote dicta. (Being told by an appellate justice that you quoted dicta is almost as bad as being told you "misrepresented" the facts.) (Screenshot #1)

Next they analyze whether finding a president criminally liable under "functional policy considerations" and conclude that it is good policy. (Screenshot #2)


In his brief, former President Trump contends otherwise, primarily relying on two words in a single line of dictum from Spalding v. Vilas to urge that judges are immune from criminal prosecution for their official acts.

@Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar

And no, this won't "inhibit" presidents, except perhaps to inhibit them from breaking laws (my paraphrase of Screenshot #1)

In response to Trump's "this will open the floodgates to political persecutions" the Court points out the safeguards in place, grand juries, rules of evidence, etc.

Oh goodness. Screenshots 2 and 3 are 🔥


(Am I up to 5? I can think, type, and read at the same time, but counting and spelling correctly are while thinking, reading, and typing is just too much 😂)

It would be a striking paradox if the President, who alone is vested with the constitutional duty to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” were the sole officer capable of defying those laws with impunity.
It would be a striking paradox if the President, who alone is vested with the constitutional duty to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” were the sole officer capable of defying those laws with impunity.

@Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar

Now we get an emphasis on how serious the allegations are. (#1)

Oh, Yikes. See #2. Paraphrase: Nope you don't get to commit crimes, particularly the kind that let you neutralize the fundamental check on a president's power: The ability to be voted out of office.

Next they debunk Trump's silly argument about how the impeachment clause means that if he wasn't convicted, he can't be indicted later.

Finally they debunk Trump's Double Jeopardy argument: impeachment isn't a criminal proces.


We cannot accept former President Trump’s claim that a President has unbounded authority to commit crimes that would neutralize the most fundamental check on executive power — the recognition and implementation of election results. Nor can we sanction his apparent contention that the Executive has carte blanche to violate the rights of individual citizens to vote and to have their votes count. *** At bottom, former President Trump’s stance would collapse our system of separated powers by placing the President beyond the reach of all three Branches.


@Teri_Kanefield This opinion reads like the judicial equivalent of "... as IF!" (albiet, very thorough). It also seems like its set up so that any supreme court decision striking it down would have to rely on and apply absurdities. Am I on the right track as a lay person?

@kkeller@curling.social avatar

@Teri_Kanefield I am not a lawyer, if you have time, could you explain what the ramifications of this quote would be (taken from https://www.rawstory.com/trump-crimes-2667180756/ ):

"While it takes only four justices to agree to hear a case, it takes 5 to issue a stay,"

If no stay is issued, would that mean his DC case proceeds simultaneously with a Supreme Court appeal proceeding?

@Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar

@kkeller Ordinarily Trump would have 30 days to appeal. They gave him 6 to maintain his hold.

@kkeller@curling.social avatar

@Teri_Kanefield is the quote that four Justices can grant an appeal, but it takes at least 5 to grant a stay, accurate? And if so, what happens if only four Justices want to grant his appeal?

@Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar

@kkeller I wouldn't know off hand. I can't imagine they'd be wrong about something factual like that.

It makes sense that it would take more votes to grant a stay.

Teri_Kanefield, (edited )
@Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar

Apparently the Showhorses have kept their audiences in a state of constant panic because it took about a month for an appellate court to address an issue of first impression that SCOTUS will no doubt scrutinize.

Yes, democracy is backsliding. The cause is not how long it takes to write an appellate opinion. The meltdowns were pure theater.


Teri_Kanefield, (edited )
@Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar

Answering a question here:

Dicta means something the court puts in the opinion that has no bearing on the decision. It's like a side comment.

It's basically an observation that wasn't necesssary for deciding the case.

Lawyers are supposed to be able to separate the rule and rationale from the dicta.

(As someone pointed out, sometimes it can be hard to tell. But I stand by my point: It's not good to be rebuked for that by an appellate court)


I guess "dicta" sounds like a naughty word 😂

@jztusk@mastodon.social avatar




@Teri_Kanefield just a note for the people who aren't lawyers, there is no official way to separate dicta from the "holding" of the case. In most cases it's pretty obvious what is the official rule and what is just stuff the judge said along the way, but there certainly can be arguments over what's law and what's dicta.

@Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar

@Amoshias fair enough.


@Teri_Kanefield I hope you didn't take that as me suggesting I thought your answer was incorrect or incomplete! I didn't see what I wrote as relevant to your main point, so why would you say it, but it's still interesting. Sorry if you took it any other way!

@Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar


Fair enough, but there were two things I never wanted to see in appellate decsions when I was practicing: "misrpresented the facts" or "relied on dicta."

it's a bit of a slap down

@Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar

I was told that the Showhorses are praising the decision right now on MSNBC.

But did they say they were wrong 2 days ago?

2 days ago they were in a freakout state.

I have screenshots of some of my readers in a panic after hearing them freak out.

So everyone panics Sunday and the problem disappears Tuesday?

Does that strike anyone else as weird?

@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar


Loving "Showhorses". Very apt.


@mastodonmigration @Teri_Kanefield From my barn aisle, this gives show horses a bad rap.

Generally speaking, regular ol' horses become show horses thanks to an abundance of honesty, soundness, and reliability.

@Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar

@Eohippa @mastodonmigration

I just realized I have insulted horses.

Those beautiful animals should never be compared to partisan pundits.

@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

@Teri_Kanefield @Eohippa

It's ok. Feel like the horses would give you a pass on this one.

@Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar

Adding: not everyone on MSNBC is a panic monger.

Some guests are reasonable.

They also serve a purpose.

But listening to people talk about the news is not news. It's entertainment. Unfortunately people think it's news.

For more, see the series I have pinned on my blog called "There are no yankees here"

Media is in disruption and needs clicks.

@Pourroy@mstdn.social avatar

@Teri_Kanefield This, a thousand times!!!!!!

@queenofnewyork@newsie.social avatar

@Teri_Kanefield That’s a big part of why I don’t watch the “news” like that. I read several sites to keep on top of local and world news, but I don’t want ratings to control what I feel about those events.

@RiaResists@mastodon.social avatar

@Teri_Kanefield it’s mostly speculation. Sometimes I appreciate explanations about what’s going on.
Most of it is the same talking heads, same “news” item, hardly anything else.

@yacc143@mastodon.social avatar

@Teri_Kanefield Ah, but news don't sell ads.

Entertainment does sell ads.

So most US news is actually news entertainment, by European standards.

@Catawu@mastodon.social avatar

@Teri_Kanefield Infotainment will be the death of reasoning.

@btrinen@social.seattle.wa.us avatar

@Teri_Kanefield Way back in like 1988 TV News anchor Aaron Brown gave a talk for my college journalism class. He was on a local CBS affiliate at the time — before he went to CNN.
A student complained about the poor quality of news on his local news show and Aaron Brown said “TV news is not the news, it’s a TV show ABOUT the news. If you want the news, read a newspaper.”

@WagesOf@gamepad.club avatar

@btrinen @Teri_Kanefield how about a youtube video about a show about the news?

i Do my OwN rESeArcH!!1


@Teri_Kanefield When "news" talks about primary election results and states whether a candidate met expectations, it drives me crazy. Tell me the results, analyze the results, but please don't give me opinions based on nothing. I miss the old Walter Crankcase days where they just gave us the news.

CosmicTraveler, (edited )
@CosmicTraveler@mastodon.social avatar

@Teri_Kanefield I listened to one of the latest episodes of Legal AF last night & Karen Friedman Agnifilo interviews George Conway. He pointed out that having a decision within a month (he predicted it would come out soon) is still fast for an appellate decision, even on an expedited timeline. Marcy Wheeler also explains why it's complicated on EmptyWheel Fridays on Nicole Sandler's @nicolesandler show.

Episode webpage: https://cms.megaphone.fm/channel/legalaf

Media file: https://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/pdst.fm/e/chrt.fm/track/537745/pscrb.fm/rss/p/pdst.fm/e/arttrk.com/p/MMN23/claritaspod.com/measure/mgln.ai/e/1058/traffic.megaphone.fm/MTH4519905769.mp3?updated=1707085484

@InkySchwartz@mastodon.social avatar

@Teri_Kanefield Very much this. And roll in those who hate a source that actually gives news and not comments on it all the time.

As I told that person: You don't want to be informed, you want to be catered to.

@jimcarroll@futurist.info avatar

@Teri_Kanefield Maybe people are exhausted and just so tired of everything that has unfolded since the escalator moment of 2015. It's a freakin' long decade, and people just want it to end. So emotions run hot and people express their frustration.

@zalasur@mastodon.surazal.net avatar

@jimcarroll @Teri_Kanefield Oh my God it has been nearly a decade already

@kkeller@curling.social avatar

@jimcarroll @Teri_Kanefield perhaps, but so-called journalism networks should know better.

@Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar


That's fine, as long as nobody pretends they are legal analysts giving legal opinions.

Read my series, "There are no Yankees here"

In that series, I quote a former TV analyst explaining that what what do is reflect back what the audience is feeling.

