World Without US

NunavutBirder, avatar

So, this was released today. My third stamp with Canada Post. Qarlinngua (The pants). And technically my second stamp with a family member in it, as the tiny figure in it is my son Travis. Now for one with Hilary in it.

I’ve very proud of all of these, beyond the cache. They are about my home, and family. And also my family has a long history with the Post Office, 101 years. My grandfather, father, and brother were all postmasters in Roblin.

Daveosaurus, avatar

@NunavutBirder makes it a bit tricky for stamp collectors to afford one, though...

NunavutBirder, avatar

@Daveosaurus Well if they stopped buying avocado toast they could

davidnjoku, avatar

I've always been a little uncomfortable with Black America's and its space age aesthetic, the way it reimagines Africa as this sci-fi landscape.

That's not us. What you're doing smacks of the kid who goes to school and claims his dad is an astronaut cos he's ashamed that he's really a plumber.

isn't perfect, but we're proud of who we are. If you care, you should be too.

(Please educate me if I've got it all wrong. I'm happy to learn.)

futurebird, avatar


I think you have a point if the story is set in contemporary times in the world as it is. But if the story is set in the future then everything should be futuristic. And there is a long tradition of creepy all white cities of the future. See nothing wrong with a black one. If it's in the future.

There isn't enough ordinary modern Africa generally but that's just because there's so little Africa period.

cyberlyra, avatar

@davidnjoku @futurebird Check out groundbreaking work on Afrofuturism by Alondra Nelson —

It’s not about adopting an imperialist vision of the space age, but subverting that vision (which typically features a postracial imaginary of erasure) by writing and imagining from an African or Black diasporic positionality.

Check this new collection out too—

Loukas, Swedish avatar

On European social media we often discuss American issues and talk to Americans on social media - but doesn't it make sense for us to talk more to Nigerians, South Africans and Kenyans, and about their news, because that's who's awake at the same time as us?

Let me know if you are from these time zones, in , and I will follow you.

steely_glint, avatar

@immersfer @Loukas I have been reading @thecontinent for an African perspective.

earthworm, avatar

In order to increase the diversity of Mastodon, it is essential to connect with accounts from the Global South and boost their content. Imagine a person from an African country joining Mastodon and not finding other people from their continent. This list is not very curated. Contains also some North African accs.

Amazing African Mastodon:

@afrofeminas (Articles about Africa & feminism in Spanish)
@africacenter (CW: US thinktank)
@fulelo (BBC journalist, global coverage includes Africa)
@CliffShiko (South African Broadcast Journalist)

@cybeardjm (Musics of Africa)
@artcameroon (sells african paintings)

Responding to:
@immersfer @Loukas

NunavutBirder, avatar

Tomorrow is the last day of Sun in town. (Technically another week but because of the topography we last see it Nov 5). Sun down all during this cabin trip.

bjb, avatar

@NunavutBirder @Flux
Do you see many auroras?

NunavutBirder, avatar

@bjb @Flux More than we used to, although it’s been cloudy a lot this year.

If you think about Aurora activity as being a big doughnut we were mostly in the hole when I got here. But as the north magnetic pole has migrated towards Russia it’s pulled the doughnut’s edge over us.

Snowshadow, avatar
GottaLaff, avatar

@Snowshadow Yep, I boosted Velshi's post about it. Angry Staffer's take:

High potential for escal. Israel been targeting Saleh Arouri—founding member of Hamas milit wing—for yrs. US also had bounty on his head for terror actions.He was close to Iran & Hezbollah.

Gonna be interesting (read: sad) watching ppl decide another terrorist org, this time, Hezbollah, =the good guys.I expect to see hits in Qatar, too..this is also kind of war ppl have asked Isr to fight—target the leadership right?

Snowshadow, avatar


Sorry, I missed your boost.
It's going to escalate into a serious mess, I'm afraid.
Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about but maybe Iran and Israel? I'm afraid it will continue to spread.
I hope I am wrong!

NunavutBirder, avatar

Happy International Inuit Day.

I saw a post today that the Arctic is best experienced from the comfort of your own home. Seriously this is one of the most magical places on earth and it’s by far best experienced full on, laying on the tundra, or standing at the floe edge, or having tea in a tent with a friend.

NunavutBirder, avatar

@mike My first spring here we had gone seal hunting for the weekend with Leah’s family. In the spring it’s very much a social activity. Groups out together.

On the way home we stopped for tea at a place called Qikiqtarkaat. Leah pointed to a small raised beach and said “That’s where Tina P. used to live.” I was amazed that someone I knew lived there and we walked up to look at an old qarmaq and the remains of lives lived.

I started blithering away like an idiot and Leah looked at me 1/2

NunavutBirder, avatar

@mike like I had two heads and said “Mom and Dad’s qarmaq is just over that hill.”

NunavutBirder, avatar

Night time, below -37C. This is my home.

