
/kbin - a few quick announcements

Good morning! :) Today I want to focus mainly on reviewing the pull requests you've submitted. There are many great things there that will help improve the kbin experience. That's amazing, thank you! I'm also in the final stages of sorting out the infrastructure-related formalities. Soon, the situation with the website's...

Archie8, to random

This is Mastodon and this is why it rocks!


@Archie8 Honestly, fix anything. Fix your car, fix your bike, fix your television, fix your computer and teach everyone else how to do it to. Fix your house. Fix your kids favorite toy. Fix your jeans that you ripped while fixing your roof. Fix all the 🤬ing things. And maybe we can fix society, too.

thisismissem, avatar

@Archie8 I love how it's trying to paint all these activities as bad things.

What if the town square doesn't need to be monetized?

What if capitalism actually erodes social structures & works counter to safe and happy social spaces?

There's still room for the town square to host street patties & marketplaces where local independent creators can sell their products & services, like a Saturday Market for the fediverse?

mcc, to random avatar

Fascinating both for what it says about dev & what it says about statistics:

A gamedev realized Linux users were just 5.8% of their sales, but represented 38% of bug reports.

Then they looked at those numbers closer, and realized. Linux users were not experiencing more bugs. Almost none of the Linux-user bugs were Linux-related. Linux users were simply more likely to file bugs.

Their conclusion: A linux port pays for itself bc it nerdsnipes ppl into giving u free QA

mcc, avatar

This is the "what if lab rats just get cancer a lot" joke except real

Do you have a correlation in your data? Or is one of your sample groups simply more likely to generate statistics?

mcc, (edited ) avatar

"A recent study performed on the University of Toronto campus with participants selected by responding to a flier offering $5 for participation, revealed that 92% of all Canadians are students at University of Toronto…"

(This is a joke; I suspect sociologists have some way of correcting for this already)

(EDIT: Note I am not saying I believe the way sociologists have of correcting for it works.)

gamesbymanuel, (edited ) to random avatar

"Piracy can't be stealing if paying for it isn't owning"

This is increasingly how it feels, when things you "own" digitally become inaccessible, and when shows which are locked in streaming services can get delisted on a whim, disappearing forever.

Thank you @Illuminatus for this quote.

[Edit: In case this wasn't clear, this is about entertainment and digital ownership, not physical goods]

cutecycle, avatar

@gamesbymanuel @Illuminatus

publishers would delete your memory of playing a game and make you buy it again next week if they could.

mfru, avatar

@ScarbirGaming @alal @dinodroid @gamesbymanuel imagine all the income lost by people buying books in the old times and not paying for every single readthrough after their initial one.

and then even borrowing it to friends! and after they don't need it anymore, they donate it to a library or one of these public book shelves!

while we are at public libraries, don't even get me started with those. truly horrifying how much money has been destroyed by them.


dangillmor, to random avatar

The BBC's experiment with Mastodon is pathbreaking in English-language news -- a major organization setting up its own instance. They've really thought this through. Key language:

"We're using as the domain, so you can be sure these accounts are genuinely from the BBC. And by linking to and from the BBC’s website, we have verified our identity on Mastodon."

Welcome to:
@BBC5Live @BBCRadio4

pd, avatar

@dangillmor @lisamelton

Not sure what’s holding the NYTimes and the Post back.

djr, avatar

@o76923 @dangillmor

It is common ground that the has published material and that this ought to cease. Defining a large and rather diverse organisation as a transphobic group would take us down a dangerous road - certainly one I would hesitate to take. Knee jerk reactions tend to backfire wherever they come from. I just would prefer to see a which could no longer be called transphobic rather than see it and replaced by and others.

Elucidating, to random avatar

Airbus open sourced their new cockpit font. Make it the default for all your embedded projects, because it's REALLY good and has real testing in difficult environments!

Roundtrip, avatar

@Elucidating 🧵Airbus B622 font

“In December 2018, B612 has been published on Google Fonts with an open source license (OFL) and the source has been put on Github.”


