A community to discuss disabilities.

@ubikaritas@med-mastodon.com avatar

My #CovidIsNotOver table at the Association for the Rhetoric of Science, Technology, and Medicine (ARSTM) at the Rhetoric Society (RSA)! Art by @JoBlakely and @violetblue ; zines by @hnewlevant ; flyers by @phpledge and bit.ly/lesscovid. Thanks to everyone for the suggestions on how to make it engaging--it's been lovely to meet other #CovidCautious people and create some visibility around #disability and #COVID .

@inquiline@union.place avatar
@ahimsa_pdx@disabled.social avatar

From The Sick Times:

"How to make spaces more accessible during the continuing pandemic"


"A blueprint for radical inclusion and living a full, safer life within the context of Covid-19 exists.

Many mutual aid groups and initiatives advocating for clean air and continued Covid-19 safety are emerging all over the world using technology and layers of protection to help mitigate the spread of viruses."

@junesim63@mstdn.social avatar

At last. The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is launching an enquiry into the way the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) treats claims by ill and disabled people.
The focus will be on health checks that assess individuals’ eligibility for disability benefits such as personal independence payment and “fit for work” tests that qualify claimants for the disability elements of Universal Credit.


@meganL@mas.to avatar

Lots of folks think blindness is only 100% not being able to see anything.

That is incorrect.

Blind folks have been saying this all along, but in case you want this from the medical perspective...

In what is sadly common - this video from an ophthalmologist is not fully accessible. It should have an audio description option.


@Andres4NY@social.ridetrans.it avatar

@meganL Interesting, I learned things. Thanks for sharing!


I think I found the first Disability dongle made by Disabled people. This Glide has a subscription and this deposit doesn’t mean that you are pre-ordering it. Naturally, I’m not ordering one but here it is if you want to explore https://glidance.io/deposit/ #Disability #DisabilityDongle #Tech


@zersiax @weirdwriter But the underlying technology is open source, so I wonder if some of the Soundscape tech is going to be reused.

@zersiax@cupoftea.social avatar

@jackf723 @weirdwriter Not sure. This gadget doesn't seem to really use sound much, its more of a ...yank on your arm to get you to turn the right way kind of concept that I can see

@thereaders@disabled.social avatar

thought i was getting $100 as a birthday 🎁 but that’s understandably just not in the cards. I need help covering my phone bill, I believe I have 10 days after it’s due before it gets cut off. All help is good help☺️



@mutualaid @mutual_aid

@thereaders@disabled.social avatar

@mutualaid @mutual_aid SIDE NOTE: I just remembered I can’t transfer money to my bank via PayPal anymore so I will need to find someone to trade this with. I don’t think enough Canadians would be comfortable donating via etransfer to try and raise the money that way

HoernchenCecile, German
@HoernchenCecile@todon.eu avatar

auf Bahn.de oder in der DB App steht bei der Wagenreihung keine Information darüber wo der Platz sich befindet.
Was für ein ICE fährt ist auch nicht in der App. mann muss sich entweder auskennen (Wagennummer kenne, was nicht bei jedem ICE gleich ist) oder viel durchklicken um info zu finden

auf Bahn Experte (keine DB Seite) https://bahn.expert/ dagegen sind die Informationen.
Dort gibts Live Infos zu den Zügen in den nächsten 2 Stunden. (Siehe screenshot mit einem Beispiel zu heute Bhf Lüneburg unten)

wäre gut diese Infos auch schon bei der Reiseplanung zu haben, und zwar alle an einem Ort. Um nicht mühsam zusammen suchen zu müssen. Denn je nach ICE Modell sind unterschiedlich viele Rollstuhlplätze, Platz für den Rollstuhl (ICE T vermeide ich wenn es geht, Erfahrung mit gewaltsamer Rausschmis, siehe https://blog.eichhoernchen.fr/post/die-deutsche-bahn-hat-ein-ableismusproblem/ war traumatisierend) .

Mit dem ICE 4 kann ich in der Theorie wenn der Bordlift funktioniert / das Personal in der Lage dazu ist spontan fahren. Aber schwierig wenn ich nicht weiß wo der einzige Wagen in dem ich rein komme hält. die Infos finde ich immerhin bei Bahn Expert.
Warum kann das die DB nicht machen?


