
bart, avatar

Copy/paste keeping source formatting by default... Seriously, who ever thought this was a good idea and how did this persist so long on so many platforms?

metallcorn, avatar

@bart didn't get your statement

Ctrl+c make copy as it is. And I think getting data+ formatting is cool

Ctrl+v make paste as it is

Ctrl+Shift+V paste text only, without formatting

Or what do you mean?

peturdainn, avatar

@metallcorn @bart sorry I'm used to ctrl-c / ctrl-v for so many years, the extra feature should be another key combo

For example when I copy lines from VScode to a mail, the rest of what I type after it also has a black background, but I only see that if I'm not using dark mode on the email client. No I'm not going to change every incoming mail to plain text either.

Want paste with formatting, make that ctrl-shift-v

jscholes, avatar

Costco had on sale. Having never used one, I decided to buy a couple. I now have two smooth, round things on my desk that apparently don't stick or attach to anything without additional hardware, that I guess I can... put in a box that I might lose? Not really sure I understand this product.

jscholes, avatar

Even if they stuck to things, they're way too big to put on an AirPods case, way too expensive to attach to groceries, and so on. I could put one in my suitcase... except I don't travel that often and only take hand luggage when I do.

Note that I'm not looking for "why did you buy it if you didn't know what it was?" responses. I'm not complaining about the money spent, which was my choice, only saying that I don't understand the utility.

miki, avatar

@jscholes They're great to put in a bag if you're a bag-carrying person like I am. Wallets too. You can attach them to a keychain or keyring. People who own a vehicle often put one there, in case it gets stolen or even to find it when parked.

ashleygjovik, avatar
ashleygjovik, avatar

I have 14 days to file my proposed Amended Complaint, & the Judge gave me a hard page limit & specific formatting rules - but he's allowing me 50 pages w/out exhibits, which is generous. Apple then gets to reply & hassle me more

Copy of the Order is here:

davemark, avatar

"Amazon plans to give Alexa an AI overhaul — and a monthly subscription price"

Given that Amazon is going to start charging for the AI version of Alexa, I wonder if Apple has this same plan up its sleeve.

Maybe roll AI into the Apple One Premier bundle? Or add a tier, Apple One Ultra?

mlanger, avatar

@davemark Would people actually PAY for AI?

I’m more likely to pay to keep it out of my life. Like commercials in streaming services.

davemark, avatar

@mlanger Great question. It's all speculation at this point, but presumably, when and if pricing is laid out, there will be a compelling case made to shell out for AI.

5am, avatar

TL;DR: don't care that much about your privacy (gasp); and if you don't want your router or access point's BSSID to be passively scanned by hundreds of nearby devices and sent to Apple (and ), append "_nomap" to its SSID.

ashleygjovik, avatar

News alerts just notified me that I'm included in a request for attorneys fees. Okay, so, back in late 2022, I was hired to serve as an expert/hybrid witness for a fraud class-action against , but when Apple found out, Apple flipped out & got me kicked off. Apple's response now to the motion mentioning me is apparently feigning amnesia & pretending they don't know who I am.

andrew, avatar


Using this post to get acquainted with your story and … wow. Keep up the good work.

ashleygjovik, avatar

I was very excited to discover that my case against was featured in yet another article about how companies are not supposed to fire their employees in for reporting crimes!

chartier, avatar

“Who was asking for the iPad Pro to get thinner?”

Setting aside the fact our tech has been getting smaller and thinner for decades so I don’t really understand this question, I think the larger benefit is weight.

As someone who has been using a 13” iPad Pro for ~ 80% of my daily work and play for years, every fraction of an ounce they can shed is welcome, especially since this device is designed to be held; it doesn’t just sit on a surface like a laptop.

chartier, avatar

@craiggrannell I used it handheld yesterday to read a quite long article. It isn’t a massive difference from my previous 12.9 M1, but it’s noticeable. Subtle, but welcome.

craiggrannell, avatar

@chartier Good to know. I’m not expecting light as a feather (nor even iPad mini), but any saving is good.

I can’t get on board with the thinner iPhone thing though. That seems like a misstep – thinness for the sake of it.

davemark, avatar

Apple Music drops their top 10 albums of all time.

I love a good list, any notable snubs?
#Apple #Music #AppleMusic

MisterArix, avatar

@davemark Recency bias makes the entire list ephemeral and should be forgotten at the end of the current news cycle.

