A Community Resource for Disability & Accesibility

@bananamangodog@aus.social avatar

Can anyone point me in the direction of persons pursuing self-sufficient lifestyles? The could be mental, physical, or other and the self-sufficiency could be from a , or perspective.

Looking for social media accounts, books, blogs, youtube or people doing this kind of thing outside of modern socials that would be happy to have a conversation about it.

@permacultre @mecfs @actuallyautistic

@KnittingMittens@mastodon.social avatar

@bananamangodog @permacultre @mecfs @actuallyautistic Parkrose Permaculture might be a good YouTube channel. She talks a lot about ableism, and some of her children have various disabilities or are neurodivergent.

@orbweaving@denton.social avatar

@bananamangodog @permacultre @mecfs @actuallyautistic

I'm disabled and pursuing community-based autonomous structures of social ecological sustainability.
I'm about to move into a trailer and do a work exchange on a permaculture site, which reduces my monetary needs a lot. Getting out of renting has been a big struggle, but one I think is way worth it.

I live in a house with 6 people currently and have bounced around communal houses for the past few days, always filled with disabled folks. We get groceries and cook mostly communally, pool money to hire helpers (friends) on cleaning/chore days, and we interface with other comm. houses, disabled friends, and friends struggling w/ housing or who don't live in houses. Try to support each other and our community.

Self-employment is also big in this for me too. My disability goes through flare cycles, so having flexibility is important. Some of my housemates/life partners and I are starting a cooperative apothecary. Helps meet our financial needs while also helping our community and increasing habitat and food for wildlife on our farm.

Regarding farming/permaculture and sustainable lifestyles, it is tricky being disabled. I think the community aspect plays such a central role for me because it allows so much flexibility and accessibility in roles and fluent abilities. Sometimes I can shovel gravel or harvest plants, sometimes I need to be inside processing herbal remedies or working on communications. And for some folks, they'll be in a role more often because they're great at it or it's what they can do (tho we definitely try not to push our mostly able-bodied friends into large amounts of manual labor). There's always a role folks can fill which is nice, and it's more fulfilling since it's for our community, for our survival, for the restoration of the planet.

I appreciate you posting this as now I want to write more/make videos about the intersection of disability and ecology, food, sustainability, community living.

@msquebanh@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

Please, #ablebodied #privileged people think people like me should just 'work harder'. Ya think your fucking spoiled kids could deal with #disabilities without your fucking bloody money??? SAY THAT SHIT TO MY FACE.

We are capable! We are human beings! We deserve human rights! We will fight for ours!

#disabled #VictoriaBC #YYJ #VancouverIsland #PeopleWithDisabilities #DisabledPeopleMatter

@Jon_Kramer@mastodon.social avatar

@msquebanh , I'm lucky enough that I was born abled, and have avoided most accidents that limited mobility. My right hand is a bit screwed up, that's all. Back due to being rear ended when I was 17. But I'm OK.

My fear is brain damage. Or worse, being stupid.

@Eka_FOOF_A@spacey.space avatar

Some of the reactions to my sitting there taking rests on natures walks have been very interesting. Most are encouraging, but some it's is obvious they are disgusted.

I try to choose mostly flat trails due to my ME/CFS. That isn't always an option. I need a 4WD scooter so I can do longer trails.


I can’t speak for the #disabled population as a whole, but the reason i’m giving consideration to filing an aDA suit is because I sick and tired of getting the professional version of Go fuck yourself when i ask for assistance. Telling someone you can't verify their identity becvause your tech is inaccessible is as unacceptable in 2024 as being told you can't eat in a restaurant because your physical disability is making customers uncomfortable.

  • Get with the program and do better! (2/2)

And to those who are and feeling complaint fatigue from those of us who are , we sympathize, and it's your damn fault. if you'd learned your lesson when a bunch of us got together to pass the ADA and started designing things to be accessible as part of the building process, we wouldn't have to keep having these exhausting conversations. Since you collectively haven’t learned, here are the take aways.

  • We want access to the world.
  • We're not going away. (1/2)
msquebanh, (edited )
@msquebanh@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

I'm struggling with seeing stuff ATM. This year will be 2nd one, without my . Me & my family still have from night my Dad died, after failed us all & he lost our personal protections when he was hospitalized in 2022 for ambulatory leg issues. I hate all & every single person who still supports BC NDP on on & citizens of . Not going to stop yelling.

msquebanh, (edited )
@msquebanh@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

We are poor & cannot afford to do long legal battles. We need the public to help by calling & emailing them. Please help us.