@Elucidating @daniel also, it’s named after the Little Prince’s home. :-)

sundogplanets, (edited ) to random avatar

I just had to update my numbers for a lecture, so here's your periodic reminder: Starlink is now 55% of ALL active satellites in orbit.

And given the recent news about that awful billionaire unilaterally deciding to cut of Starlink internet access to parts of the world whenever he wants to, this is extra important to share. Why did our governments effectively gift Low Earth Orbit to one awful dude? This is so bad.

sundogplanets, avatar

@paulknightly Almost all the satellites you can see with your eyes now are Starlinks. Nicely demonstrated in this awful/beautiful photo:

sundogplanets, avatar

Muting this thread now!

Some more info if you are interested in learning more about this mess in orbit from an astronomer/stargazer perspective:

-me getting interviewed by CNN about this ~18 months ago:

-a 1 hour talk I gave about this ~1 year ago:

-simulations of visible satellite distributions at many different latitudes:

-SATCON2 report:

anildash, to random avatar

How is the OpenAI board gonna fire Sam Altman just because he gave answers that sounded plausible but weren't actually accurate?

fmhueffer, avatar

@anildash let's make it general and fire every software engineer ever

endeavorance, avatar

@anildash genuinely hope ChatGPT wrote the announcement

christianselig, to random avatar

Got off my call with Reddit just now about the API. Bad news unless I come up with 20 million dollars (not joking). Appreciate boosts.

fishcharlie, avatar

@christianselig Just another reason to push for decentralized social services.

skyfaller, avatar

@christianselig Time to copy Tapbots -> Ivory and invest in the Fediverse Reddit alternatives!

Lemmy is the most mature:

But there is also kbin:

And brutalinks:

cameron, to random avatar

Two things that happened this week:

  • YouTube started banning the use of ad blockers
  • Google was found serving ads with malware
Greg, avatar
deightonrobbie, avatar

@cameron And that's in addition to the ad privacy debacle in the chrome installer

bittner, to random avatar

“We notice you are using an ad blocker…”

Yes, and I notice you are using a few dozen trackers. Turn off the trackers and I will look at your ads. Until then, we are at an impass.


@bittner That's just it - I have no fundamental problem with ads but I take a hard line on trackers. Trackers are not ads. Maybe at one point the blockers were mainly about ads. The blockers shifted focus to trackers as ads morphed into surveillance and the creepiness and danger that trackers pose was recognized. Ads stopped being about selling goods and services to meet someone's needs and more about harvesting their personal data and behavior. Any possible user benefit however minor evaporated once serving ads was no longer the goal. Reframe the message as "We see you are protecting yourself from surveillance and data mining..." and the guilt of using abusive software shifts from the reader to the site.

MoiraEve, avatar

@bittner The sales pitch of these corporations--they tell you what a GREAT BENEFIT it'll be to get personalized ads. What hokum!

KennyPark, to random avatar

My daughter: "Everyone's so amazed that every snowflake's different, but no one cares that every potato is different."


@KennyPark it would be so much funnier if cranky ppl went around saying "well aren't you just a special potato" instead of "snowflake"



My son: "If the many-universes theory is true, does that mean there's a universe where it isn't?"

He was eight years old.

Miriamm, to random avatar

Give whoever wrote this headline a medal

rodhilton, to random avatar

Right now if you search for "country in Africa that starts with the letter K":

  • DuckDuckGo will link to an alphabetical list of countries in Africa which includes Kenya.

  • Google, as the first hit, links to a ChatGPT transcript where it claims that there are none, and summarizes to say the same.

This is because ChatGPT at some point ingested this popular joke:

"There are no countries in Africa that start with K."
"What about Kenya?"
"Kenya suck deez nuts?"

Google Search is over.

Google country in africa that starts with the letter k X & @& Q Images South africa Maps News Shopping Books Videos Flights. Finance About 318,000,000 results (0.55 seconds) While there are 54 recognized countries in Africa, none of them begin with the letter "K". B Emersent Mind The closest is Kenya, which starts with a "K" Did you know that there s no countey in . e wen fca e st withche ler 7 sound, but is actually spelled with a "K" sound. & : 1 It's always interesting to learn new trivia facts like this. & Emergent Mind » posts » did-youknow-.. i Did you know that there is no country in Africa that starts with ... @ Aboutfeatured snippets - J Feedback

wendinoakland, avatar

@rodhilton And we're, well, someone, is worried about AI becoming SUPER INTELLIGENT? 👀

paul, avatar

@noondlyt @rodhilton

I believed him, but this is the internet so I checked for myself.

