charles_plessy, to Battlemaps

When we hear that is the hottest year ever, it is hard to understand the extent. Maybe it is only just a little bit hotter? Unfortunately no. I am back from a symposium on marine environment at Tohoku University, and here is the picture that I saw. Regarding surface , 2023 is hotter to an extent that was never observed since we monitor that temperature globally.

andre_meister, to random German avatar

Apple hat einige der besten IT-Ingeneure der Welt. Sie haben die Chatkontrolle ausprobiert - und sind gescheitert. "Es ist praktisch nicht möglich, [Client-Side-Scanning] umzusetzen, ohne Sicherheit und Privatsphäre unserer Nutzer zu gefährden." Hier der Brief in Volltext:

chrisisgr8, to Youtube

💁‍♀️💁‍♀️✋ your💿💿💿drives and request💅your babes👄👄✨ because it's 🎉💯💯 and we're getting off every fucking platform apparently📉📉💥🏃💁‍♀️ ??😂😝🫡 More Like Snooze🛌🎳💤🙈 ???👨🏻💎🚗🔥More Like SHITTER :nonazis: 💩💩🚽👎🪠 🤔?? Like Dead-It ⚰️💀💀🛐 ???🪟🖥️more like WIN-BLOWS🐡💥🤯 :1000: :1up: it's time to download your ⬇️⬇️💅💾at all costs🏴‍☠️🤪 :1000: and say You :0w0: 🖕🖕💯 to the 🧍‍♂️🚫 Bros🚀💥🎊so clone those repos :xenia_laptop: :sayori_like: 💯💯 :1000: and up your router👉👉🧴🙌🥵💦⚠️ because it's a Tech 😳😳😳😳and the 🛟⛑️⛑️safety word is 🚨Fuck This🚨🔥🤪 :1000: :1000: :1000: 🤸

pluralistic, to random avatar

It's that time of year again, when I round up all the books I reviewed for my newsletter in the previous year. I posted 21 reviews last year, covering 31 books (there are two series in there!). I also published three books of my own last year (two novels and one nonfiction). A busy year in books!


If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:


_y_kuroki_, to random avatar



cliffwade, to mastodon avatar

Since it's the last day of 2023, I'm going to share my Mastodon circles. These are the circles of people that interact most with myself and my posts here on the platform, so THANK YOU to all of you amazing people that I'll tag below!

You can make your Mastodon Circles here:

Vielauge, to mastodon German

verfrühter persönlicher Jahresrückblick

Eigenes abgeschafft (ein Hoch auf das und das ), geworden, auf dem Dach (10.5 kvP) und im Netz, lauter geworden hier auf und anderswo.

Mein träger Hintern scheint sich doch zu bewegen. Wie wärs mit Wettrennen? Freue mich über jeden der sich bewegt und das Richtige tut. Auf geht's.

evanprodromou, to movies

I’ve been prompted by the Netflix algorithm pretty aggressively to watch Leave the World Behind, the 2023 apocalypse film — it said I was a 98% match for the movie. I’ve taken it in over the last couple of days, and I have to grudgingly admit that the algorithm was correct; I really liked it. Here are my impressions; spoilers ahead.

The film’s premise is straightforward — a middle-class Brooklyn couple played by Julia Roberts and Ethan Hawke take an impromptu family weekend trip to Long Island in a surprisingly posh rental house. Things start going wrong immediately — an oil tanker grounds itself on the beach where they are sunbathing; then Internet and mobile phone service go out.

That night, they’re awakened by the Black owners of the house, a father and daughter played by Mahershala Ali and Myha’la respectively. They’ve come from the city, where there is a severe blackout; they decided not to stay in their Park Avenue home, but instead come back to their country house. The renters, initially reluctant, even when offered a refund, relent when they see that all the television channels are on the emergency broadcast system.

Over the course of a few days, the families settle into an uneasy truce, as they realise that a serious attack on the United States has taken place. They endure sonic attacks, crashing airplanes and runaway self-driving cars, and increasingly strange animal behaviour. Ultimately, as the children suffer greater and greater hardship, they find a bunker in a nearby mansion to settle into, as mushroom clouds rise over the Manhattan skyline in the distance.

The underlying premise is fairly direct — that a foreign power, or a coalition of them, has used cyberattacks to weaken America’s resolve and spread terror. With a frayed social fabric, Americans may do the job for the attackers by turning on each other. What leadership there is in the country abdicates any responsibility, moves their investments electronically, and moves off to what we can expect is comfortable exile.

The acting was masterful. With only the faintest of brushstrokes, Roberts shows off the racist assumptions of white culture (she insists that the owners are really scammers, or maybe the handyman and housekeeper). Hawke’s character is easy-going and cavalier about his privilege. The gender dynamics in their relationship is roiling and unstable.

