
rolle, (edited )
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

I like the fact that in the the primary goal is not algorithms or making money, but owning your data and using social networks in your own terms.

FEELS like open and decentralized but has been received funding from Twitter and has not yet fully revealed its monetization plans. This is why I won't fully trust it. I'm glad they won't invest in the ActicityPub protocol. Their reluctancy to AP is also something I find strange even after reading the arguments.

Let's remember that a startup company, and companies are to make money. This is where for example is different, there is no monetization and never will be.

@TacticalGrace_@mastodon.social avatar

@rolle Jack already proved he can't be trusted, so there's no way in hell I'm leaving here to go to yet another doomed Jack Fucks Everyone Over And Protects Nazis backed project. The fact that BlueSky is a PBC tells me everything I need to know.


@TacticalGrace_ @rolle I don't trust the people developing BlueSky and AFAIK they haven't even defined a protocol. I expect that they will produce something with physical or logical centralisation as a core component. BlueSky comes from a top down Sillycon Valley startup perspective, and is not really community orientated.

m0bi13, Polish
@m0bi13@pol.social avatar

Hmm, moim zdaniem to nie jest dobry pomysł, to przyciąganie na siłę wszystkich nowych osób zakładających profil przez apkę na instancję mastodon.social

Ciężko teraz dogrzebać się do serwera działającego w ojczystym języku, a mastodon.social puchnie. Dopiero co się z niego przeniosłem na pol.social, bo ciężko było używać przez lagi, opóźnienia i błędy 500 w przeglądarce.

Chyba że pan Gargron chce zniechęcić ludzi do pokazując jak powoli działa?🤔

Ech, zamiast , kolejna wielka instancja. Przykład .org chyba poszedł na marne...

Więcej -> https://mastodon.ar.al/@aral/110236405361940166


Myślę, że jeśli o wybór rodzimych instancji chodzi, to większość sobie poradzi. Wystarczy skorzystać z wyszukiwarki. Tak przynajmniej było w moim przypadku.

@m0bi13@pol.social avatar

@AubreyDeLosDestinos Domyślnie apki do Matrixa proponowały założenie konta na serwerze matrix.org, nie dając łatwego wyboru czy to językowego, czy geograficznego.

Doprowadziło to do przeładowania tego serwera, jego powolnego działania i powszechnego u nowych tam ludzi przekonania "Matrix działa wolno", co nie jest prawdą. To Matrix.org działa wolno...

Zdecentralizowany Matrix zrobił ten błąd, nie dystrybuując osób po mniejszych serwerach, a teraz zdecentralizowany w zdecentralizowanym robi to samo.

Czy to zachłystywanie się wysokimi liczbami osób na serwerach? Obawiam się, że tak. W świecie zdominowanym przez korpo-marketingowe wskaźniki często główny cel ucieka.

@stevesplace@mastodon.social avatar

Today I learned all about follow limits.

Though it can be set by environment variable on the server, the defaults, which appear to be in use on this server, work as shown:

If you follow fewer than 7500, you may add more.

If you follow 7500 or more, you must have a ratio of 1.1 that you follow to 1 following you. At 7500 it means you must have as followers 6750 to add more.

@stevesplace@mastodon.social avatar

I am SOOOOOO happy that mastodon has an edit button, lol.


I guess I can delete the tusky app off of my phone now that I'm not on Mastodon anymore 😅


Having fun interacting with the Fediverse and dropping my little UFO 🛸 on interesting posts and people.

I love all you nerds and weirdos! 🛸



iOS finally supports PWA notifications, meaning we can get Misskey notifs now!! ​:misskey:​


Oh, sorry, one more thing: @BetterDiscord is now officially on !

"In case anyone wondering, no, we won't be paying for a dumb checkmark."



and now I go sleep

@grunfink@comam.es avatar

I've just released version 2.28 of , the simple, minimalistic instance server written in ANSI C, including the following:

Added a new notification area to the web interface, accessible from a link at the top, that also shows the number of unseen events. This area lists all notifications in reverse chronological order and provides a button to clear all.

More work in the Mastodon API. The new supported features are: notifications, post of new and reply messages (including attached images). Some API v2 entry points had to be implemented, so you'll need to update your HTTPS proxy configuration again, see snac(8). no longer crashes, or so I think. The official app and close relatives like still don't work, though.

If you are not interested in this Mastodon API crap, you can compile it out of your by defining the NO_MASTODON_API preprocessor directive and forget about it.

Fixed an HTML cache bug (it was not refreshed after editing a post).


ernest avatar

@grunfink Not much bullshit. I like it.

