RL_Dane, avatar

Lemme get this straight, helped themselves to $80 out of my account every month for several months while I dealt with undiagnosed with no help from them (kinda hard to get treatment when you have to initiate all of the communication and you have raging ADHD). The US FTC sued them and all I get back is $9.70?

Good grief.

OH SNAP, they got sued for selling customer's data TO FACEBOOK. WOW! WHAT A PARAGON OF VIRTUE.

BetterHelp. More like GetShafted.

RL_Dane, avatar


Oh, I thought it was the FTC directly. Oh well.

RL_Dane, avatar


Somehow they weaseled out of abiding by HIPAA compliance, which is the closest thing we have to actual privacy protections in the U.S.

Vivaldi, (edited ) avatar

🦋 If you struggle with ADHD or have your focus constantly ruined by a whirlwind of thoughts, then you probably use productivity tools that can help crush those distractions and give you some peace of mind.

Find out how you can say goodbye to those scattered thoughts by customizing the Vivaldi browser to work for your needs and preferences 👇🏻

erilun06, avatar

I'm Autistic and ADHD and vivaldi is literally irreplaceable to me

(Automatic) Tab groups, workspaces and page tilling are amazing

I'm required to use Firefox (or edge 🤮) at work and I can't stand it (I can't install add-ons), it quite literally puts itself in my way

mike, avatar

@beardedtechguy Vivaldi has done a spectacular job just locking me into their browser. I use it for so much I don't even know where I'd begin with a different one. Another example is the Panel. As an admin of an instance, I spend a LOT of time here on Mastodon, and I'm constantly looking stuff up and taking notes. Something that I'm sure has been there forever and I never noticed is the ability to drag text from the active tab to a panel. Works AMAZINGLY for notes and translating.


nekohayo, (edited ) avatar

/ / / folks, plz compare:

In your experience, would UX from the 2nd link distract, overstimulate or bother you in a way that represents an issue?

Note: I'm not the one proposing this, I'm not even affected. I ask for the sake of others; polling for statistical sample size.

mattiasb, avatar

@nekohayo Polls are hard. I choose "It would be a serious issue for me" but I think it's a wording that's a bit stronger than I'd choose myself. More like "It would be a real issue for me".

What would happen is that I would constantly lose focus as that URL changed which would trigger me and I'd get angry and annoyed. 😣

nekohayo, avatar

@mattiasb Yeah, I think using the world "real" would have caused more confusion than "serious", as anything can be said to be "real" by someone who perceives something, while "serious" is meant to clearly differentiate between an annoyance (still "real") vs something that "disrupts with consequences" levels of severity. i.e. Would it be considered harmful, or annoying, or not at all.
The characters (& choices) limit in polls makes it a bit hard to write things, but I think it's pretty balanced.

cferdinandi, avatar

🐝 New on ADHD ftw! Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection

cferdinandi, avatar

@sarajw That's the one I'm using, too. But under notifications, there wasn't an indication it was a response. I think because my name was at the end instead of beginning? I dunno. Maybe I'm just an idiot LOL

sarajw, avatar

@cferdinandi ah that's interesting! Yeah maybe it didn't have the yellow sheen that's usually put on replied because of where I moved the mention

RL_Dane, avatar

Someone needs to write an videogame called "Dopamine Farming" where you have a stable job and a great life and all of a sudden DONT care about anything in the world and start planning things around the dopamine they will produce so you can get through the day, like, "Time for a haircut! I don't need one that badly, but that's fifteen dopamine points, so I'll take it!"

yuliyan, avatar

@RL_Dane This is actually a phenomenal idea, imo!

RL_Dane, avatar
cferdinandi, avatar

🐝 New on ADHD ftw! Things you can do if you're not ready to ask for ADHD accommodations at work

cferdinandi, avatar

@Alonealastalovedalongthe ABSOLUTELY THIS! WFH made an instant improvement in my productivity!

cferdinandi, avatar

@shiri Thanks Shiri, also dealing with anxiety/depression, so my head is a bit of a mystery at the present. I appreciate your response, pax.


