
evelynefoerster, avatar
finally, avatar


Das ganze Geld dafür wäre jetzt erstmal in die Sicherung der Lebensbedingungen unserer Kinder und Enkel hier auf der Erde sinnvoller investiert.

Was für eine technologieoffene Verschwendung.

Unser wunderschöner blauer Planet wird von uns geplündert, vermüllt und seine Artenvielfalt stirbt, aber es gibt immernoch Leute, die Mondlandungen und Marsmissionen bewundern.


@finally @evelynefoerster

Was haben Solarzellen, Computerchips, Akkubohrer, Infrarot Thermometer, Sonnenbrillen und Klettverschlüsse gemeinsam?

Ohne Weltraumforschung gäbe es davon nichts in seiner heutigen Form.
Auch so Dinge wie GPS Systeme gäbe es nicht.

Menschen wollen Forschen, Menschen wollen Entdecken. Und während sie Thema X erforschen finden sie evtl eine Lösung für Problem Y. 🤷🏼‍♀️

kenthebin, avatar
kenthebin, avatar
kenthebin, avatar

Additional Backup Day added ...

ULA - Boeing Starliner CFT
Atlas V N22 from CCSFS LC-41

Pri: Wed Jun 05 at ~14:52 UTC.
Bk1: Thu Jun 06 at ~14:29 UTC.
Bk2: Sun Jun 09 at ~13:18 UTC.

ULA live updates:


📆 Sept. 4, 2022 "Two in the belt between and 🪐 have more , and than exists on . Ultimately these products could be not only ⛏️ but also in , reducing of both the and on "

"Both have surfaces with 85% such as iron and nickel and 15% silicate material, which is basically "

Picture: on


#MiningTechnology 📆 September 13, 2023 The #economic potential of extracting raw #minerals from #space for use on Earth or for #InSpaceManufacturing is infinite. The #asteroid ☄️ database Asterank has estimated the resource values for asteroids tracked by #NASA. It claims that the ten closest and most cost-effective #asteroids to mine from #Earth contain around $1.5trn 💰 of natural #resources in today’s economy, which is equivalent to the current annual value of the entire global 🌍 #mining ⚒️ industry.
The current level of investment 💵 into #SpaceExploration and the potential exhaustion of Earth’s resources mean that #AsteroidMining is more of an inevitability than a possibility.


spaceflight, (edited )

The #mining industry estimates that producing one kilogram of #platinum on #Earth 🌍 releases around 40,000 kilograms of carbon dioxide.
Platinum mined from an #asteroid ☄️ would release some 150 kilograms of #CO2 into Earth’s atmosphere. Large asteroid-mining operations could lower 📉 this to about 60 kilograms of CO2 per kilogram of platinum.


65dBnoise, (edited ) avatar

So this question arises: if the plan for #Flight53 was to scout and cover 203m of ground, why did it do a straight line flight of only 142m? Even if this is a preliminary localization, still the flight seems rather abnormal.

#Ingenuity #MarsHelicopter #MARS2020 #NASA #Solarocks #Space #PDSAnalystNotebook

PaulHammond51, avatar
65dBnoise, avatar

If #Flight53 was indeed abnormal, then #Ingenuity did a marvelous job landing safely, and so did its team and the #Mars2020 team in resolving the situation AND localizing the heli.

maxkennerly, avatar

Sorry, but you can't convince me that the test of a reusable rocket system is supposed to involve destroying the launch site—which was reusable on every prior generation of space flight technology—and launching debris thousands of feet away.

is not a serious company, it's a clown show, and it should not have a single dollar in government funding, much less billions.

GreenFire, avatar

@michaelgemar @theogrin @maxkennerly
The belief that private companies will provide vital services "cheaper" than the government has been quite the successful disinformation campaign from corporations for sure.

maxkennerly, avatar

A good deep-dive (written pre-launch) on how the largest rocket in history was launched from a dirt-cheap site that would be substandard everywhere else in the world, including Russia and China.

This was a massive regulatory failure, everything from knowingly relying on bad data to outright evasion of review by omitting critical infrastructure.

There should be accountability.

AstroHawk, avatar

#NASA & #SpaceX announced a 1 day delay for #Crew6 #Falcon9/#CrewDragon launch, now 1:45amET Mon Feb 27 (West Coast viewers: 10:45pmPT Sun Feb 26) #NewSpace #CommercialCrew

AstroHawk, avatar

hoisted from the ocean to recovery ship Megan.


