josh, to poetry

"We Two Boys Together Clinging by Walt Whitman

We two boys together clinging, One the other never leaving, Up and down the roads going, North and South excursions making, Power enjoying, elbows stretching, fingers clutching, Arm'd and fearless, eating, drinking, sleeping, loving, No law less than ourselves owning, sailing, soldiering, thieving, threatening, Misers, menials, priests alarming, air breathing, water drinking, on the turf or the sea-beach dancing, Cities wrenching, ease scorning, statutes mocking, feebleness chasing, Fulfilling our foray."

-- "Leaves of Grass"

spreadmastodon, to fediverse avatar

🔥 We are excited to let everyone know that our full website is now live!

We hope this will be an easy way for new users to get started with & join the wider & an organizing hub to build & spread a better, more open social web of ALL fediverse offerings.

With the in full force & the likely launch bringing new attention to the Fediverse it is all the more urgent to help

@spreadmastodon @fediversereport

spreadmastodon, avatar

@spreadmastodon @fediversereport

Shortly we will be opening up all the code used in this website to a full Open Source license.

Not everything would apply, but we would hope this open source code could be used by anyone building out a similar onboarding portals for the Fedi.

For example: , , or or
or other sites may find parts of the code here useful and not have to rebuild EVERYTHING from scratch.

josh, to poetry

"I Hear It Was Charged Against Me by Walt Whitman

I hear it was charged against me that I sought to destroy institutions, But really I am neither for nor against institutions, (What indeed have I in common with them? or what with the destruction of them?) Only I will establish in the Mannahatta and in every city of these States inland and seaboard, And in the fields and woods, and above every keel little or large that dents the water, Without edifices or rules or trustees or any argument, The institution of the dear love of comrades."

-- "Leaves of Grass"

janeadams, to fediverse avatar

THREAD: I made a series of images for an Instagram post I made about migrating to the fediverse. I figured I'd share with anyone else who wants to use, so I included some blank template versions too. DM if you'd like the Adobe Illustrator file so you can make your own edits. And please,comment if I got anything wrong so I can correct it.


acousticmirror, avatar

@janeadams I was going to mention , too, but that might clutter up your graphic. @kainoa

Rambling Readers ( (

Do you know there's a #fediverse alternative to Amazon-owned #Goodreads? #BookWyrm is a social network for tracking your reading, writing reviews, and discovering what to read next. You can follow and interact with users on different #BookWyrm instances and on #Mastodon. You can import from a Goodreads CSV export. You can create...

confusedbunny, to books in Rambling Readers (

@Remillard @bookstodon @Rainbright Hashtags on don't seem to work properly, unless that has been fixed. In theory though it ought to work as you say. Default hashtags for certain Bookwyrm events might be good too. I've not posted to Bookwyrm since following my account from kbin, so not sure how it works there.

TheNurseIsIn, to books in Rambling Readers ( avatar

@jwilker @dbsalk @Rainbright @bookstodon @Remillard @confusedbunny I, too, use Storygraph, but I'll check out

cdrum, to fediverse

Posted another blog post about getting ( @bookwyrm ) installed on my local Synology NAS at home. I used Cloudfare tunnels to bypass the port forwarding issue, and to make the SSL certificates easier to deal with. I’m still finding my way around Bookwyrm, but feel free to find me at

NickEast, to Stoicism avatar
Annevelink_AD, to books

Winner Pulitzer Prize, Winner Women's Prize for Fiction

youronlyone, to lemmyworld in Is more active than

First, welcome to the #Fediverse! I'm glad you found your way in the #ActivityPub-based “federation network”.

So, wait… what are these terminologies? And what exactly is the “Fediverse”?

Think of it like this:

  • Name: Web
  • Protocol: HTTP
  • Browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Naver Whale

Then you have the Fediverse:

All these “fediverse browsers”, like Lemmy and Kbin, are commonly referred to as fediverse software. (extra info: Wikipedia calls Lemmy, Kbin, and similar answers-type or Threads-type software as “Link-aggregators”.)

There is no “Mastodon network”. There is no “mastoverse”. There is no “threadiverse”. There is no “Threadinet”, or whichever -verse / -network people are coming up with.

Any software that is using the ActivityPub protocol is part of the “Fediverse network”. Just like how any software that uses the HTTProtocol is part of the Web.