I like what Richard Thompson did, although the sponsor did not

davemark, avatar

@MisterArix “malicious compliance” 😃

danslerush, avatar

« Why Your Wi-Fi Router Doubles as an Apple AirTag » by @briankrebs

« Apple did not respond to requests for comment. But in late March 2024, quietly tweaked its policy, allowing people to opt out of having the of their wireless access points collected and shared by Apple — by appending “_nomap” to the end of the Wi-Fi access point’s name (SSID). Adding “_nomap” to your Wi-Fi network name also blocks Google from indexing its location. »

filipw, avatar

a new article on 9to5Mac comparing the iPad Pro with the upcoming Surface Pro. unfortunately it also conveniently ignores the fact that one is effectively running a super limited phone OS while the other a fully flexible desktop OS.

I hope that this will finally force Apple to allow iPad Pros to run macOS (even virtualized) as all that awesome power is just getting wasted.

📝 M4 iPad Pro vs Microsoft Surface Pro: How do they stack up?
#apple #ipad #surface

stux, avatar

needs to explain that bug that resurfaced deleted photos

kzimmermann, avatar

@stux there is confirmation that they collaborated with the PRISM program in the past. Reformed offenders? Maybe. But also let's not forget that is a very good marketing and PR enabler. I personally still don't trust them.

rusl, avatar

@stux It happened to my iPhone and my iPad. I noticed it because my albums are kept almost empty. I had always assumed iPhones used some type of secure delete, but clearly not.

jrefior, avatar

What are some decent speakers to pair with an iPhone or iPad on a modest budget?

Mostly for podcast and radio; some music. Don't want loud bass.

#speakers #apple #sound

dancingdogs, avatar

@jrefior wonderboom sounds very good. In Canada around 80-100.

jrefior, avatar


categulario, Spanish avatar

Por qué deberíamos quemar cada dispositivo #apple existente:

categulario, avatar

@bacteriano la diferencia está (si uno lee el artículo) en que mientras google le devuelve su ubicación al dispositivo android que la pregunte, apple le devuelve la ubicación de cientos de BSSIDS al dispositivo que la pregunte. Efectivamente permitiendo que otros individuos puedan localizar a virtualmente quien sea. No solo la compañía.

bacteriano, avatar

@categulario Si por eso apple perfeccionó su find me y los dispositivos apple se intercomunican via bluetooth y te localizan con precisión. Eso ya se sabia.

Lei el articulo pero quizá deje de poner atención cuando sentí que estaba un poco tendesioso, voy a tratar de leerlo con calma mas tarde

davidbures, avatar

Who else uses Xcode in disco mode?


ghalldev, avatar

@davidbures Ahh a fellow light mode developer. 😎

davidbures, avatar

@ghalldev All the way :thinkergunsunglasses:

davemark, avatar

"Apple Vision Pro immersive ‘Adventure’ video shot in Paris premiering this week ahead of international launch"

The limited (but growing) Vision Pro content reminds me of the "early days" each time a basic content is rolled out:

  • Renting VHS tapes
  • CD availability
  • DVD rentals

Etc., etc., etc.

These are early days. Way early.
#Apple #VIsionPro

davemark, avatar

@kaplag Solid take. Obviously, I don’t know anymore than you do. But if I had to make a guess, I’d say the Vision Pro will get lighter and lighter and continue to add both features and content. And, presumably, there will come a day when two people or a group of people can share the experience more than simply being on the same FaceTime call.

kaplag, avatar

@davemark Imagine proposing a movie night with a bunch of friends. How many groups of people today could get everyone invited to bring their Mac laptop or iPad to the party? I'd be kind of inconvenient for 4-5 people to all lug these devices to a friend's.

Apple Vision Pro seems more like a platform akin to those devices.

The only tech I know of where a bunch of people could get together and all have a device on them is a smartphone. Even then it might be a mix and have android devices.

naoentendonada, avatar

estou tentando comprar applecare para o computador (aka garantia estendida)

pensei que era ir no site, colocar o número do cartão e digitar o serial da máquina e pimba

não é

vc vai no site, coloca um computador do mesmo modelo no carrinho, daí coloca o adicional applecare também no carrinho

daí remove o computador deixando só o apple care

imagina que daí é só pagar e colocar o serial da máquina e tchum?


daí vc faz a compra e RECEBERÁ FISICAMENTE UMA CAIXA COM UM CARTÃOZINHO COM UM CÓDIGO o qual vc poderá usar para habilitar o seu plano

olha parabens

Kiloku, avatar

@naoentendonada "A Apple é referência em experiência de usuário"

zolotkey, avatar

Did you know you can opt out of Apple’s Crowd-Sourced SSID Location Services now?

