garry, to instagramreality avatar

Bluesky says it will allow users to opt out of the public web interface after backlash

'Last month, the company announced its decentralized alternative to Twitter/X would soon open up a public web interface allowing anyone to view the posts on its platform, even if they didn’t have an invite to the app, which remains in a closed beta.'


daredevil, to AskKbin in ✨ What is your favorite thing about kbin? ✨
daredevil avatar

You mentioned a lot of things that I generally really enjoy about as well.

⭐ The admin @ernest is an incredibly hardworking, kind, supportive, and an all-around good person. This is my tip top most favorite thing because good leadership and communication is essential to a good and thriving community. Ernest is a star!

Same, he also gets bonus points for listening to, and implementing suggestions. Some of them have come quite quickly as well. These factors when combined have made me feel like I'm really a part of the community.

⭐ I enjoy making scripts/styles for kbin. kbin is the reason I began learning JS, HTML, and CSS. I am so happy I started learning, and it's all thanks to kbin.

Cheers to that, I actually use one of yours -- specifically the one that changes the layout of profile pages.

⭐ No malicious, tricky, over-calculated algorithm. It's very straight-forward and honest here. I love seeing a mix of upvoted/downvoted comments in comment sections too, rather than just top upvoted, because it makes me feel more apart of the conversation with everyone. Your contributions and thoughts won't get drowned out by upvoted witty remarks, that is truly unique to kbin (and maybe elsewhere on the fediverse?).

Agreed -- I think Mastodon also functions similarly. It makes a bit challenging at times, but I'm open to experimenting with it.

⭐ kbin gives me the urge to contribute, interact, and create because our contributions have actual impact. Can't say the same for other sites. Everywhere else is lurk only.

Hard agree -- though it wears on me at times when I'm unable to get some engagement going after keeping at it for so long. I've changed my mindset about it a little while ago, so it's not too bad.

⭐ Tightknit but welcoming. kbin is small enough that I run into familiar people all the time, and I recognize usernames everywhere.

Agreed, and to add onto this -- profile pictures are pretty easily recognizable as well.

⭐ Authenticity. kbin is authentic and real. It's not pushing a product, not manipulating what you see, not building an ad profile. It is what a forum should be.

Yeah, adding on one of your points again -- it's very reminiscent of what used to feel like. However, at the same time, it feels like something more due to the addition of . may not be super popular on /kbin, but I think they're a stellar addition to the forum experience. I've had some nice back-and-forths with users from the comfort of /kbin's UI. I think there's more potential in what you can do with them, too.

darth, to mastodon avatar


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    Also, 60% of that 90% of users are likely derelict accounts anyway, not even bothering with social media anymore.

    radlschorsch, to fediverse German avatar

    Wo bleiben die Universitäten im Fediverse?

    warum betreiben Universitäten nicht schon längst eigene Mastodon-Instanzen?

    Warum bekommen Studierende nicht mit der Inskription auch einen Mastodon-Handle?

    Warum hosten Universitäten Vorlesungsvideos nicht über PeerTube im Fediverse?

    Es gibt einiges, das für ein stärkeres Engagement von Universitäten im Fediverse spricht.

    Ein Aufruf den man nur unterstützen kann!

    caos, avatar

    @grischa ja, denke auch, dass sich einige sehr vorschnell auf gestürzt haben. Für Einzelaccounts kein Problem zu wechseln, aber die Serversoftware einer Uni (o. allg.von Organisationen) ist schon eine Richtungsentscheidung.
    Und da sollte schon vorab überlegt werden, ob reines reicht oder ob vielleicht Funktionen wie Gruppen und mehr Optionen, Inhalte zu strukturieren etc, für sinnvoll sein können. Und da ist Mastodon nicht so richtig passend

    sascha, to fediverse German

    Fediverse | Wann ist ein Beitrag zu lang?

    Wegen Beiträgen wie diesen wurde ich von mehreren Menschen die Mastodon benutzen und davon das sie in ihren Stream recht lange scrollen mussten um durch den Beitrag durchzukommen gefragt ob ich Mastodon Content Warnings nutzen kann. Ja kann ich, aber das sieht dann für andere Friendica User aus. Den selbst wenn ich in die Content Warnung die Überschrift des Beitrags hinein schreibe ist das doch recht unauffällig und nichtssagend.

    Deshalb stellt sich für mich die Frage was zu lang ist. Und ob es evtl. eine Möglichkeit gibt mit so etwas wie einen Anriss im Blog zu arbeiten. Den das dürfe sowohl für User von Macroblogging Plattformen als auch für User von Microblogging Plattformen die beste Lösung sein.

    -Warning -11-12 @helpers

    daredevil, to Genshin_Impact
    daredevil avatar

    To find content related to , please check out @genshinimpact.