Please send at least ONE EMAIL. PLEASE!!!

It helps if emails come from many different areas of the world too. They're worried about PR more than worried about accountability for abuses of power by their senior brass.

Let them know - how far my message got! They think people don't care. Show them, you care about my family!

@_L1vY_@mstdn.social avatar

@msquebanh It's true. They're always most worried about strangers finding out what they did and yelling at them. The NTA is like that too.

reginagrogan, (edited )
@reginagrogan@mastodon.social avatar

goes on date

Him: so what are you looking for? ;) ;) ;)
Me: to end late stage capitalism and create an economic system that works for and people and benefits all, and reduces unethical harm to people like what is occuring currently
Him: ……
Him: (thinking) {i thought she was going to say she wants to fucky sucky. Y do i hv to listen to her real thoughts?}
Him: leaves


@reginagrogan Apologies if you’ve explained this before. I often struggle to pick up those kind of social nuances

@reginagrogan@mastodon.social avatar

@dameoutlaw its ok me too

@tomkindlon@disabled.social avatar
@tomkindlon@disabled.social avatar


"1. Most and are invisible. Often, you cannot “see” kidney disease, cognitive disabilities, neurological conditions, cancer, prosthetic limbs, etc. All of these and more qualify as disabilities, and these individuals are allowed access to a disabled placard to make their lives and the world that much easier to navigate."

@chronicillness @spoonies @disability @mecfs @longcovid

@tomkindlon@disabled.social avatar


"Those with #disabilities face hurdles every day the able-bodied cannot fathom. If you are concerned that the #disabled are getting a “privilege” that is somehow “undeserved,” you are entitled to your opinion but please don’t act on it."

#chronicillness #Spoonie #Hiddendisabilities #Invisibledisability
@chronicillness @spoonies @disability @mecfs @longcovid

@SabiLewSounds@mastodon.social avatar

Many blame the poor for being unable to sustain their lives in the systems of this society - not realizing the fact that there are many at play and this is some of what many of the call systemic oppression

The community has been marked and labeled as "dangerous" as have and those living in

The truth is our existence stands as proof that "hard work" doesn't save you from death and despair or poverty

Not long ago:


@SabiLewSounds@mastodon.social avatar

As a society we need to stop telling people "hard work" will save them especially when their minds and bodies are demonized for existing


This mindset is recent and hasn't changed, it's still alive and bleeding through this society

I can't change that I'm an immigrant, I can't change the color or my skin, I can't change my body, I can only cope with my mind

A world where we mutually uplift one another and value all lives is essential - many of us are starting behind

@SabiLewSounds@mastodon.social avatar

It doesn't matter where you land on the bipartisan "democracy" of the US and many other countries - this is a and mindset and we see proof of it in and

I fear for my life even if I survive today, even if I make rent, even if I get food

I fear for my mother's life if I am too mentally unwell to function this system will execute her, she's old, brown, an immigrant, disabled - marked as useless to society

We have worth


@ppatel@mstdn.social avatar

Rather than being repeatedly frustrated when seeing someone's posts with photos attached that have no , I've just decided to unfollow them despite having certain afinities with them.

Yes. It's the same person about whom I subtooted the other day.

Liberals, you need to check your allyship card. If you're not including people in that group, you're not a true . All you are doing is pretending.


@ppatel@mstdn.social avatar

@ZBennoui I certainly know that I'm not going to be able to convince everyone or even a majority of the people. But not saying anything and expecting people to learn on their own is also not a solution. There are quite a few people in our community who do this or believe that someone else would have done something about it, which results in things not changing. Defaulting to a possible tool should not be the first solution.


@ppatel completely agree, and I'm definitely not advocating for shutting up and being grateful or anything like that. Just wanted to point out that these tools exist, and if people refuse to listen at least we have that option but it should definitely not be the first thing we go to.

@tomkindlon@disabled.social avatar

@Grizzlysgrowls @tomkindlon @chronicillness @spoonies @disability @mecfs @longcovid yes I also use a cane partly to signal my disability. With all respect to disabled folks of all kind, I would actually say most disabilities probably look like the last photo.


@tomkindlon @chronicillness @spoonies @disability @mecfs @longcovid
Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder, Autism

@juliewebgirl@mstdn.social avatar

Oh wow oh wow oh wow

Ok. So.