@HoernchenCecile@todon.eu avatar

Ärgerlich ist, dass Reisende mit Behinderung in der App nicht sehen können ob Behindertenplätze und Rollstuhlplätze frei sind, diese nicht reservieren können.
Wir müssen immer extra Formular auf einer anderen Seite ausfüllen, oder eine Telefonzentrale anrufen (mit Wartemusik).
Bei der ÖBB (österreichische Bahn) kann man seinen Rollstuhlplatz mit der Fahrkarte online buchen...

wann gibt es endlich die benötigten Infos in der DB App und auf der DB Homepage?
Wann kann ich endlich meinen Rollstuhlplatz online zusammen mit der Fahrkarte in einem Wurf reservieren?
Wann kann ich endlich wirklich spontan reisen, wie Nicht-Behinderte?

Selbst für ein Fahrrad oder ein Hund kann ich einen Platz reservieren... Menschen mit Behinderung müssen sich hinten anstellen. #Grundrechte nur auf dem Papier...

#BarriereBahn #Behinderung #Disability #Bahn #BahnApp #Diskriminierung

@atarifrosch@mastodon.de avatar

@HoernchenCecile @bahnkundenv Ich hörte mal, daß die Information, welcher Zug(typ) wann auf welcher Linie fährt, nur recht kurzfristig sicher zur Verfügung steht, weil es ja auch immer wieder Ausfälle und Änderungen durch Reparaturen an Zügen gibt. Das heißt, die Bahn weiß ein paar Wochen vorher selber noch nicht sicher, welcher Zug/Zugtyp jetzt auf Deiner Strecke fahren wird.

@puneetsiinghal01@mastodon.social avatar

"Ableism looks like calling people 'inspiring' for navigating a system that is designed for exclusion, while doing nothing to hold the system accountable." - Carson Tueller

@meganL@mas.to avatar

"(Stella) Young coined the term “inspiration porn” to describe how describing disabled people as 'inspirational' can be objectifying."

https://19thnews.org/2024/05/jennifer-wexton-speech-congress-voice-app-disability-conversation/ @disability

hiisikoloart, Finnish
@hiisikoloart@writing.exchange avatar

My day began with my brain trying to both inplode and explode at the same time. Which, for the record, is not great.

So I had a nap just so I could manage to do the dishes. That "little" task took all life out of me again.

Abled people just don't know.

@Skiriki@mstdn.social avatar

@hiisikoloart Today's list of tasks successfully done:

  1. Be awake. Yes! Caffeine has been consumed.

  2. Did a load of laundry AND got it to dry.

  3. Second load of laundry, fingers crossed for drying.

  4. Bitched to my ISP to f*cking fix our company-grade networking.

  5. TODO: litterbawks.

@ChrisMayLA6@zirk.us avatar

Yesterday I posted on the inhumanity of denial of PIP payments - which I'll repost shortly.

In response I received many testaments to individual experiences of this cruel & unjust system.

If you are in any doubt that the PIP system is being used to punish the disabled & is not fit for the purpose it is claimed to serve, then expand the next post to read these stories.

Your will be shocked, saddened, but also impressed by claimants resilience in the face of adversity such as this!

@ChrisMayLA6@zirk.us avatar

Across the political Right, the narrative is that disability benefits (primarily Personal Independence Payments; PIPs) are too easy to get & are often paid to the 'undeserving'... however, in reality nearly half of applicants are rejected, rising to over two thirds for endometriosis (a gendered dimension I'll leave you to ponder), but with high rates of rejections over-turned on appeal (often with the same evidence).

More Tory lies, callousness & inhumanity


@purplepadma@beige.party avatar

@ChrisMayLA6 @Research_FTW I got “zeroed” last time I was reassessed, despite getting PIP for years for a lifelong condition. I appealed, and it was restored to its previous level. What a waste of time and money. Also they only gave me a year’s award… I will have bipolar until I die, but they want me to reapply for PIP every year. If they really want to reduce costs, they should end the constant reassessments

@IndyRichard@mastodon.scot avatar

@ChrisMayLA6 It says much that the far right think disability payments are "easy" to get. We put in many claims over the years for our son who will need 24x7 care for rest of his life. Once DWP decided to stop his payments while they considered a change in circumstance. That change was leaving school. They thought about this for 5 months leaving son with no money for rent, food, heating, clothing and having to survive on charity. I hate how our society picks on those at the bottom.

