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sonny, to rust avatar

Are you experienced with GTK and Rust ? :gnome: ❤️ :rust:

We are looking to contract someone to work on the new GNOME Password Manager 🔑

We want it to become a core/default app and help secure millions of users.

You'll be working with the GNOME Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to building emancipatory technologies for everyone.

Please send resume / portfolio to

Boosts welcome :boost_love:

nopatience, avatar

Loving the idea of securing more users, but why introduce another password manager?

How about improving one of the existing ones, integrating it more tightly with Gnome?

Take KeePass, give it a better interface but use the already developed underlying logic/infra?

Perhaps there is a proposal or some sort of analysis reaching this conclusion as the "best" one?

sonny, avatar


Did you check the thread?

terhechte, to rust

I've decided to open source Ebou, the cross platform Mastodon Desktop Client.

You can find the repository here:

It also supports Windows, although this is beta and Windows binaries are not included yet (you'll have to compile it yourself). Attached is a Windows screenshot. Linux should be easy to support, too.

I'm open sourcing it because I think there's great value in a high quality cross platform Mastodon desktop client and I can't pull this off alone.


If you like Rust and would like to help out, check out the repository. I haven't had time to list issues yet, but it is easy to try out the app and see which things don't work yet 😀


@terhechte very cool! I will install it on a Mac later today when I get home. I’m retired IT but safely not a Rust programmer so I can’t help in that area; doc’s perhaps? I was complaining the other day about so many Mastodon clients (including paid!) not having any user docs so …

angelikatyborska, to rust

Hello Fediverse friends! My partner, who has total 16 years of experience in software in an impressive array of various technologies, is looking for new opportunities. What he's looking for:

  • ( or or anything really)
  • 100% in Germany or hybrid in
  • German employment contract
  • meaningful work (no nonsense like web3, cars, or gambling)

Do you know anyone hiring for positions that would fulfill those expectations?


@angelikatyborska oh well, who would not like to have such a rare unicorn job... Sane tech stack, remote, AND meaningful? Where can I sign up? 😂


@angelikatyborska well, I'm sarcastic as I've been looking too. In mainstream and niche sites. 99% boring corporate or hype topic jobs. Had very similar parameters as you:

  • ldeally, or
  • meaningful domain (esp. not finance, block chain or AI)
  • permanent contract
  • close to my area in Germany / remote

Apparently you get these jobs from knowing the right people. Or do you have tips where to look for such jobs for next time I look? Maybe I just suck at job search.

afranke, to rust avatar

After two and a half years of rewrite, #Fractal 5 is finally out! Get the #GTK 4 #Rust #Matrix client from and enjoy new features such as #EndToEndEncryption, location sharing, or multi-account with Single-Sign On 🚀


afranke, avatar

@boud I am so glad Debian is facing such difficulties packaging it. You have no idea. Now, since our intention was clearly stated at the beginning, you failed to understand it and kept debating this, as far as I’m concerned, this was the last message I will see from you. Good day, sir.

boud, avatar

I didn't debate the developers' intentions: what was debated was how that relates to software sustainability and the wider FOSS ecosystem. Useful results from this thread seem to be that the developers' choice is clear; links to debate about flatpak are available; and we know that packaging for the wider ecosystem is ongoing by at least one person.

zanchey, to rust avatar

rewrite-it-in progress, 2024-01-15

87029 rust lines added
76776 / 76776 C++ lines removed
▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ 100%


So, we're done? Well, yes and no.

zanchey, avatar

Yes, in the sense that almost all the C++ has been rewritten in Rust (at a raw line count about 10% more, which is not a particularly insightful number). The fish_test_helper standalone binary remains in C++, because it's basically entirely libc calls, uses no other fish code and never gets run by end users.

No, in the sense that none of this code is shipped to users. We've still got work to do to get this into a tarball that someone can (say) brew install - at this stage I think it looks like CMake will be hanging around, much simplified, to handle some of the configure/install targets, while cargo is used for the actual build.

Even if it we could shipped to today, there's not really any point. Performance is a bit better in some areas, a bit worse in others, but most importantly the technical rationale for the whole rewrite (see thread safety in has not been achieved yet. And there are significant downsides for platform support, at least in the short term: it looks like Cygwin (and I think MSys2) is not going to be supported for a while, and building our own packages on old versions of Linux distributions is a headache.

zanchey, avatar

However, some of the social goals have definitely been achieved. Large parts of the rewrite came from contributors who had never worked on fish before. There's been a lot of buzz in various online fora. Vibes are just as important to free/open source software as proprietary software and although there were solid technical reasons for the port, the PR outcomes are added benefits.

Finally, this is definitely not proof that you should rewrite your software in Rust. It's a data point at best, and maybe check back when the answer to "are we done" is "yes for sure". Joel Spolsky's classic article is worth a read, if you haven't, and many of his points remain accurate. We fixed some bugs as part of the port! We also definitely introduced some more, not all of which have been found.

dgoosens, to rust French avatar

This looks interesting

Hurl is a command line tool that runs HTTP requests defined in a simple plain text format.