This is what Tucker Carlson does.

It is not serious legal analysis.

@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

@jimcarroll @Teri_Kanefield

Certainly people are frustrated, but an entire industry has arisen out of capitalizing on those fears. When something is pending rather than substantively address the issues and complexities involved based on their expertise, these "Showhorses" succumb to fear mongering and speculation on conspiracies. This fans their popularity, but does a disservice to the truth.

@ppatel@mstdn.social avatar

@Teri_Kanefield I've come to observe that reactions like theirs sells; what sells gets pushed by the network. MSNBC isn't immune from this behavior. They know that most people will forget the reactions from a few days ago, letting the networks push all of it under the carpet. Sometimes, it feels good to hear them validate feelings but not good for overall health. I stopped watching cable coverage shortly after Biden's took the offfice.

@LeftToPonder@mastodon.social avatar


They intentional do a lousy job of squeegeeing schmutz on the inside of TV screens. I don’t find the schmearing engaging. Enjoy!

@glowrocks@mastodon.social avatar

@Teri_Kanefield Poof! That's the sound Neal's journalistic integrity vanishing into the wind. "I'm officially at the freak out stage."

Why? Are ratings down.

Keep up the great work, Teri! Your calls for sanity are greatly appreciated.

@msmp@mas.to avatar

@Teri_Kanefield Im not sure I understand, why should they apologize? They were legitimately concerned at how long DC Circuit Court was taking. And they were right, it was concerning.

@Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar

As long as people view it as talk show where people are airing their concerns, that's fine. No need to apologize.

The problem is that they appear as legal analysts on a news talk show.

This is not news and it is not legal analysis.

Most people don't know that. They think these are serious lawyers offering legal analysis.

These "analysts" are simply amplifying and "reflecting" the views of their audience, which is what Tucker Carlson does.

See the series I have pinned on my blog.

@Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar

@msmp The reason I know about this clip is that a few of my readers showed it to me.

They were in a panic because they thought serious legal analysts were in a panic.

They didn't realize that they were the victims of rage peddlers.

Now, if you watch the show to have your biases confirmed and to feel rage (or whatever strong emotion is being peddles) no harm. As long as you understand it is entertainment. (Suspense and panic entertains people. Why do you think people read spy thrillers?)

@Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar


Adding one more. Appellate cases almost always take much longer. This was expedited. My clients often waited up to a year for a decision.

if you think this was a long time, I conclude that you, too, are the victim of rage-merchants.


@Teri_Kanefield @msmp it would be much more likely that people are ignorant of the timeframes of typical appellate processes.
Thank for filling the details. I really appreciate the work you do in this. I had read the ruling and got a lot of it and was pretty sure that a lot of the decision was written to future-proof the ruling from SCOTUS.

@CStamp@mastodon.social avatar

@plinth @Teri_Kanefield @msmp We are and we are frustrated by how someone seems to be skirting accountability, filing one appeal after another, which is why Teri's account is so important and we need to be careful about being whipped up into a frenzy. Sure, there is a lot to be angry about, but we also need to be careful about making sure law is being followed or democracy really will lose.

@Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar

@CStamp @plinth @msmp

Hi Carolyn, You are confusing two issues. (1) Trump has the same right to file an appeal as anyone and these are appeals any reasonable lawyer would bring. (2) the talking point that he "skirts" accountability, which makes no sense after a finding of fraud in New York, a finding of sexual assault, indictments for 91 charges.

I claim that those two statements are the result of you being the victim of rage merchants.

@Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar

@CStamp @plinth @msmp

I cannot be the account people turn to after being stirred up by rage merchants.

I did it for 5 years on Twitter and I hereby quit.

People need to learn to stop listening to rage merchants. If you turn on the TV expect it to be 60% BS. If you are not a lawyer, you will not know which is the 60%.

@CStamp@mastodon.social avatar


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  • Teri_Kanefield,
    @Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar

    @CStamp @plinth @msmp

    I will continue doing legal analysis. But if people continue listening to rage merchants, I cannot be expected to keep talking them down.

    See why?

    Just stop listening to rage merchants. It's like people continually setting themselves on fire and then calling the fire department.

    That isn't fair to the fire department.

    @Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar

    @CStamp @plinth @msmp

    To findout what I mean by "rage merchant" go to my blog and read the series beginning "There are no yankees here."

    Rage merchants reflect back the emotions of their audiences. They don't educate them.

    @tawtovo@mastodon.social avatar

    So helpful, as always! Thank you for this public service!

    @lachlan@mastodon.social avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield Which most Australians know from that excellent courtroom film, The Castle

    "Your honour, that was dicta"
    "WAS NOT!"

