
stefan, (edited )
@stefan@stefanbohacek.online avatar

I'm prototyping a fediverse sharing button. Anyone interested in giving it a try?

Feature highlights:

  • shows a logo of supported fediverse software
  • lets you share selected text
  • remembers the last fediverse domain used

Demo: https://fediverse-share-button.stefanbohacek.dev/
Download: https://github.com/stefanbohacek/fediverse-share-button/

@stefan@stefanbohacek.online avatar

@ErikUden Hah, thank you, very kind of you! I don't know if better, but I think it's good for people to have a variety of options to pick from :-)

@stefan@stefanbohacek.online avatar

Very easy to customize to fit your site, too!

#UXUI #WebDesign

stefan, (edited )
@stefan@stefanbohacek.online avatar

Hey everyone! I recently posted about my latest project, a universal fediverse sharing button: https://stefanbohacek.com/project/fediverse-sharing-button/

Is this something that you'd find useful for your website or blog?

EDIT: Thanks everyone for sharing and trying this out! I fixed an issue on iOS some of you might have run into, just FYI.

@stefan@stefanbohacek.online avatar

@Adam Thank you, really appreciate all your help and feedback!

@stefan@stefanbohacek.online avatar

Thanks everyone for voting and sharing!

If you do add this to your site, please reach out!

I'd love to hear about your experience, what worked well, and what can be improved.

Either here, or https://stefanbohacek.com/contact.

Thank you!

gbhnews, (edited )
@gbhnews@mastodon.social avatar

🌞 Good morning ! This is GBH bringing you the world from . It is 76F at Logan Airport and visibility is 10mi.

Spain, Norway, and Ireland have recognized a Palestinian state.

Massachusetts' "millionaire's tax" has brought in 1.8 billion, an amount more than estimated.

Some Mass. public are now hiring social workers to connect patrons in need with services.

gbhnews, (edited )
@gbhnews@mastodon.social avatar

this poll brought to you by the fact that yr humble fediverse servant finally broke down and bought a new phone after ye venerable and very cracked iPhone 7 started making an undignified quacking noise.

@gbhnews@mastodon.social avatar

And one more story this week that I loved: this org is training people right out of high school to take lab tech jobs in the region's biotech industry -- and the program is tuition-free: https://www.wgbh.org/news/local/2024-05-21/how-to-get-a-job-in-biotech-without-going-to-college

@stefan@stefanbohacek.online avatar

What is a fediverse-neutral word for "subtweet"? People here use "subtoot", but that's based on Mastodon's "toot", which is no longer officially used.

"Subpost" doesn't sound quite right. But I guess that's it?

@stefan@stefanbohacek.online avatar

@mia Good to know, thank you!

"Subpost" is actually starting to grow on me.

@stefan@stefanbohacek.online avatar

@mcmullin Yeah, I don't really mind it too much, personally, but I'd like to see us move away from Mastodon-centric language. Including using hashtags like "bookstodon" etc.

You know, to make sure folks who use other platforms don't feel excluded.


Adding a Fediverse Share Button to my Emacs Nikola Blog

Just to get extra meta, I published this blog post, then shared it to my account by clicking the "Fediverse Share Button" and writing these words you're reading right now.

Next I will grab the article ID of this toot, and rebuild and redeploy, so that when (if?) anyone replies to this toot, their replies will appear in the "Comments" section of my blog!

100% static site, written in Emacs, built and deployed using Nikola.



@stefan Neat! You're probably the first person besides me who has linked to one of my blog posts! 🤣

@stefan@stefanbohacek.online avatar

@notroot Well, it's an honor!

@lee@sanjuans.life avatar

We just published a new Common Craft video that explains the and in about 3.5 minutes. I'd love to know what you think: https://youtu.be/VmSWPj0T9IQ?si=2AbwNYzCQh90cfBe

@lee@sanjuans.life avatar

@ScottStarkey @andypiper I'm happy to share it on PeerTube. Are there any instances you recommend?

@andypiper@macaw.social avatar

@lee @ScottStarkey I personally use diode.zone but that is generally for the electronics maker community - TILvids maybe?