AstroHawk, avatar

Crew egress from marks a successful end to 6-month mission for the 4 astronauts and the ground support staff. Astronauts are routinely given assistance with re-adjustment to 1G force of gravity.


andrealuck, avatar

Cloudy Mars: New data released by #HopeMarsMission

Full size image 5450x3065:

If you view this image in 16:9 aspect ratio, you should click on it as it is quite large :)

Altitude: 21878 km
Timetag: 2022-12-19
Orbit 309
Filters: f635+f546+f437
Raw Data from:

#Mars #Space #Spacetodon #Astrodon #Solarocks #Astronomy #HopeProbe

Credit: UAESA/MBRSC/HopeMarsMission/EXI/AndreaLuck

sharponlooker, avatar

@65dBnoise @andrealuck there are probably better sources explaining the polar and circumpolar winds on Mars, but this section on wikipedia mentions that conditions at these latitudes are quite periodic

Hubble views of the referred polar colossal cloud. Korolev crater falls outside these views, but the latitudes are similar.

65dBnoise, avatar
65dBnoise, avatar

During the coming solar conjunction of Mars, and the moratorium in communications, #Ingenuity will use its color camera to study the movement of sand, which poses an ever-present challenge to Mars missions.

The moratorium will last from Nov 11 to 25. More about what the spacecrafts will do on Mars during this time, here:

#Merseverance #MarsHelicopter #Mars2020 #NASA #Solarocks #Space

stim3on, avatar

@65dBnoise @PaulHammond51 yeah I was wondering about that missing frame as well. The thumbnail is there but if you try to access the corresponding full frame you'll get a 404 error.
I always thought the internal image pipeline and the public one would be linked more directly. Makes me wonder what else we are missing out on...

stim3on, avatar

@65dBnoise @PaulHammond51 It was nice to see another color calibrated Navcam image though to compare my processing against.
I'm happy to report they are matching quite closely.

Interesting to also notice the quantization issues in the dark part of the official image. It looks to me like the image is at one step processed in a linear brightness range with only 8bit precision.
At least I was able to create very similar artefacts that way.
This should be a very easy issue to solve.


65dBnoise, (edited ) avatar

It looks like they are trying to image the #MarsHelicopter with the telescope, as we all expected 🤩

EDIT: The images are aimed at the direction of #Ingenuity, i.e. 319°, albeit a little to the south of it.

Heavily processed SUPERCAM_RMI
looking NW (320°) from RMC 50.1534
Sol 1068, LMST: 10:21:05

Have a look at the originals:

Credit: #NASA/JPL-Caltech/LANL/CNES/IRAP/65dBnoise
Background image 3 credit: @stim3on

#Mars2020 #Solarocks #Space

stim3on, avatar

@65dBnoise @tom30519 @PaulHammond51 On to more important images! 😁

Ingenuity - Sol 897

NASA/JPL-Caltech/LANL/CNES/IRAP/Simeon Schmauß

#NASA #Mars #Ingenuity #Solarocks

65dBnoise, (edited ) avatar

@sharponlooker @stim3on @tom30519 @PaulHammond51
Happy to offer a little laughing happiness today.

Those who can, do. Those who can't, talk. Scratch that. Those who can't, philosophize. The spectators cheer and applaud and throw in comments.

So I do what I can, like, #TheStraightHorizonPolice 👮 . Here is the beautiful image of @stim3on from Sol 879, leveled according to its quaternion in metadata and slightly processed for my eyes. SUPERCAM was tilted -4.63°.

Simeon is nearing perfection.

coreyspowell, avatar
coreyspowell, avatar


Since this matters so much to you: sunsets are eclipses. Done.

I'm all in favor of having more people pay attention to the beauty of nature. If it helps to tell them that sunsets are actually solar eclipses, I'm all for it.

mansr, avatar

@revk @steven @coreyspowell It's all quite simple, really:

☀️ 🌔 🌍 = solar eclipse
☀️ 🌍 🌔 = lunar eclipse
🌍 ☀️ 🌔 = apocalypse

pomarede, avatar
pomarede, avatar

Nature Journal astronomy covers appreciation post

Featuring an artist’s impression of the collision between the protoplanet Theia and proto-Earth, about 4.5 billion years ago.

Credit image: Hernán Cañellas

#earth #mantle #theia #planet #planets #protoplanet #moon #solarsystem #astronomy #astrophysics #astrodon #space #science #research #nature #cover #art #coverart

pomarede, avatar
skrishna, avatar

Tomorrow, watch Japan's attempt to land their SLIM spacecraft on the moon! The livestream link is below, and the landing will be at approximately 10:20 am ET on Friday, January 19. If they succeed, they will be the fifth country (U.S., Soviet Union, China, India) to accomplish this feat!

#space #science

skrishna, avatar

Reminder: Japan's lunar landing attempt for its SLIM spacecraft is happening TODAY. Livestream starts around 10 am ET:

#space #science

skrishna, avatar
ai6yr, avatar

#Space #Muskrat launch at 9:09pm PDT. Err. I mean, #SpaceX -- #Vandenberg AFB. More #Starlink satellites (meaning either better Internet or more junk flying around blocking your view of space, depending on who you are). These were more enjoyable before the dude running that company revealed his true nature. #SantaBarbara

ai6yr, avatar

@J Well, I will have the readout for the temperature in Fillmore on that hillside until the battery dies!


