
@Flipboard@flipboard.social avatar

If you're still using Substack for your newsletter and want to migrate to Ghost, which has announced that it will join the fediverse this year, here's a step-by-step guide by @wes. It covers costs, what you'll need, setting up Mailgun and Cloudflare, how to move over your posts and subscribers and numerous other helpful details.


@Flipboard@flipboard.social avatar

Gaming journalist @wes also shares content from his emulator blog and other interesting tech stories via his federated @Flipboard account. Follow him here: @readonlymemo


Found 7 new servers and 7 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

22,782 servers checked. 14,019,388 Total Users with 1,581,228 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New servers found:

mastodon.jas-devs.net a server from Finland
monowi.re a server from Germany
social.rochacbruno.com a server from France
akko.spooky.academy a server from Finland
misskey.mln2310.dev a server from Private
shrimp.meow.company a .net server from Australia
bloop.blipdrifter.com a server from United States

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer

@Imperor@mastodon.social avatar

Tonight we're looking at Fallout 76 - Yes, the show led me to take another look

It has been five years since last I played. It was a mess then, so let's go and see: Has it improved?

Come hang out in chat, predict my death and help a fellow enthusiast get some reach!

Join tonight 20:00 (GMT+2 Berlin) on https://twitch.tv/imperorthefirst


s6xtet, French

Help à l'aide !
On a un dans le sud le 29 mai et un cherche à jouer dans le centre le 1er juin selon un axe > .
Genre ou dans leurs parages.
On est 4, on joue au chapeau
Allez la , show'em whatcha got !

@keremgo@sakurajima.moe avatar

Hello 👋 I actually re-joined after taking a social media break. I'm interested in horror movies, cyberpunk, mythology, melodic rock, Japanese Culture - especially hentai, anime & manga. I love making digital art & 3D modeling; doing all my work with a Coıre i3 + 16GB RAM + GT1030.

I'm hoping to share some of my humble artwork here - which is not for everyone. Also I'm not interested in pandemix, politics & conspiracy theories.

@matthew@social.retroedge.tech avatar

Defective by Design: Why the hinge failed on this Lenovo IdeaPad laptop

Video by me:

#peertube #laptop #repair #design

@liaizon@wake.st avatar

I was thinking what would it look like if a Flohmarkt instance pulled in a @bookwyrm book to list as an item to sell. How would that make the most sense to represent through ?

@ajroach42@retro.social avatar

@liaizon @adam Nope, should I?

@liaizon@wake.st avatar

@ajroach42 @adam moving fast into federated market place territory!


Found 3 new servers and 6 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

22,772 servers checked. 14,019,388 Total Users with 1,581,228 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New servers found:

misskey.mln2310.dev a server from Private
shrimp.meow.company a .net server from Australia
bloop.blipdrifter.com a server from United States

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer

@beardedtechguy@allthingstech.social avatar

Good morning friends. It’s another week.

Let’s have our and see what we have planned for today and the new week ahead.

Today is the pre-day for the conference so not much is planned. Just a few talks so I’m not sure I’ll go to those. I’ll pick up my swag and hit up sponsor exhibits. Then hit the strip probably. Rest of week is the conference.

@beardedtechguy@allthingstech.social avatar

@cliffwade The MGM has been good so far. There is literally everything here you need. LOL. The casino floor is crazy though.

@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

@beardedtechguy The hotels there are literally like cities. Like you said, they have everything!

They are so much fun to just walk around inside of and explore.

gbhnews, (edited )
@gbhnews@mastodon.social avatar

🌞 Good morning ! This is GBH bringing you the world from . It's 67F at Logan Airport and visibility is 10mi.

Police cleared a pro-Palestinian protest encampment at Northeastern University over the weekend.

Police busted a jewelry theft ring that stole millions by targeting South Asian families in Massachusetts.

's prime minister has resigned.

give yr humble servant garden advice. too early for tomatoes or?

@nonelvis@mastodon.social avatar

@gbhnews slightly too early for tomatoes, though in this humidity, honestly, I'm tempted to go buy a cherry tomato plant today

anyway, fresh garden peas are amazing, give yourself that gift!

@thegamerstavern@mstdn.games avatar

Hey adventurers!
To save you from the Monday blue, 's schedule is here for you!

I'll be playing more Baldur's Gate 3, progressing through the ACT I with all your help

You'll find me on (https://live.gamerstavern.online) on:

  • Tuesday @ 9:30 PM CEST (UTC+2)
  • Thursday @ 9:30 PM CEST (UTC+2)

Follow @Innkeeper to be notified when I'll be live!

@davemark@mastodon.social avatar

So this alert just popped up in Threads.

  1. Wonder what caused the Threads team to check in like this.

  2. Damn. 30 days just FLEW by.

Yes, please keep sharing to the fediverse. Forever.

@mikenoe@mastodon.social avatar

@davemark do you post different stuff there, or is it a mirror of what you post here?

@davemark@mastodon.social avatar

@mikenoe This is by far my main account. I do sometimes post stuff here that I do not mirror. I do reply to stuff on threads and occasionally on blue sky. But I always start my posts here.

@ErikJonker@mastodon.social avatar

The big difference between the fediverse and centralized platforms like X, Facebook and others is that people can argue, have different opinions about what the future of the Fediverse should be or not, but anybody has the choice to fork, leave, disconnect etc. set up their own initiative, without losing everything they invested in their network.

@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

Good morning and happy Monday #Fediverse

It's an early start to the day due to excitement on my behalf, so let's all discuss what the first day of the week has in store for us as well as the week ahead.

For me, it's some work stuff(more in a post coming up shortly), followed by more work stuff.

Video games tonight with family friends like we do each Monday and then just relaxing and enjoying the evening!

#MorningMoments #GoodMorning #Work #VideoGames

@JensHannemann@mastodon.online avatar

@cliffwade I'll be playing around with all the goodies I ordered toward the end of the semester. Got myself a couple of boards made by @kentindell as well as the logic analyzer he recommended and will try to get some CAN bus messages across those devices. And I guess I'll start designing next semester's new classes on embedded applications (which will include CAN) and signals and systems. All in all, it will be a fun day, I think.

@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

@JensHannemann Very nice! Sounds like a lot of fun is going to be had with all of this stuff.



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