
CorentinLamy, to retrocomputing French avatar

Oh mais j'y pense, je vous ai pas encore abreuvés, sous Mastodon, de ma collection de vieux jeux PC 🤓

De passage chez mes parents où elle est stockée je vais pouvoir vous montrer ça, je commence par ce Caesar II que je viens juste de recevoir.

Un jeu que j'ai jamais possédé mais que j'ai poncé chez un copain, son "Plebes are needed" me hante encore.

#Retrocomputing #retrogaming #90s #caesar #bigbox #PCgaming

Le verso et l'intérieur de la boîte. On y voit la notice et le boîtier du CD.

CorentinLamy, avatar

Fin des années 90, est à un tournant : continuer à faire des jeux comme et ou tenter une nouvelle formule ? Deux projets sont lancés, le classique par Julian LeFay, lead sur TES 1&2, et le jeu d'action/aventure par un jeune Todd Howard, qui refonde en passant le lore de la série. Ce dernier convainc : LeFay quitte Bethesda tandis qu'Howard se voit confier le dev de , qui devra au moins autant à Redguard qu'aux premiers .

Verso et contenu de Redguard

CorentinLamy, avatar

J'ai assez largement poncé #LordsOfTheRealm II à l'époque, qui mélangeait gestion, stratégie et assaut de château en temps réel, à mes yeux c'était un des meilleurs jeux du monde, mais vu comment tout le monde l'a oublié je soupçonne que c'était pas si bien que ça. Je ne sais plus pourquoi je n'ai plus ma boîte de l'époque du coup par nostalgie je me suis fait offrir celle-là récemment.

#retrogaming #jeuxvideo #bigbox #grosseboiteencarton

Verso et contenu de Lords of the Realm II

nabili, to random French avatar

On pédale ici sur un faux plat montant, tantôt sur l’herbe, tantôt sur de la terre compactée. La pluie arrivant nous incite à ne pas y prendre de pause.

À vélo sur le chemin, avec des chevaux surpris commençant à trottiner

nabili, avatar

Arrivé au sommet 7 heures après avoir commencé, c’est un soulagement et c’est à peine si il me reste de l’énergie pour marcher ou parler avec toutes les personnes autour.
L’experience est très différente du col ak baital au pamir. Celui-ci donnait la sensation de vivre une aventure, seul perdu dans de grands espaces. Ici, il s’agit plutôt d’une montée brutale, non pas pour les jambes mais les poumons. Cela apprend à mieux connaître son corps et comment il réagit face à la montée en altitude.

Vélo devant un plus petit panneau du col et des montagnes avec un peu de neige

nabili, avatar

Enfin arrivé au lac, celui-ci me déclenche une émotion par sa beauté, comme peu de paysages peuvent le procurer.
Il est bien plus joli que je le pensais, et les photos ne parviennent pas à lui rendre justice.

Photo du lac entouré de montagnes sèches avec un peu de neige
Photo du lac avec monts Rocheux en neige et statue de Buddha et shiva devant
Côté du lac avec monts Rocheux en neige

KagroX, to random avatar

Total deaths per 1M/pop., 3/11:

  1. Arizona 4,534 (+0)
  2. Mississippi 4,492 (+0)
  3. West Virginia 4,451 (+0)
  4. New Mexico 4,322 (+0)
  5. Arkansas 4,318 (+0)
  6. Alabama 4,289 (+0)
  7. Tennessee 4,263 (+0)
  8. Michigan 4,226 (+0)
  9. Kentucky 4,058 (+0)
  10. New Jersey 4,055 (+0)

KagroX, avatar

Top 10 states in total deaths reported per 1M/pop., 9/27:

  1. Arizona 4,640 (+2)
  2. West Virginia 4,583 (+6)
  3. Mississippi 4,527 (+0)
  4. New Mexico 4,405 (+0)
  5. Arkansas 4,389 (+0)
  6. Tennessee 4,354 (+0)
  7. Michigan 4,340 (+3)
  8. Alabama 4,311 (+0)
  9. Kentucky 4,283 (+0)
  10. Florida 4,225 (+0)

KagroX, avatar

NOTE: As of April 13, 2024, the Coronavirus Tracker is no longer being updated due to the unfeasibility of providing statistically valid global totals, as the majority of countries have now stopped reporting. However, historical data remain accessible. Worldometer delivered the most accurate and timely global statistics to users and institutions around the world at a time when this was extremely challenging. We thank everyone who participated in this extraordinary collaborative effort.

gruber, to random avatar

Threads is the most fun, most interesting new product of the year, and no one in the E.U. can use it, or will be able to use it anytime soon, because their own elected officials passed a law that effectively bans it.