Oh my goodness. 💯 Real.

ghalfacree, to random avatar

Dear Microsoft. Here is a list of things I want the Start Menu to do:

  • Show my installed programs
  • Search my local files
  • Provide access to system settings

Here is a list of things I do not want the Start Menu to do:

  • Show the weather for a randomly-selected town near my network's public IP infrastructure
  • Show tabloid headlines
  • Show programs I don't have installed
  • Search the web via Bing
  • Show adverts(!)
  • Attempt to engage me in conversation with a hallucinating LLM


ghalfacree, avatar

Why yes, I have been having to handle a Windows 10/11 system today, why do you ask?

electric_gumball, avatar

@patterfloof @ghalfacree
Terribly sorry, but microsoft doesn't want a bar of this nonsense. OWN an operating system? Hell no. They want all of your data, and they expect you to pay a monthly ransom to be able to access it.

sc_griffith, to random avatar

programmers are always posting like "worked on tracking down an issue with a Flurble deployment for twelve hours. the problem wasn't in Flurble at all - it was in the Gumbies install. It turns out if you install Gumbies 3.0 over Gumbies 2.7 and don't do a cache flush on all the client spiders they'll get stuck in the crystal maze." then you look up Gumbies and the site is one of those scroll scroll scroll types with one sentence per page, like

"GUMBIES is a lean, expressive sharding sandcube for testing and deploying large scale Woodchips playgrounds.

GUMBIES automates and streamlines away watersliding phases, meaning your team can get right to the chipping.

See why Microsoft, OpenAI and Bloingo have embraced GUMBIES in their Woodchips workflows."

and you get to the bottom and you're like I want this I guess but I still don't know what it is

pacanukeha, avatar

@sc_griffith no one uses gumbies any more since the licensing debacle of Ought-Twenty-Three
we use the fork now, it's called makes a noise like 4 seconds of loud hissing static



I’ve found Gumbies Made Simple to be a great introduction:

1.1 What is Gumbies?
Gumbies is a happy sparkly funtime platform for much shiny things.

1.2 Hello World
To dereference null instantiations of bit-shifted Splorkl turds within a Xham or EGGS slop-bucket, it is imperative to first cache-spelunk your Gumbies injection. It is recommended you do this fully recursively, to ensure no hanging chads persist in your document wank frond.

yogthos, to random avatar
ayo, avatar

@yogthos 🤣 just open the page on Cozy


@ayo @yogthos
Or on Firefox, turn on Reader View (Ctrl-Alt-R or click the button at the right end of the address bar)

feditips, to random avatar

In case you missed it, all links on Mastodon count as 23 characters towards your limit, no matter how many characters the link really is.

So, you don't need to use link shorteners on Mastodon as they won't actually affect the link's length.

Mastodon does this because it's better for everyone's privacy to avoid link shortener services, it means people can see what they're clicking on, and the link won't stop working if the shortener service shuts down.

More info at:


ctietze, avatar

@feditips The explanation is weird. The imitation sounds somewhat sensible, but why not count links as fewer characters to one-up Twitter :)

feditips, avatar


As noted in the link in the original post, the official iPhone/iPad Mastodon app has a bug that means it doesn't implement the 23 character thing.

I'd advise people to switch to a third party app like Toot!, Ice Cubes, Ivory etc as they are better than the official app anyway.

jonty, to random avatar

It turns out you can simply serve a file from a domain to use it as your bsky handle.

So this guy is now S3. All of S3.

thomasfuchs, avatar

@jesseplusplus @jonty this is why they’re doing a closed beta, to find and fix these issues.

do you think Mastodon etc never had bugs, even bad ones?

sgf, avatar

@thomasfuchs It's a funny bug. I'm not one for cheap dunks on devs, but this was clearly a security issue with solid prior art (imagine if Let's Encrypt let me claim S3!), so I'm a little ok with a bit of dunking.