I walked into Kohl's to get a cart to bring to my car to put some returns into. It was a lot of boxes. Amazon returns.

I get close to the door and


The cart locks up. I'm looking to see what I ran over that is jammed in the wheel but I don't see anything.

A clerk, who has a line of customers is yelling at me from way over there 👉 that you can't take cars out of the store anymore.


@juliewebgirl@mstdn.social avatar

No. I don't mean like some Targets and other stores have where you can't leave the parking lot with a cart...

You can't even use the cart to take your huge bag of clothes... A few pair of shoes... A KITCHEN AID to your car.

Nope. Gotta ask for help. And they do NOT staff with enough people in the first place.

I matched back to the#Amazon return desk and asked how I was supposed to bring my boxes in. I was polite but...

@juliewebgirl@mstdn.social avatar

What if I was disabled... but independent enough to navigate a store without asking for help.

I HATE asking for help. I can't imagine being disabled and being forced to.

So livid.

Kohl's this is a very bad look.

Anybody know if this is not compliant?



A wheelchair-user was forced to drag -- literally drag -- himself off an Air Canada flight in Las Vegas when there was no third-party assistance available.

If you think "dragged" is an overstatement, think again: The flight attendant asked him multiple times to disembark; he had to use "the strength of his upper body to pull himself down the airplane aisle, while his wife, held his legs, which cannot move."



@nesi Curious to see if:
1-The mistreated passenger had properly entered his "disabled" info in reservation within required deadline.
2-Air Canada transmitted the request for help to its Las Vegas Contractor in time for it to prepare
3-The contractor got message on time but didn't act on t.

As this appears to be systemic problem, one needs to eliminate all causes in order to be able to focus on areas of problems and get those fixed.


@jfmezei No matter what did or didn't happen, the answer is never "let a wheelchair-bound person drag themselves down an airplane aisle".

Air Canada is tossing the blame at the third party, which is in the article: “We use the services of a third party wheelchair assistance specialist in Las Vegas to provide safe transport on and off aircraft. Following our investigation into how this serious service lapse occurred, we will be evaluating other mobility assistance service partners in Las Vegas.”


A new #introduction because new instance.

Hi! 👋

I'm a #Neurodivergent #ActuallyAutistic #Spoonie #Hypermobile #POTS #Disabled #Nonbinary They/Them.

I try really hard to remember accessibility tools (ALT Text).

Still learning how this all works. Not great at social media in general. Previously found with the same handle on the birdsite, and several other instances (weirder.earth and mastodon.social specifically).

Patience with me please?


@jessica I removed the boost because it looks like the bot is down right now (or doesn't work anymore). But what a great concept to make this place even better for all!


@izabelamisiak That's odd, it messaged me just a couple of days ago about a boost without alt text, I hope any downtime it's going through is temporary because it is great indeed! 😊

@thomasfuchs@hachyderm.io avatar

The US Census Bureau is about to erase 40% of disabled adults; please see this link on how to comment that this would be catastrophic for policy.

There’s a AI bot that will help tailor a comment for your situation; it just takes a few minutes.

Comments on agency processes are surprisingly effective—you can really help make a difference that millions of people won’t be forgotten.

Please do it now as the deadline for comments is December 19.


@Infoseepage@mastodon.social avatar

@thomasfuchs And at a time when Long Covid is steadily raising the number of people who are functionally disabled in ways which are not visually apparent.

@Infoseepage@mastodon.social avatar

@thomasfuchs Quite apparent that many western societies are just going to keep forcing their entire working age populations into unmitigated Russian roulette with this virus and when they are no longer able to work are just going to throw them under a bus.

thor, (edited )
@thor@berserker.town avatar

Sometimes, I wonder if it would serve and people well to arrange some protests. Against how rigid and standardised things have become.

People who could contribute are prevented from doing so because of unnecessary requirements.

The average person has some flexibility and can adapt. Considering this fact, it's ironic that society has become so inflexible and rigid, all in the name of marginal improvements to the safety and comfort of people who were already fairly safe and comfortable to begin with.

Us weirdos were always the ones to get in trouble anyway. Making the rules stricter doesn't make the problem go away. It just creates a society that operates like a prison camp.


@thor Generally, when people go through a Nazi phase and depart from it, they tend to appreciate freedom more, therefore vehemently fighting back any attempts at pushing forward authoritarianism.

