alienmelon, to queer avatar

the Queer Games Bundle is here!
a bundle packed with 450+ games, tabletop games, books, zines, albums, and art, all from queer creators:
“Purchasing the Queer Games Bundle is a direct action that you can take right now to support queer people in a life-changing way, and in exchange, you get over 450 amazing, heartfelt, fun, and radical games and artworks.”
#Queer #QueerArt #GameDev #IndieGames #Art #Zine #DIY #Games #lgbtq #lgbtqia

InterzoneMag, to random avatar


In this issue: stories by Seán Padraic Birnie, E.G. Condé, Rachael Cupp, Roby Davies, Matt Hollingsworth, Prashanth Srivatsa, and R. Wren; columns by Alexander Glass, Nick Lowe, Val Nolan, and Aliya Whiteley; and book reviews by Gautam Bhatia, Zachary Gillan, Kelly Jennings, Paul Kincaid, Giselle Leeb, and Val Nolan. The cover art, SIBILANCE, is by Carly A-F.

Subscriptions and issues direct from IZ

bugthebard, to SciComm avatar

If you love wasps or want to learn to love wasps, my free zine "to love a wasp" is full of facts about how wasps help us with balancing ecosystems, pollination, and plenty more wasp propaganda. There's a digital version and a version that you can print and fold yourself.

Download it on here:

First page of the zine "to love a wasp" featuring a cartoon illustration of a northern paper wasp,

eeen, to photography avatar

My first small zine is ready for consumption! Limited run of 100, boosts appreciated!

The image displays an open book on a gray fabric surface, showing two black and white photographs spread across both pages. On the left side, there is an abstract composition with three white circles, which appear to be suspended, against a background of dark, diagonally-striped patterns. On the right side, the photo depicts a large white circle with a dark horizontal line through its center, creating a bold contrast. The circle appears to be glowing, with a halo-like effect, against a dark background. Both images exhibit a play of geometry and contrast, focusing on shapes and the interplay of light and shadow.
The image shows an open book with two black and white photographs on a gray fabric surface. On the left page, there's a close-up photograph of what appears to be palm fronds or similar long, narrow leaves extending diagonally across the frame from bottom left to top right, with their pointed tips lit up, creating a sense of depth and texture. The right page features a photograph with a pattern of parallel diagonal lines filling the frame, creating a visual rhythm and the illusion of movement or vibration. The lines have varying widths and spacing, suggesting they might be shadows or reflections on a ridged surface. The contrasting textures and patterns of both images create a dynamic visual experience.

supernatpod, to Podcast avatar
alienmelon, to diy avatar

another Electric Zine Jam is upon us! 😎
the theme of this 2024 jam is “the future of the past”~
get creative! make some electric zines! ⚡️📝💕✂️✏️

autonomysolidarity, (edited ) to prochoice German avatar

Fundis lol* eigentlich ist es zum heulen, aber lest selbst...
der antisexistischen Aktion München
"Wir wollen euch einen Überblick über die Ideologie, Methoden und AkteurInnen der Anti-Choice-Bewegung geben und deutlich machen, dass der Kampf für sexuelle Selbstbestimmung und reproduktive Rechte nach wie vor notwendig ist."
Inhaltshinweis! Schwangerschaftsabbrüche, patriarchale Gewalt, Polizeigewalt


blockforest, to Goth avatar

Don't usually do the hard sell here but bizarrely Etsy is covering a £5 off of orders over £25+ for this weekend only (ends Sunday eve) so head over to my shop - - if you want a little discount.
Offer is open to buyers in UK, USA and Canada only (etsy's rules - not mine).

I don't usually do sales so this as good as it gets!

JoscelynTransient, (edited ) to transgender avatar

Launching "How to Gender Euphoria" as a zine!!!

Subscribe at:

So, I've been promising to turn my thread on gender euphoria advice ( into something more. Well, the time has come: announcing the "How to Gender Euphoria" zine!

The goal is to create a zine that I will publish every two months. Each issue will focus on an area or topic of gender euphoria, including practical how-to's, short essays reflecting on gendery things, and even an advice column! Yes, you and anyone else can send in questions about how to pursue your euphoria!

The first several issues will be focused upon gender euphoria for trans fems, but if I get enough support I can help pay for trans masc contributors to join the project and expand to trans masc focused issues. That's the goal anyway. If this goes really well, we may branch out into other topics and areas as well.

