
fell, avatar

Without going into too much detail, my thesis was criticised for developing a web service with C++. I It was questioned why I didn't use #NodeJS or #Java for the web service. "It's not performance critical" said the professor.

Dude, have you used the internet lately?

EVERYTHING is performance critical!

This sort of teaching explains why most aps/websites run like absolute dogshit.

Why is #performance never an academic criteria?

I wish @cmuratori could see this...

#cpp #programming

DanielaKEngert, avatar

@setebos @fell @folkerschamel If your job is to call a bunch of API functions from external libraries (usually implemented in one of the system languages) that do the heavy lifting, then any language will do (COBOL anyone?). It's only familiarity (and hence velocity) that matters then. And cost of operations.


@folkerschamel @fell I agree with this. In my experience, people asume that something is slow just because it’s written in #python and usually it turns out that it’s because of developer oversight. In cases where Python is indeed a problem, I managed to solve most of my performance issues with caching, or simple code tweeks.

Adorable_Sergal, (edited ) avatar

We used to have programming books.

(patch notes: added a more detailed description of the man to the alt text)

glightly, avatar
eribosot, avatar

@Adorable_Sergal Apparently, FORTH is a language for real, well-endowed, manly men, not wimpy cucks with micropenises. Only those who can hold up a giant block of granite while kneeling on a keyboard key are worthy.

vwbusguy, avatar

Here's some hard truth about C - It's not going away. It's not that it's perfect, but it is immensely portable and useful. More importantly, no other language has come close to its ubiquity. I'm not saying other languages don't do some things better (they definitely do!), but we're going to be stuck with C for a while yet.

RL_Dane, avatar


Find me another language that can be implemented in a little RAM and storage as C. I doubt you'd find too many.

For a lot of people, the problem with modern programming languages isn't syntax or features, its B L O A T

vwbusguy, avatar

Not to even mention how many other more "modern" languages still depend on C in some very big ways because of the operating system APIs, native database drivers, or the language itself is written in it (PHP, CPython).

davidbisset, avatar

"What are your top 12 books?"

Me: 🤔

laskov, avatar

@davidbisset "Googling the Error Message" is a must-have classic

tubetime, avatar

@davidbisset my personal favorite.


@asklemmy How do you listen to music / podcasts? At what places?

For me, I mostly listen on podcasts during my drive or commuting on the train, via bluebooth earphones even in my car.

When doing deep work such as on the computer, I listened to music out loud (bluetooth speaker) in my home office.

Share your favourite apps, channels or even gadgets in your audio experience.


I know. It’s about 8000 songs. I work off of a 900 song playlist in my car.

BigBananaDealer, avatar

i listen to music on my drives to anywhere, and most of the day at work. i sometimes listen to podcasts near the end of my work day


So, I’m low-key thinking of writing my first-ever graphics-heavy software. (Specifically, to do with VR / UIs, but not gaming.)

Thing is, my experience is with PLT & compilers, distsys, FOSS … but extremely not graphics, GPUs, or single-host performance of pretty much any kind.

I need advice. If I want to learn some relatively-low-level graphics stuff, but I have zero relevant background; where do I start?

Any resources for me (tutorials, books, well-known starter projects?)

(Also, any Mastodon accounts I should follow on this topic? Poke me if you're into this stuff and I'll follow you! :P)

#programming #rendering #graphics #cg #cgi #compsci #gamedev #indiedev #gpu #gpuprogramming #opensource #augmentedreality #ar #virtualreality #vr


to lean on my existing network a bit … 😅

/cc @aeva @mcc @glowcoil

mcc, avatar

@aeva @ELLIOTTCABLE Checking and… god damn it Microsoft really did something nasty to us when they decided to have the C# VM specification technically be named the "CLI"

veronica, avatar

When you've spent hours writing a lot of code, and you figure out that most of it doesn't work they way you'd though together with the rest of the code base, so you revert most of it and are left with a small chunk of useful stuff ...

That's a Monday.

Time to go watch some SciFi instead 😊

18+ tmr232, avatar

@veronica @jwildeboer

  • in the books, but I don't think it would've worked as a show.
    This took on a far more personal approach to the story. It's great, and impactful, but I really don't know where things are going.

I have some gripes with the show: one is that the vault feels too powerful; the other is that I did not enjoy the Tellem arc; but assuming the rest will play out well - they are minor.

