
bladecoder, to random French

If you're still using Chrome for performance reasons:

  • Firefox is now faster than Chrome out-of-the-box
  • Firefox uses less memory than Chrome
  • Contrary to Chrome, Firefox does not restrict Ad blockers, which will make your browsing experience much faster (and safer).

@joeyvdpoel Chrome was introduced as a hero in the browser space but lived long enough to see itself become the villain


@selfisekai @pl @nitrofurano @bladecoder Fennec F-Droid also has arbitrary extension support in a stable release! (Standard Android Firefox only allows extensions from a supported list by Mozilla in stable, and arbitrary extensions in Beta.)

You have to do a weird thing called a Custom Collection to make extensions available to it then, but it'll support 95% of Firefox extensions then. (Some will have UI weirdness on phone.)

lrvick, to random avatar

It's official. After 3 months of back and forth, a major medical provider has elected to drop me as a patient for not having a Google or Apple device.

It is unclear if this is legal, but it is very clearly discriminatory and unethical.

Any tech journalists or lawyers interested interested in this?

I would like to do anything I can to ensure this never happens to anyone else.


@mckra1g @lrvick I'll never forget when my mother finally got hearing aids and was so pleased with them and her quality of life only to have the IoT enshittification raise the rent on "Hearing as a Service" and she had to give them up. I've not seen her that depressed before in living memory.

lrvick, avatar

@0batty_bat0 @VirginiaHolloway I don't use a phone or accept the terms of service of Apple or Google by choice.

I feel it should always be just that for anyone. A choice.

Also, I used to be homeless, and have lived without a phone when I literally could not afford one. Sometimes it is not a choice.

No one should be required to have an Apple/Google device for medical care.

sjvn, to random avatar

I love Elle Cordova and her clever, funny videos. This one is for all my writer and editor friends.


ljrk, avatar

@sjvn This is awesome!

DenOfEarth, avatar


semioticstandard, to privacy avatar

You need to stop using Chrome NOW. It’s not hyperbole: Google just rolled out a change to Chrome that tracks the sites you visit, builds a profile, and shares that with any page you visit that asks.

This is real. It’s not tech bro conspiracy shit.

semioticstandard, avatar

It’s not just about selling you ads.

Ex: you’re a teenager living in a highly conservative state. You’re visiting sites your ultra religious family don’t want you to. Google tracks you NATIVELY IN THE BROWSER and informs 3rd parties of your interest in LGBTQ sites.

You’re NOT SAFE using Chrome.

Rusty, avatar

@semioticstandard To everyone saying to use Brave, just a reminder that Brave is not a privacy browser either. It's a crypto bro wet dream.

eaton, to random avatar

The failure of the Internet to deliver its promise is particularly noticeable when you hunt for repair manuals for a product from the 90s. Used to be, the information would either be there or not there, finable or unfindable.

Now, there are hundreds of algorithmically generated sites claiming to have it just because it appeared in their search logs, generating potemkin village content traps with endless paging, broken-thumbnail named-like-the-file-you-want but actually-just-ebay-photos bullshit

eaton, avatar

Even if you find the manufacturer's site it’s more likely than not broken, with a search feature that pulls up what it claims are results but empty divs instead of links, or busted jQuery code from 2013 that prevents anything from loading.

Is it a real but broken site? Is it just another click farm? Does it matter?

bioluminescently, avatar

@eaton This is also why it's such a problem that independent websites are now falling so far down search engine rankings. When I was younger, if you had a problem with A Thing from a larger category of Things, you'd go to a website run by some Thing Enthusiast or group of them, and look your Thing up in the site's index or inbuilt search box. If it wasn't there, you'd post on the site's forum and another Thing Owner might help. But now... good luck even finding out that indie site exists.

polychrome, to random

Oh my goodness I've just learned a thing about The Matrix that causes it to make a lot more sense: In the original script the humans were used as neural network compute clusters by the Machines and as a crucial component of The Matrix itself.

Which is why humans who were aware of the simulation could control aspects of The Matrix - their minds were part of its foundation.

Unfortunately the test audiences had trouble understanding this concept so the studio changed the human role to "batteries".


@andybalaam you can hear the Wachowskis discussing this in the DVD commentary for one of the Director's Cuts.

unlambda, avatar

@polychrome I tried to find a source for this, but only found rumors making vague reference to commentary tracks.

This detailed Reddit post seems to debunk it; it shows several earlier iterations of the script, which all reference batteries.