@ai6yr Now that we got you station working, it's time to break it!

  • At least two more SDR’s, plugged into a powered hub,unless the machine you're on is beefy AF (not a Pi). Another case in point, it's good to have one SDR dedicated to just scanning, while others decode.

This LNA: It's pricey, but's it paid dividends for me. Started picking up sondes from SpaceX Vand, and just yesterday from the aerograph mate's on military ships near catalina.

thomas_appere, French avatar

Cet été, j'ai eu la chance de visiter le JPL, ce centre de la NASA où sont conçues, assemblées et testées la plupart des sondes et rovers américains qui explorent le Système solaire. Un récit de ma visite pour vous emmener dans cet endroit mythique. 1/37
@nasajpl @NASA #NASA #JPL

thomas_appere, avatar

Les ingés du #JPL adorent les acronymes. Exemple : MAGGIE 😆 9/37

thomas_appere, avatar

J'ai pas mal mitraillé MAGGIE, en voici quelques photos :


pomarede, avatar
pomarede, avatar

A cover of Science Magazine that is very dear to me, featuring the 10-meter telescope of the Whipple Observatory on Mount Hopkins, Arizona. That's the telescope I used for my PhD! I spent 40 nights of data-taking there back in 1996-97.

#astronomy #astrophysics #astrodon #telescope #observatory #universe #science #sciencecovers #phd #phdlife #research #arizona

pomarede, avatar

Science Magazine Astronomy Covers

GRAIL (2013) - Mapping the Moon's Interior

Featuring a rendering from the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) mission showing gravity anomalies of the Moon's farside.

Image: NASA/Massachusetts Institute of Technology/Jet Propulsion Laboratory/Goddard Space Flight Center/Scientific Visualization Studio

AkaSci, avatar

Let’s take a look at the recent announcement of the “astonishing” discovery of a global subsurface ocean on Saturn’s “Death Star” icy moon Mimas.

The discovery is based on new modeling/simulation of Mimas’s "wobble" (libration) around its axis, its orbital shift over 13 years and Mimas’s tidal heating. It rules out the alternate hypothesis of an oval shaped rocky core. There is no direct evidence of liquid water.


AkaSci, (edited ) avatar

Does the presence of water and tidal heating on Mimas imply life?

The search for life, especially on planets and moons with liquid water, has been the holy grail of astrobiology. So far, we have not detected life, past or present, on any world outside ours, even those with water and organic molecules, and those with more favorable conditions.

The chemical ingredients for life seem to be everywhere but no sign of life within our limited time span.

Time will tell.

AkaSci, avatar

Here is a list of planets and moons known to have oceans -

  • Earth
  • Dwarf planet Ceres in the asteroid belt
  • Jupiter's moons Europa, Ganymede and Callisto
  • Saturn's moon Titan and Enceladus
  • Neptune's moon Triton
  • Pluto

Mimas now joins the club.

Except on earth, these oceans are subsurface. There are plenty of other icy worlds, which may harbor subsurface oceans, if they contain heat sources like radioactive elements or tidal forces.



65dBnoise, avatar


Processed, leveled, cropped MCZ_LEFT, FL: 110mm
Sol: 880, RMC: 43.0000, LMST: 12:07:17
Credit: /JPL-Caltech/ASU/65dBnoise

mightyspaceman, avatar

@65dBnoise Interesting. I wonder what caused that rock to split?

stim3on, avatar

@65dBnoise @PaulHammond51 In contrast, here is the color calibration for Insight, which is doing things a lot better and in a similar way to my own process.

I described my own process here:
Once I find the time I will do a better writeup on this.


's three-year delay could have bought 86 📊 launches of the reusable 🚀 or 52 of the expendable version

cstross, avatar

@spaceflight @nyrath … And 52 expendable FH launches would put 3536 tons of payload into LEO, or enough mass to run about 30 Apollo-class lunar surface missions, or nearly ONE A MONTH during the SLS delay.

Yup. Three years of delays to SLS could have bought an Apollo class lunar mission every 5 weeks. But instead all we've got is pork barrel politics and another season of "For All Mankind".

cstross, avatar

@etchedpixels @spaceflight @nyrath Kindly explain, then, why Falcon and Falcon Heavy already launch classified payloads for NSA/NRO and USSF?


"the media doesn’t cover and with the same questioning 🔍 rigor that they reserve for politics. People writing about are mostly cheerleaders 🥳 for the cause, rather than independent observers keeping a watchful eye 👀 on how our national monies are spent."

