toplesstopics, to mastodon avatar

Frustrating limitation of / : I hate how ultra-precise hashtags have to be, down to the letter, for them to show up in searches...aka not , not , etc etc etc, requiring either a whole bunch of tag-spam, or tons of research ahead of time to see what the most popular tags are (which itself is fraught, since you're dependent on tags either being posted TO your same instance, or boosted by someone else who is in your same instance...)

I assume there's supposed to be some pro-privacy reason behind this, but I'm not sure at the logic behind a lot of tags, like I feel like and should show the same posts?

Lilith, to feminism

** the image is of the book **

Sometimes Reddit gives some good content. I came across a recommendation for this book in r/relationship_advice and started reading it last night. I've come to the conclusion that this is a really great book that I think everyone should read. I say everyone because I feel like women who are abusive may play the same game that men do.

This comes from a therapist who specializes in abuse and writes out her experiences and thoughts on why men do what they do and what red flags to look out for.

I haven't finished the book yet, but I've already learned so much and it has opened my eyes to what lies beyond their actions. I'll post more thoughts as I read/after I finish the book.

  • From the author's introduction: "I have simply chosen the word abuser as a shorthand way of saying 'men who chronically make their partners feel mistreated or devalued.'"

Update @ 11:32am EST | I can't seem to edit the ALT text for the image to say the book's title. The book is called "Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men" by Lundy Bancroft.

WhyRWeHere99, to LGBTQ

Reintroducing myself on Mastodon as a Twitter refugee!

I'm an atheist, exChristian who enjoys hiking, nature, reading, poetry, nature and dialogue. Looking to connect with other secular people to discuss important topics. I'm concerned about christofascism, climate and I lean socialist politically.

(Sorry if this reads like a singles ad. 😂 )

kathimmel, (edited ) to Illustrator avatar

hi. hello. :) i'm an from who likes to draw good-hearted humans, but i'm also obsessed with , , the cologne progressives, , surrealism, abstract expressionism & 1920s/1930s (mostly french) graphic design. merging left-wing with (i mostly work digitally) is my bag. would love to meet people with similar interests. :)

charllthomas, to random avatar

Today I realised that I wrote an for my cat before I wrote one for myself, so here goes:

Hi all! 👋🏻

I’m Charlotte, based in Midlands, UK.
I’m a and usually work in intensive care, caring for sick and premature babies and their families. As stressful as it can sometimes be, I can say hand-on-heart I’m one of those people who genuinely loves their job.

However I’m currently on maternity leave as I recently had my own baby daughter in May.


charllthomas, avatar

My husband and our family live on a (non-working) farm in the country, alongside a few rescue chickens and other farm animals. We also have a and , who I’m sure will crop up periodically.

When I’m not up to my elbows in nappies, I like to draw and paint, dabble in learning French, and get into the gentler, not so serious side of games (less killing, more building and collecting)

I’m firmly anti-Tory, meaning being , and pro-human rights for all.


sigridellis, to queer avatar

I understand we have new people here?


I am a #retired air traffic controller. #Queer #disabled #feminist #autistic #Luddite. #Intersectionality or GTFO.

You may know me from #Wiscon, #CONvergance, #AirTrafficControl, #Minnesota #fandom, #Dreamwidth, or #Tumblr. Or my #published #editing of #Award-nominated work such as Chicks Dig Comics or Apex #magazine

I enjoy #gardening, #fiber #arts, #knitting, #SFF, #genre #fiction, #history, #progressive #activism, and #KPop.

shibacomputer, to fediverse avatar

In 2020, I published This is Fine: Optimism & emergency in the p2p network( It laid out a clear argument that the is irreparably vulnerable because of its p2p nature and political naivete:

"Anyone with administrator access to an Instance can read anything that travels through that Instance’s infrastructure – including direct messages. The level of risk correlates with the number of cross-Instance interactions between users. If users from different Instances communicate, an attacker need only compel one Instance to reveal the direct messages between all of the interacting accounts. [...] In a peer-to-peer network without encryption, there’s no structure, no agreed-upon governance, and absolutely no protection. Compromising or compelling an Instance or its staff means that all of network traffic is laid bare to its assailant. [...] The decentralised community seeks to antagonise a powerful status quo whilst making tradeoffs that do not acknowledge how societies directly threaten their communities."

Today, Kolektiva - a anti-colonial anarchist instance - announced an FBI raid of one of their admins, which included the seizure of an entire copy of the Kolektiva instance.

This is literally the kind of situation I warned about nearly three years ago.

shibacomputer, avatar

At the time, This is Fine was shared pretty widely across Mastodon, Secure Scuttlebutt and other related communities. The piece generated a lot of discussion, but ultimately nobody wants to confront this undeniable reality: ActivityPub and all of the platforms that fall under the umbrella of the will betray even its staunchest champions of decentralisation or anti-capitalism. The same is true for all other p2p or federated protocols. This digital movement is built on tools whose authors deny the very reality that even they themselves face.

