lucy, to random avatar

ah yes pleroma/akkoma follows broken as usual

realcaseyrollins, avatar

@lucy They're broken?

I use and , I guess that issue is fixed with those backends

pixel, to random avatar

Why can I not make posts with media attachments and polls on here? :blobcatnotlikethis:

realcaseyrollins, avatar

@pixel @pixel @stefan
Well maybe not, I just tried it here on and couldn't do it either.

Probably an inherited restriction, @alex would you consider removing it?

alex, to random avatar

Should I hack Nostr support into Pleroma just to enable zaps?

realcaseyrollins, avatar
youronlyone, to japanese avatar

It looks like the #Japanese made #ActivityPub platform #Misskey is soon to take over #Mastodon in the number of forks.


As an #Asian myself, I'm happy to see that ideas, developers, and software from #Japan are going mainstream. There are a lot of things the West, and the world for that matter, can learn from Japan.

Not only from the Japanese, to be exact, even from #Korean made software. I talked about last year how #Korea created its own Internet culture that not even #Google and #Microsoft can compete with. (See: #Naver's amazing interconnected platforms; what Google would have been if they had a vision.)

#Fediverse #ActivityPub

youronlyone, avatar

A bit related to the original post, regarding Japanese-made software/platform.

If I am not mistaken, is also a Fediverse software from by a developer.


Pleroma itself also have a lot of forks, though not as much as and . One such is .

You can give the Rebased fork a try over at featuring the frontend. ( that the Soapbox frontend originally started as a custom frontend for Mastodon?)

tallship, to foss

We've been discussing these issues, amongst others lately in the Fediverse-City room on Matrix, what with the relative demise of following its acquisition by WeWork, and the rise of *events over at Faceplant further obviating them having much to do with a plethora of event management projects exploding onto the scene for the past couple of years.

It's been a while since I've visited , so long in fact, I only recently became aware a couple of years ago that they had a marketplace that has largely supplanted craigslist, and finding out just today that they in fact have some sort of events system - that speaks volumes, I think, toward my dedication to dogfooding my and simply ignoring, for the most part, there are still some privacy disrespecting operators in the deprecated monolithic silo space of social networking.

, , , and have their own take on how these event management systems should through the rest of the , while others mentioned in the article below, including try to fit into that niche in a cooperative, interoperable way... and it's paying off. Bigtime.

It's a good read, events are powerful for hobbyists, technologists, sports enthusiasts, and just about any kind of IRL or remote attendance awareness and organizing; so it only stands to reason that , and social networking in general include the capabilities to seamlessly propagate events as globally possible.

At the very least, events are heralded as one of the best ways to get free pizza 🍕 and beer 🍺 with others that have common interests. After a veritable shitload of funding from many sources, including NGI0 and even larger corporate sponsors, we're approaching a place where anyone with a Fediverse account, even on the smolweb or most obscure platforms like Threads, will be privy to things like announcements, RSVP, alerts, Etc., of upcoming events, regardless of whether your Fediverse platform of choice directly supports event management.

And it is perhaps a little ironic, that users themselves will likely have at their disposal, an event notification and management capability in direct conflict with the one that Meta wants them to use - I dunno how that's going to work out, but I think it's pretty kewl that nobody else does either at this time.

h/t to @silverpill for the heads up on the following article, he just always seems to know where that rabbit is hiding in the tophat and pulls it right out when it's most needed, lolz.



icedquinn, to random avatar

> you need your own server quinn how much do they cost

someone irl told me this :blobcatlaugh:

yeah i dunno actually. i'm not sure either how does that work. are you allowed to have rules different from wizard's den and not get everyones accounts banned or something :blobcatwaitwhat:


@icedquinn You're asking the right questions here man.

The rules can be whatever you want them to be, and your server can likewise cost as much or as little as you want, it's just gotta be powerful enough to run #Mastodon or #rebased or sumn