@stebee55 @shiri Thanks for your message, I’m with you on that. BTW, I love your tat! ✌🏻

samhainnight, avatar

I wanted to bake something today because the weather was cool, but I couldn't remember the recipe, so I had to look it up, but the recipe book was packed, so I had to move a bunch of boxes to get to it, but while they were out of the way I decided to put the kitchen rug down, then as long as I was at it I unpacked some dishes, then I unpacked my cookbooks then decided to put them on the tea cart, then put every else back nicely & now the kitchen looks better but I'm too tired to bake.

WhiteCatTamer, avatar

@samhainnight 14 step coffeemaking day:

Catawu, avatar

@samhainnight Old Story: Man goes into kitchen gets a glass of water. Goes back to front room to watch TV.
Woman goes into kitchen to get a drink of water, sees a mess on the counter top, wipes it down, clears a few dishes from the sink to the dishwasher, feeds the cat, mops the floor… then remembers to get a drink of water. Decides to make it vodka.

cferdinandi, avatar

🐝 New on ADHD ftw! Fidgeting and stimming

stephaniewalter, avatar

@cferdinandi I think we might be cats 😁

cferdinandi, avatar

@stephaniewalter no lies detected!

cferdinandi, avatar

🐝 New on ADHD ftw! Fun workplaces are a nightmare for ADHD

mastomuckle, avatar

@cferdinandi Good for you for quitting. For me, the prospect of finding a new job is such a huge Wall of Awful that I'm apt to stay in a toxic work environment until something explodes.

cferdinandi, avatar

@mastomuckle I got phenomenally lucky, honestly.

KitMuse, avatar

I know people with estrogen have said their ADHD gets worse during perimenopause/menopause, but I'm wondering if people with testosterone 50+ also notice their Autism/ADHD symptoms getting worse. Especially more "inattentive"/stuck in their thoughts.

I feel like we really need more research on all of this.

@actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

rolandelli, avatar

@KitMuse @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity person with mostly estrogen here (I think, anyway): my neurodivergent stuff did not get worse with changes. I had almost zero side effects of peri/meno except weight gain though. No hot flashes or other disturbances.

masukomi, avatar

@KitMuse @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity I'm 50, trans-femme recently restarting hormones, ADHD, & Autistic so I think i can speak to a lot of these.

estrogen drops during perimenopause & i've gone from basically none to too much recently. I don't think i'm any more or less stuck in my thoughts than before hormones.

My autism symptoms do feel worse BUT I've also been doing a lot of work unmasking work, & listening to 🧠's needs, & feeling / being percieved as "more autistic" is normal then.

btaroli, avatar

Today. Was. Just. Too. Much.

Endless work meetings. Slack. Interruptions. HOA Committee Texts. School meetings. School district meetings. Music lesson.

At some point at about 3pm I just had enough. And when this happens I tend to leave chats. Cancel or ignore messages or meetings.

I have to for my sanity. I have learned that if I push on I truly burn out and am not useful for anyone.

Why does our society encourage this???


janisf, avatar

@btaroli @actuallyautistic I'm not sure our society encourages that, specifically, so much as it's been propagated that hard work is how you move up the hierarchy (earn money, be competitive), while not tuning into the gratis labor that parents have to do.

Back in the day, the economic model of traditional family labelled parenting a FT job, and good jobs paid for a whole family, or so the story went. It's now an antiquated model, but you can still see it on your tax forms.

janisf, avatar

@btaroli @actuallyautistic Set your boundaries ahead of time if at all possible. There are also some really great tips and stories on r/SingleParents.

It's hard. Take care of your health, though, because this moment of life will pass more quickly than you can imagine, and one notable thing you'll have to show for it is the state of your body.

RL_Dane, avatar

Oh, why hello again . So... predictable to see you again.

