Video Games

Moggy, French avatar

Je remets ce vieux thread sur de magnifiques covers de jeux vidéo. Pas envie qu'il disparaisse. A l'époque où j'étais en coloc avec L'aspi, on avait tout compilé dans un dossier une multitude d'illustrations très laides qu'on trouvait dans les magasins ou sur le net.

Je commence avec Snow White And The 7 Clever Boys, un jeu PS2, la contrefaçon de Phoenix Games:

Moggy, avatar

Virtuoso sorti sur 3DO et DOS, un jeu d'action en vue à la 3ème personne qui mélangeait 3D et protagoniste principal en FMV. Et franchement, même si c'est un peu cheap visuellement aujourd'hui, ça le faisait à l'époque. Une des jaquettes par contre...

Moggy, avatar

Bible Buffet sorti sur NES et, SURTOUT, édité par Wisdom Tree, un boite spécialisée dans les jeux ayant pour thème la Bible.

cliffwade, avatar

Tell me the story behind your profile banner, such as the one you see below and on my profile.

Mine is a screenshot from my favorite video game of all time, Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar, released on September 16th, 1985.

It's a game I've put thousands of hours into, both back when it was originally released and still to this very day.

Strider, avatar

@cliffwade Mine isn't related to gaming. Maybe I should change it...

I love wildlife, nature documentaries, dogs and wolves, so it seemed appropriate.

gmraphi, avatar

@cliffwade Also you work at Nova Launcher? The best thing in Android! I love it! The wallpaper thing I do I always use Nova Launcher to add suitable icons. The endless customization is so great.

GossiTheDog, avatar

The Day Before “launched” finally 🤣


GossiTheDog, avatar

lol, the devs have shut down their discord and deleted videos referencing it as an open world game


GossiTheDog, avatar

IGN gives #TheDayBefore their first ever 1. “I’d have more fun hiding in a dumpster surrounded by actual zombies.”

cliffwade, avatar

Good morning and happy Monday!

For the let me ask each of you what the weather is like in your part of the world as well as what your plans are for the day?

For me, it's just a lazy, relaxing day. Not going to do much of anything other than play some Fortnite later this evening with friends like we normally do on Monday's.

cliffwade, avatar

@og Good evening good sir! How was your day today?

cliffwade, avatar

@og It's been good. Played a ton of Diablo IV today and now about to play Fortnite with some close friends.

ami_angelwings, (edited ) avatar

: what's your video game, anime or manga hot take? Like an actually scorching hot take that you actually believe and would cause controversy.

*As an example of the kinds of takes i mean, on the radio they did sports hot takes and 3 that came up were:

  • any NBA player over 6'7" could become a professional soccer goalie with only a month of training
  • an educated sports fan could do about as well as any professional GM at drafting 1st round picks over a 10 year span just by following general scouting rankings
  • a decently fit person could rush for 1 yard in the NFL with a good enough O line
oct2pus, (edited ) avatar

@NaClKnight @ami_angelwings

I think fighting games have a healthier competitive infrastructure that do not have to make as much money as company run esports leagues do, and also any implosions will simply be less spectacular.

I do miss my competitive shooter days sometimes but driving up to a tournament and playing is so much easier than wrangling 5 other players consistently at the same time week to week, if I don't want to go I just don't go that week!

Leagues can be done well but like
tournaments > leagues any day as an amateur.

oct2pus, avatar

@NaClKnight @ami_angelwings I think corporate leagues both kill off all the grassroots infrastructure that Shooters and Mobas used to have and prevent it from growing back as well.

jedimb, avatar

🎮 in 2023

It's the sequel thread, and this time I'll do it right!

I'll reply to this thread every time I "finish" playing a video game this year. That could mean getting to the end of the story it tells, or just getting to a point where I think I've experienced what the game has to offer me.

By "doing it right" I mean that I won't forget about the part where I don't actually have to play to what would be considered the end of the game.

jedimb, avatar

Oh, had I really only finished one game in the first 6¾ months of 2023?

Well, I was busy with school, which halted my playthrough, and then I had for all of June, so...

#2 (2023-07-24)

I've been playing the game on and off. Started the playthrough in 2020, I think. Significantly more difficult to play on the Switch than PC, but the GameCube controller helped.

Activated God Mode against the Icon of Sin. 🤷🏻‍♀️

jedimb, avatar


Let me just start with admitting that I used a hex editor on my save file to boost my health to... many times the normal value... so I could actually defeat the final boss.

That said, with some perseverance I did manage to deal with all the other difficult boss battles scattered throughout the game.

It's an absolutely lovely about a cool girl who has traveled to a living castle to break a curse that killed her parents.