    Teri_Kanefield, (edited )
    @Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar

    Don't expect the panic-mongering showhorses to read this opinion and say, "Wow. The appellate court even had to deal with a jursidictional issue thrown at them. It was unanimous, which meant judges with different ideologies had to agree. It's 57 page and may be enough for SCOTUS to say, "We don't need to touch this."

    They never look back. It's on to the next invented crises.

    Fox also invents crises. Just saying.

    Also you can see I've reached my disgust point with it all.


    @danluvsbeer@thepit.social avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield This is why I follow you. 🙂

    @Dr_Elizabeth97@mastodon.social avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield , yes, and there is an understandable urge to respond to the outrageous acts of Trump with impulsive reactions. Legal experts, however, should know how long skillful responses take. It is disgusting on so many levels what people will do for power in the form of money, attention, etc. Thank you for taking the time to explain the ruling to us and to put it into much needed context.

    @cdlhamma@hachyderm.io avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield yeah I've seen some clips circulating as of late of some TV lawyers saying its too late, the red lights are flashing we need decisions yesterday!

    I'm sure I'll see some more clips today with the goal posts moved in some way to keep the audience on the edge of their seats 🙄

    @joeinwynnewood@mstdn.social avatar

    @cdlhamma @Teri_Kanefield

    Watch for hair raising comments on "the mandate" the appellate court must issue to return control of the matter to the trial court (and according to Lawfare staff typically takes 30-45 days following issuing a decision...).

    @BenRossTransit@mastodon.social avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield Do you think the court's order that delays the trial only if Trump appeals to the Supreme Court within 6 days is an attempt to reduce Trump's ability to stall? It seems to give him only one bite at the apple to get a stay, instead of two.

    @MarkAB@mastodon.world avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield I’ve been flipping channels while doing other things, and have yet to see any mention of this on Fox. King Charles, Biden’s border crisis, Super Bowl snacks, yes. No immunity for Trump - all crickets.

    @joeinwynnewood@mstdn.social avatar

    @MarkAB @Teri_Kanefield

    Did you expect anything different from ?

    @mloxton@med-mastodon.com avatar

    "They never look back. It's on to the next invented crises."

    Soooo true

    @mattblaze@federate.social avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield Really nice summary - thanks for the thread!

    The opinion definitely reads to me like it was written for an audience of 9.

    @martinvermeer@fediscience.org avatar

    @mattblaze @Teri_Kanefield An audience of nine members, or 'explain it to me like I am nine years old'?

    @mattblaze@federate.social avatar

    @martinvermeer @Teri_Kanefield Well, it was basically a PhD thesis written in response to a middle-school-level civics essay question ("does the law apply to the president?")

    @Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar

    @mattblaze @martinvermeer

    By audience of 9, Matt meant the decision was written for the Supreme Court justices.

    @steveportigal@mastodon.social avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield grateful for your diligence and helpful and interesting explanations. As always.

    @Catawu@mastodon.social avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield You describe it so well. “Don’t even look back, on to the next crisis” is exactly why, FTMP, I don’t watch these shows and the ones I do watch, I only watch 5-10 minutes of them. A friend once described “Stupidity” as “Waking up in a brand new world every day.” I began to feel like I was hearing from people who are just that disconnected.

    @Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar

    Responding to a comment about how Fox hasn't reported this.

    Fox inhabits a separate sphere. Their invented crisis is at the border.

    "The invaders will destroy America!"

    MSNBC's invented crisis is that the judicial processes take too long.

    "The 'delays'* will destroy democracy!"

    The problem is that the MSNBC's invented crisis is put forward by lawyers who should know better.

    *"delays" is a loaded word that implies, without basis, that it's deliberate, evil, or incompetent.


    @GiddingsMJ@syringa.social avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield Just FYI, all the legal commentators on MSNBC this morning have been saying that the court took time to write a thorough and complete unanimous decision rejecting all of Trump's arguments. I haven't heard any of them talking about how it took too long.

    @Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar

    @GiddingsMJ I responded to this on the thread.

    Did you see the series I did called "There are no Yankees here?"

    It's the pinned post on my blog.


    @Teri_Kanefield @MarkAB Americans don't all get the same "news" anymore. And now people can't tell what's real or not. Really a problem.

    @Catawu@mastodon.social avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield @MarkAB It’s either “Delays” or “Swift Justice”. One being pondered, considered & tied to a process; the other being a machete wielding giant that marches in, ‘takes care of business’, and it’s done. I prefer option 1.