18+ tmr232, avatar

@veronica @jwildeboer

And the Demerzel finale is so strong. I absolutely love what they did with her character. Pulling so much emotion from a character that is portrayed as so cold and calculating. Fantastic work.

nixCraft, avatar

what was your last "how to..." search about #programming or #Linux or #Unix topics? 🤔🔍

cathodion, avatar

@nixCraft flask user-generated content handling. things like replacing the \n’s with <br>’s without breaking the safety defaults. haven’t quite figured it out yet.


@nixCraft Add custom/personal zsh functions
Like half an hour ago


Is being a "minimalist programmer" a thing? 👀

As in a programmer who specializes in coding with as few external dependencies as possible. Or is this just generally frown upon?


IMHO "dependency discipline" is at the core of responsible system design.


jochie, avatar

@Em0nM4stodon I don't know if there is a name for it, but I imagine that for anyone who has been bitten by dependency hell in some form or another, the pendulum has swung in that direction: "I can add library XYZ, and who knows when that is going to bite me, because it's no longer maintained, has a security vulnerability in some unrelated part, etc, or I can write just what I need in 10-50 lines of code.”

AmenZwa, avatar

My favourite #programming language implementations:
• C—Clang
• Smalltalk—Pharo
• Scheme—Racket
• Standard ML—SML/NJ
• Haskell—GHC
• Idris—reference
• OCaml—reference
• Go—reference
• Swift—reference
• Rust—reference
• Elixir—reference
• Nim—reference
• Zig—reference
• Python—reference
• TypeScript—reference

I countenance other languages and their implementations.

AmenZwa, avatar

@lproven @dekkzz76 I usually work with signal processing, image processing, radar, etc. I don't mean to trample the grounds outside my domain.

And I take your pointed objections about my choice of terminology. I was using those terms to describe the reinvention of old technologies in the Web stack, so I couldn't have avoided their use.

dekkzz76, avatar

@AmenZwa @lproven

very interesting conversation

thisismissem, (edited ) avatar

Okay Fediverse, as funding is not happening at the levels necessary to sustain me working full-time on the Fediverse (whether that's on trust & safety or on Mastodon), I'm now looking for part-time or contract positions.

Most recently I worked for Sir Tim Berners-Lee's company Inrupt.


I'm based in Berlin, but tend to work EST.

Holla if you wanna work together:

thisismissem, avatar

Here's two of my recent recommendations that can be found on my LinkedIn profile:

becha, avatar
julienbarnoin, avatar

I've been working a lot with #glsl for a while now, writing complex code. Overall, I feel like the single improvement that would make the most difference for the language would be support for pass-by-reference instead of copy in/copy out syntax, as suggested here

This would make it possible to do a lot of things that are either not possible or ridiculously inefficient to compile, including object oriented programming.

#programming #gamedev

julienbarnoin, avatar

Also one thing that should be easier to do (I imagine) if pass by reference exists, is to accept arbitrary length arrays as parameters.

Right now you can declare a local array and iterate on it with a for loop on its .length(), but you can't move that for loop to a common function that accepts various array sizes as input. The only way to avoid repeating the code is using macros, which sucks.

Again for a language that inlines everything this seems like a strange omission.

dneto, avatar

@gfxstrand @julienbarnoin

#WGSL has pass by ref but we call them pointers.

And it also has a no aliasing restriction; you can't have two names for the same variable memory and have a RW, WR, or WW hazard in the same function.

And with all that our compiler does call site specialization until it boils those pointer params away. It's convenient for the programmer but can bloat code size (hopefully no more than hand rolling it yourself)

markstos, avatar

For MLK day here in the US, I'm going to be doing some equity work with and mabe some and posting some updates throughout the day in this thread. If that's your jam, follow along.

Otherwise, you may want to mute me for 24 hours, because this may get noisy. 🧵

markstos, avatar

Why build a ped bridge if it's not going to connect anywhere useful, or safely? "Pedestrian Bridges of North Texas" captures the vibe of how our government often uses pedestrian bridges to solve transportation problems.

enobacon, avatar
shaedrich, avatar

I've been #programming for 14 years now, have been using #PHP, #JavaScript, #ColdFusion, #Ruby, and whatnot, but holy cow, when reading the following chapter, I've literally been yelling "what the heck" at every second paragraph:

I mean, #PonyLang really tries to explain everything in depth, and I appreciate the effort, but while it works fine in earlier chapters, it confuses the heck out of me in this at length.

