Deglassco, (edited ) to history

On July 15, 1944, in Bristol UK, the "Park Street Riot,” saw 400 Black soldiers confront 120 U.S. Military Police (MPs) over pub access. Observers later recounted that locals rooted for the Black troops. Like the Battle of Bamber Bridge a year earlier, this event underscored the racism Black troops faced as well as the disconnect between how they were treated overseas vs in their own country.


@blackmastodon @BlackMastodon


@Deglassco good thread, I always like history. But let's remember that that is what it is: history.

I do not understand what like do to bring people closer together. Especially if the terms white/black cannot be used in the same way.

surely raises some eyebrows? How about ?

You cannot undo harm done to innocent people by stigmatizing other innocent people or even an entire race.

woodgen, to selfhosted in Self hosted Google Keep alternative

Right, obsidian didn’t appeal to me since it’s proprietary.

I probably will look into setting up a Joplin server and maybe write a frontend for it. Also didn’t try frontend options on PC yet.

Until now I only tried the Android app and while it looked quite mature, I didn’t get quite the UX from it I was anticipating.

Some things that bothered me:

  • Creating a note requires 2 clicks, 1 should be fine.I want to start writing and decide whether its a todo later.
  • Tag management. In Keep are parsed from text automatically. Although there is a conflict with markdown syntax, having to issue 3 clicks to add a tag seems bothersome
  • Tags are not shown in the main menu, but are another view.
  • Didn’t figure out what notebooks are supposed to be, but i guess some kind of directory system. Don’t see the point when having a tag system. In the end they are too prominent in the UI.

But the synchronization options and markdown capabilities are a big plus. mardown is actually a feature missing in keep.

millennialmh, to random

Does any seasoned mastodon user know how to boost or gain more interaction here?

I miss having a sense of community that I have on Twitter.

I know it’s a lot of it is time and just putting yourself out there but if there’s anything I’m missing please let me know or anything that helped you or you did or know others have done that has been useful?

Im v isolated IRL I work from home, I have chronic and mental illness as well as neurodivergent diagnoses. So a sense of connection is important!

waltertross, avatar

An advice you haven't been given yet: use , both when writing and when searching for interesting stuff.

julienmartlet, to art French

📷 Ça ne va pas être de la grande photo, mais hier j’ai profité de la fermeture de beaucoup de commerces pour me balader dans les rues habituellement bondées. Je savais qu’il y avait beaucoup de tags de rideaux d’enseignes inspirés par des animes, surtout dans le 13ème, mais la quantité m’a surpris : je dois ici me limiter à un seul auteur et une thématique Dragon Ball 😀 Ceux de Karim le H sont plutôt réussis (j’ai glissé un intrus).

Un personnage mange un bol, probablement des ramen. Il est surplombé par le nom du restaurant inscrit dans les couleurs et le style de caractères utilisés par la série Dragon Ball.
Sur le rideau d’une cordonnerie, un personnage à six bras (plutôt deux bras qui bougent très vites) tiens différents objets en rapport avec l’activité : chaussure, clés…
Un personnage mange un burger sur une table en bois où on voit d’autres récipients, certains encore fumants.

TiffyBelle, to australia
MrLee, avatar

@TiffyBelle I stealing your

schizanon, to mastodon avatar

Since I have a whole other account just for following I went all-in and followed some I probably can't handle; like . Y'all really still be punchin' trees!

amadeus, (edited ) to techno avatar

I love my . @quodlibet is perfect for maintaining a large collection imho. I constantly tweak , normalize filenames, adjust replay gain, etc. and listen to exactly the music I want. For example, sometimes I feel like with , no problem. Sometimes I want , done. 😜 I might make a video about my setup in the near future simply because I enjoy it so much. ☺️ In the meantime, what do you prefer, local or for ?

rolle, (edited ) to mastodon Finnish avatar

Onpa ilahduttavaa nähdä, että Twit...eikun siis X:n puolelta on siirtynyt paljon porukkaa tänne Mastodoniin. Lämpimästi tervetuloa! Meitä on täällä paljon. Täällä ei ole suosittelualgoritmeja, mainoksia tai tietojenkalasteluominaisuuksia, jotka oppisivat tykkäilyistäsi tai käytöksestäsi, joten joudut näkemään hieman vaivaa alkuun. Mutta se on hauskaa!

Näin pääset alkuun:

  1. Seuraa paljon porukkaa. Itse suosittelen, että seuraat kaikkia vähänkin kiinnostavia niin saat virrastasi eloisan. Karsit pois sitten myöhemmin niitä, jotka eivät istukaan virtaasi. Kasaamaltani suomalaisten listalta saat heti noin 400 ihmistä tuotua seurattaviisi:

  2. Selaa hashtageja. Hyviä alussa ovat mm. , , jne.

  3. Postaile juttuja matalalla kynnyksellä ja käytä paljon hashtageja.

  4. Muista kuvien ja videoiden alt-tekstit (etenkin, jos kuvassa on tekstiä), ne auttavat sokeita hahmottamaan mitä kuvissa on. Pakollista tämä tietenkään ei ole, saat käyttää Mastodonia miten haluat instanssisi sääntösi puitteissa.

