Linux_Is_Best, to fediverse

Sharkey / Misskey really need to improve the scroll bar for web browsers. It is the same color as the website, no matter what theme, making it nearly invisible, and they've used some CSS to make it so thin, I think they were trying to hide it altogether.



In before, some random Sharkey fan or developer, once again blames something on Misskey.

That seems to be a running theme.

Linux_Is_Best, to fediverse

The Fediverse will need to develop an automated spam management system.

In short, an AI

Do you think any mainstream social media platform would stand a chance against A.I.s trying to break into their system with people alone? Because if you do, you are fooling yourself.

I work for Meta and I know our automated system catches 99% of everything, but even with that remaining 1% I am still employed full-time with 8-12 hour work days. Most of what I manage now are reviews and appeals


Do you know what helped kill forums?

The lack of proper automated spam management. Forum communities made it seem like a daunting task to register and join, making users jump through hoops to prove they were human. All while AIs easily defeated Capacha, Human Q&A, and e-mail verification.

Social media took a different route. They knew to fight AI you needed AI. As a result joining social media was easy and painless for a person.

ruud, to random avatar

Those wanting to try out an alternative to Mastodon, you're welcome to create an account on #Sharkey has a very different layout, but most of the same features as Mastodon, and many features Mastodon hasn't. Just see for yourself, and it's fine to either use it as a second account, or you can decide to migrate your current account to it, if you really like it.

CodexNotFound, avatar

@ruud It looks interesting, I'll make an test account later, and might migrate over if I like it.

Are there recommendations for a app for ?

kubikpixel, to Bulgaria German avatar

in den 'en der und ist vorhanden, doch bringen diese wirklich einen für die und nicht nur dem ? Ich gehe mal davon aus, dass viele -Dienste dies nicht wirklich einhalten oder nur knapp an deren Grenze. Ich habe mich damit noch zu oberflächlich befasst da die ihr eigenes hat. Wie siehst du es?



Nun wenn ich das immer richtig lese müssten bestimmte Dienste des Meta Konzerns schon lange in Europa abgeschaltet werden.
Ebenso gewissen Betriebssysteme die hier im Einsatz sind.

Aber das wird keiner wagen, denn wenn die ganzen Dinge nicht mehr zur Verfügung stehen, steht zum einen die Wirtschaft still und die Bevölkerung die sich an diese Dinge schon gewöhnt haben wird aufstehen.

Das ist wie bei einem Drogenabhängigen - nimmst du ihm das Weg (weil es ja ihm nicht gut tut) dann ...

Aus dem Grund

puniko, to random



@puniko How does it work with in ? ​:ablobcatheadphonesfast:​

Linux_Is_Best, to fediverse

Att Fediverse

The flagship instance of Fire Fish is now OFFLINE.

The significance of this event is many of the Fire Fish Developers have previously come forward claiming the lead developer vanished. Unfortunately, the lead developer treated their project as a centralized project, meaning that they were the sole person making decisions, giving no access to accounts or code changes or even donations, despite having a team behind them.

1 of 2


2 of 2

Fire Fish is now a dead project with the lead developer missing for more than half a year, the remaining developers disbanding, and today, the flagship instance Fire Fish dot Social going OFFLINE.

It is strongly recommended that you migrate your instance to another platform.

You have options

  • Sharkey
  • Misskey
  • Mastodon

Please consider Fire Fish no longer receives updates, including security.

darnell, to threads avatar

So is slowly killing off , & Shop is spamming users to the point they are reopening ‽ I can not wait to introduce people to ! 🕺🏾

👉🏾 Instagram Threads triples downloads in December, reaching the top 10; X falls to No. 36


@badtux @darnell I stopped using about 6 months after I started using it, and switched to Misskey-based shortform blogging like , and now or .

It really is a better user experience.

My instance is cutting edge.

irfan, to gaming

Made this post a while back about (and related things) on compared to . TLDR; gaming performance has been fine, with some minor quirks (at least on ) such as performing better somehow without than with (which is fine by me) - the only "issue" had to do with / while also running a .

