Bluesky and AT protocol

wfdobie, avatar

Finally the brings out the on my street. 🌸


SakuraHime, avatar

The number of daily active users on Bluesky went from a peak of 550k during its public opening to a recent low of 168k, behind its October 2023 numbers when it was an invite-only social media (a peak of 183k)

Why am I telling you this? Because I think the only way for them to have a future is to join the Fediverse, their UI and customization of algorithms would appeal to some

PS: I think Tumblr, BeReal and Lemon8 should join too

chikorita157, avatar

@SakuraHime Also, Bluesky isn't sustainable either. They say they make money from domain names, but I don't think that will bring in that much money. They plan to make commission money off paid feed and moderation services, but then again, who would pay for that kind of stuff as people are not willing to pay for social media.

At some point, Bluesky will have to enshittify and eventually put ads on their services and putting features behind paywalls. Right now, they are burning VC money.

The same goes for Cohost, that thing isn't sustainable at all, but somehow survives at the last minute by the thread, but I don't think they can be sustainable. Not in this economic enviroment with high interest rates with no more "free VC money" to burn.

paulfoerster, avatar

Saw that on today. 🤣

maegul, avatar

Plugins for fediverse platforms.

Where is this up to? Is anyone thinking along these lines?

I've seen @db0 espouse such (eg (sorry for the tag if annoying).

I've certainly thought of it myself ... because it's a pretty obvious idea for an ecosystem aiming for richness and sustainability.

Seems a perfect fit for reusable moderation tooling too, rather than each new platforms having that trouble.

This is essentially 's idea it seems.


db0, avatar

Year, tone down the smug “prs accepted”, mate. You’re just toxic

Die4Ever, avatar

When it comes to moderation tooling I’m honestly a little confused that there isn’t more work or noise around a developing a sideloaded tool.

Yeah we just need volunteers to dedicate their time to it. But it’s a lot easier to complain than it is to contribute.

drcaberry, avatar

I really am trying hard to not let these self righteous busy bodies run me off this platform and back to or just a random thought from today.


drcaberry, avatar

Testing out my GIF reactions.
also I can get sensitive about my work when it is my mission and life's passion, I'm not over here playing.


Mary625, avatar


Awesome gifs!

me, avatar

📞 Introducing voice & video call for the Fediverse ✨

Sora is a futuristic Fediverse client for Mastodon, Bluesky, Misskey, Pleroma all in one. Comes with local ML to curate posts and the For You timeline.

In the next update V10, Sora allows you to have a Peer-to-Peer call using Fediverse credentials.

Demo video:


caos, avatar
me, avatar


Yes. For the App Store build when this is released, it’ll support one of these two options for encryption:



jraedisch, avatar

timeline can now be read from

LaurensHof, avatar

Last Month in Bluesky – March 24

February was a extremely eventful month for Bluesky, with the network opening up. While things have been less hectic in March, there have been significant additions to the ATmosphere: stackable moderation and third party labelers, blogging on ATproto and more. Let’s dive in.

Stackable moderation and labelers

One of the core design parts of Bluesky and the AT Proto network is a focus on individual choice, for both curation (via custom feeds) as well as moderation. With this month’s release of open-source moderation tools and third party labeling services, Bluesky has put their view on what they call ‘Stackable Moderation’ in practice. The idea of stackable moderation (in earlier writings Bluesky called it composable moderation) is that the Bluesky organisation provides a ‘base layer’ of moderation services, and individuals can decide to ‘stack’ additional moderation services on top of the services already provided by Bluesky.

To enable this, Bluesky released ‘Ozone’ as open-source software, which is the moderation tool that the Bluesky organisation uses in-house for their moderation services. They also implemented third party ‘labelers’, allowing other people to run a moderation service that labels posts and accounts. People who subscribe to that labeling service can decide to hide posts that have that specific label. Bluesky posted a short video to demonstrate this here.