youronlyone, to fediverse avatar

A fictional way of looking at #SNS

  • #Mycelial Web (the multiverse)
  • Zot #Mycelium (a.k.a. #Zot protocol universe)
  • #Streams galaxy
    -- note 1: communication with the Fediverse is standard practice in this universe.
  • #Hubzilla galaxy
    -- note 1: developed a way to communicate across the Mycelial Web (a.k.a. the multiverse). Can also communicate with BlueSky and diaspora.
  • #Fediverse Mycelium (a.k.a. #ActivityPub protocol universe)
  • #Friendica galaxy
    -- note 1: developed a way to communicate across the Mycelial Web (a.k.a. the multiverse). Can also communicate with BlueSky and diaspora.
  • #Firefish galaxy
  • star/solar system
  • #Mastodon galaxy
  • star/solar system
  • #Rebased galaxy
  • star/solar system
  • #Pixelfed galaxy
  • star/solar system
  • Sky Mycelium (a.k.a. #ATprotocol universe)
  • #BlueSky galaxy
  • star/solar system
  • #Jabber Mycelium (a.k.a. #XMPP protocol universe)
  • Matrix Mycelium (a.k.a. #Matrix protocol universe)
  • #Meta Mycelium
  • #Facebook galaxy
  • #Instagram galaxy (closed borders; isolated; aware of other mycelium/universes)
  • #Threads star/solar system
  • #X #Twitter Mycelium (closed borders; isolated; have not discovered there are other mycelium/universes besides their own)
  • #Tumblr Mycelium (closed borders; isolated; rumours has it their government decided against connecting with the other mycelium/universes, but they are aware)
  • #Flickr Mycelium (closed borders; isolated; aware of other mycelium/universes)
  • #Pebble / #T2 Mycelium - collapsed
  • #diaspora* Mycelium (Diaspora protocol universe)
  • diaspora galaxy empire (software)
  • star/solar system (instance)
  • #SocialHome galaxy (software)
  • star/solar system (instance)
  • #Google+ (#GooglePlus universe) - collapsed

… and so on.

#Fiction #SciFi #ScienceFiction #Fantasy #ScienceFantasy #YourOnlyOne

rolle, to mastodon avatar

What would make Mastodon prominent social media platform in regular people's eyes when it's not any of these (opposing opinions in parentheses):

  • Mastodon is free and open source (means nothing to the people)

  • Many known people use Mastodon (not enough or not the right people)

  • 14 million users (clearly not "enough" when compared to centralized services OR not the right people)

  • Activity and engagement from a personal perspective is way better than in other services (a subjective opinion or a "bubble" doesn't prove anything for anyone)

  • Better features (what good are they when nobody notable uses Mastodon and the service is nothing)

  • It's been active for a long time and Fediverse is vast (who cares about that, it's for the tiny communities and for nerds)

  • You just choose the server, create an account and start using it (too complicated and weird)

I give up.

#Mastodon #Fediverse #SocialMedia


@matthewmuses @rolle I only saw a handful of posts about the over the past 24 hours. I suppose I should think about following hashtags, although my main account is on a instance, which doesn't support hashtag following.

realcaseyrollins, to random avatar

We’re asking our technology to do hilarious things for us


realcaseyrollins, avatar

@exchgr Yep! I’m a user 😌

realcaseyrollins, avatar

@exchgr I’m not sure if quotes will work with , , and / but yes y’all are supposed to be getting quote posts soon!

youronlyone, to fediverse avatar

Q: If the allows different platforms / software / services to interoperate, then why have multiple accounts everywhere?

A: Features.

I have a account at @youronlyone

I also have a account at @youronlyone

There is also my account at @youronlyone

Let's not forget my account at @youronlyone

While the above examples can be used for images, Pixelfed was built for, well, images. It was made to cater for uploading photos ah sharing your digital artworks.

Meanwhile, Bookwyrm is best for, can you guess it? ! It features bookshelves where you can categorise your collection. You can also track your reading. Leave reviews. can too, if they want.

It's no different to comparing the old vs vs vs . All of it can host photos and albums, but Instagram is focused on sharing images. Twitter for . Facebook for socialising (or ads). Goodreads for books and reviews.

The difference? The latter are disconnected. While the former, the fediverse, are interoperable.

Remember, you don't have to create multiple accounts. Keep one firefish or Mastodon or or or account, you can still connect to users using Pixelfed, , , , , and, if they will ever launch support as they told us, and .

stefanlaser, to fediverse avatar

I'm looking for a customizable, resource-efficient Mastodon . Somehow I cannot find a recent post on that. ? ? Or go non-Ruby, like (nah), (hui)?

This is part of an endeavour to host w/ a & .

Potential features:

  • tweaking network traffic
  • media options: off, auto compression, auto delete
  • monitoring server metrics, energy flow, sharing data through a bot
  • auto-off when battery low, sad emoji
Brendanjones, (edited ) to threads avatar

won’t support Activitypub or the Fediverse at launch, but it’s apparently still coming.

“We’re committed to building support for ActivityPub, the protocol behind Mastodon, into this app. We weren’t able to finish it for launch given a number of complications that come along with a decentralized network, but it’s coming”


@Brendanjones It'll be fun trying to implement that on #Meta's end, I don't think #Mastodon, #rebased, or compatible software is likely to comply, so non #Meta users will be able to respond to all #Threads posts lol

youronlyone, to fediverse avatar

So… welcome to new users in the #Fediverse network!