Europe fighting a sphinx-like creature called the Shadow of Demise, while standing on a floating platform in a slightly infernal landscape.
Europa introducing herself to her new stuffed bear companion, by saying (regarding her name): "Mine is a bit odd too. I'm Europa."
One of the lost musicians you can find throughout the castle. She's a butch woman dressed in red and white with a fang necklace and a side-shave. She says: "Perfect! I'll be at the theater, I'm supposed to meet my girlfriend there soon." Come to think of it... I never did find out which of the other girls was her girlfriend?

Loukas, Swedish avatar

"Introduce yourself using seven "

  1. Civilization
  2. Fallout
  3. Elder Scrolls
  4. Mount and Blade
  5. Disco Elysium
  6. Kingdom Come: Deliverance
  7. Jagged Alliance 2

Loukas, avatar

@nlovsund @maswan No, but what I love is being a tiny advanced civ, and then as soon as I've got some good tech and I've got Alien Control Centre I just take over one or two Sakkra or Sillicoid worlds with 10+ population and all of a sudden I've got a huge industrial base as well as the tech. The main way I lose in mid-game is failing to grab my piece of the jucy Big Dumb Alien pie :)

maswan, avatar


It's been a few years since I last had a working one, but large numbers of cheap ships with missiles for early/mid-game for me, and then pretty much whatever that hits heavy in the first round for the late game.

I like building dreadnoughts with stellar converters too, but again, by that point in the game it isn't really a hard challenge, just stomping over the remaining threats.


darth, avatar

Do you consider borrowing the same as pirating them? If not, then what do you think the negative effect of pirating is?

darth, avatar

@RemeJuan to be completely honest I do not want to have a screen 1 centimeter from my eye for 10+ hours per day. Right now I have two monitors at home and two at work. If I ever need a third one or more of them .. I will simply add them, no big deal.

WMan22, avatar

@darth We used to just do "borrowing", it was called going to hollywood video and renting a game, $5 for 5 days with it.

As for pirating, I think at least enough people have to crack for archival due to bad DRM, but only partake in piracy after a game is no longer being sold anywhere and has become effectively abandonware, where it becomes fair to play free.

Unless you're streaming services, where you chop up one series across 5 different services, each worse than the last, in which case, F U.

Monsterlady, avatar

Today was my first time venturing into the Inactive Lava Zone. Only now have I got the hang of driving my Cyclops. Got myself some Kyanite enough to upgrade it and my Prawn. I will definitely have to come back for more, though, but how else do I learn? There's a first for everything. 😄


@Monsterlady the day may come when Emily plays Starfield... BUT IT IS NOT THIS DAY 😁

Monsterlady, avatar

@ZombieGopher Hey man I'm not paying $90 for a video game, Bethesda or not.

mdmrn, avatar

Happy .

As I did last week, I am going to break my recommendations into different categories based on topic.

Let's start simple.

Book 1 -

@britt - Admin of MstdnGames, a fantastic Instance for gamers.

@MsSammieRose - Cozy gaming and a whole lot more.

@sonicstadium - The official Mastodon account for the Sonic / Sega gaming news blog Sonic Stadium.

@broximar - A mix of solid video gaming commentary, thoughts, and personal stuff.

heyminto, avatar

@mdmrn thx for the shout-out. 🫶

mdmrn, avatar

@heyminto Of course! You are so welcome!

renwillis, avatar

It be like that now. 🥺

#videogames #gaming #games #funny #humor

alexanderhay, avatar

@renwillis Which was why Doom 2016 was so refreshing, and Doom Eternal was so up-its-own-arse disappointing.

doomvega, avatar

@alexanderhay @renwillis I liked that we saw more of Doomguy’s character. It was all this stuff with Urdak and the Maykrs and Doomguy secretly being a god— the fanfiction stuff— that was super disappointing. It’s an awesome fanfic, but not a great core series game. :(

cliffwade, avatar

I've been having such a super fun time in Diablo IV Season 2 so far.

Pre-season I only got my character to level 84, which was a GRIND! Season 1 I only played just a little and got my character to level 33. Season 2 I'm currently at 97 1/2 and hoping to get to 100 tonight or tomorrow if all goes as planned.

Are you playing Diablo IV currently and if so, how are you enjoying it?

#VideoGames #Gaming #Gamer #Games #DiabloIV #Diablo #Blizzard


@cliffwade I’m currently close to level 60. Can you believe I’ve only played barbarian up until now? Something, something about chopping body parts.