StefanMuenz, German
@StefanMuenz@vivaldi.net avatar

[1/7] Mit dem Standard-Web-UI von Mastodon hab ichs einfach nicht so, und nutze es üblicherweise über alternative Web-Clients. Auch den bekanntesten davon, #Elk, habe ich schon verwendet. Lange Zeit jedoch am ehesten den Web-Client von #Soapbox. Jetzt aber steige ich gerade auf #Phanpy um, das unter https://phanpy.social/ erreichbar ist.

Wie bei anderen alternativen Web-Clients für Mastodon muss man auch dort erst mal seine Heimatinstanz eingeben, also troet.cafe, social.tchncs.de oder wie eben heißt. Dann muss man noch die Erlaubnis erteilen, dass der Client die im Browser aktive Anmeldung bei der Heimatinstanz nutzen darf. Somit kann der Client die API der Heimatinstanz genauso nutzen wie der Web-Client der Heimatinstanz selber.

Obwohl sie auf die gleichen Daten via API zugreifen, können alternative Web-Clients diese Daten durchaus anders aufbereiten. Phanpy strengt sich dabei besonders an. Nachfolgend ein paar Beispiele:

@StefanMuenz@vivaldi.net avatar

[2/7] "Lost in Fediverse" meint oft: Man liest ein Posting und sieht erst auf den zweiten Blick, dass es eine Antwort auf ein anderes ist. #Phanpy stellt optisch geschickt den Bezug zum Posting dar, auf das geantwortet wird:

@StefanMuenz@vivaldi.net avatar

Das waren nur ein paar Beispiele, wie eine durchdachte alternative Web-Oberfläche für Mastodon das tägliche SocialMedia-Leben und -Erleben durchaus beeinflussen und verbessern kann. Hier noch ein paar Links zu alternativen Web-Clients für Mastodon, also Clients, die im Browser ohne Installation irgendwelcher Software direkt auf den hier verlinkten Adressen nutzbar sind:

Das hier besprochene Phanpy:

[7/7] Das wahrscheinlich bekannteste UI dieser Art - Elk:

Das im Eingangsposting genannte, wenig bekannte Soapbox:

Pinafore - ein fokussiertes, einfach gehaltenes UI:

Brutaldon ist 90er-Style, aber bewusst. Es gibt dort mehrere Themes, die im Einzelfall vielleicht für Menschen mit Sehschwäche von Vorteil sind:

Wer die mehrspaltige, von Tweetdeck bekannte Art von UI mag, könnte sich mal Tooty ansehen:

Es gibt noch mehr davon. Wer welche kennt oder findet, darf sie gerne hier noch in den Antworten beschreiben und vorstellen!

PS: Phanpy gibt es auch als Account, dem man folgen kann: @phanpy

@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

Good morning and happy Wednesday folks!

Let's all discuss what our day has in store for us today or what we've already done for the day.

It's work as usual for me with a meeting at 2pm that shouldn't take too long. It's a Nova meeting, so should be interesting as well.

Beyond that, likely just some video games and TV to round out the day.

@the_white_wolf@social.tchncs.de avatar


So if you need gameplay in Games Hellblade 2 isn't something for you.
If you want to have a intensive cineastic experience then you will like the game probably.

I would suggest to watch a little part of a Let's Play or try it via GamePass. If you like it buy it on Steam for full price. IMHO it's worth the full price.

@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

@the_white_wolf Ah, very interesting indeed. That's definitely different in so many ways.

@omz13@mastodon.social avatar

My server is receiving “GET /poco” requests from servers (based on the user-agent). Can anybody point me to the documentation for this behavior?

@omz13@mastodon.social avatar

@liaizon @hypolite hypolite’s mention is missing; the thread shows there is 1 reply, but does not show what that reply is.

It is, of course, entirely possibly that I am doing something wrong; but also possible that the instance I’m on (mastodon.social) is having weirdness.

@liaizon@wake.st avatar

@omz13 @hypolite I see now what your talking about. This is super weird. Maybe a bug in federation between the newer version that masto.social is running and #friendica since the thread is all intact on my version of mastodon.

@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

Good morning and happy Sunday to the entire #Fediverse

Let's all talk about what the last day of the weekend has in store for each of us as we get ready for the new week ahead.

Today is just a day of video games, resting and relaxing.

Not much else is planned for the day today so it'll be nice to just be a bit lazy so to speak and get ready for Monday.

