
@pixelfed@mastodon.social avatar

Loops is a new platform for sharing short videos, and it's open source + federated using

We're really excited to share this sneak peek that showcases the new onboarding flow and discovery features (Connect Mastodon) and look forward to the upcoming beta release!

Are you ready for ?

Loops app demo

@eonity@mastodon.social avatar

@pixelfed Finally, open-source TikTok!

@pixelfed@mastodon.social avatar

@TuxOnBike @hszakher @alb_004 Opt-out will be possible, and we will have a chronological followers feed you can use instead!

@ricmac@mastodon.social avatar

Fascinating look at how is being used by the SFO art museum to help encourage revisiting its cultural objects. Still early days, but you can see the potential here -> “The reason I am telling you all of this is that SFO Museum has written it's own limited ActivityPub server implementation and we have, in fact, created an ActivityPub account – a social media, account – for every object in our collection.” https://orthis.social/@thisisaaronland/112339899293624779

@geraldew@fosstodon.org avatar

@ricmac @arichtman
I found the email from MONA - from 2015 !
It goes to https://theo.artpro.net.au/login/
and after entering my email I got sent a fresh link and can see my tour again.
Shall I say that again?
At my work, the IT people can't ever manage any web system change without breaking every link, over and over again for as long as we've had web systems.
(I've been there 35 years so that's only part of my time.)
So a tip o' the hat to MONA for this one!

@janxdevil@sfba.social avatar

@ricmac I am reminded of the time I was out for a stroll in Tufello, a neighborhood near our apartment in Rome, and I came across a set of tiles in the sidewalk that contained a URL, so I typed it into my mobile web browser and found the cultural heritage museum for the neighborhood. And I’m thinking now about the several million interesting little bits of Rome that are in the collections of a vast array of museums and museum adjacent institutions for which it would be cool to have an ActivityPub account I could follow. I feel a burning need right now for an official Pasquino account, for example.

@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

Good morning and happy Saturday everyone here in the today.

It's the weekend, so let's talk about what our plans are for the next couple of days.

For me, it's just a weekend to rest and relax and enjoy the days. I'll be playing some Horizon Forbidden West as well as No Rest For The Wicked.

Other than that, not much else planned.

@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

@Bianca These are just two of the dishes from the last time we went in 2021.

That bowl of macaroni and cheese could seriously feed two people.

That burger is a double and you see how little of the knife is left showing.

The bowl of mashed potatoes are enough for two as well especially with all of that melted cheese they put on top.



@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

@Bianca Couple more photos. Again, a huge double cheeseburger and that chicken pot pie is absolutely enormous and a meal for 2 people, easily.



@dansup@mastodon.social avatar
@ultrasquid@wetdry.world avatar

@dansup why is the highlighted tab smaller than the non-highlighted ones? In most UIs I've seen, it's the other way around.

@dansup@mastodon.social avatar
@dave@podcastindex.social avatar

#activitypub It seems like we will need to define a Podcast ActivityStreams object type. I’ve been trying to see if we can just transmute a podcast into an Audio or Video object type. But the loss of fidelity is so high. I think a dedicated object type is going to be pretty necessary.

@evan@cosocial.ca avatar

@dave happy to have this discussion. Let's do some brainstorming!

@evan@cosocial.ca avatar

@dave let's collaborate on a doc for this. I think this would be the kind of thing the SocialCG at W3C would want to support.

@danie10@mastodon.social avatar

GoToSocial is a new ActivityPub social network server for the Fediverse

This service is still in Alpha release but is already deployable and usable, and federates with other Fediverse servers.

However, there is no “main” instance you go to join. The intention really is that you host your own instance for yourself and ...continues

See https://gadgeteer.co.za/gotosocial-is-a-new-activitypub-social-network-server-for-the-fediverse/

@zalasur@mastodon.surazal.net avatar

Today it's a technology stream! I'll be setting up a Synapse server and will try to get it federated.

Once we get this done, my next stream will be.... drum roll Dwarf Fortress!


@zalasur@mastodon.surazal.net avatar

So good news, the stream from my laptop to peertube was successful with few technical hiccups.

I wish I could say the same for the Synapse install. Out of memory issues and really slow loading times led me to the conclusion that I should probably explore alternatives. I have some ideas but I have to think about it for a while. I'm leaning towards Conduit but we'll see when I can try that.

@beardedtechguy@allthingstech.social avatar

Good Saturday morning clan.

Let’s get together for our daily discussion and see what we all have going on today.

I’ll be packing and getting ready for the trip. Have to get all my tech things together. I also need to get a school assignment done for today.

@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

@beardedtechguy Good morning sir!