It also shows an origin for the neural net, rather than battery version: Neil Gaiman @neilhimself wrote a story in the universe, and didn't like the battery explanation, so he switched to the neural net explanation.

compositor, to random avatar

Welcome to the successor to

aka_quant_noir, avatar

@abhijith @compositor You plan to merge with soon?

fuchsiii, avatar

@compositor @LunaDragofelis XDDD amazing

soundwarrior20, to accessibility

I'm a totally blind software tester with previous testing experience. I know there are many of you in the working on many cool projects, I'd love to test them for accessibility if you're looking for an accessibility tester or any accessibility consultancy please get in touch :-) if everyone could repost this, that would be great thanks very much :-)

nekohayo, avatar

@soundwarrior20 We aim to make GNOME Calendar accessible! Right now it's pretty much a black box.
We started collecting things that need fixing in, and there is preliminary work in, but we're volunteers doing what we can; we need all the help we can get to move the implementation forward, if you're interested in helping out with the git version.

freemo, avatar

@soundwarrior20 If you have the interest in taking a look at my project (A fediverse server for static web sites) feel free... though given the nature as an arbitrary static site generator im not sure it will be terribly relevant except in the situation where someone uses the default styling.

Thank you either way.

inthehands, to random avatar

Because they bring me such joy, I will share with you all the software testing videos I share with my Software Design and Development students.

Video 1/3: “We don’t need user testing! We already know our users”

Children at a playground completely ignoring the slide, and sliding down the smooth hill upon which the slide is mounted

inthehands, avatar
inthehands, avatar

Video 3/3 (I feel this one •deeply•, to the bone):

“Developer watching QA test the product”


auschwitzmuseum, to fediverse avatar

We would be greatful if you could amplify our voice & let your followers know that the Auschwitz Memorial is present in : @auschwitzmuseum

Every day we commemorate the victims & educate about the tragic human history of .

Auschwitz is a place that shows where hatred, antisemitism and contempt for a fellow man led people decades ago.

It is also a place where we should reflect on our individual and collective responsibility for the world we live in.


@auschwitzmuseum it's the perfect time to clarify that is right now

bp, (edited )

@auschwitzmuseum I would also like to suggest that you temporarily cease the feed of Holocaust victims from the previous century and begin broadcasting the names, photos, and stories of Holocaust victims from Simhat Torah

Your organization has no other purpose than to prevent the horrors which Israel experienced on Simhat Torah. Now that you have failed in that - now that we have all failed in that - the least you can do is support the war effort with every resource you have.

garius, to history avatar

To understand Musk's renewed obsession with X and focus on financial services, you REALLY need to understand the X/Confinity merger that became PayPal.

And, particularly, the Peter Thiel-led coup that kicked Musk out as CEO/Chief Strategist.

Here's how that happened. 1/🧵

garius, avatar

Having drummed up support, he founds a new company to take this forward. He immediately buys the domain off Pittsburgh PowerComputer for 1.5 MILLION shares of A-Stock in his new company, X.

Advisors express concern over X as a brand. Elon loves it. /3

garius, avatar

Hopefully you can see the roots of this whole X pivot thing now. Musk has decided that the way to save Twitter and regain his genius status is to fall back on his unrealised vision from 1999.

Build "the world's financial nexus" as he described it then. /23

carnage4life, to random avatar

A broken clock fixed by taping a working clock over it is a metaphor for every codebase you’ll encounter in your professional career as a software developer.

tyler, avatar

@carnage4life The working clock uses one of the gears in the broken clock to advance the hour hand, but only on odd numbered days. Also, one of the four AA batteries in the broken clock needs to be hooked up in series to the four batteries in the working clock to increase the voltage slightly, because power is being sent from the new clock's batteries through a resistor in the old clock for reasons nobody understands, but it's definitely true that if you just send the power to the new clock directly, it runs backwards.

ericg, avatar

@carnage4life I have been occasionally scolded for my 'messy' PRs that muck out disfunction, realign ancillary internal methods & data structures and/or otherwise embrace my inner Fowler. The PR diffs are ugly AF but some of them are things I am most proud of.

To the topic: lately I feel sometimes our PR/user story approach encourages the employment of duck tape by encouraging change that fully satisfies stated requirements, makes for easy-to-read PRs, but loses the plot along the way.

Mer__edith, to random avatar

This is the real, human cost of mass surveillance of everyone's private digital communications.

If we actually care about keeping people safe, we need more end-to-end encryption not less.

rorystarr, (edited ) avatar


Also, a reminder for everyone the many ways that Meta and their properties are not to be trusted.

