
kubikpixel, (edited ) German avatar

»YouTube: Sperren gegen Werbeblocker nun global«

Auch deswegen nutze ich YouTube nicht direkt, sondern Links über @invidious* oder nutze es mobil via @newpipe*, um Videos zu sehen und so weit frei vom Tracking zu sein. Leider sind noch nicht sehr viele anregende Videoproduktionen im Fediverse zB auf @peertube vertreten.


HugeGameArtGD, avatar
kubikpixel, avatar

🧵 …wenn ihr zB wegen den oben erwähnten Gründen nicht nutzen wollt, dann empfehle ich das @peertube im Fediverse.

Da es sich auf mehreren Servern aufhält, ist die Suche damit übergreifend auf mehrere Anbietern. Dies nach gewünschten 's über die unten aufgeführte geht praktisch & simpel.

Letzter Zeit bin ich oft auf dem und habe dort Abos, die ich hier im mir ansehe oder das oben erwähnte App.


lauren, avatar

Dear creators. We really, really, really, really, really, really, don't need a rambling introduction followed by "without further ado" or "let's get into it." Just do it.

djohngo, avatar

@lauren The minimum acceptable speed when viewing YouTube is x1.75.

TheDefiant604, avatar

I saw one video of a guy making a special cake where liquid icing and sprinkles were placed in a tube on top, then the tube lifted off and everything flowed down over the cake. It only took two minutes to prepare, but at least 20 minutes before he lifted the tube. He kept stopping just as he started lifting to re-explain the entire process for the newcomers in chat. I really wanted to reach through the internet and smack the back of his head, a la Leroy Jethro Gibbs.

Stark9837, avatar

Are there any good creators with short - and medium-length content about ?

I just love and probably have 500 hours in it, but only playing Dwarffortress since the release, I am really struggling to get into it, simply due to struggling with the mechanics

I think I just need to watch some good and entertaining gameplay where some things are just explained in more depth.

douglascodes, avatar

I like BlindIRL and DasTactic.


@Stark9837 id recommend this series of tutorials by BlindIRL:

theyre fairly short and explain basically all the basics. i learnt the game using these, and the really specific topics he doesnt cover can usually be found on the wiki.

voxel, (edited )

is making the watching experience worse on and Microsoft Edge.

I didn't believe it the first time I heard abt it, since it sounded more like a conspiracy theory than a actual thing, but it's true. Google does add 5s timeout specifically to Firefox and Edge users when they try to watch a video on YT. If you want to know more about it, Mental Outlaw make a very good video abt it (Link: ). I think Google did this, to get people moving to Chrome since the majority will think this is a browser issue, nobody would expect YouTube to purposely doing this. In the attached Screenshot you can see that YouTube checks the user agent of browsers to see if it's Edge, Firefox or not. You can bypass this by changing your User agent to chrome.

Edit: Due a lot of people saying a lot of different things abt it, I want to say that I'm not 100% sure abt how exactly this works, there is a inbuild delay by Google, but who is actually affected, there are a lot of different opinions abt it. I wasn't able to verify this myself in LibreWolf, but this could be the case due my intensive hardening I did and this is just a result of what I found in the code and what Mental Outlaw and others shared across social media, if you got different or additional infos abt this feel free to comment and I suggest everyone ti also check the comment section.



Not my ss


It would be a lot more conclusive if you could find somewhere the isGecko function is being used in association with a delay though, there are other things they could use it for.

thatprivacyguy, avatar

Today I filed a formal complaint against with the Irish Data Protection Commissioner for their illegal deployment of detection technologies.

Under Article 5(3) of 2002/58/EC YouTube are legally obligated to obtain consent before storing or accessing information already stored on an end user's terminal equipment unless it is strictly necessary for the provisions of the requested service.

In 2016 the EU Commission confirmed in writing that adblock detection requires consent.

thatprivacyguy, avatar

You can help by filing your own complaint here:

The more complaints the DPC receives - the quicker they will act.

You can use my complaint to help write your own (attached).

thatprivacyguy, avatar

I cannot stress enough how important it is for you all to take the 5-10 minutes it takes to file this complaint.