All the relationships are telling — between the renter dad and the owner’s daughter; between the owner and the mom; between the mom and the owner’s daughter. Probably the most difficult is the one between the renters’ older son and his younger sister, who dangles perilously at the margin of the social group. Her disconnection, and her resolve to start looking out for herself (inspired by an episode of West Wing), drives the story to its conclusion.

I was pretty deeply troubled by the story, in the shadow of the war currently underway in Gaza. I could not help but notice the parallels — absence of medical facilities, destroyed roads, information blackouts, bombings — between the experience of the TV characters and the real experience of the civilian population there. The characters’ absolute befuddlement that such attacks would happen to Americans, without understanding that they happen to people around the world every day, is richly ironic.

Most of all, I found the natural world’s disruption unsettling. Roberts’s character has a monologue at the end where she notes how little Americans actually care about the effects of their own actions on other people in the world or the animals and plants in it. It’s a little blunt and heavy-handed, but so well-written and delivered so expertly that it definitely broke through.

I’d recommend the movie if you’ve got Netflix (and sorry for the spoilers). It’s definitely given me a lot to think about.

#2023 #film #netflix

BenjaminHCCarr, to climate avatar

The world added 50% more capacity in than in 2022 –and that means it has a real chance of achieving the goal set by governments at the conference of tripling global capacity by . capacity added to energy systems around the world reached almost 510 gigawatts (GW), with accounting for 75% of additions, according to the International Energy Agency’s ()

regines_radsalon, to random German avatar

Es geht langsam los mit den Jahresrückblicken, wa?

Wenn auch kurz, aber es hat mich sehr gefreut, auf der Berlin @SheDrivesMobility getroffen zu haben.

Unsere Bekanntschaft begann mit einem Block und einer unfairen Misinterpretation meinerseits und ich schätze Katja seither sehr dafür, sich direkt in Kontakt zu begeben und im Gespräch $Dinge zu klären.

Ausserdem erklärte uns unser Umfeld beharrlich wir wären eigtl doch sehr ähnlich <3

deepbluev7, to Matrix avatar

I collected a few stories about what happened in and around Matrix in 2023:

The post got a little delayed, because stuff never stops happening, but if you still want to read it, it is here now!

mobian, to random avatar

We take stock of some of the important things that happened in Mobian-land in .

Highlights of 2023 blog post:

CultureDesk, to random avatar

Matthew Perry was “Friends” with all of us. Tina Turner left an indelible mark on music history. Here's a look back at the lives of notable figures we lost in 2023.

randomized, to rant French avatar

Je lis sur une vieille kobo. Je lis beaucoup en anglais. Ma principale source d'inspiration pour ma liste de lecture c'est @pluralistic (

ça me fume complètement que la plateforme la plus simple pour m'approvisionner en ebook, ce soit fcking amazon

#rant #ebook #gafam

privacypride, to privacypride Italian

Cresce la pressione su Ylva Johansson. Dopo le inchieste giornalistiche sui collegamenti delle lobby nel controllo delle chat, la Commissione Interni del Parlamento europeo pretende chiarimenti


Riportiamo l'articolo di Markus Reuter e Andre Meister pubblicato il 28 settembre 2023 su Netzpolitik

La commissione per gli Interni del Parlamento europeo (LIBE) chiede al commissario europeo per gli Interni Ylva Johansson di commentare le inchieste condotte da diversi giornali europei. Lunedì scorso i rapporti hanno rivelato come alcune aziende IT e di intelligenza artificiale, insieme a fondazioni, ONG, autorità di sicurezza e agenzie di pubbliche relazioni, da anni esercitano pressioni per il cosiddetto regolamento chatcontrol e con finanziamenti di diversi milioni di dollari.

Dalla ricerca è emerso che “un’intera rete di associazioni e organizzazioni di lobby”, finanziata con oltre 20 milioni di euro dalla sola Oak Foundation, mantiene stretti legami, tra gli altri, con la commissaria europea agli Interni Ylva Johansson. I rappresentanti delle organizzazioni hanno preso parte alle riunioni e hanno fornito consulenza al commissario per gli interni. Lei, a sua volta, è stata protagonista di un video promozionale per un'organizzazione di lobby ed è apparsa in una campagna di pubbliche relazioni. Inoltre, uno dei dipendenti di Ylva Johansson è membro di una delle organizzazioni di lobby ed è anche responsabile delle norme di controllo della chat presso l'ufficio del commissario per gli interni.

“Possibile influenza indebita”

Nella lettera al Commissario, che pubblichiamo integralmente, i coordinatori della LIBE esprimono la loro “preoccupazione” per i rapporti. I resoconti dei media suggerivano “una possibile influenza indebita nello sviluppo della proposta [ n.d.r.: il regolamento chatcontrol]”.