Although, Germany, Austria and Italy are going down the fascist rabbit hole as we speak. It’s pretty wild out there with all them alt right parties becoming mainstream. They love to shout out the word “freedom” while taking it away at the same time.


@thor I disagree with you on this. I believe the eccentrics to be the ones who can foresee the evil, not to be first hit by it. Those who are affected by violational policies are a distinct group and often perceived as synonymous with eccentrics.

Most people don’t question such policies because they don’t affect them. They only resist them when the shit hits the fan.

@britt@mstdn.games avatar

So…. VR is the accessibility tool I wasn’t expecting.

I’ll have more on this later - heck - maybe I should start a little YouTube channel for my big thoughts on stuff like this? Would you be interested?

Maybe I could help other folks who are looking to game but feel left out? maybe?

@WagesOf@gamepad.club avatar

@britt are you on an eye tracking headset (ps5vr)? I think that would be the most extreme assistance technology for accessibility.

@raineyday@mstdn.games avatar


Assuming one isn't prone to motion sickness.


We’re a disabled-led #transcription and #ClosedCaptioning company, dedicated to creating work for #disabled, #ChronicallyIll and #neurodivergent freelancers.

By offering discounts for junior, under-funded, independent, & marginalized #researchers & #ContentCreators, we make our services accessible so you can make your content more accessible.

Thanks @SusanJonesArts!

Get a quote today at http://academicaudiotranscription.com/our-prices.

#DisabilityPrideMonth #a11y #accessibility


@AAT_transcribes @SusanJonesArts

I think "£5,78 per audio minute for closed-captions plus full-service transcription" is very reasonable since this is a skilled task that requires people to literally hyperfocus.

Q: Do you also offer that for ?

Cuz that may be interesting for some clients I'm aware of...


@kkarhan thanks for the feedback! It really is skilled work requiring lots of hyper focus, especially for public-facing text capture like captions.

We don’t unfortunately do currently as it’s an even more specialised skill set usually requiring stenography skills we lack. But anything already recorded is very much our thing!


I've been thinking with empathy about the quality of life a person would have to have in order to allow Elon Musk to put an experimental chip in your head. When we are looking at these stories, let's remember the serious lack of support for #disabled people in our country, both on a societal level and in terms of the dwindling social safety net. It's not surprising that a person would feel tempted to reach for a dangerous tech tool, even one with such horrifying potential consequences. #ElonMusk #Neuralink

@sb@fed.sbcloud.cc avatar

These companies find an endless stream of startup cash by preying upon the vulnerable, dangling the carrot of improvement beyond their wildest dreams. Until the next version comes out and yours is left unusable and unrepairable. You're yesterday's news.

Some scientists do science. Some master the acquisition of venture capital.

@justafrog@mstdn.social avatar

@kitoconnell It could make a big difference to the individual if it goes right.

Just the difference between being pushed around and telling the wheelchair where to go is huge.

If anything, I'm worried about the man in charge ruining that somehow.


Alright. Here's how it is. Once you appoint yourself as gatekeeper, you become part of the problem. We as people have precious few allies as it is, without actively alienating the ones we have. You can stand up and offer to help, stand up and provide constructive feedback on how to improve, stand up and show appreciation, or just sit your ungrateful self down. Just stop. Thanks @stefan for raising awareness of . https://stefanbohacek.online/@stefan/112451222240570433

@stefan@stefanbohacek.online avatar

@JEkis Again, thank you so much for your words of support, it means a lot!


@stefan It occurrs to me that the hall of fame is not run by a or person because in the decades that alt text has been a thing, nobody from within this community has stopped to think that demonstrating how to do it well might be helpful for our cause. When an ally does it, we treat them like an intruder. Whatever. Enjoy your internet full of suboptimal alt text.


I'd love to hear what a society that accepted and celebrated its members would look like for you.

I've spent my whole life tied up in really toxic "health-ism" and ableism and I am now disabled. It's a lot to get used to.



To me it would include it being normal to talk openly about one's disabilities and the accommodations one needs.

"Hi, my name is Bob, my pronouns are he/him, I need alt-text and subtitles, and I prefer ramps to stairs."

We'd just make it okay to put it into the open, like it's no big thing - because if everyone does it, it will be no big thing. Almost everyone needs some form of accommodation, we're just pretending that we don't, and that pretense makes it harder on people who can't pretend.