Some examples of these new labelers are Aegis, XBlock Screenshot Labeler and AI Moderation Service. The XBlock labeler automatically labels screenshots from all the other social networks, and is a great option for people who are not interested in seeing every post by Elon Musk being dunked on. AI Moderation Service labels posts that are made with AI. Aegis focuses on safety, especially for the queer communities on Bluesky, and has grown out of the lists that were maintained by Kairi, known as the Contraption. Her postmortem analysis of running these denylists for the last 10 months is excellent and worth reading, as it indicates how being placed on a widely adopted moderation list is a highly effective way to starve bad actors of oxygen.

Blogging on AT Protocol

WhiteWind is a new blogging platform that runs on AT Protocol, and allows anyone with a Bluesky account to create their own blog for free. One of the core ideas of building the AT Protocol out in the open is that other people can build different apps on top of it as well, that are not microblogging. The launch of WhiteWind shows that this is indeed possible, and that AT Protocol can be used to build different applications.

Using WhiteWind is as simple as logging in with your Bluesky handle and app password, hit the ‘plus’ button in the bottom right, and start typing. WhiteWind uses Markdown, and for more information there is a basic explanation page.

For the people interested in protocol stuff: WhiteWind is an AppView, that indexes posts with a different ‘lexicon’ than the standard microblogging. Your WhiteWind blogs however are stored on the same PDS, so Bluesky probably hosts your blogs, even though the official Bluesky app will not show the blog posts.

Graber on how Bluesky plans to make money

Bluesky CEO Jay Graber was on the Decoder podcast with Nilay Patel to talk about Bluesky and Federation. There are lots of interesting discussions in there, and the episode is worth listening to (or reading, transcript available). What stood out to me is Graber’s answer regarding Bluesky’s plans to make money, where she says: “We’ve been building marketplaces within the app, essentially. So, we’ve got information marketplaces, moderation marketplaces. This is a direction that we’re going to lean into.”

In February, after Bluesky dropped the need for invite codes, The Verge also spoke with Graber, and also asked the question about ways to make money: “the Bluesky company plans to make money via a variety of ways, including charging users for additional features in its app. It also plans to take a cut of purchases for things like custom feeds that developers will be able to charge for. Graber says work is also being done on a Cloudflare-like enterprise arm for helping others easily manage their own servers on the AT Protocol.”

It is striking to me to how different these answers are: moderation marketplaces is new, and paid additional app features as well as a Cloudflare-like enterprise arm are not mentioned.

In other news – Bluesky

Bluesky has announced a 10k USD microgrants program, to help foster and grow the developer ecosystem, with grants between 500USD and 2000 USD per project. No recipients of the grants have been announced yet.

Last month, Bluesky hired Aaron Rodericks as head of Trust and Safety. This news led to Elon Musk changing the name of X’s Trust and Safety team to ‘Safety’ instead.

The Links

  • Indie developer Kuba Suder has build a variety of projects for Bluesky and ATproto, and gave an overview of all the projects he has made. Suder has build a way to show all quote posts of a post, a handles directory, a way to cross-post from Bluesky to Mastodon, and more.
  • The Decentered podcast interviewed Rudy Fraser, who is building the Blacksky curated feed and community.
  • Enable comments on your website with Bluesky. This implementation mixes both fediverse interactions with Bluesky interactions together.
  • Bluesky Feed Creator does exactly what it says on the tin, allowing anyone to create their own custom feed with no coding required. They announced recently that they dropped the waiting list.
  • Mike Masnick wrote about ‘Why Bluesky Remains The Most Interesting Experiment In Social Media, By Far’.
  • Jay Graber on the Techdirt podcast.
  • A technical explanation of what a PDS implementation actually entails, by Bluesky engineer Bryan Newbold.
  • A visual history of the maturation of the atproto network by Bluesky’s Daniel Holms.
  • An experiment in using Bluesky’s DID:PLC with ActivityPub.