DISCLAIMER: this is a game, do not send a SWAT team to my door. If I see someone with a broken finger in a medical reality show, I’m feeling nauseous.

cliffwade, avatar

@forceofhabit Nice! Are you doing a seasonal character or non-seasonal character?

I've only really played Rogue myself. I started with a Necromancer, finished the story, got to level 50 and didn't really care for it so I switched to Rogue and never looked back.

gmr_leon, (edited ) avatar

What online multiplayer games play well over wifi/higher latency?

I'm thinking turn-based games may work okay in this respect, but which of those might you recommend besides Civ? Also what other types of games work better over wifi/higher latency than you might expect?

I know ideally you'd simply wire up your system to not have to fuss with either, but it's not always an option in some circumstances.



Ah, yeah, playing on official or public servers is definitely gonna be a mixed bag in terms of location. I’ll admit I didn’t really consider that as I’m lucky enough to have a good group of friends with similar gaming interests, and we’re all within about 100 KM of each other. I just ended up building a server and self-hosting out of my home.


You can play a ton of turn based board games on

You can play real time or turn based. It works on any browser, even mobile.

ShareYourGames, Dutch avatar

I know my main focus with this account is on #videogames as that's where my passion lies.
If you tag us with board games, arcade games, any kind of games, I'll gladly boost and learn more about that. 😊
Pinball fan? Share your games!
Monopoly fan? Share your games!
And so on...

I love #gaming and how it can bring people together. So I'd love to see your toots and boost them.

Please do use alt text, or I can't boost... Thanks!

TackerTacker, avatar

How about both? a ! 🤩
One where you can build and share your own pinball machine.

Gif preview of the video game Super Pinball Maker.

Carolee, avatar


Maybe your followers can help me. My son taught us a card game but nobody who taught it to him knew what it was called. Each player has three cards face-down, three face-up, and five in a hand. Twos and tens have special powers, and everyone takes turns stacking by increasing number on a central pile. Suits are irrelevant.

That might be enough for someone to give a correct name to what we call the “fun game” but I cannot add more detail if needed. Anyone know the name? Thanks!

CultureDesk, (edited ) avatar

Nintendo has announced a live-action film based on The Legend of Zelda, directed by Wes Ball, who helmed the "Maze Runner" trilogy. Variety has the details. How are we all feeling about this?


@CultureDesk I’ve never played any of the Zelda games so I have no interest in seeing a movie.

CultureDesk, avatar

Most of this poll's respondents — almost half — said they're reserving judgment on the newly announced "Legend of Zelda" movie, though for a sizeable percentage (38%) it was an automatic nope. One respondent said that the only option that would satisfy their kids would be an AI trained on Tumblr posts. And nobody liked our casting suggestion — Chris Pratt as Link.

DekaBlack, Spanish avatar

I remember this roguelike i was trying some time ago. I managed to, after several tens of tries, go down some levels. And then i was killed.

By a kiwi. The bird, not the fruit.

jake4480, avatar

@DekaBlack woww I think I tried a 2D kind of Doom but haven't seen this one - it's a must try. Big Doom fan. What a mix! Thank you! Haha

DekaBlack, avatar

@jake4480 Have here, the official page ;)

godnojoe, avatar

With the supposedly death of physical media in , what does this mean for future for this generation of video game consoles?

wiredfire, avatar

@nazokiyoubinbou @godnojoe @sortius it’s a real concern.. but to date there hasn’t been a system protection or DRM that hasn’t been cracked in one way or another (sometimes needing an earlier OS version or via hardware mods). So I’m cautiously optimistic.

nazokiyoubinbou, avatar

@wiredfire @godnojoe @sortius I mean, look at how much trouble the latest Playstation and Xbox models have been to hack. As far as I know, even though hackers have EXTREME inside knowledge of the inner workings thanks to Erista, Mariko still hasn't been hacked on the Switch. I don't really think modchips are quite the solution you may think either. Hard to acquire, expensive, and getting harder to install with each generation, they also are less effective on systems like Sony's and MS'.

ChrisMayLA6, avatar

While its good to see that books still hold their own (in revenue generating terms) with films & music (they outperform both), the big news is that video games generated more revenue globally than books & music combined.

As someone who has never played a video game, but reads a lot of books, I'm not sure how I feel about this... but it tells us something about where the globe's creative & receptive energies seem to be spent.


JetlagJen, avatar

@diazona @ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon other factors that may skew the stats:

Libraries. While awesome in many ways, the revenue per book is less than from sales to individuals.

Free games include ads, so revenue is generated even there.

Second hand books are a thing still, even with ebooks becoming more popular, and won't be counted. Game downloads have all but killed the second hand game market.