  5. Asenna app. Mastodonia voi käyttää monin eri tavoin, mm. Chrome-selaimella puhelimessasi tai asentamalla sovelluksen. Hyviä appeja Androidille ovat mm. Moshidon, Megadolon ja Tusky. iPhonelle loistavia ovat esim. Mona, Ice Cubes, Ivory tai Mammoth.

  6. Kasaa käyttäjiä listoihin. Itselläni mm. Suomalaiset ja Favs. Näiden avulla isommasta seuraajamäärästä voi karsia itselleen ne tietyt, joita seuraa tiukemmin. Täällä ei tosiaan ole mitään tarjoiltuna, joten tällä tavoin on helppo kehittää "omia algoritmeja".

  7. Jos jatko-optimointi kiinnostaa Mastodonille löytyy läjäpäin erilaisia työkaluja, jopa se Twitteristä tuttu rinkula jossa on oma kupla. Olen kasannut työkaluja tänne:

Toivottavasti nautit Mastodonin käytöstä yhtä paljon kuin me muutkin. Mastodonissa parasta on sen "terveellisyys", reaaliaikaisuus, helppous, nopeus ja se että se kehittyy koko ajan. Esim. muokkaustoiminto tuli tammikuussa 2023 ja hashtagit päivityksen loppuun ja laajempi haku elokuussa 2023.




Don't forget to follow some groups. They're like except they're actively broadcast to the servers of anyone who follows them. (tags aren't broadcast to everyone who follows them on other servers, they're only shown to you if the post is already on this server).

And then start adding people (and groups) to lists so you can see more focused post-feeds rather than everything jumbled together.

[This DeepL translation popup is really handy. The Firefox Translate extension doesn't support Finnish.]

mho, to threads German

Twitters Hauptkonkurrent ist jetzt etwas mehr als eine Woche alt und ich hatte ja schon angedeutet, dass vom anfänglichen Wachstum durchaus etwas in unseren Zahlen zu sehen war. Deswegen jetzt nochmal ein kleines Update:

Die Zugriffe über von @heiseonline gepostete Artikel auf bleiben weiterhin stabil, nach den der jüngsten Entwicklungen bei gab es zuletzt zumindest ein geringes Wachstum.

(Thread 🧵 1/5)

goebbe, avatar

@vowe @mho @heiseonline Bei konsequenter und einheitlicher Verwendung von könnte man sich mehrere Kanäle sparen.
Hier sehe ich auch bei @heiseonline noch Verbesserungspotential. 😉

literalgrill, to fediverse avatar

Could someone explain to me how hashtags work here on the

If I'm in this instance and searched for , I see 140 posts in the past 2 days.

When @greenhairedfae searched , they only see 65 posts in the past 2 days.

How does this work exactly with adding in posts from other instances? Is it worth being on certain instances if you're interested in specific topics even more? Are there ways to follow hashtags so they give you even more content to see?

I think I just need an explainer!

shanie, avatar

@literalgrill @greenhairedfae everyone has talked to you about ; not how to solve your problem.

The least cool way is servers; there are better ways.

Ex: Follow a which gathers around the & boosts them so you see them. Example: Follow away; don’t worry about server reach.

Final way: Manually find a mastodon address (like on their artstation) and communicate with them here which expands reach.

roygreenhilt, to mastodon avatar

SPEAKING OF WHICH. I have a request.

Plurals of tags should be merged with singulars. Having both just clutters up the tag cloud.

<-- hate that I have to do this.

HaruEb, to fediverse

So, it's well known by most here in the #fediverse that you can follow specific accounts from other instances, be they #mastodon or #calckey or the rest, the only caveat being that the instance must NOT be blocked by your home instance, which is fantastic and beautiful as #ActivityPub intended. The general advice is you don't need an account over on the other instance, and that certainly as held true in my limited experience.

The same, however can NOT be said for #tags , while you of course can follow a tag on, say, your own personal instance, it's not going to do you much good unless your instance is aware of a large enough number of accounts to populate a given #tag . I've got a few accounts around the verse now just to see the difference and it's HUGE.

So my #fediQ is, how have others tackled this? I LOVE the idea of a small tight knit local feed, but I don't love having tag feeds (or Calckey antennae) that feel like tumbleweed mode.


