Where we talk writing


If you actually want people to read long-form stuff you write, don’t put it on Medium. Just don’t.

There’s a whole bunch of alternatives, like these WriteFreely instances that are part of the Fediverse (the network that Mastodon also in a part of)


There’s also WordPress.com which has a pretty good free tier. https://wordpress.com/

There’s GitHub Pages which works pretty well too, if you don’t mind a little technical involvement. https://docs.github.com/en/pages/quickstart

There’s tons of affordable paid providers too. You get a lot for the cost of one bubble tea per month.

And of course there’s the option to run your own site, which is probably easier and cheaper than you think. It’s worth giving it some thought.

But whatever you do: definitely keep a copy of your writing in a place you control, even if it’s just a bunch of text files. You never known when or for what you’ll need it.

@matzipan@hachyderm.io avatar

@esther @ainmosni it is a little bit ironic that @doctorow keeps writing on the ultimate enshittified platform, medium

@being@social.ornella.xyz avatar

@esther lesson learned when I lost all of my newsletter contacts and content, when Revue shut down without warning

@design_law@mastodon.social avatar

Friends, help me out with some wordsmithing?

I want to describe a situation where one side in a fight is put at an extreme disadvantage before the fight even begins.

How would you describe the act of putting one side at a severe disadvantage? The state of the disadvantaged party thereafter?

I don't want to use "handicap" or "handicapped." What are some good alternatives?

@design_law@mastodon.social avatar

@Trajecient @slott56 "Rigged" is a good one. Thanks!


Thanks for the clarification. I was going to say disarming, that isn't right for this situation.
Perhaps "take the wind from their sails"? Similar connotations of taking power away.

@NaraMoore@sakurajima.moe avatar

4. Is there writing advice you used to follow but changed your mind?

I'm not much for following advice.

Or maybe it's because I'm even worse at asking for advice. I just don't want to bother anyone.

@ixtlidekami@mstdn.social avatar

I only use those images as visual clues of what I want to describe, but never write what's in the image as is. I'm not that shameless…=)

I used to draw but lost the ability like 20 years ago. I can still do it but it takes me forever to draw a person, while then I could draw pages and pages in one day. I'm sure that's part of a conspiracy against me…=)

@ixtlidekami@mstdn.social avatar

@Klepsis @NaraMoore
Yes, you can do that here, too. But it's more difficult if you don have at least bionic limbs because magic here is a healthy as radiation if you try to use in its unnatural state…=)

And computers are already magical things. Dark, evil magical things, that is! =)

@orionkidder@writing.exchange avatar

#PennedPossibilities 301: What are some of your MC's other (lesser) fears?

Getting lost in the bus system. Her brother getting mad at her. Her dad making a kind of chilli she doesn't like.

Am I doing this right?

#Writing #Writers #WritingCommunity #WritersOfMastodon #AmWriting #AmWritingSF #AmWritingFantasy #AmWritingSFF #Scriberspace

@orionkidder@writing.exchange avatar

313: Is your MC or SC one to confess romantic feelings early on, or to conceal them for long periods of time?

I have one side character who can't pretend not to have a crush when he has it. It's written all over his face. My intention is that he's so goofy and harmless about it that it comes off as cute, but I'll need women beta readers to help me make sure that's the case, I think.

@orionkidder@writing.exchange avatar

318 What do you need in your writing space to help you stay focused?

Absence of other stuff I could be doing that's less effort. Absence of food and drink that'll direct me. No music.

@nautilebleu@mamot.fr avatar

#writerscoffeeclub What's your writing routine? If you have one.

Writing routine, not really, but I have a drawing one : after breakfast, I start my day with about one hour of drawing as warmup before starting my daily job.

#writing #writingcommunity

@nautilebleu@mamot.fr avatar

#WritersCoffeeClub #Writing 25 How do you feel about writers who write outside of their gender/sexuality/race etc?