If the Irish DPC receives only my complaint they will likely not pay it any attention for at least 18 months if at all - but if they receive 10 000 complaints it will seriously eat into their budget (it costs money to handle complaints) and will "motivate" them to act much faster.

If they receive 100 000 complaints - YouTube will be forced to stop this very quickly indeed.


Something very super cool about the ad blocking fiasco is that I actually PAY FOR YOUTUBE as I’m happy to compensate people for a service and use as a crucial security tool, but since I have a bunch of different accounts and profiles to keep work and life separate, and they aren’t clever enough to figure that out or do feasible automatic migrations, I got to spend 6 hours painfully migrating 800 channel subscriptions by hand in hundreds of browser tabs. And it’s making me question subscribing to YouTube.


@CyberMatt1 it’s… hacks4pancakes….


@hacks4pancakes I pay for YouTube ad-free, and it still sticks in my craw that I had to create a separate Google account to do it because YouTube Premium is not supported on my legacy free Google Workspace account.

tilvids, avatar

I saw this comment on an article posted on @arstechnica about increasing their price for YouTube Premium. And yes, YT does need competition, the problem is most creators want their content to be seen, and hopefully get compensation for the effort involved in making the content, and simply has the cash and gravitational presence to make it happen.

If you want competition, start supporting alternatives, and letting creators know that you won't be watching their content on YT. 💙


@tilvids @arstechnica I only watch on - I look forward to seeing more join with time as I no longer go on YT.

Really would like to see and


@privacydingus @tilvids @jakedamon @arstechnica Just subscribed to my favorite search engine’s channel -

tilvids, avatar

This is the latest "innovation". with a market cap of $1.7 trillion and $120 billion cash on hand, "needs" to charge for ads on YouTube.

This is, of course, not true. They have more than enough revenue to run YouTube without ads in perpetuity, but they want to please shareholders. The community is showing how you can distribute the costs of hosting content as well. If you don't support Google's continued monetization of monopolized with your feet.

matt, avatar

@mdione @tilvids @ChrisWere

The Libredirect (@libredirect) add-on which redirects a lot of services to free alternatives, including YouTube to Invidious.

You can pick which invidious instances you want to redirect to in the settings of the extension. Good stuff.


@sfunk1x @tilvids same. Starting from today. I will be investing more time and money into open platforms

RL_Dane, avatar

Of course had to hide the incredibly useful "Add to queue" button behind a flerpin' hamburger menu.

This is why I scarcely watch YT anymore. :P

ChrisWere, avatar

@RL_Dane I feel exactly the same way.

RL_Dane, avatar


I'm waiting for them to do a -level foot-shooting and hide the whole thing behind widevine.

will EXPLODE that day. XD

Love me some PeerTube. I have maybe two youtube channels in my feed, the rest is PeerTube. :)

for the blog I've totally not forgotten to write in for a few months, lol:

lauren, avatar

I still can't find any related valid arguments from pretty much anyone who insists that they have a right to watch without ads and without paying for Premium. I see a lot of irrelevant Google Hate being tossed around but in the end it all mostly just looks like selfish entitlement.

chemoelectric, avatar

@klausfiend If you own any cryptocurrency, SELL IT FAST.

chemoelectric, avatar

@klausfiend (Just yesterday I posted the design of a primitive "quantum" register made from ordinary analog electronics. But much better just to run the algorithms on a digital computer.)

geerlingguy, avatar

My YouTube homepage is gone, now apparently they want me to enable watch history just to see recommended videos?

geerlingguy, avatar

@ashvinau exactly, I like to watch some content from time to time that could be lumped in on either "moderate left" or "moderate right" then eventually YouTube seems to love dumping tons of political videos in my recommendations.

With just subs and likes, I have some control over the inputs.

I don't go on YouTube for politics!