HaruEb, to random

@feditips Is there a way to have a separate feed that's JUST the hashtags I follow, and one that's JUST the people accounts I follow? I love # bloomscrolling and such but I'm worried I'll miss toots from friends and such. Thanks in advance, got a ton of value from you already 😍


@feditips @essie_is_okay @HaruEb

I've used the same UI since I started an account here, but apparently it's not the basic or standard one. So I don't really know what that normal standard is.

Anyway, on PC I have a pinned column (as mentioned above by Fedi Tips) that includes I think 5 that populate the feed. The other column shares output based on your toggled selection, which could be "home", or the other options.

One of those is "followed hashtags" which opens a list of your saved . You get a pure (single tag) stream for each as you click them. Basically, it's like a 'saved searches' function, except for a network that has no search. 🤔

What do you think is the best solution to having the same named communities on different instances?

We should implement this as whenever I wish to browse (for example) I have to go to there, and whenever I wish to browse I have to go there. Would it be possible to implement it in kbin/lemmy's code to make it easier to browse all?

HeartyBeast, to fediverse in What do you think is the best solution to having the same named communities on different instances?
HeartyBeast avatar

And/ or moderators could have setting to automagically display threads from selected communities. Similar to how currently work with the microblog part of kbin.

idoubtit, to Bloomscrolling in Welcome to the Bloomscrolling kbin magazine
idoubtit avatar

I just turned it on so if it was a while ago, it's not going to pick it up. Sometimes it doesn't want to see from servers that have not federated with kbin. You may have to force your server to see it by searching and following

amplmo, to mastodon avatar

What am I even supposed to talk about on Mastodon, I have no idea what to post here

defrisselle, avatar


Whatever interests you Maybe follow some to get started

BlindGordon, to random

It’s great that more people are moving to Mastodon, but that influx has already resulted in far more posts with pictures that have no Alt Text description.
If you’ve just moved here, please bear in mind that there are a lot of visually impaired screen reader users here, and because Mastodon is far more inclusive than Twitter, it is considered polite to describe what your pictures show. Thank you, and welcome to a nicer social media platform. Please help keep it that way.

simoncox, avatar

@BlindGordon @JetSm00th good call Gordon! And if you forget to add alt text till you post - we all do it - then you can go back and edit the post! Yes edit. - oh and add !

ciferecaNinjo, to kbin

What’s the difference in #kbin between #tags & #hashtags? In the microblog tab, we can only add hashtags, which is simple enough. But when starting “threads” both options are there. There’s a field for tags & we still have the option of adding hashtags. Are they both equally searchable? If yes, should we search with or without the hash (“#”)? Why don’t the tags show up after posting?


ErosBlog, to wordpress avatar

One of my holy grail software quests is a community tagging (aka ) plugin for . The idea is that users/readers could add to posts and/or images.

When WordPress was very young, there were several plugins in the WordPress plugins directory. Only one remains, long unmaintained and broken.

If you know a for this, please sing out!

Boosts very welcome in hope of getting this seen by as many Wordpress mavens as possible.

stairjoke, to random

Is there a way to split my follows-timeline and my -timeline in @ivory — I’d love to see the followed in a separate place, apart from my timeline.

wrath-sedan, to privacyguides in Logseq: A privacy-first, open-source platform for knowledge management.
wrath-sedan avatar

The the Wikipedia article on personal knowledge management is a little dense, but basically it's a way to keep track of everything you learn or consume and link them together to develop new ideas or insights. Sometimes people will call it a second or digital brain. There's a lot of different ways to do it, and recently there's been a lot of software like Logseq, Obsidian, and Notion, that facilitates linking everything together and keeping it organized using [[hyperlinks]] and among other things.

HeartyBeast, to technology in I don't see how Lemmy will fill the gap of Reddit - it's resulting in fragmentation
HeartyBeast avatar

When you set up a magazine you have a section at the bottom of the 'magazine panel' (basically mod settings) where you can add . Articles in the fediverse with that tag automagically show up in the magazine*

*terms and conditions apply beta software may not always perfom as expected etc etc

pyyric, to asklemmy in Is Lemmy your first time on the Fediverse?
pyyric avatar

I enjoy mastodon. The fact that are cross-platform blows my mind and I'm kinda excited for it.

markwyner, (edited ) to random avatar

When I was in Wellington, New Zealand, I was entranced by their unusual crosswalk icons. I asked my new friends there about them. I was told a story about a drag performer and activist by the name of Carmen Rupe. She was a trans woman who was also Māori (native people of NZ).

Her story is pretty cool. And it’s awesome that NZ honored her this way.

#Trans #Transgender #LGBTQ #DragQueen #Drag #Wellington #NewZealand #NZ #GenderEquality #Activism #Maori

imarfisi, avatar

@markwyner I really like this ideas of drag trafic lights. 💃🕺👯
It brings some fun into our routine.
I also love it when smiley faces are drawn on trafic lights. I've seen this in several French cities.
It's crazy how a few lines can light up my day.

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