It can chain requests, capture values and evaluate queries on headers and body response. Hurl is very versatile: it can be used for both fetching data and testing HTTP sessions.

Hurl makes it easy to work with HTML content, / SOAP / GraphQL APIs, or any other XML / JSON based APIs.

(Built with powered by )

gilbus, avatar

@dgoosens hurl is just great. It's at the heart of our integration tests at work and I don't want to miss it anymore!

alcinnz, avatar

@dgoosens I named a Haskell Curl alternative "HURL", but that name's taken?

Oh well, I suspect we're in different enough contexts it shouldn't matter...

a13cui, to rust
gfxstrand, avatar

@a13cui Personally, I prefer VR6. Everything they added after that was just bloat.



@CodexArcanum @Ninji be a pioneer and install VB6

j3tracey, to rust

Last week I presented my paper at SecDev on the impact has vs. #C++ on the probability of a vulnerability being introduced by a first-time contributor to a project—and therefore, how easy it is for newbies to get contributions merged. The full paper is available here:

but the tl;dr is: Rust significantly lowered the number of vulnerabilities introduced, especially from new contributors, and increased the quantity of new contributors to projects.


After doing a best fit, we found projects were less likely to introduce vulnerabilities than their equivalent #C++ projects at all relevant experience levels, but more importantly, we found the effect was most significant for first-time contributors, who were almost two orders of magnitude less likely to contribute vulnerabilities. That is, even though Rust may have a reputation as a harder language to learn, there is a very measurable effect that makes it better for newbies. Reviewers should not have to put as much effort into reviewing code to be confident that someone making their first foray into their project is accidentally adding a vulnerability.


@oblomov That's actually true! You can see section IV.C.b in the paper for details, but basically, there is a small-but-robust positive correlation between experience and vulnerability rates in Rust. Because a similar phenomenon was discovered in Java cryptographic code, our conjecture is that this is just what happens when you add memory safety: In C/C++, even trivial code could contain a vulnerability, while in memory safe languages, vulnerabilities are more likely to exist in unusually complicated code, where only people very familiar with the project are likely to spend a lot of time modifying it.

julia, to rust

Heya! I'm in need of a new job. My current gig is contract based, which I don't see as a sustainable option going forward.

I'm a software developer based in Pennsylvania. I enjoy taking on complex problems and finding solutions to them, especially close to the hardware. I've been teaching myself to code for about nine years now, gaining experience in a myriad of technologies.

So, if anyone is in need of a developer with extensive experience in Rust, C/C++, CI/CD, or webdev, please reach out!

I can be reached via email at julia AT insertdomain DOT name.

AugierLe42e, to rust French avatar

Dis Masto, si tu vois passer des annonces de mission en télétravail total qui accepte les débutants Rust, contacte-moi, ça pourrait m'intéresser.

lutindiscret, avatar
greenman, avatar


Bah voilà, y en a un de plus :)
Merci pour le lien vers le salon !

@jdrouet @AugierLe42e @fipaddict

seanmonstar, to rust avatar

I'm so so excited to announce hyper v1.0 🚀


@seanmonstar This is awesome, Sean! Congrats to you and contributors! 🎉 🥳

It takes so much perseverance to get such an important infrastructure-level project to v1.0!

Kudos! 🎩

ThePSF, to rust avatar

Python is a memory-safe programming language that eliminates an entire class of software vulnerabilities 🐍🛡️ Adoption of memory-safe systems languages like continues to grow in the package ecosystem 🦀

ikey, to rust

A while back I posted to announce we were enabling the use of as a development language within @thunderbird

Pleased to say that we've now landed support, and as of today it's possible to write new libraries and xpcom components using , as part of the libxul build!

Don't worry, we're not about to "RIIR" - this is enabling new code next year to supercharge the backend architecture for your favourite mail client.

bluejekyll, to rust

“… we’ve still found Rust to be a significant improvement over C (or C++), both in terms of safety and productivity, in all the bare-metal use cases where we’ve tried it so far.”


@bluejekyll i wish we had access to the rust course mentioned

ekuber, avatar
janet, to rust avatar

When your build times get slower after adding some procedural macros:

We call that the syn tax :ferris:


@janet 😅 This is brilliant!😂

Rust is so "pun-able".😄

ekuber, to rust avatar

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego are conducting a research study on Rust errors and how we can help make it easier to learn . They made a VSCode extension, SALT, which includes a borrowing and ownership error visualizer. Opt-in, it can also send them data regarding the errors you’ve experienced while compiling; they plan to use that information to evaluate the impact of our extension as well as to give you feedback on your progress.