Nice job. Have fun over here in the library.

downey, avatar

@gruber Trash talking international human rights protections is not the flex you think it is.

stroughtonsmith, avatar

@gruber ah yes, damn those EU lawmakers for… checks notes …creating laws around privacy. How dare they 🙄 Next you'll tell us they trying to protect human rights or something, the fools!

azonenberg, to random avatar

Assembling the trigger crossbar board over lunch.

Not thrilled with the paste print quality, very inconsistent. the top left corner was way too thick as the board flexed during printing, the middle BGA skipped some pads, and the WLCSP in the bottom right was near perfect.

These big boards bend too much in my paste fixture, I need to find a way to prevent that before I do any more boards of this scale.

azonenberg, avatar

Also, life hack for anyone else who has a PicoScope 6000E series oscilloscope: the logic analyzer pods are connected to the scope via a standard SFF-8087 mini-SAS cable, you can find the Molex part number right on the supplied cable. But you don't have to only use that cable!

I had some longer ones than the stock one sitting around and they work fine, at least at lower speeds (you might have trouble working to full rated bandwidth due to cable losses). But this gives me much more freedom of bench layout since I can put the pod a lot further from the scope than with the stock cable.

azonenberg, avatar

The capacitive tower of babel is growing. I'm about to add my third cap to the second story.

timkmak, (edited ) to random avatar

Are you finding Mastodon to be less vibrant/active?

I’m worried that we are not getting as much engagement on our Ukraine war reporting as we used to.

We’re trying to decide which social media platforms to continue posting on, given how much effort it takes to replicate across all of them.

If you want to send a signal to us that we should keep posting here, will you sign up for our newsletter?

I’m only asking Mastodon users today so we can gauge impact.

timkmak, avatar

Have been blown away by the response here.

The advice: use apps to automate hashtags and posting; shorter threads longer individual posts; vary posting times.

Also RTs are more important here because in an algorithm-less platform, no one will see us beyond our followers otherwise.

Any more advice?

Will you RT the first toot in this thread?

timkmak, avatar

The news isn’t free.

And you get what you pay for: low quality opinion driven posts on social media for clout; or ad-driven commercial media in big organizations.

Or through the subscriber model, where I’m directly accountable to you.

We do posting on social media as a service to our followers!

But it ultimately will not be sustainable if we don’t get subscribers who sign up to pay.

Does that a little more sense?

ajsadauskas, to fuckcars avatar

What can you get to within a 15-minute walk of your house?

A recent YouGov survey asked Americans what they think they should be able to get to within a 15-minute walk of their house.

Of these choices, I can currently walk to all of them from my apartment, aside from a university (no biggie, I'm not currently studying, although there is a Tafe within walking distance), a hospital, and a sports arena.

How many can you get to with a 15 minute walk from your house?


c_9, avatar

@ajsadauskas @fuck_cars I’m in Toronto’s Danforth area, so basically everything except a professional sports arena is within 5-20 mins walk.

The framing of that poll has such a sinister American conspiracy theorist edge: “if your local government decided…” — like having these things nearby can only be forced upon you and you must fight back.

weilawei, avatar

Even if we can't have a 15 minute neighborhood, we could have a bus stop at the post office (which is close enough to 15 minutes of a fast walk or a jog), that then brings you 10 minutes away (by bus) to the town which does have all of these things within 15 minutes walk.

The 15 minute neighborhood concept should be expanded to put everything within 45 minutes, by a combination of public transit and walking, for rural towns where there's not a good way to build them closer.

GottaLaff, to legal avatar

🧵THREAD will start here 1/…

>>Note: I’ll have to stop early due to Dr appt but will add what I miss when I return.

As always, I can’t reply during live-thread of multiple reporters. Plz remember to preface q’s w “Not for Laffy” or something similar since I’m too distracted to answer. Others can for me. TY.



#Trump expected to take the stand in his civil fraud #trial testimony today, set against backdrop of his 4 criminal indictments

…live from the courtroom. #legal

GottaLaff, avatar

4/ Via Kyle Griffin:

🔥New York AG #LetitiaJames: "This morning, Mr. Trump will take the stand in our trial against him, the Trump org & other defendants. Mr. Trump has repeatedly & consistently misrepresented & inflated the value of his assets. & before he takes the stand, I am certain that he will engage in name calling & taunts & race baiting & call this a witch hunt. But at the end of the day, the only thing that matters are the facts and the numbers — & numbers, my friends, don't lie."👈🏼

GottaLaff, avatar

75/ I'm not posting Klasfeld's screenshots, but you get the idea.