Ortie, to queer avatar

Appel à contribution pour un zine sur les ruralités queers, tout médium, fin de l'appel en mai

Les zones rurales ne sont pas vierges de nos histoires!
Histoires réelles, ou fantasmées, les espaces « hors ville » modifient souvent nos perceptions et nos possibles en tant que queer (et pas que).
Ces espaces apparaissent bien différents selon nos vécus, et se superposent aux enjeux préexistants entre villes et ruralités.

Car si la vie queer est évidente en ville, elle semble impalpable hors des « hameaux » de 20 000 habitantx ! ET POURTANT!

>> Partageons nos créations! Racontons nos enjeux, nos mémoires, nos réflexions, nos
questionnements et les spécificités de nos environnements.

Nous attendons avec impatience vos contributions autour des ruralités en tant que personnes queer*!
Envoyez d'ici mai, de manière anonymes ou non, vos textes, images, poésies, photos, archives...à
(et pourquoi pas préciser votre rapport aux zones hors-villes : vécus, aspirations, expériences brèves etc !)
Ce fanzine sera imprimé avec les moyens du bord, il sera vendu à prix libre ou prix coutant et mis en libre accès sur
S’il génère quelques bénéfices, ils seront réinjecté dans de nouveaux projets avec le meme axe ou sera
donné à d’autres causes de queer-précaires en galère (mutuelle TPG / frais de justice / asso de soin queer etc.) en vous consultant par mail.

Ce zine est à l’initiative d’une poignée de personnes d’un collectif queer à vocation de stimulation créative.
Il sera diffusé sous la license Creative Commons Attribution: – Pas d’Utilisation Commerciale – Partage dans les Mêmes Conditions (CC BY-NC-SA). Les droits d’auteurices restent à leur auteurices (donc vous)

Les contenus ne seront pas diffusés s’ils nous paraissent véhiculer des propos: misogynes, transmisogynes, putophobes, homophobe, lesbophobe, enbyphobe, transphobe, raciste, nationalistes, islamophobe, antisémite, xénophobe, ethnocentriste, classiste, colonialiste, grossophobe, agiste, capacitiste (/validiste), sérophobes, essentialiste, complotiste...
#zine #fanzine #queer #lgbtqi #ruralité

villares, to python avatar

So I have "remastered" my 2019 #Processing + #Python #creativeCoding #zine desenho(), with #py5 code examples now, and translated most of it into English. You can make a small donation and download it from (or even have a signed copy sent to you...)

t_the_zine, to random avatar

Finally, T! returns!

Volume 1 Issue 2 will be available on 26th November from

sidereal, to Facebook avatar

Well, my on how to start a radical, fighting has officially been on ! Several posts from several people have been removed. From up to a year and a half ago! So why not check it out? If Zuckerberg doesn't want you to read it, there must be something good in there, right?

t_the_zine, to trans avatar
supernatpod, to Podcast avatar

The 2024 #SupernaturalSelection #zine is taking art and writing submissions through June! Come draw or write #monsters and #cryptids you freaks!

#openZines #submissions #weird #podcast #illustration #openSubmissions #zinefest

buru5, to magazine avatar

On Computer Games Monthly #1
The is complete!

This is digital nostalgia; a collective of writers from the striving to capture the subjective quality of with stories about life-and-stuff.

Issue#1 covers November2000 and features: , , , , the and consoles, and much more.

read/download here:

[credits in reply]

rotfarm, to diy avatar

Do you have people in your life that bug you to troubleshoot computer problems for them?

Do they keep buying cheap, laptops or get hand-me-downs from family with no idea how to keep them running?

Do they keep complaining how computers "just don't last"?

Get them my zine!

Pre-order on sale at

Sophie, to Zines avatar

Hello hello! I’m looking for that carry , and who might be interested in carrying mine!

I work with Screaming Into The Future to make zines on / topics. We work closely with orgs like @mappingtransjoy and @SolidarityHistory to promote and causes.

Our growing collection can be found here:


antiaall3s, to random avatar

"Together, we should fight the forces that want some of us dead, and the rest of us meekly agreeing to their tyranny. The disabled or the chronically ill are considered as surplus under the neoliberal capitalist system – we are no longer of economic value, and thus worthless. Refusing to fight this notion means being subservient & compliant to the interests and wishes of the rich and powerful"

Boosts appreciated :anarchistflagblack:

antiaall3s, avatar

Our open letter is now available as a zine, as a PDF either print-ready in black&white or web-readable in color.

