atomicpoet, to fediversenews avatar

This is dramatic! is 4 users away from overtaking as the 6th largest server on the Fediverse!

At least according to FediDB:


darnell, avatar

@jupiter_rowland It would be cool if admins made an effort to import all of Join ( accounts into Friendica.

I am not sure if one server could handle all of those accounts, but numerous smaller ones could.

atomicpoet, to fediversenews avatar

This take is annoying.

But it's also not entirely @gruber's fault because the media doesn't really talk about the Fediverse, and when they do, it's as a synonym for "Mastodon".

How would @gruber know about the massive development efforts to build more user-friendly alternatives to Mastodon?

No one in the media talks about the growth of *key apps, and how they're now the #2 most used Fediverse platform.

That story isn't being told.



@MetalSamurai @markrprior @maegul @atomicpoet

The main reason why I can't move from my current installation to anything else ( , , , or ) is that none of them accept importing an existing backup from a different service into a brand-new account. At most you can migrate your address but not your posts.

oblomov, to fediverse avatar

One thing I was hoping from was the possibility to recycle media file. If I uploaded a GIF for a post, why would I need o reupload if I intended to include it into another post?

leodurruti, avatar

@oblomov has it. In order to attach an image to a post you must upload it to your media gallery first. It is a bit devious as a procedure, but then you have the image in the gallery and you can use it whenever you want

atomicpoet, to fediversenews avatar

Relatica, a Friendica iOS client made by @hankg, has made significant progress!

The UI is a lot smoother. The timeline looks great too.

This is still in beta, and not available on the App Store yet—but I’m excited about this!



So great to see work being done on apps!

@hankg @fediversenews

maegul, avatar

@atomicpoet @hankg @fediversenews Cool to hear.

One of the things that struck me exploring was just how low 's user counts are!

By total users, on par with and .

By MAU, less than , and hometown (and barely above akkoma).

I figured, seeing those, numbers, that they could probably do with some promotion or lift of some sort.

atomicpoet, (edited ) to fediversenews avatar


No more unicode hacks! This makes the Fediverse more usable!

I knew this update was supposed to support this, but this is the first time I've seen this in the wild.

This post was composed in Friendica, and Mastodon now accurately displays:

  • Quotes
  • Bold
  • Italics

Currently, I’ve only seen rich text rendered in Mastodon’s native web app. I don’t see it in the mobile app.

See screenshot!


maegul, avatar

@eshep @jupiter_rowland @atomicpoet @mcv

Under-appreciated factor I'd guess.

For my part, I gave a brief try and it didn't really grab me in part because of the number of features. Not that that's a bad thing for me, I'm just a "simple interface with discoverable customisable features/complexity when you want them" kind of person, and so friendica felt like an awkward middle ground for me.

Re mastodon, guessing, I think publicity/marketing is always the annoying differentiator.

atomicpoet, to fediversenews avatar

Despite only being validated in February, I think Group federation has been a smashing success for the Fediverse.

I use Fediverse groups every day.

And if you’re interacting with this post, so are you.

Fediverse groups even make Mastodon that much more extensible despite Mastodon itself not officially supporting groups yet.


youronlyone, avatar


It will depend on the platform. For example, (and to an extent and ), the owner of the group (and anyone else given moderation access) can block accounts. There is also which can also block accounts.

Then there is , which is a rebranded itself a rebranded (the first software, c. 2008) have built-in groups feature; which IIRC, can also block users if needed.

Personally, services like Guppe really need to add moderation features, otherwise, what you just described will more likely happen.

@jupiter_rowland @fediversenews

BlurTheFur, to random avatar

Was kinda surprised that more people don't use . Think a lot of it comes down to the UI being pretty dated, though that seems very fixable.

danie10, avatar

@BlurTheFur yep the UI and no good mobile client yet. Theming is quite easy, but it would help if someone were modify the UI look and feel a bit - I did a video overview about at It is really packed full of features and closer to a Facebook type network but integrates well into the Fediverse.

nikita32, to internet avatar

Massive step back for Mastodon ! I think @Gargon is giving up on decentralisation and getting behind the rat race started by bluesky.

Why would anyone join a bluesky clone if one can join bluesky itself ?


@nikita32 Time to begin advocating for other fediverse projects!