Trump, on NYAG Letitia James:

"She doesn't even know what 40 Wall Street is."

👉🏼NYAG is visibly cackling at the remark for a bit, then puts her head down to compose herself.

These two dots show the NYAG's office in relation to 40 Wall Street.

(They're right next to each other.)

GottaLaff, to legal avatar

I'm back at my computer. 🧵 starts here. 1/...

(Painters slowed me down. I'm catching up...patience)

Via InnerCityPress aka Press:

Habba: My client & I wish to pt out Ms Carroll can sit in front of jurors every day. But my client has to choose between attending his mother in law's funeral--
Judge Kaplan: I have ruled. Sit down
Habba: I don't like to be spoken to that why. Please refrain. I am asking for an adjournment for a funeral.
Judge Kaplan: Denied. Sit down

GottaLaff, avatar



🔥Judge Kaplan: No, we are not going to read out loud a document not yet in evidence. We are going to take a break right here to 3:30 and you're going to refresh your memory about how you get a document in.

GottaLaff, avatar

77/ Press:

Habba: Do you keep the supporting emails?
Carroll: Yes. I tend to delete questions that I know I won't use. But I have an entire label for supportive messages.
Habba: Do you control your email?
Carroll: Yes.
Habba: So only you deleted them?
Carroll: Yes.
Habba: Ms. Carroll, are you aware it is illegal to delete evidence?
Carroll's lawyer: Objection
🤦🏻‍♀️Habba: I move for a mistrial, evidence has been deleted
👉🏼Judge Kaplan: Denied and the jury will disregard everything Ms. Habba just said

GottaLaff, to legal avatar

Guess Vanky toughed it out on a school day.

🧵THREAD starts here 1/…. As always I’ll live-thread reports from multi reporters, scrambling, so can’t reply. Plz remember to preface replies w “Not for Laffy” or similar so I don’t get distracted. TY

Via Dan Alexander:

just made the long walk up the stairs of the Lower Manhattan courthouse where she will face questioning this morning from the attorney general’s office as part of her father’s 250 million fraud suit.

spocko, avatar

NOT FOR @GottaLaff
Here is the Video of Lisa Rubin. @emptywheel said. "Really grateful to see such detailed reporting from Rubin."

Lisa Rubin on MSNBC about Ivanka testimony

dangillmor, avatar

⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️

This is a spectacular example of aggregation/curation in real time by @GottaLaff -- a collection of reports about Ivanka Trump's testimony in her criminal father's New York fraud trial.

RickiTarr, to random avatar

What is a word that you had read, but after hearing it spoken aloud, you realized you were pronouncing completely wrong in your head?

Mine is pretty Embarrassing, and is just one of many!

MISLED! I'm not even sure how to type this out for it to make sense, but it was something like:



@RickiTarr browser trouble? if you already tried clearing your cookies, you may need to delete the cake (cache)

NilaJones, avatar

@Gaolaitch @RedTinDave @RickiTarr

I know someone who is absolutely committed to pronouncing forsythia as 'for Cynthia'

This is kind of the opposite of what you are doing 😁

rysiek, (edited ) to fediverse avatar

Well if it isn't cryptocurrency spam coming from the biggest, open instance on the . 👀

I wonder if this is at all related to challenges with moderating an instance of checks notes 200k active accounts? Or with moderating new accounts on the only instance actively promoted in the official apps? :thinking_rotate:

Thankfully we can always defederate! What's that? It's the biggest instance so there are real concerns about a lot of people losing connections? Whodda thunk it!

rysiek, (edited ) avatar

The size of means that it is hard to moderate current accounts there.

The fact that it is promoted as the instance by the official apps, combined with the fact that in the public mind fedi is Mastodon, means it's difficult to effectively moderate new accounts.

And its size also means that bad actors are not compartmentalized into small, manageable groups on defederate-able instances.

This is bad.

rysiek, (edited ) avatar

The size of is breaking the moderation story of the .