#MorningMoments #GoodMorning #HappySunday #VideoGames #Weekend

@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

@splice That sounds interesting. Hopefully you manage to get it running like you want.

@splice@allthingstech.social avatar

@cliffwade The hardest part was getting it installed as it wasn’t in the package manager of the distribution I’m using. But once I got it installed, it surprisingly just worked (no futzing with drivers or config files needed). Was able to listen to FM radio stations, NOAA weather radio, air traffic control for the nearby airport, and some local ham activity.

gbhnews, (edited )
@gbhnews@mastodon.social avatar

🌞 Good morning ! This is GBH bringing you the world from *. It's 57F at Logan Airport and visibility is 10mi.

The Pacers won over the Knicks and will head to Boston to face the Celtics.

706 people named Kyle got together in Kyle, TX...and it still wasn't enough to set a world record. Better luck next time, Kyles.

The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court is seeking arrest warrants for Israeli and Hamas leaders, including Netanyahu.

@gbhnews@mastodon.social avatar

Yr. humble fediverse servant is currently on vacation but will return tomorrow for normal duties. 🫡

@gbhnews@mastodon.social avatar

But while I am here: I listened with great interest to this discussion about the housing crisis in Massachusetts, and why it is so much more intense here than, say, Seattle. For your delectation: https://www.wgbh.org/news/local/2024-05-17/the-average-boston-renter-spends-47-of-their-income-on-housing-in-seattle-its-28-why #housing

@stefan@stefanbohacek.online avatar
@stefan@stefanbohacek.online avatar

Also, @clacke posted a great thread here the other day: https://libranet.de/display/0b6b25a8-1866-4271-f03c-33f321726572

@stefan@stefanbohacek.online avatar

Today is also a great opportunity to support all the work that keeps the fediverse going.


Donate to your and your friends' admins, and all the developers actively building the fediverse and the apps and other tools that make it better. See if you can volunteer. Help spread the word.

And most importantly, stick around and have fun!

@andypiper@macaw.social avatar

An excellent and explainer! (and it doesn’t even refer to any specific platform) https://youtu.be/VmSWPj0T9IQ

@andypiper@macaw.social avatar

@steve that's a good point, the international aspect covers the different cultures and rules piece as well. Nice enhancement to the concept.

@evan@cosocial.ca avatar

@andypiper @steve telephone service is also a good analogy. Lots of carriers, but anyone can call or text anyone in any country.

mj, German
@mj@social.sp-codes.de avatar

für installiert, Blog-Profil @blog (nicht Autor!) aktiviert, in Mastodon gesucht, gefunden und gefolgt. Folgeanfrage taucht aber in WordPress nicht auf.

Beim Autoren-Profil ist es übrigens genau so.

Aber warum nicht?

@pfefferle @pfefferle

@mj@social.sp-codes.de avatar

@pfefferle Hab mal ein Cache Plugin installiert, leider hat es nichts gebracht. Alles klar, dann einen schönen Urlaub. @ossrox @blog @pfefferle

@pfefferle@mastodon.social avatar

@mj @ossrox @blog @pfefferle Nein, ich dachte eher dass ein installiertes Cache Plugin Probleme macht. ☺️

@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

Good morning and happy Tuesday to the #Fediverse around us.

Let's discuss what we each have planned for the day today or what we've already accomplished for the day.

For me, it's work stuff with 3 meetings from 12pm - 3pm today. So busy day obviously.

After that, hoping to get some video game time in with Diablo IV and/or Ghost of Tsushima. Not much else planned for this evening but to relax.

#MorningMoments #GoodMorning #HappyTuesday #VideoGames #DiabloIV #Tech

@marialeal@vivaldi.net avatar

@cliffwade just reading the word "Diablo" makes me shiver. I played Diablo III and I am traumatized by the nemesis that would kill me in two hits every time they showed up. I can still hear the war horn sound that announces their appearance in my head 😂

@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

@marialeal Oh goodness. Got to love when you remember things like this about certain games. I've never played Diablo III so I'm not familiar with it but will have to look it up.