NunavutBirder, avatar

@vga256 Small world. But I wouldn’t want to paint it.

vga256, avatar
dswidow, avatar

Does anyone have concrete ideas on how to solve the situation in Gaza?

It appears that the attack on Israel was intended to launch the big war between Muslims and Jews. If that's true, how do they get the hostages out without force when negotiation is impossible?

Is it an option for Israel simply to take no action, let the chips fall where they may? Leave the hostages to their fates...

dswidow, avatar


I like your metaphor!
This situation is so effed up from so many directions.

Our political situation here is screwed up - I cannot imagine congress ever agreeing to cut off money to Israel.

But it does seem (though I'm hopelessly ignorant about all this) that Biden and his team have a LOT of leverage with Netanyahu at the moment. Plus, it seems Israelis blame Netanyahu, so he's weakened. Maybe now is the time to force negotiations.

dswidow, avatar

@Miro_Collas @GW

Yeah, there has to be so much that we don't know. I imagine they won't want a cease fire until they get back the hostages.

NunavutBirder, avatar

Some have asked where the cabin is, in relation to the photos of town I’ve posted. And while part of the route would be in those pano shots the cabin is really in the other direction. So here are some google earth screenshots that will show you the route from my house to the cabin. Coffee at the cabin won’t be on until next summer, but now you know how to get there.

Another screenshot of Google earth. Same route drawn on the image as the previous one, but zoomed way out. Arctic Bay and Nanisivik are labeled on the satellite map.

NunavutBirder, avatar

@mike @wa7iut Bob, you can see a structure from the rocket range in Mike’s sister’s video. As the camera swings around it is a building with the tower/gantry.

krst, avatar

@NunavutBirder @mike @wa7iut I saw this part of the range when I was in Churchill a few years ago


Am I alone in feeling a sudden despair at the state of the world? Is this malaise just an thing? or just ? Maybe it’s a thing? Maybe it’s just a Mabhengwane thing? I look at the way things are headed and it’s like staring into an abyss of dread. The world is on fire, and here I am trying to prepare a Grade 12 student for their exam.

HarrietMonkhouse, avatar

@WhiteZulu My pleasure. And I do take pleasure in many small things, despite my despair over the big ones.


@HarrietMonkhouse even me. I think that is all that is left now.

NunavutBirder, avatar

This is how we do it. A thread. To get the lengths of roofing metal over to the cabin on the ice we tied to qamutiiq together. Note. This much metal is heavy.

Another view of the qamutiiq lashed together with long metal roofing on top.

NunavutBirder, avatar

The qamutiq being towed down the pass between town and Victor Bay. The second snowmobile is there in case it needs to toe off to brake the heavy load down the hills.

Video of two snowmobiles traveling down a small valley at night.

NunavutBirder, avatar
NunavutBirder, avatar

This morning’s sunrise. 360 degrees of colour.

NunavutBirder, avatar

@sciencewrighter Yes. The Sun skims along below the horizon and we have twilight. That gradually decreases over six weeks until we barely have twilight, but even on Dec 21st you can’t see stars at noon.

dannotdaniel, avatar

@NunavutBirder amazing! 🤩

LALegault, avatar

Brittany, former CIA asks: what happens after the war?

Brittany C Butler, former CIA

msquebanh, avatar

@quoidian @LALegault @retrohondajunki It is pretty bad when multiple South African people call Israel out for apartheid. They lived it too. This is one of many SA ppl calling out Israel apartheid.

retrohondajunki, avatar

@msquebanh @quoidian @LALegault
Yes there is zero peace through apartheid. There must be representation.

LordCaramac, German avatar

Listen, all you Anglophone leftists who think about the world in post-colonial terms:
Palestinians are not "indigenous". There are no indigenous people in the Jordan valley, the regionhas been colonised again and again by one empire after another for thousands of years, dating back to the late Stone Age. Jews and Palestinians are close cousins, you can see in their genetic markers that today's Jews aren't very different from other inhabitants of that region.

LordCaramac, avatar

Now when the Romans colonised the region, the Jews were quite renitent and seemed impossible to keep under control, so they eventually destroyed the temple and drove the Jews out of their land, forcing them to live elsewhere. For other ethnic groups, such measure would amount to cultural genocide, leading to their disappearance over a few generations, but not so for the Jews because of their religion. Judaism evolved to keep the culture and the people alive in the diaspora. (2/x)

LordCaramac, avatar

@mina @shanesemler Some of the first kingdoms of the late Stone Age emerged in the Jordan valley, some of the first state wars between professional armies (as opposed to tribal wars between traditional warriors) happened there. Archaeologists have found stockpiles of spearheads, arrowheads, and slingshot bullets made from stone, in the region. I think it's just the geography--a river valley near the coast in a very arid region, of course everybody wants to rule it.

NunavutBirder, avatar

It’s likely the last weekend working on the cabin until spring.

NunavutBirder, avatar

@lawyersgunsnmoney Thank you. It is a great spot. And it’s next to family which makes it better.