"There will be no anti-capitalist revolution (whatever form it might take) without anti-ableism and antieugenics."

Sophie, to queer avatar

Beautiful makers! Please send me links to buy your stuff! I’m building out my collection to start doing pop up around my city

Particularly interested in / content and / . Preference is for physical copies.

Please !

supernatpod, to Paranormal avatar

We're almost halfway through the #submission period of the #SupernaturalSelection cryptid zine! We want to share art and writing about cryptids of all sorts! learn more about the guidelines at the site -

#zine #openZine #cryptid #monster #art #writing

alienmelon, to gamedev avatar

The Electric Zine spring jam is here!
🌱 make some zines this spring! ✨
“This jam Is a place to share all your funky fresh ideas made with the funky fresh freeware! The jam starts on April 1st and Ends on June 5th so let your ideas slow cook!”
#GameJam #ZineJam #GameDev #Art #DIY #FOSS #FreeWare #Zine #Zines
(reposts welcome to spread the word 🙏)

supernatpod, to random avatar

We're approaching the final two months of the #submissions period for the #SuperNatPod #zine, all about #cryptids and monsters!

We're taking writing and art - so if you want to contribute you have a little time left.

More details here:

#openZines #weird

autonomysolidarity, to random German avatar

Das 40,00€ teurer gewordene Nachfolgeticket zum 9-Euro-Ticket soll Daten melken. Zwar solle das Ticket übergangsweise nicht nur für Smartphones erhältlich sein sondern auch auf Chip-Karten und kurzzeitig auf Papier mit QR-Code, aber wichtig scheint es den Regierenden vor allem anderen, dass mit dem 49€-Ticket Echtzeit-Verkehrsdaten erhoben werden können.

Positiv klingt zunächst: "Es werde nicht gespeichert, wer von A nach B fährt, sondern nur, wie stark die Verkehrsmittel ausgelastet sind. Für die Fahrgäste könnte das ein Nutzen sein, weil die Verkehrsunternehmen so für ausreichend Kapazitäten sorgen könnten."

Allerdings: Das Ticket wird wohl nur als Abo personalisiert erworben werden können, so dass darüber anfallende Personendaten zukünftig schnell integriert werden könnten. Mit Hinblick auf den aktuellen massiven Ausbau des Überwachungsstaats und der Kontrollgesellschaft in Deutschland und der EU (digitale Personenkennziffer/RegMod, Chatkontrolle, Identifizierungspflicht, Biometrie, eIDAS uvm) ist es doch auch gar nicht die Frage ob, sondern nur wann und mit welchem Vorwand (Anschläge, Pandemie, Jugendschutz, Wahlkampf) personalisierte Datenerfassung und Polizeizugriffe kommen werden, sobald die digitale Kontrollinfrastruktur erst einmal errichtet wurde.

autonomysolidarity, (edited ) avatar

Wie Schütze ich meine Daten vor Einsicht durch die Behörden!
-All Computers are Beschlagnahmt-

"Die deutschen Behörden können deine elektronischen Geräte beschlagnahmen, auslesen und deine Kommunikation überwachen. Das passiert gar nicht so selten. Sei vorbereitet wenn der Fall eintritt. Mit ein paar Tricks kannst du dafür sorgen dass die ganze Aktion zwar nervig ist, aber erfolglos bleibt. Denn wer will schon, dass der Staat in persönlichen Daten rumschnüffelt?
Auf den nächsten Seiten bekommst du einige Anhaltspunkte wie du dich schützen kannst auch ohne ein Computernerd zu sein.
Lieber jetzt ein wenig Arbeit investieren und dafür bleiben später deine Daten für die Cops tabu."

Sumire, to pnpde German avatar

Während ich auf Arbeit was sehr Langweiliges tue, überlegt mein Hirn jetzt konstant, ob und wie ich mein 10 Jahre altes Piratenszenario von DSA aus der vielleicht als Abenteuer verarbeiten kann.

Es wären natürlich ein paar größere Änderungen notwendig. Aber Bock hätte ich drauf. ☠️🏴‍☠️

Sumire, avatar

Ahoi ihr Freibeuter, Pirat*innen und seefahrendes Volk!

Mein Abenteuer "Flaschenschiff" für Pirate Borg ist soeben offiziell erschienen. Ihr würdet mich unglaublich erfreuen, wenn ihr einen Blick drauf werft!

Ich bitte ja sonst nicht um Boosts, aber in diesem Fall, wäre es wirklich toll! 🏴‍☠️

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