I personally don't have much of anything going on this weekend at all. Just some video games and then preparing for Monday!

Hope the packing goes well and here's to hoping you don't forget anything. Enjoy your time there!

@beardedtechguy@allthingstech.social avatar

@cliffwade I have a bad habit of forgetting at least something. It never fails.

@janettespeyer@flipboard.social avatar

Happy Saturday! Here’s my latest article on how to find and interact with your Flipboard federated account on Mastodon with a tutiorial video. I also help you get started on the Fediverse with Flipboard social.


@salvomic@flipboard.social avatar


Thank you! Very useful and interesting article

@janettespeyer@flipboard.social avatar

@salvomic my pleasure Salvo!

InternetIsScary, French
@InternetIsScary@mstdn.social avatar

The fediverse is amazing!

I can’t get over how cool it is to view my posts from any server. I’m definitely going to use activitypub for my social media I’m planning on making. I was going to use @Discourse , but considering it’s like where you are only able to self host and each instance of discourse can’t interconnect makes me kinda sad. But activitypub seems like the only way I feel happy in both ways.




sugar_in_your_tea, (edited )

What’s that about Gitlab? I use it hosted, and it can be self-hosted, so I’m not sure what the issue is.

Honestly, I don’t find a lot of value in the fediverse generally. I guess it’s kinda cool that things connect together, but URLs also get the job done pretty well, and cookies and password managers handle logins and stuff between platforms. The real value is in being an alternative to the big, centralized services.

I’m not here because of the fediverse, I’m here because Reddit pissed me off almost a year ago and this is a suitable-enough replacement. Seeing my posts on other platforms is honestly a little odd (in theory) because having a post from one context (say lemmy) appear in another (say git hosting) is often not wanted. So I want separation between different types of social media (e.g. I avoid Mastodon because I don’t like that form), not more sharing. But that’s not a real concern, it’s just not why I use it.

That said, I have no idea what kind of social media project you’re working on, so maybe federation is the perfect fit. The fediverse is certainly a good way to quickly build an audience and generate content.

Note about my projectFor my social media project, I’m looking at p2p, because I’m more worried about scaling and longevity. Lemmy can get expensive to host due to duplication, so a big instance going down due to funding can fragment communities (though old data will live on any instance federated with that community). My project will use user devices for most data storage and retrieval, and a handful of (hopefully community funded) storage instances for availability and backups. There’s a lot less duplication, so hosting will be a fraction of what Lemmy costs since most data will be served by people near you. The only infra I’ll need is: - relay nodes to connect people - mostly short-lived STUN connections, but TURN will be supported for people behind CGNAT - backup storage nodes - I plan to only store less popular, older content And since I’ll only be handling text at first (pictures and whatnot will just be URLs), it should be really cheap. And that’s it. If I lose interest, someone probably already has their own storage nodes (lots of data hoarders out there) and can easily take over.


Happy Saturday! Here’s my latest article on how to find and interact with your Flipboard federated account on Mastodon with a tutiorial video. I also help you get started on the Fediverse with Flipboard social. #fediverse #flipboard #mastodon #community


@grindhold@23.social avatar

's compatibility problems with the family of softwares ( ) should be a thing of the past now.


Sorry, I had to procrastinate more by making a detailed sampling of the Facebook timeline shiteousness. I understated it. Scrolling through 102 postsafter a refresh the breakdown was: 3 from my follows, 79 "suggestions",19 ads, 1 reels item (this time just once but often that comes up multiple times). Worse, posts from my follows only occured in the first 10. The suggestions started off not bad but then got horrible. Ads were universally garbage. Thank god for the fediverse!

@knowprose@mastodon.social avatar

@hankg wow. I knew it was shitty when I left but didn't know it was that shitty. 👀


@hankg Holly focken shit!

Thanks for the visualisation, it ilustrates pretty well how useless that platform is

@hongminhee@todon.eu avatar

I'm working on adding a CLI toolchain to to help with debugging. The first feature I implemented is the ActivityPub object lookup.

Here's a demo.

The demo video on my terminal

@hongminhee@todon.eu avatar

@mariusor First of all, the library itself does not have this feature — only the CLI toolchain has it.

And these services fortunately do not require signing up! So it does not share any account of them.

@mariusor@metalhead.club avatar

@hongminhee TIL. Thank you.

@stu@allthingstech.social avatar

Good morning 🌅 and

Hope you all have a wonderful !!!

I'm going to the rents this morning to do some outside work 😎

@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

@stu Good morning sir! I hope you enjoy the time at the parents house and hopefully get all the stuff done you need to get done.

@stu@allthingstech.social avatar

@cliffwade thanks man 😊

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