RL_Dane, avatar


Sorry man. Yeah, I feel like the square peg getting constantly jammed in the round hole.

RL_Dane, avatar


Its pretty much weekly, now.
I arrive at the end of every week not remembering my own identity or why I even wake up in the morning, but just wanting to escape reality.

It's so bad this week that I literally thought yesterday was saturday.

ashleyspencer, avatar

I had a Rockstar energy drink, coffee, and a small Red Bull can, and it made me so sleepy I passed out for 14 minutes and woke up feeling like I slept an hour.

Energy drinks are supposed to make me functional, not take a nap after 240mg energy drink caffeine + whatever 4oz coffee is.

Damn ADHD lol.

Energy drinks do this to anyone else?


unixorn, avatar

@ashleyspencer @adhd

Funny, this came up on slack yesterday. I used to surprise friends because I would drink three or four Cuban coffees and then fall asleep

Der_Bachmann, avatar

Ich kenne drei Menschen, bei denen das so ist.

liztai, avatar

So happy I took the time to learn . It's going to be revolutionary for my vault. It'll help me create main topic pages to keep track of my notes. I used to manually link every note to a "MOC" but I kept forgetting and found it tedious. This is going to be a "leave it and let grow" thing, and it suits my brain immensely lol.
And how great it is that the
anticipated our annoyance with YAML and come up with the properties feature? Genius.

davidlohner, avatar

This is a really great tip!

thor, (edited ) avatar

The Norway group on FB strikes me as people who are always looking for stuff. Drugs, treatment, easy ways out. They're not looking for key solutions, such as collaboration. I'm also not seeing much interest in a weekly ADHD conference call. Some of the paradox is that you're short-sighted, and thus unable to work with people on the long term.

thor, avatar

@RL_Dane To dissuade such depictions, perhaps one should step up and work together.

RL_Dane, avatar


Totally agreed. What I loved about the youtube ADHD "community" was the realistic depictions of what ADHD is actually like, and techniques for overcoming it, not mere recommendations for drugs.

It's a bummer that the community you found isn't more healthy.

kamikat, avatar

Trying something new. The neurologist (has it and it's her specialty) I follow on IG says that if you want to do stuff, don't sit down because transitions are hard. So, after walkies, I went straight to my sewing room. I find this hilarious. This is now known as sneaking up on my brain😂

kamikat, avatar

@kcarruthers I asked one of my yoga teacher program teachers, who is ADHD, how to do my practice every day (it went from a hyperfixation to daily chore when it became homework) how to do my homework practice every day and she told me to lie in bed and watch the video. Most times, you will find yourself doing by the end. Again, trick the brain.😂

kcarruthers, avatar

@kamikat 🤣

instantiatethis, avatar

If I get my Adderall through mail service instead of the local pharmacy it saves me $25 per month. BUT they won't fill it until I run out & processing & shipping is slow unless you pay extra (even then it is not next day) so I end up being out of it for a week+. Because it is a controlled substance it also requires a signature so unless I happen to be home when the no tracking package comes I have to drive further than my pharmacy to pick it up. American healthcare can just fuck right off.

instantiatethis, avatar

I'm behind on work. I'm behind on house stuff. I haven't had the motivation to cook healthy meals or work out (also its been hot). I haven't had motivation to do most of my hobbies. I am trying to save and trying to pay down debt. I am trying to do all the things that make me a good responsible adult just to fail again because the War on Drugs criminalizes my medication and Big Pharma needs more profit for shareholders. If I didn't have cats I would probably just give up.

niclake, avatar

@instantiatethis recent adhd diagnosis myself. I can’t even imagine having to go through this - I forgot my meds once and it derailed everything for a week. 💜

sysop408, avatar

Just saw this ad for a magnetic tag that can be bound to your bags to allow you to leave handbags and backpacks hanging on any metal surface.