Particolarmente preoccupanti sono le accuse secondo cui le soluzioni proposte nella proposta legislativa per combattere il CSAM replicherebbero quelle progettate da questi gruppi e contribuirebbero quindi a promuovere i loro interessi economici, continua la lettera.

La commissione chiede quindi al commissario europeo per gli affari interni “chiarimenti e spiegazioni” sulle accuse – e chiede una risposta entro una settimana.

Voto rinviato

Anche la regolamentazione del controllo delle chat di Johansson sta attraversando un momento difficile nei negoziati del Consiglio dei ministri dell'UE: un piccolo gruppo di stati dell'UE respinge l'attuale testo legale sul controllo delle chat. Dato che il voto previsto per questo mese fallirebbe, la Presidenza spagnola ha rinviato la questione.

Ecco la lettera (qui il PDF):

Data: 28 settembre 2023
Da: Juan Fernando López Aguilar, commissione LIBE
A: Ylva Johansson, commissaria per gli affari interni
Caro Commissario Johansson,Scrivo a nome e su mandato dei coordinatori LIBE per esprimere preoccupazione per le recenti notizie pubblicate negli organi di stampa che presumibilmente indicano un conflitto di interessi riguardo alla proposta di regolamento recante norme per prevenire e combattere gli abusi sessuali sui minori (2022/0155(COD)).

I resoconti dei media menzionati indicano presunti stretti rapporti di lavoro tra la Commissione europea e un’ampia rete di aziende tecnologiche, fondazioni, agenzie di sicurezza e agenzie di pubbliche relazioni, tra cui Thorn e WeProtect Global Alliance, indicando una possibile influenza indebita nella stesura della proposta.

Particolarmente preoccupanti sono le accuse secondo cui le soluzioni previste nella proposta legislativa per combattere il materiale pedopornografico replicherebbero le soluzioni ideate da tali gruppi, contribuendo così a promuovere i loro interessi economici.

Chiedo pertanto gentilmente di ricevere chiarimenti e delucidazioni in merito alle accuse sopra descritte. I coordinatori LIBE apprezzerebbero ricevere una risposta al più presto possibile e idealmente entro e non oltre una settimana dal ricevimento di questa lettera.

Riteniamo che la vostra cooperazione e una reazione tempestiva a questa richiesta andrebbero a vantaggio della trasparenza e della responsabilità, valori che sono al centro delle azioni dell’Unione Europea.

Cordiali saluti,

Juan Fernando López Aguilar

holger, to photography German

Ich hab' was zum Thema "Lieblingsfotos 2023 (Teil 2)" geblogged:

sascha, to TodayILearned German

Info | Simple Mobile Tools wurde verkauft

Wie ich eben hier im Fediverse durch einen Beitrag von @citoyen_candide, weitergesagt durch @anonymiss gesehen habe, wurde Simple Mobile Tools verkauft. Folgender Artikel bestätigt das auch noch einmal. Das ist traurig, da diese Opensource Tools von recht vielen Menschen genutzt werden welchen Opensource, Datenschutz, sparsamer Gebrauch von Rechten etc. wichtig ist. Und so kann man nur hoffen das die Anwendungen geforked und dann von der Community weiter entwickelt werden.

-Mobile-Tools -12-06

villares, to python avatar

In I ported to my + sketches to draw some simple paper objects...
If I get more donations/support I can do more open educational stuff like this.

bittin, to neovim Swedish avatar
TheConversationUS, (edited ) to news avatar

This week we've got a special news , with some of the highlights and lowlights of . Have you been paying attention? Check here:

Here's the first question:
In an April speech at Liberty University, Gov. Ron DeSantis declared, “We have made Florida the state where [blank] goes to die." What filled in the blank?

sea_ice_bear, to space

Updated the climate stripes to include the 2023 data released today at

It is getting hot 🥵


Also updated my zone stripes that show the arctic amplification.

prokoudine, to random avatar

@zemarmot, @CmykStudent

"Text layers can now be rendered in the full image's gamut (not sRGB only anymore), though colors are trimmed to the gamut and are always 8-bit", but

"Text outline colors are now rendered in float in the full image's gamut, without precision loss".

Is this a temporary limitation for text fills?

zemarmot, avatar

@CmykStudent @prokoudine Moving away from Pango is part of our plans and was even part of Idriss' GSoC project (but it was too big so the project got scaled down).

Idriss did already a lot of very nice improvements regarding GIMP's font support. It's much less visible than stuff like NDE but GIMP 3 will actually be a huge step forward regarding font support.

Pango is even considered deprecated by GTK. We had a GSoC meeting with Pango maintainers back at Wilber Week:

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