, and others!

some servers running alternative softwares that i can endorse: (Calckey server for LGBTQ+ people and their allies and accomplices) (possibly running server seeming to be aimed at members )

rolle, to fediverse avatar

I would like to endorse other minor web apps in the , but most of them are full of UI glitches, are incomplete and downright buggy looking odd things.

From my designer point of view and are the only effective ones, because they speak to people who are used to proper visual design language (read: Non-nerds, non-engineers, the regular people and design oriented people).

Things like , , and newer niche apps cause reactions like: "What is this?", they look like back end is fine but nobody is in charge of the design and the UI has no direction whatsoever. It's the general culprit in the programming world: A back end developer thinks everything is fine when we add a CSS framework and that's that.

If we just get the UI right everywhere, we get more people to the . I just wish there was more /design people willing to contribute.


@rolle Unfortunately this is very true. Having tried several, they are not ready for prime time. They are buggy, too loaded up with features that don't all work, and way too busy with things like a riot of color and dancing emojis. When you spend a little time actually trying to use them, you get a real appreciation for the difficulty of clean UI design, and the importance of testing testing testing testing before rolling out capabilities. Mastodon is sort of a bulky dated UI, but it works.

Every little UI decision is critical to a platform's success, and the initial user experience is vital. It could be argued that defaulting to dark mode and 16:9 image clipping is in large part responsible for people bouncing off Mastodon, because it makes the UI look junky. That said, Mastodon works really well, and the more you use it the more you appreciate the functionality decisions.

JonathanMosen, to random avatar

Has anyone made contact with the people behind ? I think many people would like to use it, but it has a few unlabelled buttons in the room UI.
I haven’t been able to find any way to contact them but this would be a big hit in the blind community if it were a bit more .


@pitermach @JonathanMosen Speaking of though, there’s a fork of it called :
, that also may be of interest to folks here, especially if ya wish to not go the or Hubzilla root.

dragfyre, to random avatar

Alright, I guess it's time that I try out for real. @dragfyre is now a thing. I'll probably use it mainly for gaming stuff.

dragfyre, avatar

Although the initial euphoria has died down a bit, it's still pretty fun to check in on from 's lens. I especially like the channels (pictured in attached image), which are basically Calckey's built-in groups feature. Seems like you can't follow them from other parts of the like you can with groups, but 1) the is way nicer than Friendica's; and 2) I love that you can mark posts as local-only. Definitely something to watch for the long term.

queenslight, to fediverse

So, looking at three clients on the Mac so far, those being (also on Android) and , all of them if running on a Mac using (where Kimis is a Mac exclusive), all three of them have some issue or another at the moment.


As for , I'll be over there as well sometime.

When that is, highly unsure at the moment. One thing's definite though, both Friendica and have a way set more of friendly clients for screen reader use, on all platforms.

Misskey 's new, ain't gonna go hard on them too much. I know someone among the blind community will.

mitexleo, to random

So, we can't speak up against Bill Gates Or Pfizer ?

@admin @atomicpoet


@mitexleo you better leave Calckey, how many times should I say it? Join Mastodon, its best!

FINE, join at least if you want so much quote posts thing, but DON'T join Calckey, it has a BAD, AWFUL community!

Still, after all, is better.

P.S. I see you liking my posts, but you need to respond, dude. Why did you decided leave Mastodon for Calckey?

PLEASE, join ANY other project you want, but I'll block soon, so you'll be unable to interact with me.

kojote, to random German avatar

Wenn man seinen Blog als SocialMedia Plattform betrachtet, wird bloggen auch in etwa so unkompliziert wie selbiges. Ein paar Zeilen, ein Bild, fertig


@kojote Mastodon, oder oder andere heissen ja "Microblogging" Plattformen. Wenn es längere Texte sind, wie bei einem "normalen" Blog, kann man , oder andere nehmen oder auch Wordpress mit dem Plugin. Das bietet so viel!

m0bi13, to random Polish avatar

Zapraszam do lektury nowego wpisu na moim blogasku "m0bi o Fedi":

O metodzie Kopiego Pasta
Czyli dlaczego bez “Wyszukaj lub wklej adres” na Mastodonie się nie da.

P.S. Artykuł o migracji niebawem ;)

otwartezrodlo, avatar

@m0bi13 Potwierdzam: warto nauczyć się korzystania z wyszukiwarki w i przyzwyczaić się do jej używania. Fajnie, że o tym napisałeś! 👍 Tym bardziej, że to działa nie tylko w -ie, ale też w innych usługach ( itd.).

gnulinux, to fediverse German avatar

Fediverse-Serie - Foundkey: nicht nur Microblogging

Foundkey ist eine Microblogging-Software, die aber nicht nur Microblogging kann.