Gargron, to random avatar

There is an ongoing spam attack on the fediverse for the last couple of days. It's more widespread than before, as attackers are targeting smaller servers to create accounts. Before, usually only was targeted and our team could take care of it. For server administrators out there: If you don't need open registrations, switch over to approval mode. If you do, blocking disposable e-mail providers is a massive stopgap to the problem. Mastodon also supports hCaptcha.

thomas, avatar

@Gargron I honor every line of code that your team and you produce to maintain Mastodon.

But what I really miss as an instance administrator is some sort of spam detection. We have tools and libraries for that, e.G. for simple naive bayes detection.

Maybe it will not be 100 percent precise, but it would help a lot of Mastodon could block / delay suspicious posts based on simple machine learning mechanisms (like we have them for email).

collectifission, avatar

@Gargron hCaptcha is problematic. I'm sure you're aware of this github issue:

It's becoming a harder sell that this is an "emergency feature implementation" 9 months after the issue was opened.

drewscanlon, to random avatar

Hi Internet! I'm Drew and THIS IS MY FACE.

If this GIF has ever brought you joy in the past, I humbly ask you to consider making a donation to the National MS Society. It would mean a lot to me and to those I know affected by the disease!

Donate at


mausmalone, avatar

@drewscanlon well since you asked so nicely ...


@ionica @Naich

it's from a video game stream. someone else used the word 'hoe' while gardening in a game called starbound. here's a clip, there's a link to the actual source in the description.

lynnesbian, to random avatar

"i use linux as my operating system," i state proudly to the unkempt, bearded man. he swivels around in his desk chair with a devilish gleam in his eyes, ready to mansplain with extreme precision.
"actually," he says with a grin, "linux is just the kernel. you use GNU+linux."
i don't miss a beat and reply with a smirk, "i use alpine, a distro that doesn't include the GNU coreutils, or any other GNU code. it's linux, but it's not GNU+linux."

the smile quickly drops from the man's face. his body begins convulsing and he foams at the mouth as he drop to the floor with a sickly thud. as he writhes around he screams "I-IT WAS COMPILED WITH GCC! THAT MEANS IT'S STILL GNU!"
coolly, i reply "if windows was compiled with gcc, would that make it GNU?" i interrupt his response with "and work is being made on the kernel to make it more compiler-agnostic. even if you were correct, you won't be for long."

with a sickly wheeze, the last of the man's life is ejected from his body. he lies on the floor, cold and limp. i've womansplained him to death.

lynnesbian, avatar

i license this shitpost as CC4-BY-NC-SA. you cannot use it to profit from or in any commercial work, you must attribute me if it is used by you, and other shitposts using it must adhere to the same license

lynnesbian, avatar



dan613, to random avatar

Black Mastodon users are writing in frustration that people don’t believe that exists on Mastodon. As a new moderator, I can assure you that racism is very real here. Be sure to report it when you find it so that we can stamp it out.


@dan613 I like the approach! Black Mastodon – although never heard of it – might be the reason, there is no rascism on Mastodon!

2CB, avatar


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that ANYONE who belittles someone else's experience has some baggage, either:
• guilt over their own past behavior or lack of helping, or
• delusional denial of reality on all topics

ErikUden, to random avatar

Once libraries are nonexistent any modern fascist movement wouldn't even have to burn books, but flick one switch and they'd be remotely deleted from your Amazon Kindle or similar digital “library”.

Capitalists are already building the infrastructure to do this through DRM, so stop believing tech is apolitical - the defunding of libraries and paywalling of information are all part of this. :trantifa:

SailorDisco, avatar

@ErikUden I wish we considered libraries to be shrines to knowledge instead of an afterthought.

ErikUden, avatar

@rm4 Yes! I think some sort of federated archival system would be awesome, but I guess that already basically exists through torrents!

Individually? Not much! Organize, donate to FOSS institutions (web archive) and fight capitalism and it's final stage: fascism!

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