@pollybrocket@assemblag.es avatar

I am either making friends or enemies with subject librarians at my university this week by requesting many purchases of books about queer and disabled community building/intimacy/materiality and arts.

@ChrisMayLA6@zirk.us avatar

If you're not sure about the cruelty, inhumanity & injustice in the PIP system of benefits for those impacted by various health & ability issues, then you need to work through my timeline this morning, with posts responding to a post I made about PIP refusals & appeals - my heart goes out to those who have posted, and further emphasises that there are parts of our state apparatus that are cruel, callous & inhumane, just because they can be...

#disability #PIP #benefits

@junesim63@mstdn.social avatar

Contrary to recent Tory spin, the Department of Work & Pensions (DWP) is rejecting 40% of all Personal Independence Payment (PIP) claims.

Shockingly, these include:

50% with cerebral palsy
25% of amputees
40% with muscular dystrophy
45% with multiple sclerosis

This government continues its war on the disabled and vulnerable, purely to appeal to that portion of the electorate which has been taught to believe disability is a scam.


@blepharon@mas.to avatar


I wonder what current appeal success rate is at tribunal is? (when they eventually get to tribunal).
In my foodbank days, it was 60-70% success, which was an eloquent comment on uselessness/malice of DWP.

@junesim63@mstdn.social avatar

@blepharon It's around 70% according to this article. Of course many applicants don't have the means or access to professional backing to go to tribunal.

@JetlagJen@geekdom.social avatar

Thinking about how ridiculous and harmful it would be to replace with any kind of voucher scheme. I regularly spend money on things to help with managing my that aren't labelled as aids. Car parking because I can't walk far. Chunky boots so I feel more secure. Extra heating and a TV because often I can't leave the house. Phones for my kids so I can check in on them without climbing the stairs. Ready meals because cooking nope. A robot vacuum cleaner.


@tim@union.place avatar

I've got a good friend who's looking for help: if anyone in Los Angeles knows of a good disability lawyer who only takes a reasonable percentage of back pay awarded, please reach out and let me know, and I will pass it along.

@notes@social.coop avatar
@MediaActivist@todon.eu avatar

"Given the past history of how this government hands out contracts to accredited providers, their friends down the boozer can start ordering their super yacht catalogues now — while the rest of us can continue with our suicide watch over friends and family, affected by previous austerity programmes under the guise of welfare reforms which have cost the lives of over a hundred and twenty thousand people. The government has a struggle on its hands (along with the blood) if it expects to enact these changes before it’s ran out of power. That doesn’t mean it can’t. Or that a potential incoming Labour government wouldn’t pick up this particularly poisonous chalice..." https://freedomnews.org.uk/2024/05/10/disability-cuts-work-isnt-the-pull-sunak-thinks-it-is/

@aby@aus.social avatar

“A new study has analysed 26 RATs from Australia and Canada, finding only six could effectively detect the lowest concentrations of COVID-19… Researchers from James Cook University (JCU) say they were left ‘shocked’ after an analysis of 26 RATs from Australia and Canada found just six were effective at detecting the lowest concentration of COVID-19. One Canadian test failed to detect the COVID-19 protein entirely at any level of concentration… the six best performing RATs included the Canadian-approved BTNX Cassette, Flowflex, Medsup,... Fanttest, Innoscreen, and Juschek… BTNX, PCL, Medriva, Medomics, PanBio (Australia), PanBio (Canada), SDBiosensor, StandardQ, and Touchbio [are] the least responsive tests.”


h/t to Violet Blue on @Patreon for their [:

@thereaders@disabled.social avatar
@thereaders@disabled.social avatar
@aby@aus.social avatar

“New data shows thousands of patients caught COVID in Victorian public hospitals in the past two years — and hundreds died… Almost one in 10 patients who caught COVID in hospital died… almost six per week, on average.”


h/t to Violet Blue on @Patreon for their [:

@thereaders@disabled.social avatar

I'm trying to arrange a $93 loan for myself to be paid off Wednesday. It would need to be etransfer so if any Canadians can, help a home out and shoot me a dm!

@thereaders@disabled.social avatar
@Linux@sakurajima.social avatar

The creator of alt-text.org is looking for someone to take over the projects. Please reach out to her if you'd like to help and/or have an interest in accessible software.


#AltText #Disability #VisuallyImpaired

@thereaders@disabled.social avatar
@burner@norwoodzero.net avatar
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