That clear so far?

Now, we go to your question.

Q: I moved to and have noticed that has been popping up as another featured instance. What differs from vs Is .ml more active? and are called instances (the terminology used to refer to a fediverse server/service). These two are only two out of many fediverse instances available. In paritcular, these two instances are only two out of probably a hundred Lemmy-based instances available.

What differs between the two? As far as features and functionalities go, none. Since these two Lemmy-based instances are using the same software, they have the same set of features. The only difference would be if one instance fell behind in Lemmy version upgrades.

Since is one of two flaship servers of the Lemmy software project, naturally it will get the bulk of registrations and content.

For example, before the Reddit Migration, there were already existing communities for many similar Subreddits, and many of those are in and are very active. So, when Subreddits started to migrate, some chose and other lemmy instances. Which allowed to catch up with the number of users and number of active communities that already have. AND, some of these are about the same topics/fandom.

So… yep, that's the detailed explanation. ^_^

I hope I wasn't confusing.

youronlyone, to literature in What do you use to track your reading?

@Deebster I used to use #Anobii as well, it was far better than #Goodreads in its early days, unfortunately, the latter overtook them. Now, most of my shelves are on Goodreads.

You can go self-hosting mode. You can self-host #BookWyrm, or the traditional, ever reliable, #Calibre. ^_^ I no longer use Calibre because Goodreads.

On the BookWyrm side of things, it can import your books from Goodreads.

teroshan, to literature in What do you use to track your reading?

@Deebster The only thing I really really miss with is an API, I want to be able to automatically synchronize my shelves and individual book status/progress with both and .

There is an open issue on the subject, so 🤞

Shadow, to fediverse

After setting up personal instances. I have no energy left lol.

with plugin
(on hold)

All running on

Tired Af GIF

seanbala, to twitter avatar

I've been thinking about the difference between the #Twitter and #Reddit implosions. I was not very invested in Twitter, so I did not feel like I have been missing much. But Reddit is a different story. I went through a bad period a few years ago and, far from being a cesspool, Reddit actually helped me pull myself out of my slump. Sharing with others on things I care about was a godsend. I don't care about Twitter - but I am sad about the stuff with Reddit and the loss of communities. 1/2

seanbala, avatar

I am contemplating exploring #Lemmy or #Kbin but for now, I think I want to do more here to build up #Mastodon, and to invest in #BookWyrm and actual use my #Pixelfed account. The great thing about the #Fediverse is that so much is happening all the time - and we can follow along no matter where we are.

While I don't know how the stuff with #Reddit will end, I think some people (like me) might need some time to mourn what might be lost - and hope we can find it again.


BobQuasit, to fediverse

Finally! I've been trying to blog here for days, but the lag has been impossible.

Lemmy doesn't seem to have the option to blog to your own account at all - and I don't know if anyone else in the Fediverse outside of kbin will be able to see this entry here. Likewise, Bookwyrm allows me to post "Direct Message"s to my own profile, as far as I can tell - effectively microblogging - but they appear to be private only, which makes me suspect that I'm the only one who can see them. Even if that's not the case, I'm completely in the dark as to whether anyone outside of Bookwyrm can read them!

youronlyone, to kbinMeta in What instances is federated with?
youronlyone avatar

It depends on how you look at it. There are thousands of fediverse servers, and there are at least a million active users in total.

Based on the context of this discussion thread/branch, those Lemmy servers mentioned would not even fall near the “dominating the network”, they are very far from dominating the fediverse network.

But, if you are referring to “Reddit-like / Stackexchange-like / Quora-lack”, then sure, those servers mentioned are “dominating” the “answers UI/UX” space. However, the fediverse doesn't work like that, and you probably won't even notice it while using any fediverse software.

In the fediverse, #Lemmy and #Kbin servers acts like a group. If you have used #Chirp and #Guppe groups ( and respectively), then Lemmy and Kbin servers works similarly.

If I post to a Lemmy “community” or to a Kbin “magazine”, that post will be re-shared/boosted/re-posted to everyone who subscribed/followed that community/magazine. Anyone who replies to that post, it will be re-shared/boosted/re-posted also.