NunavutBirder, avatar

@sarae Eventually.

spaceflight, avatar

The ☢️ reached in just over eight minutes and ionized the upper layer of Earth's atmosphere — the — triggering shortwave blackouts on the sun-lit portion of Earth at the time including , and the .

spaceflight, avatar

As positively charged protons from the ☀️ crash into ’s 🌍 protective magnetic bubble, they create currents that propagate across the globe. Pulses created by these currents could then go on to deform quartz in Earth’s crust, ultimately triggering .

"We found clear correlation between proton density and the occurrence of large "

spaceflight, avatar

: The Sun 🔆 emitted two strong solar flares, the first one peaking at 6:07 p.m. EST on Feb. 21, 2024, and the second peaking at 1:32 a.m. EST on 📆 Feb. 22, 2024

NunavutBirder, avatar

So, when I said last week was the last trip to the cabin this season, I lied.

NunavutBirder, avatar

@davepolaschek Step by tiny step. If the storm holds, tomorrow I might be able to ditch the work light and actually turn on a light.


@NunavutBirder Beat of luck with the weather!

NunavutBirder, avatar

One of the hallmarks of light here at certain times of of the year is the entire horizon is rimed with pink. Three days until the Sun returns. #Nunavut #Arctic

Unknowable, avatar

@NunavutBirder @sjuvonen Feeling kinda dumb here 🤭 , but I have not the in depth knowledge to explain the physics behind that. Guessing atmospheric reflection due to the angle of the sun to earth enables some spectral filter, but that is just a wild guess in deed.

NunavutBirder, avatar
gimulnautti, avatar

If I wanted to avoid escalation by militant Islam in the , I wouldn’t start by making a quarter million able-bodied men homeless & motherless with nothing to lose.

Edelruth, avatar


If you want to keep them violent, so that you have an ongoing excuse to keep killing them, yes you would.

Especially if you are "clearing land".


@gimulnautti surely they will get gainful employment building the soon to be Israeli occupied Gaza apartment blocks with sea views. You know, the ones that Palestinians will never be allowed to visit once built.


Bids still only at $6000 for "Hansel" the Antarctic Hagglund

douglasvb, avatar

@ai6yr why do you keep tempting me with excellent purchase decisions?! 😅

tomjennings, avatar


Yea, aneeda new everything in order to run again.

ZLabe, avatar

I've designed a new graphic showing the daily ranking for sea-ice extent in nearly every region. This graphic will be updated several times per week at: Let me know if there are issues.

If this graphic is useful, I will add an version.

ZLabe, avatar

Okay, I've added the Antarctic too:

To walk through this graphic, there are 5 sub-regions of Antarctic sea ice. The value of "1" means that today's sea-ice extent only in the Indian Ocean sector is the smallest on record during the satellite-era (45 possible years/ranks).

In contrast, sea ice is relatively unremarkable in the Ross Sea region and only the 17th lowest on record for this time of year.

Colby, avatar

@ZLabe the “ice covered typical winter” ones are confusing, but I’m not sure how to better portray a typical year that can’t be ranked. Should they be large bars and “tied for 45”?

HistoPol, avatar


New perspectives on the conflicts in the by Firas Modad, "...a Middle East analyst for 20 years."

Via @thehill

"The foreign policy establishment fails to see that the Middle East balance of power has shifted"

" leaders in , , and 👉never wanted radicals to wage insurgency against 👈, not out of hatred of the , but out of fear of the consequences.

HistoPol, avatar



...balance of power was not in their favor. 👉The Arab states were too weak to
confront when it inevitably attacked them👈, rather than the insurgents, in response to Palestinian attacks. So it was, and remains, 👉smarter to keep the insurgency within the borders of Mandatory Palestine. That requires keeping the Palestinians where they are."👈

"👉The - conflict is first and foremost a war👈,...

HistoPol, avatar


(3/n) which leaders have accepted their weakness in material and military affairs and sought to normalize with a much more powerful, Western-backed .

By contrast, the , , , the and others chose a more religiously-sound approach. They accepted that the could overwhelm them with high-tech “shock and awe” aerial attacks. 👉They chose to focus instead on delivering...

NunavutBirder, avatar

If you saw my post with the stamp of the rock form known as “The Pants”, here is a photo of a Polar Bear dwarfed by it, seen through its legs. I had the wrong lens on and couldn’t get a photo of the entire formation and bear.

hvdklauw, avatar

@NunavutBirder I see an arm and a hand (facepalm) above the bear...

NunavutBirder, avatar

@hvdklauw Cool. Now I will be unable to not see that.

NunavutBirder, avatar

Crossing a bridge at a crack in the sea ice.

One of my favourite photos.

NunavutBirder, avatar

@carolski You can see in this photo. The closer crack comes from the right, the further one comes from the left. The island of ice is almost joined at the upper right and almost at the left foreground.

carolski, avatar

@NunavutBirder Oh, I get it now!

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