    @mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield @MarkAB

    Been thinking about this since reading your work. The MSNBC 'Showhorse' fear mongering about the legal system may be less overt than the blatant disinformation on Fox, but it is very damaging none the less.

    By sowing the seeds of distrust in the legal system, these pundits play into the same "corrupt government" themes. The effect is, rather than strengthen appreciation for the rule of law, they collaborate in tearing down our belief in our institutions.

    @axeshun@toad.social avatar

    @mastodonmigration @Teri_Kanefield @MarkAB careful... @Teri_Kanefield will block you if you disagree with her. She always does. She's a serial institutional apologist.

    @mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

    @axeshun @Teri_Kanefield @MarkAB @Teri_Kanefield

    Disagree. Really appreciate Teri's work and feel like it is an important counterbalance to 'reply guy' know-it-all legal hot takes and doomerism. The truth is that the issues are complex and the legal process is arcane. Unpacking it requires time and attention to nuance. Declaring everything corrupt and unfair is just unhelpful and a distraction to those who are trying to understand what's really going on.

    @thatmags@mastodon.nz avatar

    @mastodonmigration @Teri_Kanefield @MarkAB While also playing on people's anxieties and ramping up the cortisol-fueled exhaustion

    @mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

    @thatmags @Teri_Kanefield @MarkAB

    Exactly. Boosting their popularity by giving their audience what they want, not what they need.

    @Twpalovi@mastodon.green avatar

    My understanding of the usage in English and Welsh law is that a dictum is a statement of law (in a decision) and an obiter dictum is a statement of law that has no bearing on the decision.
    It seems to be different in the US, then?

    @Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar

    @Twpalovi definitely different

    @SonofaGeorge@mstdn.ca avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield All I've ever wanted is acountability.

    @Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar


    See my criminal law FAQ page for how I address the "I just want accountability" comment.

    It's in the "resources" tab on my website.

    @ZhiZhu@newsie.social avatar


    “It would be a striking paradox if the president, who alone is vested with the constitutional duty to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed,” were the sole officer capable of defying those laws with impunity.” 🔥
    -pages 36 – 37 of United States of America vs Donald J. Trump

    @Staggaly@mastodon.social avatar

    @ZhiZhu @Teri_Kanefield That he is referred to as an “officer” - does that have implications for the insurrection charges case?

    @Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar

    @Staggaly @ZhiZhu

    Different statutes / laws.

    @jztusk@mastodon.social avatar


    I've got a "law language" question. Would I be too far off if I translated "dicta" as "locker room talk"?

    @Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar

    @jztusk I'll answer for everyone.

    @ulidig@mastodon.social avatar

    FYI, Alt text for screenshot 2 in post 4 is just a repeat of screenshot 1. ETA: the alt text for first two screenshots in post 5 are also messed up, but your counting is impeccable.

    (I'm finding the whole thread fascinating! Thank you.)


    Given that all this has been so settled for so long, why is he being indulged SO much? Please, what am I missing ?

    @Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar


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  • Engine,

    Sorry, Whoosh! 😀


    Never mind. Sorry, not a lawyer. Dont understand any of these terms

    @Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar


    Sometimes I get testy. It was the tone and implication that he is being "indulged" because he's allowed to file an appeal that annoyed me.

    I'll delete my testy comment.

    @ColinOatley@mas.to avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield Has anyone pointed out that Trump, by arguing that whoever holds the office of President is above the law, is arguing that Joe Biden is above the law? Does this Supreme Court want to rule that Joe Biden is above the law?

    @Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar

    @ColinOatley Yes people have pointed that out.

    Nobody expects him to win. The question now is: How soon will he lose in the Supreme Court?

    @NullNoMore@mastodon.social avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield - thank you for your explanations (and also explaining dictum)

    @FlockOfCats@famichiki.jp avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield thank you for sharing! Always appreciate your informed and nuanced takes on late-breaking decisions

    @cdlhamma@hachyderm.io avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield I'm just a casual legal observer, but this decision seems like it minces no words - there's no grey area here, they have stated in no uncertain terms the president is not above the law.

    Will be interesting to see what SCOTUS does.


    @Teri_Kanefield This process has been a huge success for Trump, because it has indefinitely delayed the DC trial.

    joeinwynnewood, (edited )
    @joeinwynnewood@mstdn.social avatar

    @stringtheery @Teri_Kanefield

    Not indefinitely. Only as long as it takes the Circuit Court to return the mandate to the trial court having now issued its ruling.

    As things now stand it very much looks like the trial will be held and a verdict issued before the nominating conventions.

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