In other fediverse software, it will just appear as a regular status update thread. In Lemmy and Kbin, it will appear as a comment to a certain post.

It's the same for, say, #BookWyrm. The flagship BookWyrm server is “dominating” the “bookshelf UI/UX” space, however, outside of that, it's just another software. The only difference is that with BookWyrm, you get a shelf, track your book reading, leave reviews to a specific book, and so on.

However, everything else are the same… if you leave a comment or posts an update about the book you are reading, it is no different from using #Calckey, #Hubzilla, #Friendica #Misskey, #Rebased, #Akkoma, #Mastodon, #Pleroma, to post a new update that “I am not at page 879 of the book ‘Shaka. When the Walls Fell’.”

And as far as the fediverse is concerned, BookWyrm is far from “dominating” the network.


#MycelialNetwork #ActivityPub

ramblingreaders, to fediverse avatar

Do you know there's a alternative to Amazon-owned ? is a social network for tracking your reading, writing reviews, and discovering what to read next. You can follow and interact with users on different instances and on . You can import from a Goodreads CSV export. You can create private shelves and curated lists. Join us at or choose one of the other instances available @bookstodon


@krebstar @theotherotherone @ramblingreaders @bookstodon From what I gather you can follow someone’s activity from Mastodon, but if you want to interact with the Bookwrym model/interface that includes managing your own books and so on, you’ll need an account on a Bookwyrm instance. But if you aren’t huge social media person, you could just live on Bookwyrm and follow Mastodon accounts.

gme, to fediverse
KelsonV, to fediverse in Other use cases for the fediverse avatar

is a book review site like Goodreads

is a blogging service, and Medium is actually working on Fediverse integration.

josh, to Futurology avatar

Wow. I've wanted hashtags in for a while, but now that hashtag support is built-in I see they're even more meaningful than I realized.

They make BookWyrm posts WAY more visible, a real clear example of the importance of hashtags on fedi.

My ~daily poetry posts used to get 5 boosts if I got lucky.

Now? This:

NickEast, to books avatar

Unfortunately, many of them have passed away. But there are always new authors to discover, let me know who is your current favourite ☺️

@bookstodon @bookstadon @bookbubble
@books @writingcommunity

#Reading #Readers
#Favourite #Author #Happy #Cats
#ReadingCommunity #Bookwyrm #Bookstodon #BookLove #Books #BoostingIsSharing

nacho, to random Spanish

Un año más, se nos ha calentado el hocico muy fuerte en la Feria del Libro


Me ha molado que al ir a añadirlos a (la instancia de a la que pertenezco) me ha podido importar casi todos directamente tirando de ISBN sin tener que añadir el libro yo mano. Buena noticia para el fediverso que esta alternativa libre a Goodreads cada vez tenga más vidilla :flan_aww:

Richard_Littler, to books avatar

Authors: This is what will happen in the future to the books you so meticulously crafted...
Real people did this.
Imagine what AI publishers will do.

A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift. Cover: A man kneels before a dancing showgirl/dancer. A cartoon version of a scene from Singin in the Rain?

toolbear, avatar

Addressing this will take more than technical solutions, yet I have my feelers up for anything like a decentralized bookshop[.]org emerging.

Something that integrates with and alternatives and is less about creating a slush fund Bookshop[.]org style and much closer to their supposed mission of supporting local bookstores.


Discovery — fedi word of mouth and bookwyrm

Reviews — bookwyrm (etc.)

Payment / escrow — open collective (?)

Fulfillment — local store

symfonystation, to fediverse avatar

Enjoy our article: You say you want a revolution: help the free, fair, and friendly Fediverse destroy Big Social. :fediverse: :mastodon: #Fediverse #ActivityPub #Mastodon #PixelFed #Friendica #PeerTube #kbin #FunkWhale #Owncast #Plemora #Lemmy #Bookwyrm

BookWyrm als soziale Platform zum Bücherlesen im Fediverse

Moin, ich bin vor ca. 3 Wochen die Platform Bookwyrm beigetreten und wollte es euch vorstellen und empfehlen. Bookwyrm ist, wie Lemmy und Mastadon, eine Platform mit Föderationsmöglichkeiten im Fediverse (durch ActivityPub). Es gibt hinzu verschiedene Instanzen, in diesem Fall bin ich beigreten....

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