@HailsandAles@metalhead.club avatar
@ChrisShadowens@metalhead.club avatar

@HailsandAles Trying out "Crystal" from Passage...they're definitely no longer a doom band at all (though this was my first listening to them.) Light, whispy, pianos and orchestrations, something you'd probably hear in a hot yoga studio.

@HailsandAles@metalhead.club avatar

@ChrisShadowens @andthegeekshall I haven’t heard it but I heard the first single and it wasn’t really for me

@J12t@social.coop avatar

Ghost has a (pretty funny) update on their development.


@julian@community.nodebb.org avatar

@J12t Yes, that's certainly one use-case for the outbox... to "catch up" on things you missed, on a per-user basis.

But as far as I am concerned they're separate APIs that pull from a common data source.

For example, reading the ActivityPub spec, one could draw the conclusion that the outbox is an ordered list of activities, likely read as-is from the database.. but that's not strictly defined, so it's possible to dynamically create outbox items on-demand based on user history stored elsewhere.

That would mean less duplication of content (and the syncing that is required), fewer bugs, etc... but the cost is the collection then has to be dynamically constructed.

@J12t@social.coop avatar

@julian It's mostly append-only, easy to cache ...

For FediTest, we have come to the conclusion that simple pass/fail isn't going to cut it. We need a more gradual rating, and the current state is 1) fail -- against the spec and likely go cause interop problems 2) soft fail -- against the spec but probably harmless from an interop perspective 3) degrade -- e.g. everything turns into a Note and 4) pass. Not sure this is an exhaustive list ... your empty outbox would get a pass, I think.

LukaszHorodecki, Polish
@LukaszHorodecki@pol.social avatar

Testuję sobie rozmaite klienty Mastodona dla Androida i pomyślałem, że zapytam na fedi, co jest ważne przy wyborze takiej apki.

Szukacie czegoś obsługującego kilka platform (Mastodon, Pixelfed, *key, *oma), czy jedną, a dobrze?

Jakie features są dla was kluczowe (poza takimi oczywistościami jak wysyłanie wpisów i przeglądanie osi czasu) i muszą być w kliencie, żebyście dali mu szansę? Może filtry albo listy? Albo przypominanie o alt text?

Na ile ważny jest wygląd aplikacji? A to, czy jest FOSS?

Proszę o podbicia dla większego zasięgu.

#FediPyta #DrogieFedi #DrogiBlipie #KlientyFediwersum #fediwersum #apka #Android #FOSS

@mkljczk@fediverse.pl avatar

Ja używam w przeglądarce autorskiego forka Soapboksa po prostu dlatego, że dostosowałam go do swoich potrzeb. Mam w nim parę dość unikatowych funkcyj i nie potrafię przekonać się do żadnego natywnego klienta. A niestety one zwykle są daleko w tyle z kompatybilnością z Pleromą, już nie mówiąc o moim forku Pleromy i takich funkcjach jak eventy.

@74@101010.pl avatar


  • zapamiętywanie pozycji, w której skończyłem czytać, by móc później nadgonić,
  • wątkowanie odpowiedzi,
  • szkice,
  • planowanie wpisów (a nawet podbić)

Wszystko to, a nawet więcej zapewnia mi Fedilab

@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

Good morning and happy Friday

Let me hear what your day will consist of today and what you might have planned for the weekend ahead.

It's work stuff today as usual which isn't too busy as things have finally calmed down since our major release of Nova 8 a couple of weeks ago.

I started Ghost of Tsushima this morning, so more of that later as well as Fortnite with friends. Nothing much for the weekend yet.

@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

@Abyssnauta Graphics are FREAKING AMAZING! Game play is fun so far, but I'm only just an hour or so into the game. Haven't really done much beyond the opening stuff.

@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

@jnv The graphics on PC are FREAKING AMAZING!

@ahimsa_pdx@disabled.social avatar

Testing the "Fediverse share button" feature 😁

Fediverse share button | Stefan Bohacek


@ahimsa_pdx@disabled.social avatar

I guess it worked!

@stefan@stefanbohacek.online avatar

@ahimsa_pdx Yeah, fediverse sharing buttons are tricky, but there's a few options, so I'm hoping the adoption will grow. And sharing my project might help, so thank you!

gbhnews, (edited )
@gbhnews@mastodon.social avatar

🌞 Hello ! This is GBH bringing you the world from . It is 74F at Logan Airport and visibility is 10 mi.