Anyone with upon seeing this. 😳

I’m often seen carrying a messenger bag that never leaves my body. Even when I do put it down in public, I usually loop a strap around my leg.

There’s a reason for that.

A purse magnetically attached to the side of a car by way of a tag with a magnet inside it.
A magnetic tag on a purse holds the purse up against a magnetic door frame. Text overlay reads “in restrooms.”
A magnetic tag shaped like a leaf holds a backpack up against a bathroom stall door. Text reads “In restrooms”

sysop408, avatar

@kissane I kissed my driver’s license and a bunch of cash goodbye in my head about 10 times just looking at that.

absolutspacegrl, avatar

@sysop408 oh my god what is the weight limit??

cferdinandi, avatar

🐝 New on ADHD ftw! The Bluey episode about ADHD

nflamel, avatar

@cferdinandi I cried a bit the first time I watched this one with my kid and it is still my favorite episode <3

cferdinandi, avatar

@nflamel Right? It just hits on SO MANY THINGS in a scant 6 minutes.

Disappointment from authority figures. Comments from peers. Internalized feelings of failure. Finding your place of belonging and that thing you're good at. Meeting people who "get" you and accept you as you are.

I fucking love Bluey, but this episode is just one of the best, hands down.

KatM, avatar

My husband is presenting in an all-day virtual conference with other experts in the field, including Dr. Edward Hallowell, for an /ADHD audience.

He put his slide deck on Slides as required. Then technical glitches occurred (slides weren’t fully loading) during the test run. The IT person asked him if he was on a Mac (he is). According to the IT person, they have trouble with Mac users being able to run slideshows when there are multiple presenters.

It’s 2024. C’mon man. 🙄

Lizette603_23, avatar

@KatM This IS what 2024 has been like for us from day one.

KatM, avatar

@Lizette603_23 Ugh. That’s a lot. 😕

sima, avatar

executive dysfunction is doing something in like 1h that you've put off for 5 months

sima, avatar

and yes I've spent way, way more than just 1h dreading it all and being utterly stuck and unable to do anything else over these 5 months

just for that one thing

yay 😔

gfxstrand, avatar

@sima Yeah, that's pretty much me. 😩

splott, avatar

and apparently my prescription is “delayed“. don’t know why, they didn’t answer the phone and I’m at work... not able to just come running. but maybe I have to. besides the , that is the medication keeping me upright and semi-functional while was eliminating the supplements and medications that make me sleep. Fml.

heyfluxay, avatar

@splott ugh, sorry to hear this, the hits keep coming

splott, avatar

@heyfluxay I finally got ahold of them. they are short, but they have enough to get me most. Of the way through the month. Mostly.

liztai, avatar

There's nothing more exciting to an ADHD brain ...
than a new unnecessary project.


@liztai just follow that with getting a package you forgot about ordering.

liztai, avatar

@petersibley that's my life now! I just ordered a bunch of things and Every package is a new present.

olena, avatar

Everytime I stand in front of the door and frantically search for the keys in my bag, all that makes me panic, pushes me to the verge of tears - even though it is not such a big deal because I’m not in a hurry and if anything, the concierge has a spare pair.
So, naturally, my brain tries to compensate for a possible fail - and every time I walk home, I feel almost unbeatable urge to get my keys out of my bag to my hand when I am still like 200 meters from home.
I suppose, it’s the same overcompensation mechanism that makes me come to airport at least two hours before the departure and to a train station at least an hour before, buy spares of essentials each time a bottle starts feeling not full, or always have a stocked pantry(though there may be multiple of ones and none of others as I always forget to check what I have before going to the store)

Is this exaggerated(to the point of creating problems) ‘better safe than sorry’ something people are more prone to? Do you guys also do that?

Susan60, avatar

@olena @actuallyautistic

I can definitely relate, and can also see this in my partner. (I’m happy to get to the airport at the recommended time, early but not stupidly do, but he’d rather get there at least an hour earlier again.)

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