@halcionandon@disabled.social avatar

How can I get people to consider me as a ? What can I do?

People will live with strangers who advertise on Gumtree but I’m too…? I not going to kill your pets or steal anything.



@halcionandon@disabled.social avatar

Ugh, it's been a rough, painful day. When you live with , there can be a very, very fine line between getting up and moving and pushing yourself too hard. I'm trying to figure out where that line is for me so I can start exercising a little, and yesterday I overdid it. I need to move to keep my muscles and joints from getting stiff and painful and to lose, or at least maintain, weight, but if I overdo it a little bit, I end up with all over, , and for at least a day, and possibly more depending on what I did. Yesterday, it was walking 2047 steps when my average is 1248, and dancing to one song. I'm starting to feel a little better so hoping this will only last a day. Can any other or people relate?

@disability @chronicillness


@GoatsLive @GoatsLive @disability @chronicillness I know exactly what it's like to want to sleep for a month. I'm always trying to stay up and do stuff when really, I just want to sleep. But then when I try to sleep, I'm in too much pain, can't get comfortable, or just can't fall asleep for some stupid reason even though I feel exhausted.


@RareBird_15 @disability @chronicillness Yes, I can. I hope today is better for you.


Just that in order to vote in Florida by mail as a person in a neighboring Florida county, I would need to complete my paper ballett, then have it signed by a spouse or the person who has poer of attourney over me for the vote to be counted. (1/2)


Yes, get someone on this. This requires a lawsuit. @ppatel @changeling @podcast @mastoblind


@podcast @mastoblind Just found out that the person who told us that was very inaccurate. The county does have a way to vote accessibly by mail. Nevertheless, that original answer should not be uttered. Just say, I don’t know. I’ll have to get back to you. Don’t answer questions you don’t have the answers to. Sheesh.


Yes. I found an email hidden in the trash. It is about Zionism. They're calling me antisemitic. My great grandmother is Ashkenazi.

This is a German server, the people supporting the Genocide in Gaza.

I told them off, but they say they are going to delete my account.

I'm in the hospital. I don't remember how to move to another server, I can barely see.

@Frieke72@mastodon.social avatar

@RustyBertrand I see you on .social Isn't @stux moderator / owner? If so, Can you look into this? 🙏

@stux@mstdn.social avatar

@Frieke72 @RustyBertrand Nop that would be @Gargron 😉 I manage mstdn.social, not mastodon.social :cat_hug_triangle:

@literalgrill@sakurajima.moe avatar

Okay, got some sleep, recovered a bit from the injury part of my wheelchair breaking, time to call about getting it replaced!

What? The company hangs up all calls after two rings and refuses to answer in any capacity?!?

Being is a full time job where your "bosses" constantly abuse you and boy am I sick of it.

@literalgrill@sakurajima.moe avatar

Amazing. Good thing it will take 2-3 days to even get my request through for a loaner wheelchair!

Hey, has your wheelchair broken? Do you not have a way to navigate your home? Well too bad!

Do you have to see a medical doctor to get the replacement parts on your chair replaced? Oh, you lack a wheelchair to do that because it broke beyond being useable? Uh...

I just... Wow. I literally lack words.

@literalgrill@sakurajima.moe avatar

Wanna know what being is like? Companies making wheelchairs that don't meet minimum durability standards, getting away with it, and charging for constant repairs in a planned obsolescence model while we suffer.

“Independent testing has shown that manual wheelchairs and power wheelchairs commonly do not pass minimum durability standards outlined by ANSI/RESNA (RESNA is the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America, which creates minimum standards for mobility devices for ANSI, or the American National Standards Institute). One of the big takeaways that was neutral to manufacturers is that, for the 10 most frequently prescribed wheelchair models in the sample, repairs exceeded 50 percent across all of them.”


@LinuxAndYarn@mastodon.social avatar

Does anyone know the US rules for a person bringing a necessary companion on a business trip? Are the companion's airfare and lodging fully deductible?

@WearsHats@realsocial.life avatar

@LinuxAndYarn I'm not an expert. But if she paid for it (or it came out of your joint account) I'm pretty sure your plane ticket is deductible. I don't know where the line is on your food.

@LinuxAndYarn@mastodon.social avatar

@WearsHats I figure it's the same 50% as any other business meal, for the one we had with the other authors.

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