I feel extremely concerned by this one, having a black female character who appears to have a lesbian relationship while I am an old white cis heterosexual male (but I’m left handed!) Also racism is an important topic of the story, Erie having been the object of segregation all her life. 1/2

@nautilebleu@mamot.fr avatar

Why having a black woman as main character? Just because I like to draw dark skin. But Esther’s a lady of the upper class in a Victorian world. I end up with a character that is not the stereotype of the black woman. Lately a black Muslim woman has discovered Esther and she loves her. I’m quite proud that black people love Esther. (2/2)

#writersCoffeeClub #writing

@mariyadelano@hachyderm.io avatar

Right now, I am in Boston for a conference and I definitely don't feel good enough.

I'm a speaker, and this event should be a wonderful moment of celebration. Except, I spent most of my first day here crying. I cried in the conference bathroom, I cried by the front entrance, I cried in my Lyft when leaving early, I cried in my hotel room, I cried at the Harvard Book Store, and I cried at the ramen shop a block over.

Read my full : https://www.admdnewsletter.com/p/conferences-trauma-and-harvard-blues

@Loukas@mastodon.nu avatar

@mariyadelano no, it's the posts about success that traumatise people. The posts about vulnerability make us stronger 🌱🌈

@db@bla.daanberg.net avatar

@mariyadelano Thank you for putting pen to paper and sharing this with the outer world. It's terrifying but (in my experience) ultimately relieving to finally find the words to express what your feelings actually are when they've been buried so deep down for so long.

I think one of life's lessons is realizing that it's okay for things to sometimes just not be okay. It's what makes us human, regardless of 'the pile of bags in the corner' as you described it. 💖

@HeliaXyana@mastodon.nl avatar

I wonder what tense you've all chosen to write in and why.

I know past tense is likely the most common, but I have experimented with both and decided that present tense offers more direct immersion for my purposes.
This also ties into who the narrator is. In my WIP, it is a person in the room invisibly tagging along with the MC.

How did you decide, and is it reflected in the identity of the narrator?

@SJHoodlet@writing.exchange avatar

@HeliaXyana @Firlefanz
Fear of missing out is exactly how I'd describe it.

I can see how that could be fun. I've read some books like that, but I can't do that all the time. I like my more gentle-paced stories—especially romance.

(FWIW, my debut novel, The Way of the Wielder, is a romantic fantasy told in 3rd person past tense.)

@HeliaXyana@mastodon.nl avatar

@Firlefanz @SJHoodlet

If you can't read at the 'normal' speed, for example, because of dyslexia, do you prefer past or present tense when reading a novel?

@geerlingguy@mastodon.social avatar

Self-published Ansible book – 87k copies, 300k revenue, 41 revisions https://www.jeffgeerling.com/blog/2023/self-publishing-technical-book-10-years

@geerlingguy@mastodon.social avatar

And yes, my work is now published as CC BY-SA.

Meaning Red Hat could rebuild it and sell it to their customers if they wanted.

And you know what? I'm okay with that.

But I'd rather you just get a free copy from me directly: https://leanpub.com/ansible-for-devops/c/CTVMPCbEeXd3

@geerlingguy@mastodon.social avatar

Linux and the Free Software movement are built on the foundation of individuals contributing their work for the enjoyment of everyone, without restriction.

Celebrate the hackers and hobbyists who have enabled even massive corporations to generate billions in wealth.


I am people to their posts like . It doesn't help , it just harms .


@Chozo when I see the post I made above, I read it as "begging stop writing this discoverability readability" because ADHD is a bitch

vintprox, (edited )
@vintprox@techhub.social avatar


Discarding the tagging system is not entirely fair, as one could use to show the topic(s) of intent. I think what @julia tried to point out is their excessive or purposeless insertion.

Another point to consider is the remaining servers that don't have full-text search landed or it's simply too expensive for one tiny cozy instance that your friendly administrator might be hosting.

Also, it is long overdue that accessibility tools catch up with the times - or for platforms to optionally strip # characters for screenreader's sake. Let the technology serve, not people nudge their freedom of expression, fanatism aside.

@ianbetteridge@writing.exchange avatar

So I was writing a story the other day and realised that my go-to trick for getting out of any plot hole that I've dug myself into is “throw in some Cthulhu”. Struggling with a time travel story? Bring in Cthulhu. Thriller plot gone awry? Throw in some Cthulhu.

I may have to write this up as a self-help guide for writers.