    To those genuinely interested in moderating

    @Ernest has pushed an update which allows users to request ownership/moderation of abandoned magazines. Ghost/abandoned magazines were fairly prevalent after the initial wave of hype due to users either squatting magazine names or becoming inactive for other reasons. Now is your chance to get involved, if you were waiting to do...

    daredevil, to kbinMeta in To those genuinely interested in moderating
    daredevil avatar

    I think it's great that you're interested in this! It may be scary, but it can also be pretty exciting. I would say to start small. There might be a lot of things to consider: establishing rules, the overall vibe of the , your audience, the type of content you want to see, etc. Pick on one, focus on that for a day or so. If you plan on making new magazine, you'll be free to take your time with this. Growing niche magazines tends to be on the slow side. IMO, that's better for those who are new to this, so they can have time to acclimate to the tools and considerations you'll be presented with. It may also allow you to really reflect on the direction you'd like to take your magazine.

    As tend to start slow, people will be hesitant to post content. Unfortunately, when content is rare, people are less inclined to post. This is a problem that reinforces itself, as others are unlikely to post when there is no content. You'll probably need to be "the first on the dance floor", so to speak, if your goal is to grow your magazine. This will likely test your patience, as you will probably be one of, if not the only active posters in your magazine. Picking a magazine name that might see usage in the and might prove useful for content via the section. However, if you wish to pick a more unique name, more power to you. Something to consider, is that you may wish to create a sibling magazine that can accept a tag that would federate posts with regularity.

    For example, I run @learnjapanese. However, most people will be unlikely to write on Mastodon. However, I also run @japanese, which federates the tag from Mastodon instances. You can add additional tags in the magazine settings menu, which allows the federation of posts that contain other hashtags. I've pinned a microblog in both magazines' sections to point to each other to increase and awareness of related resources. Speaking of discoverability, Ernest recently implemented a feature to /kbin that further increases discoverability and accessibility. Posting the same link/image to related magazines will allow users to see other magazines this content is posted to. This appears in the comments section of the thread, directly below the content of the post itself. Ideally, this would generate additional traffic and increase visibility for the smaller, but related magazines. This has been an extremely welcome addition, as someone who is moderating smaller magazines and trying to bring awareness without spamming advertisements.

    If you have any further questions, please let me know. I have also subscribed to your magazine. Good luck. :)

    itnewsbot, to blogging avatar

    Tumblr is reportedly on life support as its latest owner reassigns staff - Enlarge / "You'll never be bored again" is one of the more fitting slog... - #mattmullenweg #microblogging #marcoarment #automattic #davidkarp #blogging #culture #verizon #tumblr #yahoo #tech #oath #aol

    rwp0, to random

    With Twitter and Mastodon, I feel like what accounts I follow never seem to be in Home (timeline) while what I don't want to see is deemed interesting for me.

    HistoPol, (edited ) to Youtube avatar


    Guten Morgen Mina,

    Seit ein paar Tagen lässt sich nun auch in Deutschland nicht mehr mit verwenden.

    Ich habe deshalb mal etwas recherchiert und habe mir nun fürs das alternative @newpipe installiert.

    Der nachfolgende Artikel führt weitere Alternativen auf und ich habe gerade auch weitere interessante posts zum Thema -Alternativen geboostet, vllt. auch für dich von Interesse.

    HistoPol, avatar


    Danke, Mina.
    Klar! Hätte ich auch drauf kommen können.
    Nur: wie geht man damit pragmatisch um?--Einen Tag warten und dann wieder "vorbeikommen" ist bei wohl nicht praktikabel...


    antwhat, to Canada French avatar

    Il pleut-neige en ce moment c’est horrible cette météo.

    garry, to internet avatar

    Mastodon’s latest update makes it easier to follow the news

    'Mastodon’s Android app now has lists, though it’s unclear when they’ll be coming to iOS'

    zaclys, to random French avatar

    Merci pour vos partages. Le bouche à oreille est très certainement notre premier soutien.

    À propos des avantages donnés aux abonné(e)s, je me posais la question de vous offrir un service de type

    Ça serait intéressant ça ? On nous demande souvent si on propose une solution moins lourde et coûteuse que les WordPress dédiés que nous proposons, plutôt adaptés pour les pros. Ça pourrait être ça. Juste une idée...

    daltux, to Java avatar

    This (right side) is the #GUI of "μBlogger", a small experimental Twitter/ #microblogging client built on #Java Swing (multiplatform #desktop) that I created in 2009. Later that year, I started a full-time job and eventually forgot all about it. 14 years later, I stumbled upon the project page

    StatusNet by @evan was a precursor to #ActivityPub, the protocol behind this :fediverso: #Fediverse.

    #FreeSoftware #GPLv3 #dev #tbt #ThrowbackThursday #memories

    kev, to blogging avatar

    I was recently talking to Jatan Mehta about vs traditional , and what should go where. I thought it was an interesting conversation, so decided to share my opinions.

    smallcircles, to mastodon avatar

    There's a lot of focus on to migration, but the overall story is quite a bit bigger I think.

    The offers huge opportunity for independent journalism in a world where so much of media are consolidated and in the hands of shady mogul billionaires. In other words Fediverse is both a threat to existing business models, as well as market opportunity.