If you are exploring the fediverse through the #Mastodon software, feel free to explore other platforms like #Streams #Calckey #Hubzilla #Friendica #Akkoma to mention a few, for your usual “status updates” (and more) UI/UX.

If you want a platform more focused on photos and images, then there is #Pixelfed. Or, you want bookshelves and tracking what you've read, or leaving #book reviews, there is #BookWyrm.

But the beauty of it all, all of these are connected to the fediverse. You can follow any user regardless of which software they are using; AND regardless which server (domain name) they signed-up for.

For example, my accounts are:

Note #1: There are other instances. For example, You can check out for more.

Note #2: You rarely need an account in other instances. I have other accounts because (1) I like to test; and (2) I use them for different purposes.

We even have fediverse #groups hosted at and You can follow any group from your existing fediverse account and participate.

Again, welcome! Don't forget to post your #intro / #introduction and update your profile with the tag #fedi22!

youronlyone, to lemmyworld in Is more active than

First, welcome to the ! I'm glad you found your way in the -based “federation network”.

So, wait… what are these terminologies? And what exactly is the “Fediverse”?

Think of it like this:

  • Name: Web
  • Protocol: HTTP
  • Browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Naver Whale

Then you have the Fediverse:

All these “fediverse browsers”, like Lemmy and Kbin, are commonly referred to as fediverse software. (extra info: Wikipedia calls Lemmy, Kbin, and similar answers-type or Threads-type software as “Link-aggregators”.)

There is no “Mastodon network”. There is no “mastoverse”. There is no “threadiverse”. There is no “Threadinet”, or whichever -verse / -network people are coming up with.

Any software that is using the ActivityPub protocol is part of the “Fediverse network”. Just like how any software that uses the HTTProtocol is part of the Web.

That clear so far?

Now, we go to your question.

Q: I moved to and have noticed that has been popping up as another featured instance. What differs from vs Is .ml more active? and are called instances (the terminology used to refer to a fediverse server/service). These two are only two out of many fediverse instances available. In paritcular, these two instances are only two out of probably a hundred Lemmy-based instances available.

What differs between the two? As far as features and functionalities go, none. Since these two Lemmy-based instances are using the same software, they have the same set of features. The only difference would be if one instance fell behind in Lemmy version upgrades.

Since is one of two flaship servers of the Lemmy software project, naturally it will get the bulk of registrations and content.

For example, before the Reddit Migration, there were already existing communities for many similar Subreddits, and many of those are in and are very active. So, when Subreddits started to migrate, some chose and other lemmy instances. Which allowed to catch up with the number of users and number of active communities that already have. AND, some of these are about the same topics/fandom.

So… yep, that's the detailed explanation. ^_^

I hope I wasn't confusing.

youronlyone, to kbinMeta in What instances is federated with?
youronlyone avatar

It depends on how you look at it. There are thousands of fediverse servers, and there are at least a million active users in total.

Based on the context of this discussion thread/branch, those Lemmy servers mentioned would not even fall near the “dominating the network”, they are very far from dominating the fediverse network.

But, if you are referring to “Reddit-like / Stackexchange-like / Quora-lack”, then sure, those servers mentioned are “dominating” the “answers UI/UX” space. However, the fediverse doesn't work like that, and you probably won't even notice it while using any fediverse software.

In the fediverse, and servers acts like a group. If you have used and groups ( and respectively), then Lemmy and Kbin servers works similarly.

If I post to a Lemmy “community” or to a Kbin “magazine”, that post will be re-shared/boosted/re-posted to everyone who subscribed/followed that community/magazine. Anyone who replies to that post, it will be re-shared/boosted/re-posted also.

In other fediverse software, it will just appear as a regular status update thread. In Lemmy and Kbin, it will appear as a comment to a certain post.

It's the same for, say, . The flagship BookWyrm server is “dominating” the “bookshelf UI/UX” space, however, outside of that, it's just another software. The only difference is that with BookWyrm, you get a shelf, track your book reading, leave reviews to a specific book, and so on.

However, everything else are the same… if you leave a comment or posts an update about the book you are reading, it is no different from using , , , , , , , to post a new update that “I am not at page 879 of the book ‘Shaka. When the Walls Fell’.”

And as far as the fediverse is concerned, BookWyrm is far from “dominating” the network.


youronlyone, to fediverse avatar

The family of services:

Theme: single-letter domain name.

1: — a Mastodon software instance. ()
2: — a Rebased+Soapbox (fork of Pleroma with Soapbox frontend) software instance. (microblogging)
3: — a PeerTube software instance. ( hosting)
4: — a Lemmy software instance. ()

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