You have to rename your SSID to end with “_nomap”. To know more about this read Apple's “about privacy and Location Services in iOS, iPadOS, and watchOS" document.

danie10, avatar

Apple needs to explain that bug that resurfaced deleted photos: Can we trust Apple’s PR?

It’s understandable that people freaked out last week when photos deleted years ago had suddenly reappeared in their iPhone photo library.

While we wait to hear the reason, it does seem to appear that deleted photos are still not deleted after 30 ...continues


pee, avatar

@danie10 perhaps they can't - National Security Letter. Just like with the push-notification debacle. It's good practice to install a device from scratch from time-to-time and if you have software like iMazing, it's quiet an eye opener.

danie10, avatar

@pee and I'd already completely forgotten that debacle too...

chartier, avatar

I wish I didn’t feel like Apple was one of the very few, sometimes only, major tech companies trying to build with privacy in mind. Yes, I get there are arguably places it may or can erode that design. They’re besides the point for now.

And granted, I generally like Apple’s products. But in some ways I also feel like I’m stuck here; I truly wish more of its peers valued our privacy.

Look at this. Look at it. What on earth.

qlp, avatar

@chartier At this point, I'm only using macOS or Linux on my personal laptops and I'm only using Windows as a primary OS on my work-provided laptop.

I wish there were more accessible (in more ways than one) alternatives as well.

davemark, avatar

One of the new Copilot Plus laptops, with the same "Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite" chip inside:

  • Base price of $1299
  • 13.4" display, 16GB/512GB
  • Available July 5th

Equivalent 13" 16GB/512GB base M3 MacBook Air is $1499.

Will this push Apple to lower their premium on Memory/SSD?

Return of the "I'm a Mac, I'm a PC" ads?
#Apple #Microsoft #CoPilot #Mac

coachmike66, avatar

@davemark 1920x1200 display resolution though.
MacBook Air is 2564x1664.
2K vs 4K that’s not nothing.

davemark, avatar

@coachmike66 Good catch. Thanks!

developerjustin, avatar

When I was in high school and I was just starting to get super into #Apple, I was very very broke. These stickers were like a badge of honor when I eventually got my first Mac when I started college.

15 years later, I’m not sure I could tell you what happened to a single sticker we’ve gotten since.

lwdupont, avatar

@developerjustin Ya, same.. I had some on my car years and years ago, but just don’t feel like sticking them on anything anymore. :(

kaiserkiwi, (edited ) avatar

I'm honestly a bit nervous about this years .

has shown with the presentation of the new iPad Pro that they now also use the word (They avoided it pretty much completely until then).

So will Apple try to make it more for their customers or will they just be as shitty as Google and Microsoft about all this stuff?

stefanzweifel, avatar

@kaiserkiwi I'm also so curious what they will do.

They are in talks with OpenAI, but nobody knows what that means in detail.

But not using on-device ML doesn't fit the Apple brand. Having dedicated data-centres just for the AI stuff would also go against there net-zero goal. Great if the building is powered by renewables, but I would rather use the resources for something different.

kaiserkiwi, avatar

@stefanzweifel If it's not locally I don't want it. At least make the Stuff that runs on the server optional.

But as face detection and other stuff in photos also runs on device while you charge your iPhone, it would be unlikely that Apple wants to use servers for this.

Especially when you look at the headlines for Microsoft. What was it? 30% increase in energy consumption because of AI? That's nuts. Definitely nothing Apple wants to have on their side. If the iPhone runs it locally it's distributed between all iPhones.

I'm not sure I'm a fan of a collaboration between Apple and OpenAI. But as long as OpenAI doesn't gets my phones data, I think I'm fine.

davemark, avatar

A great (undocumented?) Safari shortcut:

  • On your Mac, in Safari, hover over a link
  • Now type control-command-d (⌃⌘D)

A preview of the linked page appears in a popup. Cool beans!

Nice find by @lapcatsoftware

johnmacintosh, German avatar

Der Ausverkauf beginnt, wer möchte gerne eine, aber Achtung keine EU-Garantie. Da kommen bei mir so einige Fragezeichen auf wenn ich das in einem Schweizer Mitarbeiter Shop vergünstigt kaufen könnte.

The sale is starting, who would like one, but beware, no EU guarantee. This raises a few question marks for me if I could buy it at a discount in a Swiss staff store.

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