    Though I don't know if it applies, this toot was triggered by:


    The redundant red (fedi icons) are still on our page too :/

    For those interested, recently we produced a standard set that works alongside a . Most people who have a presence also have a presence, so the red fedi icons currently at will be removed and replaced with Peertube , both red and orange.

    As pictured.

    Stuff just needs to be put into the git well-presented and pushed — but hours… :)

    The new hero icon to replace the clunky, three-triangle style one still on the git page. Discussed mid-2023 with people including SmallCircles, who helped confirm that the three-triangle version was not needed.
    Peertube icon picker to help people choose an orange or red peertube icon for their site.

    reticuleena, to twitter German avatar

    Wir schreiben das Jahr 2011. Der Elektrische Reporter erklärt am Beispiel von und lässt sogar die Kritik an geschlossenen Plattformen nicht aus. ( gabs ja noch nicht.)

    Ein echtes Zeitzeugnis. Spannend, was seither daraus geworden ist. Wie die Kritik an der Belanglosigkeit seiner Inhalte wich und Twitter zu einem bedeutsamen politischen Sprachrohr wurde. Wie sich Hass und Hetze breit machten und wie es nun den Bach runter geht. Wie es mal von offenen APIs profitierte und nun keine externen Apps mehr zulässt.

    rolle, (edited ) to twitter avatar

    Most notable Twitter-like microblogging services 2023


    bsm, avatar

    @Zekovski @rolle he is comparing similar Microblogging-Services, so it’s not false. Not everything in the is , it‘s much more.

    gnulinux, to fediverse German avatar

    Fediverse-Serie: Calckey/Firefish - Kommunikation im Fediverse auf einem neuen Level

    Calckey/Firefish gehört im Fediverse zu den Microblogging Diensten aber ist auf Grund seiner Herkunft und Fähigkeiten schon weit mehr als das allseits bekannte Mastodon.

    mitexleo, to fediverse

    Our Mastodon server is open to all!

    Feel free to join. We support up to 10k post characters and offer both MastodonBirdUI and TangerineUI.

    Also, we have not yet reached our funding goal, currently at 15/100$. If you appreciate what we're doing, please consider contributing a few bucks. It makes a significant difference!

    Thank you for your support!

    Support Us:

    gnulinux, to mastodon German avatar

    Was ist neu bei Mastodon 4.2?

    Der dezentrale Microblogging-Dienst wartet mit einer verbesserten Suche, dem leicht überarbeiteten Erscheinungsbild, einer Anmeldeunterstützung bei Fremd-Instanzen und einer besseren Erfahrung für neue Anwender:innen auf.

    Norobiik, to mastodon avatar

    ", the federated platform, has been updated to version 4.2, which comes with massive improvements to and the web interface, particularly for logged-out and first-time users."

    Mastodon 4.2 improves search, onboarding, and cross-site interactions - The Verge

    alexstandiford, to blogging avatar

    This presentation covers how I transformed my website from being a static digital portfolio into a dynamic hub, ingrained with my social presence, containing the most authentic version of me online.

    youronlyone, to fediverse avatar

    Q: If the allows different platforms / software / services to interoperate, then why have multiple accounts everywhere?

    A: Features.

    I have a account at @youronlyone

    I also have a account at @youronlyone

    There is also my account at @youronlyone

    Let's not forget my account at @youronlyone

    While the above examples can be used for images, Pixelfed was built for, well, images. It was made to cater for uploading photos ah sharing your digital artworks.

    Meanwhile, Bookwyrm is best for, can you guess it? ! It features bookshelves where you can categorise your collection. You can also track your reading. Leave reviews. can too, if they want.

    It's no different to comparing the old vs vs vs . All of it can host photos and albums, but Instagram is focused on sharing images. Twitter for . Facebook for socialising (or ads). Goodreads for books and reviews.

    The difference? The latter are disconnected. While the former, the fediverse, are interoperable.

    Remember, you don't have to create multiple accounts. Keep one firefish or Mastodon or or or account, you can still connect to users using Pixelfed, , , , , and, if they will ever launch support as they told us, and .

    daredevil, (edited ) to kbinMeta in How are you using or hoping to use kbin?
    daredevil avatar

    I intended to use primarily as a replacement for . Content and engagement can be a bit sparse sometimes, so I decided I would try to help by creating and moderating two magazines I have an interest in. Promoting engagement through thread discussions has actually proved more challenging than I thought. I've actually found more success engaging with the through .

    I'm currently using microblogging as a means to document my Japanese studies. I've found some people I can practice with, along with a few that are supportive of my efforts. It's not the primary reason I'm doing so, but it is a nice form of positive reinforcement. Though I do wish I could get others to also participate, I do not believe that's something I can force. Honestly, I'm also pretty okay if people don't really participate because it's been a useful tool for myself and I might have the opportunity to aid those who simply wish to lurk. I also think there's more I could be doing to flesh out these magazines, but I'm okay with taking things steadily and I enjoy where they're at now.

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