That’s all for this month, thanks for reading. If you are interested in the world of decentralised social networks, you can subscribe to my newsletter where you get a weekly update on all that is happening.

chikorita157, avatar

Deleted my Bluesky account that was for my anime blog. I see no point in Bluesky since it won'r get any engagement there anyway. Not to mention, there is no tools to autoshare that works reliably.

Bluesky isn't it.

anianimalsmoe, avatar

@chikorita157 @Aknorals
Japanese microblogging behavior is just amazing. :neocat_confused:

I'd expect users to abandon an app if they don't get any interaction/likes. Japanese users, based on stats, just like to vent..? I'm not sure if this behavior has been studied.

chikorita157, avatar

@anianimalsmoe @Aknorals Also, it seems that Japanese posts love their reactions, I guess It's a Misskey thing.

Not to mention, they are growing like about 1k new members a day, and possibly hitting 500k probably sometime this month.

FediDB doesn't count Misskey active users, so the monthly active users is a lot lower than it actually is.

o_simardcasanova, avatar

I find all kind of disinformation harmful.

But when it comes to , it's especially infuriating that Bluesky is often presented as the platform of "Jack Dorsey".

It is not. From day one, Bluesky has been led by Jay Graber, one of the very few women in a position of power in tech.

On top of being inherently harmful, this disinformation on Bluesky is also fundamentally sexist. Once again, it attributes the work of a talented woman to a (mediocre, in my opinion) man.

stupidjim, avatar

Uncle sam is at it again.

It's not that they don't tollerate european social media in europe, it's just a coincidence having only US ones here.

mackuba, avatar

@stupidjim I… I don't even know where to start. What are you talking about? Are you implying that all US companies are the same one company somehow? Or that all US companies are secretly controlled by US government?

changeling, avatar

I just did a post on #Bluesky pointing out that the #A11y issues that impact screen reader users it’s had since Day One and the message we're getting from their developers is we aren't welcome there. This is particularly interesting as more and more accounts from Twitter, all of which concerned with human rights in some way, are going over there. Blind people may be slowly bweing left in the dark, particularly for info surrounding #BIPOC, #LGBTQIA! and #PopCulture matters. (1/2)


@changeling have you tried any of the third-party apps available for ? I'm using Skeets on iOS, the dev's been very responsive to any concerns I've brought up. But yes, the official site and app could really use some work and it's disappointing the folks behind them aren't making that a priority.

miki, avatar

@changeling Fortunately none of this really matters, as we are absolutely free to write a client of our own that does exactly what we want.

elosezno, (edited ) French avatar

Voulez-vous que se joigne au Fediverse ?

kunterbuntesneukoelln, German avatar

Wir haben dann mal unseren Wonderlink geupdated.
Ganz ehrlich: Wir wären fast gegangen, als unsere Mutuals zurück zu X und/oder zu Bluesky sind.
Wir dachten auch, wäre the "Next Big Thing", inzwischen ist "der Himmel" eher "die Hölle" und X angenehmer.

Danke an alle, die das so angenehm und gerade was Ratschläge betrifft, auch so hilfreich machen. ♥️♥️♥️

don, avatar

Ist der Weg des geringsten Widerstandes?

Ich habe ja jetzt auch einen BlueSky Account, um da mal hereinschauen zu können.

Was ich da jetzt wahrnehme, die üblichen großen Accounts, die es dort und im Fediverse gibt, schreiben viel mehr bei BlueSky als im Fediverse?

Woran könnte das liegen?

Gleisplan, avatar


ich verstehe es jedenfalls nicht 🫤

Barredo, avatar

daily messages sent in BlueSky seem to be going down, around 800,000 per day again

Barredo, avatar

active users are steadier and/or holding better, as well as other activities such as likes and follows

feed, Portuguese avatar

O Manual do Usuário e o Órbita estão de volta às redes sociais e aplicativos de mensagens. O experimento de março foi bom, mas os lembretes periódicos em plataformas externas fizeram falta.


TheGeeZus, avatar

Are #Bluesky & Reddit down at the same time?

TheGeeZus, avatar

@mackuba Actually, I was able to log back in.