I did some further digging and honestly, I don't think there's much issue/performance hit with gaming while recording on , using NVIDIA . I haven't really done proper testing, but it honestly has been fine. My games hit 144FPS, or close at 1440p Max settings pretty easily w my 3080 Ti. I record them by simply adding a "Window Capture" scene and selecting the appropriate window, that's it. People recommended "obs-vkcapture" from my post, and that's been nice too - with that plugin, you only need a single "Game Capture" scene on OBS, and add a launch command to the game's properties on . Once you launch the game, OBS will immediately be "hooked" to the game and ready to record. People mentioned that doing it this way should prolly be more performant/efficient, but from my limited testing, both ways seem fine.

One thing I forgot to mention though was . Voicemeeter's a really freaking neat audio tool on Windows that allowed you to essentially have a virtual audio interface. It does plenty of things, but what I and most people use it for is to split several application audio into separate audio tracks i.e. is on one audio track, on another, on another, and so on. This was essential as it allowed me to record my games while being on a Discord call, or have playing and not have any audio but the game's to be included in the recording using OBS.

I did a quick search and found a plugin called "obs-pipewire-audio-capture" that solved this need. If your distro is already using for audio (which I think most/all distro do for the past few years), enabling this plugin is as easy as installing the plugin by downloading it from their repo and adding it to OBS's plugins folder. After a restart, you can now add multiple audio tracks as scenes to OBS for each application i.e. Spotify, Discord, Games, etc. and enable/disable any of these tracks accordingly for your recording.

All in all, no issues at all recording while gaming/anything. My only issue now has to do with streaming games to friends while gaming i.e. through Discord. Discord does not yet support this (with audio) on Linux, but there's a custom Discord client that's able to do this called "discord-screenaudio" though with a sizeable performance hit if you're going to be streaming anything intensive such as games - anything else (that isn't intensive) like , , etc. has been (mostly) perfectly fine.

Discord surprised us last year by claiming/maintaining the Discord on , PLEASE surprise us again by giving us STREAMING WITH AUDIO.


mook, to random avatar

one issue i'm having with is that with lists you can't tell it to 'hide from home timeline' which was very convenient because it allowed me to follow news bots without clogging up my home feed #sharkey

mook, avatar

i'm not seeing a chat window either? idk while the css themes look pretty cool, seems to have less features than iceshrimp, i mean one can just copy over the themes #sharkey

mook, avatar

i'm gonna just have to unfollow a bunch of accounts or just not use the home timeline anymore because yeah these bots really clog shit up #sharkey

apps, to fediverse avatar

3.27.1 has been published for all.


  • Tap on account banners to display them as media


  • Position lost when switching between accounts
  • Wrong profiles when enabling remote conversations
  • local timeline
  • Peertube instances search
  • Crashes of the previous release

Have a nice week-end


Thanks for the new version.

There seems to be a bug with instances - notifications tab is always empty.

crazy2bike, to fediverse German

Ich werde der ein oder andere Person einen auf meinen ermöglichen und habe dazu eine allgemeinere als meine eigene registriert.

Nun stellt sich noch die Frage nach der richtgen für die .

Gut wäre natürlich etwas, was möglichst und eine verspricht. Da fällt einem natürlich als Erstes ein.

Das gefällt mir aber im Vergleich zu anderen Möglichkeiten weder optisch, noch finde ich die gut.

Derzeit bin ich ja auf unterwegs, aber das scheint den letzen Prognosen zu Folge ein höchstwahrscheinlich totes Pferd zu sein.

als weiteren -Nachfolger teste ich gerade auch, was für mich eine mögliche Alternative zu Firefish ist. Aber auch dieses Projekt ist ja noch sehr frisch und in meinen Augen einfach nicht absehbar, wie dauerhaft das Ganze fortbesteht.

Auf war ich ja auch schon eine Zeit lang unterwegs, aber das ist optisch auch sehr angestaubt und hat bei mir auf dem Server auch datenbanktechnisch rebelliert.

Ich weiß, dass es noch eine ganze Reihe Alternativen gibt, will und kann aber nicht alles durchprobieren.

Daher hoffe ich auf gute Tipps.