@geerlingguy Same. I watch computer science, electrical engineering, and math videos primarily. Oddly, YT never seems to recommend political videos that are to the left of moderate for me. Kinda makes you wonder who is paying to influence the algorithm.

thelinuxcast, avatar
vintprox, avatar

@thelinuxcast Also sorry to hear that you've got on YouTube's spree. Still, I would think of this as a good publicized evidence of misconduct from them - to better show your wider audience why you move away. (Besides multiple weird shadow things and dark patterns happening, creating contradictions in user experience.) It's a last straw, truly.

vintprox, avatar

@thelinuxcast I don't know if this little issues list will be of service to you, but here you go! TILvids, Mastodon, Matrix - can't wait to see them flourish on your website.

Calibos, French

Nouveau concept pour les vidéos react : des personnes issues de la fécondation in vitro voient pour la première fois un enregistrement vidéo du spermatozoïde qui a fécondé l'ovule de leur mère biologique et commentent en direct le comportement de ce spermatozoïde.


@Camille_Poulsard pour le truc de canal plus, je retrouve plus, j'ai un vague souvenir de jerome niel (qui me répugne) déguisé en fée et une histoire de gateau que les enfants ne doivent pas toucher (et en fait on filme leur réaction une fois confronté·e·s à la tentation et sans surveillance, mais en fait c'est pas vraiment le principe de vidéo react, pas du tout même, c'est plutôt le principe de caméra cachée avec des gosses).

Camille_Poulsard, avatar


Oui, je crois que je l'ai vu, sans connaitre Niel à l'époque, ni aujourd'hui d'ailleurs, mais je n'ai presque rien retenu et j'avais oublié.

lauren, avatar

A little hint on using . If you take the time to train it by telling it what you like and dislike, the suggestion algorithms are usually amazingly accurate and useful. I virtually never see suggestions for stuff I'm not interested in, and never see any right wing crap suggested.

But if you don't login, or don't bother to train the system when you do login, you're much more likely to get random garbage to complain about.

Itty53, (edited ) avatar


So my choice is either to be ignorant of videos being pushed by my opposition, or, endure a never-ending stream of them and virtually only them? Because that's how the algorithm works. It's awful. That's an easy argument.

This is just a thinly veiled "stop complaining about (thing worthy of complaint)" post. Having manners about it doesn't change that.

"There's ways to avoid shit, but the default use is a pipeline to a portapotty" is a strange way to sell people on a product, right?

Itty53, avatar

@pierostrada @lauren

It's certainly a very weird thing to take pride in. Like a person who declares proudly that they've watched Fox News for years and "what? I'm fine, I love it. Just ignore this and that show and the rest is great". Nah, we all know that's bullshit, it's not how it works. I can smell that distinct "I'm too smart to be fooled" arrogance from a world away.

liztai, avatar

I searched for a recipe for cooking hearts and decides to recommend me a video of a dead body being tossed into an incenerator.

I thought, nahhhh it cant be a real corpse.

Noooo it's a real one.

Like someone posted the cremation of their loved on Youtube.

That's mad o_0

I am going to get really crazy recs in the next few days, aren't I?

geraineon, avatar

@liztai all the best with it

i have trouble with podcast so i prefer text reviews... or usually i just ask my cdrama kaki

liztai, avatar

@geraineon I blog more than I podcast tbh. Podcast is just extra flavouring 😉

kuketzblog, German avatar

Google geht nun massiv gegen Nutzer vor, die AdBlocker auf YouTube einsetzen. Für 12,99 € kann man mit YouTube Premium die Werbung abschalten. Das schließt allerdings das Tracking durch Google nicht mit ein. Wer also YouTube werbe- und trackerfrei konsumieren möchte, kann auf folgende Alternativen zurückgreifen. 👇

kuketzblog, avatar

@datensalat @crazy2bike @Talkredius329 Der Blog hat eine wunderbare Suchfunktion. Kann man gar nicht oft genug anpreisen! 😁

datensalat, avatar

@kuketzblog Meinen nächsten Geistesblitz tippe ich zuerst in deine Blogsuche, versprochen! 🤓️

Die Erkenntnis im Post deckt sich auch mit meinen ersten Bedenken. Das Ding sieht mir nach einem etwas eindimensional gedachten Proof of Concept aus. Das dazugehörige Paper liest sich jedenfalls so

Wenn man die "Klicks" explizit durch TOR schleusen würde, könnte ein Schuh draus werden.


lauren, avatar

The same people who wouldn't dream of shoplifting often have no qualms whatever about using ad blockers on YouTube, literally reducing the income of independent creators, many of whom depend on that modest income. A perfect example of situational ethics at its worst.