Maybe a hiccup that provoked some users to be logged out.

Thanks for letting me know good sir!

mackuba, avatar

@TheGeeZus Apparently there was some kind of outage on one or more servers on that day…

MevsMatze, German avatar

Made a post on #BlueSky yesterday which went viral and now my smartphone explodes getting hundreds of notifications :blobcatgooglyholdingitsheadinitshands:

Abbildung von Microsoft SwiftKey-Tastatur

MevsMatze, avatar

@mackuba I get it if people prefer BlueSky, I get if people prefer the Fediverse.

Both have there pros and cons.

Met a lot of great folks on both sites and here it's more of a personal feeling, but if I want to discuss #Film topics I get definitely more interaction there.

mackuba, avatar

@MevsMatze I can't wait for the Bridgy to launch, so maybe we can start making connections between the two spaces…

o_simardcasanova, avatar

Ozone, 's tool for providing moderation services to the community, is surprisingly "simple" to install.

Not everyone can install it. But all you need is a Docker-enabled server.

By comparison, installing a instance is a lot more complicated.

o_simardcasanova, avatar

I'm definitely not a system administrator. But at the end of 2022, I tried to install a instance on a virtual private server.

I was never able to get the instance to work, even if I carefully followed the instructions.

Things may have improved since then though.

zleap, avatar


I agee with @aral that things need to be easy to deploy, and maintain.


Four months ago, I created a Bluesky account to play around this the API and managed to create a simple node script to post a status to it. I wasn’t able to figure out how to get it to work with IFTTT, though. This week, I spun up a Pipedream workflow to try to post an announcement when a new blog post goes up.

If you wanted to replicate what I have so far, you should be able to set up your trigger like this and then the second step just looks like …

The only issue is that Bluesky requires you to specify exactly where in the string the URIs are and I don’t think that I can be bothered to figure out how to go about that at the moment. Until I figure that out, folks will need to copy and paste URLs instead of clicking on them.

mackuba, avatar

@joe You could try using the RichText class from the atproto module like in this project here, I think it should handle all the facet detection:

fromjason, avatar

Is there a documented, credible source for why Jack Dorsey has distanced himself from ?

I know the narrative is that he now doesn't have as much power and influence over the platform and protocol. But what is that based on? The fact that he deleted his BlueSky account and now hangs on Nostr?

That doesn't make sense.

mackuba, avatar

@yulian @fromjason @proximacentauri It is as simple as this

mackuba, avatar

@fromjason @yulian @proximacentauri He doesn't own it, and she was the CEO from the very beginning, so any kind of difference in opinions or vision that appeared which led to him losing some interest has happened long after she became the CEO

sharan, avatar

finally has hashtags. Do you use that social network?

sharan, avatar

@thomas of course, you're the king of the castle!

mackuba, avatar

@sharan Yup! I wish more people from here would come there, but I like the UX, the technical architecture and the API much more there

amgine, avatar

With and , now is a good moment to mention the e-Petition for the of to set up their own instance which would let us follow our on independent where they are not subject to the whims of single person or corporation.


Please sign e-4769 (Media and telecommunications)

J12t, avatar

On the question of “What’s the plan to make money?”, CEO Jay Graeber says:

“We’ve been building marketplaces within the app, essentially. So, we’ve got information marketplaces, moderation marketplaces..”

How can that produce enough revenue to make the VCs happy? Just what kind of information marketplaces might she be thinking of that can produce those results?

o_simardcasanova, avatar

@J12t It’s worth exploring other business models.

The two current ones are completely broken: you either sell or exploit users’ data (as legacy social media do), or you rely on donations but then you don’t have enough resources to scale (as repeatedly shown by Mastodon).

I’m not saying Bluesky will be profitable. Nobody knows. But exploring a third way that generates enough money while avoid mining personal data is interesting.

J12t, avatar

@o_simardcasanova Other models are certainly needed and any experiments are to be welcomed. But they need to have a chance to produce enough revenue, and I cannot see that paid moderation can do that.

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