ComeToGather, to TeslaMotors avatar

Our head of emerging media @cjammet shared his thoughts on how #musk 's ruination of #twitter highlights the the importance of the #fediverse, especially for #governments, #NGO's, and #journalists. Give it a read and share your thoughts!

#socialmedia #activitypub

Linux, to linux avatar

🇩🇪 Germany's Schleswig-Holstein moves 30,000 PCs to LibreOffice & Linux :linux: 📝

...They DITCH Microsoft's Office and Windows.

Public money? Public code! ►


alexlac51, to random avatar

involved with the need to put accountants into your UK treasury...

joseph11lim, to AdobePhotoshop avatar

Why #sharing tech wealth is really important
"To curb e market power of #BigTech & ensure tt #newtech benefit everyone, #governments must invest in developing #digital #publicinfrastructure. The concept of an open-standards tech stack - consisting of digital #identification, #payment system & #dataexchange platform - has gained traction .. But achieving this reqs a change in mindset .. time has come .. to ensure tt potentially transformative technologies benefit everyone"

damon, to ai avatar

I see people making judgments about those that still remain on those that use “ “ , those that work for those that don’t use etc whatever purity tests you lot have. I don’t respect you people. You’re the same people that have nasty racist, sexist, homophobic family, friends and colleagues that you call “good people” some of you are also these kinds of people yourselves with. The majority of the people you are critical of happen to be marginalised folk. People that don’t have the means, resources, support, time etc to do these things thus “convenience” is a big part of how they survive.

mkwadee, to uk avatar
Nonilex, to China avatar

A trove of leaked docs from a state-linked grp shows that Beijing’s & grps are attempting large-scale, systematic intrusions against foreign , & — w/ of one company claiming to be able to target users of , & .

DrALJONES, to Israel avatar


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  • Ronial, (edited )

    @DrALJONES @MrLee

    To me, it's more they know they're all wrong but they don't care. They've lost all their credit (for the little it remained, as their bullshit has lasted for some years now) and I don't give them any benefit of the doubt anymore. All these were already bad way before this open conflict. The way they negotiate it is just in the continuity of their usual attitude. They aren't "afraid" of abusing people daily. This is just more obvious.

    gfarrell, to apple avatar
    J12t, to mastodon avatar

    The third-largest state in Germany has an official server.


    (With an umlaut in its domain name!)

    Imho all in all countries on all levels should communicate via the , instead of via commercial services. Why should a profit-maximizing feed , and an ad placement algorithm get between the citizen and their government in a democracy?

    IAmDannyBoling, to drones avatar

    Those who still believe autonomous AI isn't a threat need to reassess their stance.

    "Several are lobbying the for a binding resolution restricting the use of AI killer , but the is among a group of nations — which also includes , , and — who are resisting any such move, favoring a non-binding instead."
    The is moving toward letting autonomously decide to

    gabriel, to random
    smallcircles, avatar

    @dsfgs @gabriel

    An device that could detect if someone is a large cloud-connected beacon and a horror approaching you. Where you could say "Turn off your devices and we can have a nice time". Dunno if that's technically feasible, and its similarly socially awkward.

    Another angle is regulation. Making packaged as neat fun gadgets forbidden. But are limping miles behind the bleeding edge, and have agencies that are salivating by all this.

    nando161, to random avatar
    msquebanh, to colombia avatar

    #Restrictions on movement imposed by #governments in the #Americas have pushed #migrants and #AsylumSeekers to risk their lives crossing the Darién Gap, a swampy jungle at the #Colombia #Panama border, #HumanRightsWatch said in a #report #released today.

    The 62-page report, “‘This Hell Was My Only Option’: #Abuses Against Migrants and Asylum Seekers Pushed to Cross the Darién Gap,” is the first in a series of #HumanRights Watch reports on #migration via the #DariénGap

    CCC, to random German avatar

    Where export controls are known to be weak: How Europe became the Wild West of spyware with full access to victim devices, incl. microphones, cameras, messages, apps

    kkarhan, avatar

    @CCC are only harmful to and never stopped from procuring and building .

    That's why the mere concept is :

    Outlaw all Govware instead!!!

    Daojoan, to random avatar

    As consumers, we've become conditioned to expect personalised online experiences, all tailored to our interests and needs.

    But when asked, we say we’re uncomfortable with the data collection processes that make it possible.

    It’s time to pick a side.

    shamila, (edited )

    .. . personalised online experiences, all tailored to our interests and needs

    that is what they want you to believe, and its worked,
    that is what they sell to the and the , , , pass it on

    publicvoit, to politics avatar

    "The Westminster Declaration"

    "We write as journalists, artists, authors, activists, technologists, and academics to warn of increasing international that threatens to erode centuries-old democratic norms. [...]"

    anna_lillith, to random avatar


    There are more than 100 #UncontactedTribes around the world, and they’re the most vulnerable peoples on Earth.

    They avoid contact with outsiders, and are the #guardians of the most #biodiverse places on the planet. If their lands are protected they not only survive, but #thrive.

    But around the world their lands are being invaded and stolen – for #CattleRanching, #logging, #OilDrilling and #mining


    anna_lillith, avatar

    while and attempt to forcibly make contact with them.

    As a result, whole are being wiped out by , and by like flu and measles to which they have no immunity.

    Join our call for governments to protect the lands of , so they can survive and determine their own futures.


    godsouza, to climate avatar
    evanwolf, to fediverse avatar

    How can our communities encourage/induce to use the for routine and public ?

    Nonilex, to twitter avatar
    samhkennedy, to climate avatar

    I’m starting to think the biggest security threat coming from is our . The states are helping by making protest illegal. Time to protest.

    spaceflight, to sciencefiction avatar

    #ElonMusk's #influence

    "#Multinational corporations have grown so large as a result of #globalization that they have sufficient economic power to take over or strongly manipulate national #governments, continually attempting to take over competitors in order to become the sole controller of the #interplanetary market"

    #MarsTrilogy #ScienceFiction #Transnats

    spaceflight, avatar

    While Mr. is hailed as a genius innovator, he alone can decide to shut down 📡 for a customer or 🌍, and he has the ability to leverage sensitive information that the service gathers. Such concerns 😱 have been heightened because no or have come close to matching 📊 what he has built.

    Picture : 2013

    fsf, to random avatar

    What do the right to repair movement, web browser privacy, and a volunteer rescue response to an earthquake have in common? They are all topics covered in our latest FSF Bulletin. Check it out at



    > [T]he power of volunteers in free software communities, such as those working on development and , can exceed what and merely pretend to provide.

    Agree that is quite incredible, and their offline app, really does feel like magic when one uses it. Its a real shame there are no ethical devices in to install OSMAnd onto.

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