@lauren … well no.

If income was being maintained and not reduced the person would be kept on with the same rate of pay.

It really sounds like you might want to slow down and think about the math, the accounting, behind such posts more carefully because you’re getting it wrong.


@lauren I didn't start trying to block ads until very recently, when web pages I wished would be static, became unreadable with my scroll position hopping around everytime a new ad loaded somewhere on the page, which seemed to happen every couple seconds.

I think it was the LA Times—to which I subscribe!—which was the last straw. They were making their paper layout unusable, as they were covering up both editorial copy and their own print ads, with more ads.

ben, avatar

Cheeky fuckers.

have deployed Javascript that delays video load if the user is using

skrrp, avatar

@ben better a 5 second wait than multiple 30+ seconds of unskippable ads.


@aral @ben add this filter on uBlock Origin to do away with this bullshit:, resolve(1), *, 0.001)

Click on uBO icon > ⚙ Dashboard button > Add the filter(s) in "My filters" pane > ✓ Apply changes > Open new tab and test again.

taken from here:

lauren, avatar

The number of Shorts that are just faked "disaster" videos trying to draw views is impressive.

ketchup71, avatar

@lauren @stylinstainless This is embarrassing… Because the FireTV is the only box I found which can control my old stereo and TV. Amazon does its best to stop me from using it (mostly by throwing ads in my face all day long), but that IR remote makes life better. (Well, diminishing returns…)

Actually, the only other option I considered was the Apple TV, and that cannot control pre-2000 year stereo devices.

lauren, avatar

@ketchup71 @stylinstainless Have you ever considered audio and video components that don't have hand cranks?

kkarhan, avatar

punishes the use of by defaulting users to |s like 360p.

Can someone please make a addon similar to that can be set to a default resolution or automagically selects the monitor / browser Window size or maybe one above as default instead?


@kkarhan I hate youtube ads like what ad on earth needs to last more than a minute

kkarhan, avatar

@ChickenPwny I'd consider not blocking if those weren't bs, political or outright garbage.

Same with 's refusing to honor "don't show me this channel" being the reason why I refuse to login, as they provide me no added value compared to not being logged in...

avolha, Polish

"Sęk w tym, że takie rozwiązanie jest w Unii Europejskiej nielegalne. Żeby zablokować adblocker YouTube musi wiedzieć, że takie oprogramowanie działa na komputerze czy telefonie użytkownika. A żeby to wiedzieć musi „pogrzebać” w twojej przeglądarce – sprawdzić czy takie narzędzie jest zainstalowane i działa na twoim urządzeniu. I dokładnie tego nie wolno mu robić"

realwaaagh, avatar

@avolha czy też robi to nielegalnie? Bo każe wyłączać Adblock.

m0bi, (edited )


Większość skryptów "anty bloker" tak właśnie działa.

Daleki jestem jednak od interpretacji, że oznacza to istnienie ad-blocka. Bo to jeden z wielu możliwych scenariuszy, a nie jedyny.

Oznacza to tyle, że przeglądarka nie zdecydowała się go (tego skryptu) pobrać.

Podobnie, jak może nie zdecydować się pobierać obrazy, javascript, czy inne rodzaje treści.

Nie ma obowiązku pobierania "wszystkiego". I tu wracamy do pytania, czy Google/YT może "zmusić" do pobierania reklam.

Bo jeśli może, to w kolejnym kroku może "zmusić" do obowiązkowego wysyłania informacji o tym, czy strona jest widoczna. Korzystają z tego do "zatrzymywania" materiałów wideo, gdy strona traci "focus". Są wtyczki do liska, które blokują tę informację i wideo leci wtedy gdy użytkownik sobie życzy. To wyłącza konieczność opłat za YouTube premium (tak, to nie jest ograniczenie techniczne tylko ściema marketingowa).