@ianbetteridge@writing.exchange avatar

"Four weddings and a Cthulhu"

@isotopp@chaos.social avatar


This has been known for about 25 years or so as @azundris law of Roleplaying: About any story can be turned into a Cthulhu storyline within 2 sentences and it usually improves the story.

@ixtlidekami@mstdn.social avatar

18 Does your antagonist eat healthy?

Yes and no. Our Hero can eat all the junk food you can throw at him with no ill effects, beyond the Godzilla-Class burps he emits when he eats more that decency allows. Same for healthy food. He can eat all the fruits and vegetables in the supermarket, and the only side effect will be those damn burps. The Standard Body™ can process all the nutrients in food, and, if needed, it can convert in energy the 100% of whatever the user eats…=)

@ixtlidekami@mstdn.social avatar

Don't worry. That Lawyer's datafile is so old there's no system that can load it, and if they manage to do it, you can argue that they altered its code and it isn't the real Mr. McNab…>=)

@NaraMoore@sakurajima.moe avatar


You're Vulcan's say they can decode it. And Keziah Mason is ready to take oaths.

@mariyadelano@hachyderm.io avatar

It feels like the world is ending from every possible direction.

Maybe you feel like your world is ending too. And neither of us benefits from putting on a fake smile and keeping on as if we aren’t dealing with deep, existential, debilitating fear.

So here’s an uncomfortable question: does work even matter during an apocalypse?

I try to answer it in my recent newsletter: https://admd.substack.com/p/marketing-at-the-end-of-the-world


@mariyadelano I’m feeling it, too, and struggling with all the chirpy messages. There’s too much at stake to pretend everything is the way it used to be.



Are you in a position to pick and choose the clients and products your firm markets?

That would give your marketing skills some purpose beyond providing for yourself and your family (which is, of course, purposeful).

But if you can use your skills to market things (or perhaps behaviors) that help solve a wicked problem, then your work is as important as all the other people’s work involved in providing that thing.

Sing with the voice you have. Don’t dispair.

@orionkidder@writing.exchange avatar

#WordWeavers May 1: Introduce your setting as if it’s a character in your story.

The Greater Cascadian Megalopolis was born from the need to house the population of the Pacific North West but leave the bulk of the continent free of humanity,"re-wilding." The fetal megapolopolis started as superblocks and then arcologies,multiplying until they formed an urban organism that now stretches from the middle of British Columbia all the way to the California border.

#Writing #Writers #WritingCommunity

@orionkidder@writing.exchange avatar

May 2.What are your MC's living conditions like? Are they better or worse than average?

Yes, by world standards, absolutely. She's in an arcology, all her needs are met. Her city/region provides all the services anyone could need. Medicine,education,housing, and transportation are all administered collectively. It's functional democratic socialism. Much of the world does not have that,in the book. She's privileged.

@orionkidder@writing.exchange avatar

May 24: While drafting, do you avoid or binge watch similar material?

Avoid! I am way too impressionable.


Proposal of the day: anyone writing a thesis, proposal or description of their scientific work should first be made to stare at a large sign that goes something like this:

“We are tired of having to work out whether there’s any actual thinking going on inside the nozzle producing these fountains of pompous words. Stop trying to sound clever and just say what needs to be said as clearly and simply as possible. We can see through you.

Readers of the World”.

@gvwilson@mastodon.social avatar

@helenczerski In retrospect I think he was setting a rather high bar for a thank-you letter to Santa Claus but his point was still valid and valuable.

@gvwilson@mastodon.social avatar

@helenczerski in retrospect it was a rather high bar for a thank- you letter to Santa Claus but his point was still valid and valuable

@golgaloth@writing.exchange avatar

Where does your character's knowledge end?

#WritingTips #AmWriting #writing #authodons

@Burnt_Veggies@mstdn.social avatar

I worked in the automotive field for about 5 years as a bumper to bumper technician. I learned a lot in that time. Before I started my 9 month automotive technology class (where I learned the basics), this is what I thought was under the hood. 🤣🤣🤣


Characters should know everything the author knows, including the plot


Day 1/1. What are your writing plans for the coming year?

Happy New Year!