The Massachusetts legislature is considering how to curb the potential havoc that deepfakes could inflict on elections.

The US Department of Justice has filed a sweeping lawsuit against Ticketmaster.

Hundreds of graduating students walked out of commencement chanting "Free Palestine."

You're in the community garden, planting...

@gbhnews@mastodon.social avatar

Also...did not want you to miss this discussion of the legend of the Gloucester Sea Serpent: https://www.wgbh.org/news/local/2024-05-22/regaling-tales-of-the-gloucester-sea-serpent-a-forgotten-legend-of-cryptozoology

@JumpinRudy@mstdn.social avatar

@gbhnews Where I live, it's too hot to grow full-sized tomatoes that will taste good

pasci_lei, German
@pasci_lei@mastodon.social avatar

Ich bin mal wieder ehrlich und sage, dass diese moralische Arroganz von Teilen des mir doch tierisch auf den Sack geht. Sei es , oder . Damit ist man halt einfach nicht besser als der Gegenpol.

@AdeptVeritatis@social.tchncs.de avatar


Auf dem Kongress hatte ich neben einer Person gesessen, die durch ihr ganzes Äußeres quasi "Diversity" auf der Stirn geschrieben hatte.

Das Gespräch war aber nach zehn Sekunden beendet und wurde durch eine unangenehme Stille ersetzt. Eines von nur zwei Gesprächen, die nicht gut verlaufen sind.

Ein paar Tage später ist mir aufgefallen warum. Die Antwort auf eine Frage war praktisch: "Was willst Du überhaupt? Ich sehe gar kein Problem."

Und damit war das Gespräch vorbei.

@AdeptVeritatis@social.tchncs.de avatar


"works for me" - Die Probleme der Anderen sind mir egal. Mitdenken ist Verschwendung von Energie.

wolf, German

Ich mach mal etwas Werbung für die zwei von mir eingerichteten :

könnten ja noch sehr viel mehr die themenspezifische Kommunikation im bereichern. Auch weil Masto diese leider nur unzureichend unterstützt, fristen sie zu Unrecht ein Nischendasein.

Nutzt gerne die folgenden Gruppen, um Euren Posts zu den entsprechenden Themen größere und zielgerichtete Reichweite zu geben und um auch selber die zpezifischen Themen in Eure Eigene Timeline gespielt zu bekommen:

@fediarts (Gruppe zu zeitgenössischer Kunst)

@fedifoodie ( zum Thema Kochen)

@Herr_Irrtum@mstdn.social avatar


Mach die Ankündigung ruhig auch noch mal in Englisch, sofern das im Interesse aller ist.
Ich würde sie auch machen, muss aber gleich auf ne 3h Autofahrt (ja, ich nehme auch 2 Personen mit!).

Dann kann ich von meinem vorzugsweise englischsprachigen "Artist"-Account auch noch mal boosten. :)

@fediarts @fedifoodie

@anja@sonomu.club avatar

@wolf ja wär superschön @ Künstler:innen!

@stefan@stefanbohacek.online avatar

I've recently created a new page for all of my with articles and data visualizations I wrote: https://stefanbohacek.com/category/fediverse-explorations/

Anyone else doing similar work? This could even be a blog, perhaps.

@stefan@stefanbohacek.online avatar

@jupiter_rowland I mostly use data from http://demo.fedilist.com, and I do see 749 Lemmy and 17 kbin instances.

Note that some of these articles are a bit older, so the datasets are different.

@stefan@stefanbohacek.online avatar

@jupiter_rowland And for some articles I used data from my own instance, so maybe I'm just not connected to enough instances.

@Kancept@allthingstech.social avatar

New account, migrated from old. I guess I should do an post for the .

Hello! I'm a father, husband, and DevOps Engineer by trade. I build award-winning custom motorcycles in my down time.

I've had the fortune of messing with tech since the TRS-80. My dad helped successfully steer us clear of Microsoft product offerings my whole life. From Deskmate > GeoWorks > OS/2. Then from there, Linux > BeOS > MacOS > Linux. I really enjoy and .

@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

@Kancept Wow! That looks absolutely amazing!

@Kancept@allthingstech.social avatar

@cliffwade Thanks!

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