Wichtig ist

  • kein, hohes oder einstellbares Zeichenlimit
  • gute Strukturierung und Kategoriesierung von Lesezeichen (wie bei Firefish und Sharkey mit den Clips)
  • Folgen von und / oder Begriffen (wie bei Firefish und Sharkey mit den Newspickern / Antennen)
  • gutes, ansprechendes und leicht bedienbares responsive Design für die Nutzung auf dem Smartphone (oder volle Unterstützung durch eine App wie bei Mastodon)

Schön wäre

  • Konfigurierbarkeit des Speicherverbrauchs durch die Föderation (was wird wie lange auf dem eigenen Server vorgehalten) wie bei Mastodon
  • automatische Löschung von Beiträgen konfigurierbar wie bei Mastodon
  • hohe Wahscheinlichkeit einer nachhaltigen Weiterentwicklung
  • Moderierte Kontoerstellung wie bei Mastodon

Je länger ich hier schreibe, denke ich, dass Mastodon für sehr vieles davon wohl die richtige Software wäre - will ich aber eigentlich aus Gründen nicht.


@crossgolf_rebel Das finde ich übrigens noch einen Pluspunkt bei : Man hat nicht den Eindruck, dass die Issues, die man anlegt, in einem schwarzen Loch verschwinden.
Mein erstes Issue war innerhalb von Minuten gelöst, bei anderen kommt ziemlich schnell ein Kommentar meist von @Marie 🥰

shoq, to random avatar

So, as you may have heard, development seems to be in limbo. But the good folks at and have picked up the ball and run with it. So if you’re looking for an ActivityPub-based solution for your community ambitions, do take a look.

pepecyb, to random

Frage an die Spezialisten.

Ich habe gestern eine Subdomain angelegt, ein Zertifikat dafür erzeugt und dann nach der Anleitung in der Dokumentation sharkey mit Docker installiert. nginx zeigt per Reverse-Proxy auf den Container und die Seite ist auch ganz regulär erreichbar. Nach dem ersten Aufruf musste/habe ich das Admin-Konto erstellt. Soweit alles prima.

Nun habe ich aber zwei (womöglich noch mehr) fette Probleme. Ein Datei-Upload ins Drive bricht mit einer Fehlermeldung ab. Ich kann also nicht einmal ein Profilbild, nochsonst irgendwas hochladen. Leider hilft mir die Fehlermeldung nicht weiter, denn die ist einfach nur kryptisch:

Hochladen fehlgeschlagen
Internal error occurred. Please contact us if the error persists.

Was will mir das sagen? Wo liegt das Problem? Was habe ich beim Installieren ggf. übersehen?

Noch schlimmer ist, dass ich nicht föderiere und meine Instanz irgendwie keine anderen Instanzen "sieht". Eine Suche nach Nutzern führt zur Fehlermeldung> Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten

oder ähnlich.

Ich habe einige Relays eingerichtet. Die globale Timeline ist auch aktiv, wobei etliches da auch nicht landet.

Kann mir jemand (der eventuell ähnliche Probleme hatte) mal irgendwie einen Tipp geben? Muss keine fertige Lösung sein... ich wühle mich gerne selbst durch. Derzeit habe ich jedoch keine Idee.

Question for the specialists.

Yesterday I created a subdomain, generated a certificate for it and then installed sharkey with Docker according to the instructions in the documentation. nginx points to the container via reverse proxy and the site is also accessible as normal. After the first call, I had to/have created the admin account. So far everything is fine.

But now I have two (possibly more) big problems. A file upload to Drive is cancelled with an error message. So I can't even upload a profile picture or anything else. Unfortunately, the error message doesn't help me because it's just cryptic:> Upload failed

Internal error occurred. Please contact us if the error persists.

What is this trying to tell me? What is the problem? What might I have overlooked when installing?

What's worse is that I'm not federating and my instance somehow doesn't "see" any other instances. A search for users leads to the error message> An error has occurred

or similar.

I have set up some relays. The global timeline is also active, although some things don't end up there either.

Can someone (who may have had similar problems) give me a tip? Doesn't have to be a ready-made solution... I like to dig through it myself. But at the moment I have no idea.


Das Problem mit dem Datei-Upload ist dank der Hilfe von @Amelia gelöst. Nochmal vielen Dank für den Tipp.

War ein Problem mit der Berechtigung des files-Verzeichnisses. Im Container waren alle Berechtigungen korrekt auf sharkey:sharkey gesetzt. Nur für das files-Verzeichnis war es root:root.