  • Finish editing then publish "Dragon of Fire".
  • Write the final book in the series: "Dragon of Life".
  • Write the third book in my erotica novel series "Veronica's Life".
  • Write the MONSTERS prequel: CAT PEOPLE.


  • Final book of the Dragons of Esternes series done.
  • Hopefully the same narrator will do the Patterners Path series.
  • Start audiobook process for latest Dragon series.

18+ adaddinsane,

Day 1/24. Out of all your writing, what was the hardest scene for you to write? Why?

"Wind in the East", the 4th Maliha Anderson book, is a difficult one for a lot of readers.

One scene has stopped many readers going any further because it's difficult to understand with violence between two people who love each other. It's not a BDSM thing, it's about shame and the expiation of guilt.

Writing it put me into shock for two weeks. I kid you not.

Text of scene attached.

: This is not "nice". Without thinking, he lashed out. The cane buzzed through the air and snapped against her skin. Her choking cry jammed an icy knife between his ribs and into his heart. There was a movement outside the cage. Valentine snapped around and reached for his gun. “No, Amita. I told you, I have to do this. He has to do this.” Valentine looked into the face of the maid through the bars, and saw enough anger and hate directed at him to fill a life of revenge. But she backed away into the shadows again. “Again, Bill. Harder.” He took up a better stance. Now he had done it once it seemed easier to do it again. He weighed the cane in his hand and whipped it against the naked skin of her back. Her cry resolved into one word. “Again.” He did not count. All he could think about was the cane, her back and each of her screams that cut him to the quick. He felt tears on his cheeks. He watched as the red lines multiplied and criss-crossed her back. A trickle of blood seeped from one wound, and her skin grew darker where it bruised. If he hesitated too long she would hiss “Again”. He struck and he struck. And she
screamed. When she finally uttered the words “Oh god, stop, please stop now” it was a reprieve from the gallows. He dropped the cane as if it were red hot and threw himself in front of her. He put his arms around her waist, careful to avoid the injuries. He lifted her to reduce the strain on her arms. She was so light. Amita untied the chains holding the manacles and Maliha fell limp across his shoulder, the chains rattled down beside them. He collapsed into a sitting position on the naked stone and cradled her. She sobbed as Amita unlocked the manacles. Amita brought out some oils and lotions that she gently applied to Maliha’s back and then her wrists. If Valentine had not known Maliha so well he would have been shocked at how well she had prepared. Shadows moved beyond the cage. Valentine realised there was someone else there and looked round. It was the Greaux woman, her face streaked from weeping. He was surprised at how he felt none of the usual embarrassment holding Maliha, naked, in his arms. Amita touched his arm, and he looked up. She nodded and gestured to the door. With the maid’s strong arms for assistance, he struggled to his feet with Maliha still in his arms. She was not asleep, just looking at his face without a word. The maid adjusted the cloth to ensure her body was covered and they made their way out. The French woman pulled back the door and he stepped through into the cool air. They returned to the steam carriage.


Day 1/25. What’s the least likely ship between characters in your WIP?

Tricky because every time I think about an unlikely pairing I can see how that might work.

I should write my own fan fiction.

stancarey, (edited )

Curious about a style item I saw in a book this week. Would you prefer "Me Too" or "" in reference to the movement?


@faduda @UnCoveredMyths You could be right. If they were limited to Twitter, I wouldn't give them a hope – or even if they were restricted to social media. But they've spread to other domains. It's a fun one to ponder


@stancarey @UnCoveredMyths
The bigger issue is when/if the internet moves from text-first to voice-first. Hashtag doesn't survive that shift.


Writing a book "takes as long as it takes, from 20 minutes to 20 years” (Jane Yolen).

A first draft typically takes about 3 months for me, though this unusual summer is forcing it to take longer. How about you?

@juergen_hubert@thefolklore.cafe avatar

@siblingpastry @wendyparciak I currently have nine alpha readers, although I usually invite a few extra readers in case some have to drop out (it happens).


@siblingpastry Yikes. A good premise, too!

NaraMoore, (edited )
@NaraMoore@sakurajima.moe avatar

An author wondering how obscure I am being. Victor Lazlo do you recognize him?