From the forensic immutability of Manyverse/Secure Scuttlebutt, to the backyard-run, un-encrypted, metadata riddled design of every Mastodon/Pleroma/whatever servers, to the utterly insane non-consensual and moderation-free data-storage design of Lemmy, you are all organising on platforms built by people who, quite simply, have delivered a shockingly dangerous set of tools that will eventually be used against you.

It beggars belief that any such project could be seen as or or , because every single server, every single instance is a packaged gift rich with data and ready to inform movements and structures that are out to destroy us.

julia, to movies

Want to get 30% off my latest co-edited book and lots of other film studies books? Check out the virtual book exhibition at Combined Academic Publishers in honor of the International Screen Studies Conference in Glasgow this week.



DeliaChristina, to feminism avatar

A fat body covered head to toe in green fabric. Baggy, glorious fabric. Let's normalize confounding the patriarchal gaze. Let's also normalize jumpsuits. I love how the legs bell outward hiding my body further.

Middle age is an opportunity to embrace and redefine the impending invisibility society imposes on women my age. I won't shrink from it. I'll inhabit it.

Last weekend I wore a mini dress and high heels to the Paula West evening. I reinforced, supported, and smoothed out my body with Spanx. I was an encased meat in a pretty frock.

Today I was bringing Green M&M Missy Elliot realness. Hidden yet feeling bolder and more real than in that short dress. When I picked up Benson I pulled on my new red leather gloves. The brightness against the green with the accents of bright white from my shoes and fannie pack made me feel bold and modern.

I'm excited to explore new ways to tell patriarchy to fuck off.

SteveKLord, to philosophy

Once called “The Most Dangerous Woman in America” due to her activism and writing , influential and Emma Goldman was born on this day June 27, 154 years ago.

tamsinsays, to queer

Hello, and other instances and all ships at sea!

Welcome to Tamsin's Pinned Toot. Please enjoy your stay... unless you're a fascist, a racist, a transphobe, a homophobe, or any other flavor of garbage person, in which case please step on a LEGO forever.

What follows are a few things you might want to know about me if you plan to hang around.

So, who the heck am I?

Hi! I'm Tamsin: a white, middle-aged, queer, sapphic, nonbinary trans woman who likes doorstopper novels, director's cuts, extended remixes, table-top roleplaying games, 5-string basses, double-cutaway Les Paul Jr. guitars, beaches, forests, mountains, witchy things, living places that haven't outlawed her yet, late nights, lazy afternoons, and writing down half of everything she thinks.

I'm happily monogamously married to a polymath superhero, and we share our lives with my marvelous teenaged offspring, two adorable cats, and a host of delightful friends and co-conspirators.

Things I post about, in no particular order: #queer stuff, being a #trans girl, #magic, #music, #books, #movies, #TTRPGs, politics, #philosophy, #spirituality, making stuff, and whatever else is going though my brain at any given moment.

When I talk about #gender and #sexuality, it's probably helpful to know that I have a degree in Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies (with a focus on #feminist history, queer theory, and trans studies) from the University of Washington. Sometimes I joke that I had to get a degree to realize I'm a gay trans girl, which isn't quite true, but still makes me laugh.

I'm exactly the kind of person who likes prog rock, punk rock, post-punk, trip-hop, house, dark folk, black metal, '70s funk, old-school R&B, early rock'n'roll, acid rock, acid folk, blues, early music, minimalist composers, anime soundtracks, and everything Prince ever recorded.

I have a profound fear of spiders, heights, and isolation.

Sometimes I make things. I craft, I cook, I play (and occasionally run) role-playing games, I play (and occasionally write) music and songs. Most of all, though, I write: essays, poetry, stories, and—when I was feeling particularly sassy—a whole-ass book about gender, sexuality, and queerness for witches, Pagans, and occultists. (If you want to check that last one out, here's the publisher's page:

My politics are a simple story: I started out as a liberal in the 1980s and, flying in the face of conventional wisdom, became increasingly leftist as time went by. I support universal healthcare, universal basic income, BLM, antifa, indigenous rights, trans rights, queer resistance, sex workers, undocumented and migrant rights, disability rights, autistic people, plural folks, defunding the police, and radical inclusivity. I'm not an uncritical leftist, however, and I'm probably not ideologically pure enough for most movements. (Then again, I'm a gay trans girl, so most leftist movements don't want me around anyway.)

I have no quarter for fascism, racism, colonialism, sexism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, transmisogyny, ableism, exclusionary gatekeepers. I think all modern conservative movements are intrinsically evil, and if that describes you, exit the ride now. You're gonna have a real bad time otherwise. (I also recommend fixing your heart or, alternately, dying in a fire. Your choice.)

I've never been one of the Cool Kids™, and I never will be. I'm just an middle-aged geek.girl: sad in some ways, happy in many others, with a messy bookstore for a brain and a whirlwind of a heart which loves fiercely, if sometimes clumsily.