Próby Google narzucenia nowego systemu walidacji przeglądarek mają na celu ukrócenie właśnie takiej wolności po stronie klienta.

Moim zdaniem problem tkwi w złym modelu biznesowym Google, który implikuje takie idiotyzmy.

Wciskanie reklamy zawsze będzie rodziło opór. Może umówmy się w końcu, że YuTube igdy nie był bezpłatny bo płaciliśmy za niego zawsze, tylko inaczej, i niech Google wprowadzi abonament na płatną usługę. Ale czy to zrobi? Wtedy stalibyśmy się klientami, i moglibyśmy wymagać, a tego Google nie chce. Woli traktować nas jak "ropę" do wydobywania. Niezbędny element systemu reklamowego, by w statystykach sprzedawanych reklam wszystko się "zgadzało".

pallenberg, (edited ) avatar

Die inzwischen 3. Ausgabe (wenn man die Sommerinterviews mitrechnet) des Talk ist da und in der konnte ich mich mit Kay Olhoeft aka dem Technikfaultier hinsetzen 👉

Ueber 4 000 Techvideos und 400 000 Subscriber:innen auf Der Kay hat wirklich eine einzigartige Karriere hingelegt.

Dazu aktuelle News aus Tech, AI, Social Media & Nachhaltigkeit.

Freue mich wie immer auf eure Boosts & Reposts. Danke 🙏

theBurn, avatar

@pallenberg „Sommer-Interview“, welcher Sommer? 😔 Grüße in den taiwanischen Spätsommer aus der deutschen Kälte

pallenberg, avatar

@theBurn zumindest vom Kalender her :)

Stark9837, (edited ) avatar

"Why We Left The Cloud"

Recently watched this video by on , and his hot-take 🔥 was that they were using , and half of their pain was caused by this.

I have no experience with Ruby at all and most probably won't even recognize it if I were to read it.

If Ruby is such a bottleneck and inefficient, why did :mastodon: use Ruby for its implementation?

I know Ruby is often praised for servers and backends, especially APIs, but we have many solutions for this in :python: , which I wouldn't recommend, but :golang: and .

Does anyone have opinions or sources for this statement?


Original article:

jan, avatar

@Stark9837 IMHO there is no right or wrong here. You can write efficient Ruby code to scale an app up to IPO in case of Shopify which is written in Rails. Or you can write shitty complied code and consume endless hardware resources.

Stark9837, avatar


Wait! Wait! Wait!

Are you telling me proper engineering practices actually are important?

Now that is a 🔥 hot-take in modern development.

lauren, avatar

It turns out that there are a large number of videos on documenting (and in a way promoting for the firms involved) cleanup and decommissioning activities at various highly contaminated nuclear sites, in significant detail. What strikes me as so bizarre is how ENTHUSIASTIC so many of these workers are in these incredibly dangerous environments, professing to love their jobs -- and they all seem sincere. It appears to be an entire subculture unto itself. I had no idea.

smellsofbikes, avatar

@lauren a huge number of older/retired japanese volunteered to help in dangerous cleanup at Fukushima because they said they felt like they were doing something positive for their community.

lauren, avatar

I could make a joke about how these are really "hot" jobs but I'd probably only be about the millionith person to do so.

SuneAuken, Danish avatar

Ok, I admit it. By now I'm SO tired of youtube I'm actually considering what the alternatives are. How does the whole fedi-videothingy work? Explain it to me like I'm a noob.*

No, I'm not much of an early adopter.

  • I am, in fact, a noob.

JonathanTreffler, avatar


Peertube ( is to Youtube what Mastodon is to Twitter/other centralized microblogging.

It is also decentralized with ActivityPub, that means you can follow Peertube accounts on Mastodon, but the experience is not the best, since mastodon is not made for video: If you want a Subscriptions Video Feed like on Youtube you'll want a Peertube account on some Peertube instance.


JonathanTreffler, avatar


Like on mastodon you can follow any pertube account from any instance from any other instance.

To find content on Peertube you are interested in you can use this official search engine:

A good first step is choosing a peertube instance: . Or you can just use the search engine and start by watching videos without an account.


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