@grunfink@comam.es avatar

Hi. When liking or boosting, the timeline position does not change. But, as there is (by design) no JavaScript, every like or boost operation implies a round trip from the server, and the conversation state may have changed with new replies and moved to the top due to activity (more active conversations are always moved to the top).

This is (also by design) different to what Mastodon does, so it may seem confusing until you get used to it.

@quasirealsmiths@beige.party avatar

It’s weird having different accounts in the universe that can talk to each other. I can have indepth discussions between myself and myself…. 😜


Weird... works fine in Firefox on my desktop, but not in . I'd blame versions of browsers and OSs, but everything else – i.e. – all load just fine in Chrome. 🤔

Video: https://imgur.com/a/VHviWhz


@kainoa @GayCookie awesome, thanks! Funnily enough, it was even happening in my canva account 😂


If you are a new or user, and want to try a not included in your instance's default list of , this site can help: https://assets.misskey.io/theme/list

You can also create your own based on the existing themes, or the themes found in the mentioned site above. Just don't forget to share your own themes. ^_^

todojodapancho, Spanish

A veces, necesitamos dejar de analizar el pasado, dejar de planear el futuro, dejar de definir como nos sentimos, dejar de decir exactamente qué es lo que queremos y solo dejar que pase lo que tenga que pasar...


The has a lot of great options! , , , and are ones I can personally recommend. I also hear is good. This is what social networking should be.

@digitalspork@egirl.social avatar

@jcrabapple I'm floating an idea for Friendica in my city for those who want a Facebook Lite experience without needing to support or be apart of Meta at all.

Some people really enjoy that format.


I love how coming here can cheer me up 😎😬🥰
Never been able to say that. ❤️

@SteveBologna@mstdn.social avatar

@Lowie My boy says he’s glad you’re here

@wjmaggos@liberal.city avatar

We need a federated alternative to Mastodon designed specifically for journalists (and one for government sites). Is there a publishing platform that most outlets use for managing their website articles? Maybe a modified FOSS version of that.

But again, we're part of the . Every server should be searchable unless they specifically opt out. The "safe space" culture developed to keep servers healthy when the was sparse. Mastodon should adapt to the changing user base to thrive.

@oliver@die-partei.social avatar

@wjmaggos Follow + mirror RSS-feeds on Friendica is nice for that case. Including BBCode and invisible hashtags.
Too buggy here and there but for sure the better choice for publishing imo.

@vwbusguy@mastodon.online avatar

One of my regrets was advising an IT director at a previous employer that wasn't worth pursuing at the time. Granted, this was a few years ago when it was far more "niche", but I was clearly wrong to downplay it.

74, Polish
@74@101010.pl avatar

Serwery w języku .m:

masto.pt ()
ursal.zone (, lewicowy)
colorid.es (tęczowy, jedna z największych instancyj Hometown - fork Mastodona z lepszą obsługą czytania wpisów z reszty fedi, jak i wpisami tylko lokalnymi)
bolha.us (Brazylia)
mastodon.com.br (Brazylia)
cwb.social (, Brazylia)
masto.donte.com.br (Brazylia)
unipar.online (Uniwersytet Parany)
fim.social (Brazylia)
bantu.social (Brazylia, dla kolorowych)
vira-lata.org („deboistyczna, zen i dyskordiańska”)
bolha.photos (Pixelfed)
clube.social (Brazylia)
conversafiada.net (Brazylia)
burnthis.town (Brazylia)
komuna.digital (komunistyczna!)
bertha.social (naukowa, ku czci Berthy Marii Julii Lutz - feministki, biolożki, naukowczyni, dyplomatki i polityczki brazylijskiej)
ayom.media (Brazylia, indiańsko-komunistyczno-anarchistyczna)
cuscuz.in (północny wschód Brazylii)
mastodon.yurialbuquerque.dev („walka”?, komunizm i gry
piupiupiu.com.br (Brazylia)
blog.bantu.social (Brazylia, siostrzany względem serweru Masto na głównej domenie)
lemmy.pt (Lemmy, Portugalia, niezbyt aktywny)
velhaestante.com.br (Bookwyrm, Brazylia)

Wyndix, Spanish

People??? Why are you freaking out so much about the change in the iOS app where mastodon.social is now displayed in the welcome screen?