Former Deputy Administrator Lori

: :ccby:


Traditional 👴 development programs design to before testing to validate. The mantra at is a lot different: Build. 🔧 Test. 🚀 Break. 💥 Repeat. 🔄 Among the flaming wreckage, Elon Musk’s company has made more engineering progress 📈 than any competitor or government-funded program.


📆 October 19, 2023 The 🇪🇺 Summit that will be held in , Spain 🇪🇸 , on 📆 November 6 and 7 is a crucial event for the continent's technological future. The delay ⏳ of the European and the technical problems are only the tip of the iceberg. For every euro 💶 invested, is ten times more efficient 📊

"Revolution Space" report 📄


📆 Oct 11, 2023 What could , Augsburg, and do with €1.8 billion 💰💰 in funding split three ways over the same period ?

6 is a pill that we’re just going to have to swallow. We cannot cancel the programme and any new development would take several years to mature. What we can do, however, is make sure that is not involved 🚫 in the future of European 🇪🇺


The delay ⏳ of the 🇪🇺 launchers and the technical problems are only the tip of the iceberg. For every euro 💶 invested, is ten times more efficient, and the only way to increase is to introduce

andrealuck, avatar

Mars - Valles Marineris & Cloudy Tharsis.

What's cool in my opinion is also the orographic cloud over Ascreus Mons on the terminator.

Full size 5600X2800, map labels & more info:

Hope Mars Mission
Time: 2023-05-23 00:33
Orbit 377
Filters: f635+f546+f437, f320 used to slightly enhance the orographic cloud over Ascraeus Mons
Processed from:

Credit: UAESA/MBRSC/HopeMarsMission/EXI/AndreaLuck
#Space #Spacetodon #Astrodon #Solarocks #Astronomy #Mars

stim3on, avatar

@andrealuck I'm officially in love with the way you process these EXI images Andrea! These are the colors I've come to expect for orbital Mars images. 🤩
I'm still curious how it will look once I try to make a color calibration for such images, but I don't think it would look very different to this.

andrealuck, avatar

@stim3on oh I’m glad an expert eye like yours is in love with my manual processing :) of course it’s only based on my gut so I’d be really happy to see if you do something more accurate with EXI data

stim3on, avatar

How does "The first robotic servicing mission on the surface of Mars" sound to y'all?

Well, if you're #NASA #JPL, this awesome headline could be yours for the low cost of a few nitrogen puffs!

This thread is just me fantasizing how Perseverance could potentially use its gDRT to clean the dusty solar panel and camera lens on Ingenuity and make history with this extraordinary servicing operation! 🧵

#Ingenuity #MarsHelicopter #Perseverance #Mars2020 #Space #Solarocks #MarsSampleReturn

3D animation of the Perseverance rover standing on Mars next to the Ingenuity Helicopter. The rovers robotic arm is positioned just above the helicopters dusty solar panel. The camera makes a rotating move, first looking at the rover high from the front and then moves in for a closeup low above the ground.

stim3on, avatar

Let's back up a bit, when Ingenuity was deployed on the surface over two years ago, its solar panel was mostly clean, but since then it has steadily accumulated fine dust on top of it. (Seen here on Sol 46 and in this recent picture from sol 871)

The Ingenuity Helicopter in a recent picture. The solar panel and rotors have accumulated a considerable layer of fine dust. near the rotor shaft is also a deposit of thicker dust. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU/Simeon Schmauß

stim3on, avatar

It’s incredible that Ingenuity is still going, after flying more than 10 times the expected number of flights it was designed for. It survived a cold and dusty Martian winter and lost a sensor to the cold. And with some servicing from Perseverance, this amazing success story could continue for even longer!


🇪🇺 "Normally, selecting the for communication that cost eight or nine figures is accompanied by a press release and plenty of celebration. That the , , , and said next to nothing until the last moment says a lot about how all parties involved about transferring three of their satellites onto . All three were to launch on "

📆 January 5, 2023 The 🇫🇷 industries association, , said ’s 🇪🇺 sector was in an “unprecedented situation” with the delayed availability of 6 and the recent failure of the medium-lift -C rocket


📆 3 March 2023 said the measures needed to address the failure meant that -C would not fly again until later this year.

The -5, 's biggest rocket 🚀, has only two more flights this year before it is withdrawn. And the Ariane-6 follow-on is not yet ready to fly 🥱.

The shortage of rides recently prompted the 🇪🇺 to purchase two American launches.

Its telescope 🔭 and ☄️missions will go up on -9 vehicles in 📆 2023 and 📆 2024 respectively

Pictures :


The 🇪🇺 is having to seek assistance 🙏 to launch new versions of its navigation 🛰️ because the 5 rocket, developed by 🇫🇷-based and launched from French , is to be retired in the next months.

The deployment of its replacement, 6, has been delayed. Only 's 9 🚀 and 's system❓ are up to the job of sending the EU's 🛰️ into .

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