#amProgramming #amCoding #computerScience

shaedrich, avatar

@Crell Well, that's probably because someone decided, they don't like polymorphism ^^

Crell, avatar

@shaedrich LOL. Who, me, the PHP team in 2004, or the Pony team? 😛

I've written on the difference between "is a" and "makes use of" before, when advocating for traits. Though I think default methods are a better answer most of the time:


Music Recommendation Request :ablobdj:​:

I have been coding a lot this week
and I think I have listened to the entirety of YouTube's "Programming Music" mixes :ablobcatbongokeyboard:​🎶

Do you have any YouTube or ideally even PeerTube "Programming Music" mixes to recommend to me? 👀​

Preferably something without lyrics, energetic but not like going to a club, and not slow like being in a spa 😅


If you're looking for something a little different, you might enjoy this. It's not a mix (because most of his songs have some lyrics, although they're mostly in Yoruba), but it is a fun listen!

Alister, avatar

@Em0nM4stodon Right now, I'm listening to a 1hr version of of a tune - but it's not making me want to attack a American special-ops squad, in a small village in Qatar 😆

parcifal, avatar

How often do you git commit? Should you be committing very frequently? What's your opinion?


@parcifal It depends on the context. When it comes to my personal projects, my commits don't affect anyone else. If a feature I'm planning to implement consists of three tangible units of work, I'll commit as soon as each unit is implemented, unless, of course, they're small enough to be done together in one day. At work, I believe it doesn't matter too. People develop new features in separate branches, and commits should be squashed before creating a pull request.

luciano, avatar

@parcifal Not as much as I want to but much more than I did when I was new.

anderseknert, avatar

What's your / of choice, and why is it so? Do you use that for all tasks and languages, or do you switch between editors depending on what you're working on?

I mostly use / for large projects, and for simpler ones. But tbh, I find myself increasingly using VS Code even for projects where I'd previously would reach for IntelliJ. And their poor story around language server integrations makes them feel less relevant today than they used to be.

iliveinatechworld, avatar

@anderseknert No. Visual Studio, for instance, is Windows only, although I guess that is really more #IDE than just editor.
I would call VS Code an IDE as well, but there are those that claim it doesn't have all the functionality of one.
And XCode is macOS only.

anderseknert, avatar

@iliveinatechworld yeah, that’s true. Definitely some IDEs with a more narrow user base.

veronica, avatar

I'm experimenting with a new Preferences dialog for my app. These are never easy to make and are usually hard to navigate due to the volume of labels and buttons.

I'm testing out putting all the setting on a long page with navigation buttons. This replaces the traditional tabbed layout the app currently uses.

It is still an information overload. Maybe I can also make the content searchable?

A short video of a Preferences dialog in a writing application. All settings are in a long, scrollable list on the right, with a series of navigation buttons on the left that takes you to each category of settings when they are clicked.

matt, avatar

@veronica that looks great! I think the only way to improve that is to use similar strings as well, but it’s hard to predict what users will search for! Time for some testing 😅

veronica, avatar

@matt Yeah, problem with more fuzzy logic is that these strings are translated into multiple languages by contributiors. Also, there are only 49 settings.

gregorni, (edited ) avatar

What do you say to whitespace-sensitive/oriented programming languages, assuming your IDE supports the whitespace-behaviour really well, and all the tooling around it is generally good?

dreamos82, avatar

@gregorni yes. I mean if the language is a good language, i will use it. But if it is not good, or i don't like it (i. e. Javascript/typescript) i will hate them no matter the syntax lol

gregorni, avatar

@dreamos82 That sounds like a good mindset, I like that.

gregorni, avatar

What does your development environment look like right now?

(IDE/Text Editor? Terminal Multiplexer? Package Manager? Shell? Programming Language? Containerization? Command Runner? Terminal Emulator?)

montar, avatar

@gregorni Emacs

gregorni, avatar

@montar Took me a second to figure out what operating system you're running 😂

joelanman, avatar

In Node you can easily load json like this:

const myData = require('data.json')  

is there an equivalent in the new import syntax?

joelanman, avatar

@bcdavid wow thanks for the in depth explainer!

joelanman, avatar

found another gotcha, you could use require to load json any time, import can only be used to load json in the root scope (not in functions for example)

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