@benetnasch@writing.exchange avatar

@NaraMoore Nope, and I haven't seen the movie, so the reference is completely lost on me.

@NaraMoore@sakurajima.moe avatar


If you like classic movies you should. The movie is Casablanca with Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman, Paul Henreid, Claude Rains. It is one of the true greats.


Ok, this is pretty funny.
From Josh Gauthier (@JG_Writer on twits)
Let's try this. Give me the opening line of a book, but add "and then the dragons arrived."

In the beginning, the universe was created, and then the dragons arrived. This has made a lot of people very angry, and been widely regarded as a bad move.


"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, and then the dragons arrived."

@hedders@mas.to avatar

@Toxic_Flange "Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again, and then the dragons arrived".


OK, it's happening. I'm attempting #NaNoWriMo. Somehow, in the last week or so, I've managed to come up with an idea and a rough plot.

#PrayForMe #AmWriting #Writing #NationalNovelWritingMonth


Apparently, I'm meant to do a thread and share my profile, so ...



50k words done, baby!

I'm shattered, I have chronic bum-ache from sitting at my laptop so much, the husband forgot what I look like, and my exercise routine went out of the window. However, I have a whole draft of a new novel, which would normally take me years (going by previous efforts). I also learnt loads.

@orionkidder@writing.exchange avatar

May 1: OMG! What happened to your MC's parents?

They're at home, wondering how they could possibly have let their little girl die like that, even though she's very much alive, trapped, a long long way away...

@orionkidder@writing.exchange avatar
@orionkidder@writing.exchange avatar

May 18: Have you written sections where action occurs against the clock? How did you do it?

I have a short story about a man and his toddler son that spans the length of a day. I 100% cheated and put "2pm" and such in as scene headings. It got the job done.

My novel had a vague countdown to a tournament that I have tried to hint at through dialogue and narration, but also cranking up tension before the big day. I have not got that working the way I want it to.

@gwynnion@mastodon.social avatar

Jennifer sighed. "There's another Earth?"

"Yeah. It's where we ended up after the Harbinger. We tried to explain but you were kinda loopy going in the cocoon. You kept singing that song about Brad the Drunken Fish."

Jennifer guffawed disbelievingly.

"Emma kept trying to come up with a drum riff for it," Travis added.

"I don't remember that."

"That's good."

@timberwraith@mastodon.social avatar

@gwynnion @Kalshann I wonder if the penguins and raccoons know each other?

@Eka_FOOF_A@spacey.space avatar

@timberwraith @gwynnion @Kalshann
They should be in cahoots.

@golgaloth@writing.exchange avatar

Your character tries the strange juice.

#WritingPrompt #AmWriting #writing #authodons



I tried the strange juice and the weirdest thing happened...

I believed that I was an author who had this unhealthy obsession, an irrational anger really, to people leaving ladders on roofs.
So strong were his feelings on this subject, I too felt very angry when I came down off the trip. And now, when I see one my vision goes red and black like a chop socky flick!

Avoid the strange juice. Trust me...

@DavidNorth@aus.social avatar

@golgaloth Decisions. Sometimes a decision lays before you and there are so many possibilities, so many ways that it could go good or bad, that it actually makes it easy to choose. Simply take the first reasonable option that pops into your brain, and hope for the best. And if it's the wrong option, well, it won't be too bad. You can probably just choose again.
Sometimes a decision lays before you and there are only two options. Yes or no. Go or stop. Live or die. These are the decisions that can twist your brain into a pretzel. The wrong decision is the wrong decision, and there is no turning back.
I'd heard about the Chicken before. Rude and unreasonable was the consensus, and I just wasn't in the mood. A few people had told me the Juice was a bit strange, but what can you expect from Juice? I'm not even sure if it has a brain, so sure, it will be strange. I had to choose a companion, someone to watch my back, and the pickings were slim. I chose the Strange Juice


tip: Ignore pseudo-rules based on superstitious 19thC dogma that wanted English to behave like Latin

@kagan@wandering.shop avatar

@stancarey Those rules are the kind I always make sure to blithely ignore! I wish they were things fewer people had heard of.


If you're wondering what kind of English usage myths to ignore, here's a whole A–Z of them:


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