@crafti gnulinux selbst hat ja einen Mastodon-Account @gnulinux, daher ist diese Perspektive sowieso schon vertreten. Aber gerade die (noch) unbekannteren -Projekte vorzustellen ist ja das Ziel unserer Fediverse-Artikelserie !
Hier sind auch immerhin schon 11 Projekte vorgestellt worden: &
In Planung sind bereits: &
Zu allen anderen werden noch Leute gesucht, die einen Artikel dazu schreiben. Vakant sind bspw. noch & . Es sollten Artikel aus der Binnen-Perspektive sein, damit es auch wirklich anschauliche Einblicke gibt. Das kann auch nur ein kleiner, bespielhafter Erfahrungsbericht aus User-Perspektive sein oder auch (wie u.a. jetzt bei dem Foundkey-Artikel) von Leuten, die das Projekt selbst entwickeln oder mitentwickeln und/oder Admin-Erfahrung haben.

Hier im Podcasts ab ca. Min. 15 werden auch noch mal von @Lioh einige Hintergründe zum Fediverse berichtet, an dem sie auch selbst aktiv mitentwickelt hat (auch sehr aufschlussreich in Bezug auf die aktuellen Zentralisierungs-Tendenzen im Fediverse)

Für alle Themen und Projekte gilt aber: ist ein Community-Projekt, an dem alle eingeladen und aufgerufen sind, mitzuwirken und selbst zu schreiben:
Je mehr Perspektiven hier eingebracht werden, desto besser! @Kaiteki @caos

mammoth, to random avatar

Mammoth for Mastodon is now available to download for free on the App Store! 🎉

It has the easiest way to join Mastodon with a great onboarding flow and no need to think about what server to join, it’s full-featured with complete Mastodon feature parity, and fully customizable to tweak it just the way you want and make it yours.


@mammoth Will support other -based systems in the future? Like the , (, , …) , , & Co.?

briankrebs, to random

I'm pretty sure Mastodon is the first social network I've been on that didn't immediately ask me to betray all of the people in my address book.

tallship, avatar


I'm pretty sure that the is one of the first social networks I've been on that didn't ever ask me to betray any of the people in my address book.


KelsonV, to RSS avatar

I got tired of forgetting where the / are on various platforms and having to track them down, so I started a list.

Currently covers deep breath , , , , , & forks, & forks , , , , , and


Feel free to let me know what I should add to the list (or any corrections I need to make) in a reply to this post!


@KelsonV I see an Atom feed button on my profile (<host>/profile/<name>) which opens <host>/dfrn_poll/<name>. Discovery in Feeder gives another Atom feed as well with url <host>/feed/<name>/. The latter seems to work better.

expertmanofficial, to fediverse en-us

Lol. Just started to read @spreadmastodon 's bio.

  1. To post to the group, post on Mastodon as normal and @mention this group.

Guys, it's anyone could do the same thing.
How ironic that is to create an account on #Friendica promoting #Mastodon ......if you want to promote Mastodon use for that Twitter , but not Friendica.

Why Friendica? Can't you just create a group via another service? There's some....

nemobis, to FediMeta avatar

@ariadne Do you happen to know if allows such control over ? I see a mention of detailed permissions.

mentions reply visibility.

On a single-user instance (or very small community), limited federation might help the user have more control on interactions. has some discussions:

danie10, to opensource avatar

The Friendica social network can be installed via a Docker Container

Friendica actually has its own federating protocol, but it supports others too, such as Activity Pub (Fediverse), Twitter, Tumblr, and more. So it becomes a single client app that you can use as a hub to various other social networks (including Mastodon as pa ...continues


hankg, to mastodon

Question for those that use Mastodon clients that allow multiple accounts logged in concurrently. Is that more like a fast switching between accounts but at any one time you are a particular user or is it merging timelines/contacts/etc. across all the accounts? As part of my Relatica refactoring I think I'm going to try to add multi-account support and the former seems to be the right way to go to minimize confusion for most workflows.

bitpickup, to fediverse avatar


Just use and you can post and interact with and protocol at the same time. The beauty of the is that not every platform has to do everything.

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