@ekuber I can definitely see the visualization being useful. what GPT-4 had to say about it shows there is a lot more you can do in context to help a beginner

zanchey, to rust avatar

#fishshell rewrite-it-in #rust progress, 2024-01-08

87261 rust lines added
76766 / 77063 C++ lines removed
▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░ 99 %

#riir #rustlang


The reader and input stack have been ported, which is basically everything. There's still some entry points in C++ (PR being reviewed) and test helper binary (might make a good external contribution as it's entirely self-contained), but almost all of the C++ is gone, and with it large chunks of the FFI.

Now we just have the second 90% to go - making sure this rewritten fish is portable and distributable!

erlend, (edited ) to rust avatar

Three months ago I submitted a post to the sub-reddit called 'Building a better /r/rust together' wherein I hailed as a fitting successor.

Today we have 3 moderately active Rust spaces on the threadiverse. To counteract community fragmentation we need the ability for groups (Lemmy community or magazine) to follow other groups.

Help needed from fedi-curious Rust developer out there: Implement FEP-d36d for Lemmy!

pfefferle, avatar

@RookieNerd @erlend We are about to launch 1.0.0 in the next few weeks: and plan to release it on afterwards. That is the short term plan. I think one of the next big features will be full comment-federation (in both directions) and domain-forwarding (for users that switch the domain of their site).

bobjonkman, avatar


Oooh! Blog-wide accounts in v1.0.0! That's an immediate install for several WordPress sites I maintain!

@RookieNerd @erlend

to, to rust avatar

I’ve been out of job since June with very low self income (I don't qualify for public unemployment income) and the project I was due to start in February will probably be delayed until April-May.

I'm a Staff / Principal Engineer who likes to work with nice people on R&D projects, remotely, preferably async, but at this point I’m open to anything for the next two/three months (hoping for no further delays).

#rust #rustlang #nodejs #typescript #hireMe #fediHire #contract #freelance #freelancer

timbray, to rust avatar

Wow, lousy (& educational) weekend for online communities. & ripping themselves apart due to not having thought through how to deal with garbage people.

Axiom: Any online anything that has people in it will have garbage people. The time to figure out how to deal with them is before they start throwing garbage.

alcinnz, avatar

@timbray I on the other hand consider figuring this out more important than slapping a CoC online!

(Though I did put careful thought into the CoC I chose)

wordshaper, avatar

@timbray well, in fairness here I’m pretty sure the BlueSky folks have thought about how to deal with the garbage people, it’s just their plan of inviting them onto BlueSky didn’t work out the way they hoped.

rust, to rust

The effort to create an official specification has begun! Read about it in this blog post from the newly launched specification team:

BoydStephenSmithJr, avatar

@rust Wow! I'll miss HKTs, but I'll definitely switch if I can escape the implementation-defined morass and get to a specified modern language.

I can always spec stuff out in a language with HKTs and then lower them and just panic on the impossible cases.

Mara, to rust

🦀 I'm really excited about today's release! 🥳

  • offset_of!
  • stripping release binaries by default!
  • IP/socket types available in no_std!
  • File::create_new (won't overwrite existing files)!
  • more array and slice methods (each_ref, chunk methods)!
  • Mutex::clear_poison!

fasterthanlime, avatar

@Mara ooooh!


Really cool to see the c"" string literal feature stabilized. I wrote the RFC for c"" string literals 1, so I'm very excited to see it reach stable Rust today.

I had nothing to do with its implementation, however. The implementation was done by @beef 2 and quite a few others worked on it too 3. Thanks all, for making this happen!

sonny, to rust avatar

Workbench 46 is out! 🛠️

Actually it was a couple of hours ago before GNOME 46 but I didn't want to steal the show 😎

Here are the highlights 💡

Inline diagnostics for :rust: and :python:

New Library demos: 📚

"Snapshot" to demonstrate one of GTK4 coolest feature.

"Dialog" and "Message Dialogs" to demonstrate libadwaita 1.5 new responsive dialogs.

26 demos ported to Python
5 demos ported to Vala

A screenshot of Workbench demonstrating the "Snapshot" Library demo

A screencast of Workbench demonstrating the "Dialog" demo.

sonny, (edited ) avatar

If you use, like or dislike Workbench, please let me know.

I'm always happy to get feedback and interested in understanding how Workbench can help you learn and build.

sonny, (edited ) avatar

Also - GNOME 46 release notes for developers has a section on the changes between Workbench 45 and 46.

Very proud of what we accomplished within 6 months of (volunteer!) work.

mre, to rust avatar

@mre Can you please add a description of this image? Unfortunately, I have no idea what you're saying. Thanks.

prma, to rust avatar

Ok, I tried every single app under the sun for the learning genders in German.

I made something that works for myself.

I put the code and everything here:

Under GPL-3.

This little prompt is going to pop up every single time that I open my terminal (approximately 100 times per day).


@prma -ung words are always die I thought :)

prma, avatar
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