Indie gaming is huge, with several major platforms. Indie books are controlled by Amazon.


@ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon Computer based visual novels (a genre I only recently discovered (when I bought a cheap 2nd hand PS4 last year!)) probably get counted as Video games, but perhaps should count more as a book, and there's a significant story element to a lot of video games.


Diablo II (2000) is the first role-playing game I’ve known to give fighter classes the same amount of ”spells” as the caster classes by leveraging unique weapon skills and special movement techniques rather than purely magical spells or scrolls.

I definitely have mixed memories of table-top role playing game sessions where players with caster characters were frantically flipping through the extensive spell list of the Player Manual while players with fighter characters were recounting their dice over and over for lack of a better thing to do.


@hypolite "Das Schwarze Auge" ist more straight forwar without all those "in deep" knowledge you have to have to play D&D.
You can play "Das Schwarze Auge" without any deeper lore or ruleset without beeing overwhelmed. When it comes to details you can dive as deep as you wish.
That "diving as deep as you wish" feels mandatory whenyou start playing D&D ¯_(ツ)_/¯


@hypolite D&D 4e kinda tried to fix this. WIth a generic action economy and giving various fighty classes a variety of martial combat actions some with spwll effects. Spells for casters also being part of the same economy.

D&D 4e recieved a lot of criticism for its changes. Some of it unfair imho. But i totally appreciated that particular design goal.

Monsterlady, avatar

I'm building bridges with friends. Drack may not be Wrex, but he's still awesome in his own way.

Nakmor Drack

helligbird, avatar

@Monsterlady I stopped on my second. Too long, too little time, had other games I wanted to try 😅 Enjoy your playthrough! Don't forget to try the multiplayer, at least a little bit.

Monsterlady, (edited ) avatar

@helligbird Eh multiplayer I tried years ago, but I am not a multiplayer person. 😊

Better make time then hehe...I have several games I want to play soon but I'm trying to finish other multiple titles first already installed. The only thing that makes me stop is if I am genuinely not enjoying it.

mjgardner, (edited ) avatar

So very tired of modern “. Most of the time it’s stolen valor by devs who weren’t even born when was still riding high with its Voodoo Graphics cards, in hopes that players will overlook the derivative gameplay because they get a frisson from the visuals.

I paid for all the dots in this “Retina display.” Use them.

ephesossh, avatar

@mjgardner what an incredibly odd choice of hill to die on, how did hurt you

mjgardner, avatar

I assure you that what made games inspiring on blocky pixel platforms was not the lack of fine visual detail. And in some cases like @jmechner’s or David Crane’s early work, the game transcended the visuals and made you see details that weren’t there.

jmac, (edited ) avatar

I am haunted by several great games that I have played a bunch of but walked away from for one reason or another. Which one should I make a push at this weekend?

jmac, avatar

@zarfeblong @danblondell Oh, the first boss was fun with just auto-aim, at least for me. You can hide behind a pillar, pop out and squeeze off a whole clip of perfect shots, and duck back again. Feels very properly cinematic.

danblondell, avatar

@jmac Just played a little Control tonight — it was mysteriously not suddenly insanely hard and I realized in the past I had played it on Stadia and Switch cloud streaming, so I had never actually tried it locally. Must have been some kind of input delay that made combat ridiculous over streaming.

GaymerGeek, avatar
angelus_04, avatar

@GaymerGeek Saturday I played and on Sunday I started

the_white_wolf, avatar


Ui Dishonered is a great franchise.
I played Dishonered 1 and Dishonered 2🥰


jmac, avatar

A thing about I think of now and again:

I am anticipating a possible middle-future cultural phenomenon where a ton of people, starting with -ers, express that they love video games and want to play more but they're getting too old for them. That is, their eyesight and reflexes and so on begin to drop below the threshold to enjoy them, en masse.

This hasn't been a problem with other mass-cultural media before, right? You generally don't get too old for books or movies and such.

jmac, avatar

@zompus Sometimes I watch YouTubes of NES games that I am absolutely positive I finished as a kid and I'm like... how the hell...? Did I actually do all this?!

anabollocks, avatar

@jmac I mean, you can get too old for standard-print books, too old to easily read subtitles, too old to hear the dialogue clearly without disturbing the peace, so... I'd say you can. Signed, the person who needs to pick up a bluetooth-compatible TV for her mom in assisted living so she can wear headphones instead of deafening her neighbors.

mdmrn, (edited ) avatar

Pick your type of ?

Please for maximum participation in this silliness!



@mdmrn The only thing serious about them is that they're seriously...evil 🪿

mdmrn, avatar

@thissa This is fair. :MaguChan:

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