It's nice to meet you. 🥰

#intro #introduction #intropost

gcvsa, to nyc avatar

🗽 🇺🇸 🇵🇭 🇬🇧 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 🇩🇪 🇩🇰 🏳️‍🌈



Works: ( ) social justice /


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UTC -5h

SharonCummingsArt, to art avatar
kathimmel, to art avatar

: i was just watching her in 'elizabeth is missing', so drew her a farewell as i did so. glenda smashed every role she undertook, from 'women in love' to 'mothering sunday' - &, of course, alongside murray head & peter finch in 'sunday bloody sunday'...but my favourite of her blockbusters were her showstopping parliamentary eviscerations of the tories. damned right, glenda jackson will rest in power.

illustration i drew with digital ink tools of actor & socialist, glenda jackson, from a promotional still for the 1971 film, 'sunday bloody sunday'. glenda, in shades of copper, salmon & purple, looks defiantly into the distance whilst her co-stars are in abstract silhouette.

cbecker, (edited ) to random avatar

🔔 Today is for my so here is a 🧵! Insolvent is the story of how got stuck in its way of thinking, how a group of fields I call its critical friends can help it get unstuck, and how that would help it play a more genuinely helpful role in the quest of our societies to become more sustainable and more just. The book is for everyone who cares about , , , and .

cbecker, avatar

The 'critical friends' of computing - fields like , critical and others - critique because they care. (So do I!) That's uncomfortable. Uncomfortable is good! That's a start for a new, better, ecologized . With the , INSOLVENT develops a vision for . For those in tech, it can help them orient their work; for those adjacent, it offers insights into how tech reasons and ways to build critical friendships with tech.

len, to tech avatar

Hello. #technoEnema is collaborating with "Sektor Ž" a #feminist radioshow on RadioStudent. We're looking into gender disparity in #floss. I'd be happy for some tips for a good resource on that topic or a contact of a feminist #tech #collective.

petersuber, (edited ) to internet avatar

Early in the pandemic (April 2020) I started what became a long #Twitter thread on #gender #bias in academic #publishing.

Starting today, I'm stopping it on Twitter and continuing it on #Mastodon.

Here's a rollup of the complete Twitter thread.

Here's a nearly complete archived version in the @waybackmachine.

Watch this space for updates.



petersuber, avatar

Update. "We argue that [the] collaborative knowledge practices of inclusive editorial governance, , and of the Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy, [] are fundamentally , as they diversify scholarly voices and increase access to the material channels in and through which knowledge circulates."

I_Like_Books, to Meme

“Girls are not machines that you put kindness coins into until sex falls out.”
— Sylvia Plath

#Meme #SylviaPlath #Feminism #Feminist #Quote #Sex #Consent #FriendZone

I_Like_Books, to feminism

’Slut’ is attacking women for their right to say yes. ‘Friend Zone’ is attacking women for their right to say no, and “bitch” is attacking women for their right to call you on it.

(anonymous, I cannot find a source for the quote)

#Feminist #Feminism #Slut #FriendZone #Bitch #Meme #Quote

I_Like_Books, to feminism

I did not include an attribution because I cannot find one other than to find out that it was mainly seen on tumblr first

Edent, to feminism avatar

🆕 blog! “Telling Women What To Do”

I had a weird experience in a previous job. As it is long in the past, I thought now was a good time to blog about it. I worked in a hip office. Everyone was trendy and right-on. It was a heavily female dominated industry and the office politics were biased towards intersectional feminism. Which […]

👀 Read more:

bishop, to prochoice avatar

Introduction: 43 Years Old

. //

Hate has no home here!

I do not nor do I allow around me. I support the inherent dignity of all human beings.

, pro-, , is health.

Working on a Bachelors (2024) and Masters (?) in . Doctorate in Biblical Studies (non-accredited), Masters in Canon Law (non-accredited), and Masters in Liturgical Arts.

DoomsdaysCW, to MandelaEffect avatar

‘The Landlord’s Game’ and Monopoly’s Origins

"Monopoly wasn’t invented by the Parker Brothers, nor the man they gave it credit for. In 1904, Monopoly was originally called The Landlord’s Game, and was invented by a radical woman. Elizabeth Magie’s original game had not one, but two sets of rules to choose from.

"One was called 'Prosperity', where every player won money anytime another gained a property. And the game was won by everyone playing only when the person with the least doubled their resources. A game of collaboration and social good.

"The second set of rules was called 'Monopoly', where players succeeded by taking properties and rent from those with less luck rolling the dice. The winner was the person who used their power to eliminate everyone else.
Magie’s mission was to teach us how different we feel when playing Prosperity vs Monopoly, hoping that it would one day change national policies."

Twoclownseating, to music

I've been on here just over 2 weeks and LOVE it

As is customary my

I'm a UK based he/him

Huge music lover, no genre is off limits to me, made with love of the medium shines through

Beauty, be it pictures or ideas

Laughs. Shit posters v welcome

Fediverse has shown me there can be a space for groups under attack elsewhere & I will be an ally to + +

but I'm here to meet people not ideologies

mara, to internet

A new zine documenting the process of Read the Feminist Manual, a research introduction to gender discrimination in FOSS communities, and the lack of support in accommodating marginalized voices. The outcome of the project is a Firefox addon that replaces pronouns "she" and "he" with the neutral "they", intended for use in plain html pages of documentation.

Info and links to download the zine and the addon:

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