Da hatte ich natürlich nicht nachgeschaut... ich Dussel.

Jedenfalls läuft das jetzt.

Und auch das Föderieren wird jetzt besser. Da war ich womöglich zu ungeduldig. Wobei ich seinerzeit, als ich Firefish aufgesetzt hatte, auch schneller "drin" war, im Fediverse. Das läuft mit gefühlt zäher (wie übrigens auch bei ).

Was mir allerdings auffällt:

Schon bei , noch drastischer jetzt aber bei ist die Tatsache, dass ich viele Nutzer, denen ich z.B. bei Firefish oder Hubzilla folge, nicht gefunden werden. Was mich dabei erstaunt ist, dass es scheinbar nicht an der Heimat-Instanz der Nutzer liegt. Während ich z.B. dem Nutzer

AT_beispiel_AT_beispielinstanz.tld folge

(und diesen auch in der Suche gefunden habe), wird beim Suchen nach


nicht gefunden und ich kann ihm auch nicht folgen.

Woran mag das nun wiederum liegen?

Hat jemand eine Idee?

The problem with the file upload has been solved thanks to the help of @Amelia. Thanks again for the tip.

It was a problem with the authorisation of the files directory. In the container, all permissions were correctly set to sharkey:sharkey. Only for the files directory was it root:root.

Of course I hadn't looked there... silly me.

Anyway, it works now.

And the federation is also better now. I may have been too impatient. Although when I set up Firefish, I was also "in" the Fediverse more quickly. It feels slower with (as with , by the way).

What strikes me, however:

Already with Misskey, but even more drastically now with Sharkey, is the fact that many users I follow on Firefish or Hubzilla, for example, cannot be found. What surprises me is that it doesn't seem to be due to the user's home instance. For example, while I follow the user


(and have also found it in the search), when I search for


it is not found and I cannot follow it either.

What might be the reason for this?

Does anyone have any ideas?


Mair, to random avatar

I wish there was a hide post function

Like, I don't want to mute this person, I just don't want to scroll past this particular post constantly.


@Mair same, like really strongly same. On Lemmy I can make a post disappear or at least collapse a comment from the chain, can we get something similar on please?

fediverseobserver, to fediverse

Found 1 new servers and 7 servers died off since 2 hours ago.

24,119 servers checked. 13,895,300 Total Users with 1,677,897 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New servers found: a server from Private

Help others find a home, send them to

irfan, to iOS

I love that I could use with . Wish I could say the same for on .

po3mah, to random avatar

Is there a painless way to upgrade server ( to something with more perspective (that will not die in the next 6 months)? What do you suggest? ? ? ?

box464, to random avatar

While the mastodon community has a meltdown over new verbiage attached to a post visibility setting, is offering up seasonal screen effects.

Sometimes you don’t need a good reason. Just add something random that brings a little joy to the table.


A video displays the toggling on of a selection called “Enable seasonal effects” on a Sharkey instance. Once enabled, a full screen 3-d snow effect covers the timeline. You can still read the timeline easily.

volpeon, to random

Is there a way to re-index all posts? It doesn't use the old index so I can't search old posts ​:drgn_flat:​

ada, to passkeys avatar

Oh nice! Sharkey supports passkeys!

bumble, to random

If you're a member, this is probably your last day to grab your data as it is shutting down.

Take a backup now.

Also, while the site is still live you can migrate your followers to another Mastodon server.
you can migrate your followers AND old posts to most Misskey style instances. Like us here at -- a instance ​:sharkey:​

fediverseobserver, to fediverse

Found 1 new servers and 11 servers died off since 2 hours ago.

24,514 servers checked. 13,596,029 Total Users with 1,735,395 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New servers found: a server from Finland

Help others find a home, send them to

fediverseobserver, to fediverse

Found 1 new servers and 5 servers died off since 2 hours ago.

24,514 servers checked. 13,596,029 Total Users with 1,735,395 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New servers found: a server from Finland

Help others find a home, send them to

0x4d6165, to random

Figured it out! Turns out, from looking at the source code, as far as I can tell object storage downloads aren't authenticated with the key so there has to be a public get object rule. ​:sharkey:​

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