Moderation on fedi relies on:

  1. instance admins and moderators being able to manage bad actors on their own instance;

  2. instance admins being able to silence or defederate from insufficiently moderated instances.'s size and the speed new accounts are set up there means that 1. is very difficult. The size of m.s. and the clout of some of its users means 2. is a hard decision.

grissallia, to gaming avatar

I'm not one for "New Year's resolutions", but I am one for overly ambitious projects.

For 2023, Project365 is "One New Game Per Day".

Given that I have 634 unplayed games in my Steam account and {mumble} unredeemed bundle Steam keys, there's a reason my unplayed collection is tagged "Pile of Shame".

I'll pin this to my profile, and give a brief summary here each day (or x, if I miss x days due to work or stuff).

I'll play 15-30 minutes of (at least) one new game I've never played before (or played less than 15 minutes of). I'll give every game at least 15 minutes, even if I hate every minute of it.

I'm also open to suggestions; if you reply to this thread with a game, I'll schedule it, or tell you what I thought of it.

One of the things that's come up is that I have a bunch of games that I've played once, and not touched again.

Unplayed games:
Trying a game again:
Going live on Twitch:

I'll hashtag these with so you can mute it if you're not interested.

grissallia, avatar

Apr 20, 2023 - Day 110 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 119

Game: Sundered Eldritch Edition

Platform: Steam PC
Release Date: Jul 8, 2017
Library Date: Jan 7, 2019
Unplayed: 1564d (4y3m13d)
Playtime: 45m

Today I found myself faced with a "pure" Metroidvania. I even Googled it to make sure I understood the term.

So, some of the games I've been referring to as "platformers" may actually be better defined as Metroidvanias, and that is to say, I don't like them.

I find them frustrating, and I lack the hand-eye coordination to pull of the moves at the right time, and somehow this morning, none of that mattered.

I thought I'd knock out the game this morning in a quick 15 minute play session, and write up a review, and that would get me focused and into work time.

Some time later, I quit out to find I'd been playing for 45 minutes. Somehow, I managed to pull all the pieces together and find a rhythm, and what a marvellous rhythm it is.

It's an incredibly atmospheric game, inspired by H.P. Lovecraft. Part old-world horror, part technology, dropping through floors, and wall-jumping, killing everything in sight.

While (as usual) I was playing in "easy" mode, it wasn't easy for me, but not so challenging I wanted to punt the controller out the window.

It makes me want to give some others another try.

Sundered Eldritch Edition is:

2: Good

grissallia, avatar

Apr 24, 2023 - Day 114 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 127

Game: Anna's Quest

Platform: Steam PC
Release Date: Jul 3, 2015
Library Date: May 14, 2019
Unplayed: 1441d (3y11m10d)
Playtime: 78m

I opened Anna's Quest to find that it was yet another point-and-click adventure. 78 minutes later I closed it, somewhat confused at how I'd lost 78 minutes on a point-and-click adventure.

You play as the titular Anna. Living deep in the forest with your grandfather, one day he becomes deeply ill, yet still expressly forbids you to enter the forest.

Upon leaving, you're kidnapped by a wicked witch, and imprisoned in a tower, and that's when things get weird.

It turns out that Anna is unaware that she's telekinetic, but the witch somehow knew, and wants her telekinetic gift.

The humour in the game is quirky, and seems almost childlike, the puzzles indicate that this is not a game targeted at kids. They are your usual "use X with Y" puzzle, but I'm not sure kids are going to think "If you cut that rubber ball in half, it will make a perfect insulator for that electric buzzing thing"

The game has my interest piqued, and I look forward to seeing exactly why and how Anna ended up with telekinesis.

Anna's Quest is, surprisingly:

4: Good

worthlessbums, to random avatar

i just wanna say i did not buy baldur's gate 3

my brother gifted it to me xD

worthlessbums, avatar

i know you're trying to trick me video game

worthlessbums, avatar

i wish just once a flunky npc would, without my needing an intimidation check to appear, look at this blood and gore steeped paladin emerging from the darkness and decide not to make a pithy british insult at me

read the room my good guy

Theblueone, to music avatar

Cool Guitar Music Thread [Pinned]


Just going to keep this little thread pinned here & populate it with all the cool guitar-widdly stuff I dig.


David Grissom - Trio Live (2020)

Just listening to this album again this morning. One of my favorite guitar albums from the last few years.

Theblueone, avatar

Steve Gadd Band - Auckland By Numbers (Live 2020) featuring Mike Landau, Jimmy Johnson, Larry Goldings, Walt Fowler

Theblueone, avatar

Paul Gilbert — “Holy Diver” | Live at Sweetwater

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