There is nothing wrong with there being a flagship instance, people interested in specific instances and decentralization will find their own instance, and this is in no way harmful to the

The team is attempting to make it friendlier and there's nothing wrong with that, nobody is shutting down your instance, ActivityPub will keep working


@RL_Dane @Wyndix @feditips

Fair enough, that would be a disappointing outcome. Currently I don't think Mastodon is going quite that extreme in terms of corporate monopoly, but I do recognize the potential for that to change if masto grows too fast with a naive username that is unwilling to try alternatives.

I think right now the activitypub fediverse is decentralized enough that it won't fizzle out. Hopefully it doesn't follow the path of XMPP and Matrix into centralization.


@Silv @RL_Dane @feditips xmpp is centralized?


A to those trying other software: Treat your new account as you would signing-up in a new .

A more detailed :
1. Let each of your account grow separately.

It is fine to follow certain groups and users. These are your ‘core’ interaction. But for the rest, keep them separate and let it grow organically.

2. Define a certain theme or topic or purpose for your new account.

Since we are in an interconnected network, you will end up having a major overlap between your first account and your succeeding accounts. Which might confuse you later (as well as your followers).

For example, I still post my new articles through my @youronlyone account, for two major reasons: Follower Badge, and support via .

3. Use this opportunity to learn how discovery, growth, and reach, works in the (or )

By letting your new account grow organically, and keeping the overlap with your first account at a minimum, you will be able to observe how discovery, growth, and reach, works in the network.

I have an account for at @youronlyone

I also have an account for at @youronlyone

The Misskey and Calckey accounts are organically growing. I also discover new people, new content, that I haven't seen in my account (@youronlyone). And I asked myself, why? As I find answers to that question, I slowly adjust my interactions, and this in turn helped me discover more and reach wider.

The Mycelial Network (as I now prefer to call the Fediverse), is huge. When it started in 2008, it was small, and we all know each other. Today, I've probably only discovered and reached 0.5% of the network. It grew that fast.

@paul@oldfriends.live avatar

, , and others, you can block all of the THEGX accounts popping up from multiple instances all at once by going to your Preferences, Moderation, choosing Accounts, ALL or Remote and search 'thegx', checking all and suspending if you admin . As new accounts appear hourly, it seems, you might need to do this often. That will prevent them from getting to your users and frustrating them.

rysiek, (edited )
@rysiek@mstdn.social avatar
@ygalanter@hachyderm.io avatar

@rysiek and WordPress already has ActivityPub support. It's going mainstream, baby!


@Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦 @europlus :autisminf: By the way, this announcement per se isn't new.

And you shouldn't get your hopes too high. This won't be full-blown, bidirectional federation between Mastodon and Discourse like Mastodon is fully and bidirectionally federated with Friendica.

This means:

Discourse will only announce new threads via ActivityPub by federating the first post. It will NOT federate any replies, and you will NOT be able to post to Discourse.

You will still need a separate account on that particular Discourse forum. The ActivityPub federation only serves to notify you of new topics, but if you want to participate, you still have to visit the forum itself.

Also, you will be able to follow categories in Discourse forums. You will NOT be able to follow users.

paulox, (edited )
@paulox@fosstodon.org avatar

I joined the Open Space about Takahe and ActrivityPub at PyCon Us 2023 🐍🇺🇲

CC @pycon @PyConUS @andrew @takahe


@paulox @pycon @andrew @takahe

I like it that because of the editing option, the photo shows the QR code to the post itself 😄

@paulox@fosstodon.org avatar

@x59 @pycon @andrew @takahe exactly 😀


This is a photo of the Salvadore Dali Art Museum located in downtown St. Petersburg, Florida. The largest collection of this Spanish surrealist’s artwork, outside of Europe, resides in this contemporary, glassed, geodesic museum.

See the Salvadore Dali Museum here: https://www.pictorem.com/239863/Salvador%20Dali%20Museum.html

@j_g_fitzgerald@c.im avatar

@HHPhotographyofFlorida I've been there, it's an exceptional collection of Dali's work & possibly the only attraction worth seeing in

@Infrogmation@mastodon.online avatar

@j_g_fitzgerald @HHPhotographyofFlorida

There are other worthwhile things to see at some future time when Ron DeFascist and his ilk are gone.

tschapajew, German
@tschapajew@metalhead.club avatar

Gibt es im auch eine zu ?

@tschapajew@metalhead.club avatar

@thomas Ja, das schaut schon ganz brauchbar aus. Dankeschön. Ich habe ein Bissle Angst vor Peertube, weil es ja, dadurch, dass die Streams von mehreren Nutzern mitgetragen werden, man bei Urheberrechtsverletzungen eines Anderen ja quasi mit daran beteiligt ist. Ist rechtlich schwierig.

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