EDIT: Let me add that Mastodon is not encrypted either--including DM's. It is upfront and open about that fact and you should not use social media for any sensitive exchanges.

tkk13909, avatar
OhioSQ, to twitter

Wordpress removed as a social media add-on and added Mastodon. That seems like a big deal to me.

campuscodi, avatar

@OhioSQ It was because of the expensive API, not because of some sort of moral compass

Setok, avatar

@campuscodi @OhioSQ undoubtedly. But I still agree with the original post that it’s a big deal and a sign of possible more to come.

VeryBadLlama, to random avatar

hey sorry I missed your text, I am processing a non-stop 24/7 onslaught of information with a brain designed to eat berries in a cave

kolya, avatar

@mambearpnw @VeryBadLlama the kind that the goat ate, because she seems fine


Eating berries in a cave is self-care.

AlisonCreekside, to random avatar

Pillaged from BlueSky:
"20 years ago we were suing teenagers for millions of dollars because they were torrenting a single Metallica album and now billionaires are demanding the free right to every work in history, so that they can re-sell it.
The law only ever serves capital."

blogdiva, avatar

@AlisonCreekside yeah. where TF is the RIAA in all of this AI bullshit? their silence is deafening.

fifilamoura, avatar

@AlisonCreekside Also, society can survive without ChatGPT and many of the AI tools being created. What actual value do the models of AI bring for society as a whole that isn't, in fact, negative value and harm? (This does not mean we couldn't find useful and actually constructive uses for these technologies but that's not what we're doing.)

Gargron, to random avatar

Now would be a good time for all European politicians and journalists to setup accounts on Mastodon.

toddalstrom, avatar

@Gargron “Elon Musk on Thursday denied a report that he was considering pulling the platform from the European Union”

…but take his word for what it’s worth.

Elisa, avatar
dgar, to random avatar

Dungeons and Dragons is a role-playing game that lets you live out such fantasies as:
• Having money
• Making close friends as an adult
• Travelling the world without crippling debt
• Being able to change the world
• Getting better at something with practice
• Getting 8 hours of sleep each night

mjgardner, avatar

@dgar The fantasy starts the moment your players say they’ll all show up on a regular schedule

christerk, avatar
jaredwhite, to random

"Reddit represents one of the largest data sets of just human beings talking about interesting things," Huffman said. "We are not in the business of giving that away for free."

You and me, we're just data sets. Years of interaction with fellow human beings, building community, sharing insight and creativity…it’s all just data. Data to be mined and monetized.

Huffman's not mad Reddit was scraped for a chatbot. He's mad he wasn't paid for the privilege. It's his data, you see. His. Not yours.


"We're 18 years old," Huffman said. "I think it's time we grow up and behave like an adult company."

Says the guy who's behaving like a petulant 5-year old.

bugs bunny eye roll GIF with caption “What a maroon”

harry, avatar

@Jyoti @jaredwhite What you say could be argued on a theoretical level. But the way our societies operate today, profits are an important element. For instance, as a business owner I am legally required to intend making a profit, otherwise I might lose my business license.

fullfathomfive, to languagelearning avatar

From 2015 to 2022, I spent hundreds of hours on Duolingo, translating articles, answering language questions on the forums, and helping to improve the smaller courses by reporting mistakes.

There are thousands of volunteers who donated their labour to Duo: the course creators who wrote their courses, the volunteers who created grammar guides (some smaller languages had an entire second course in the forums), the wiki contributors, the native speakers who answered questions in the sentence discussions.

All of their work made Duolingo the powerhouse it is today. Duo was built by a community who believed in its original mission: language learning should be free and accessible.

Bit by bit all of our work was hidden from us as Duolingo became a publicly-traded company. And now that work is being fed into their AI as training data.

Well, I've learned the true lesson of Duolingo: never give a corporation your labour for free. Don't ever trust them, no matter what they say. Eventually greed will consume any good intentions.

lutindiscret, avatar

@fullfathomfive this! If only people became aware that's the same for Google Maps, video game mods, etc.

I only contribute to project when the project is legally designed to be a common. Maybe you could find such a project about learning langage? Like, I don't know or 🤔

fullfathomfive, avatar

@tchauhan And they started it all with a National Science Foundation grant and publicly-funded research. What a con.

twilliability, to RSS avatar

Under-the-radar late night launch: RSS Parrot is live! It talks like Mastodon, but it doesn't walk like Mastodon. BUT! It will relay any RSS feed straight into your timeline.

Turn Mastodon into your very own feed reader. Follow anything that has an RSS feed and get a toot about new posts.

How? Mention @birb with the address you want to follow.

More details at Boost for visibility :)

twilliability, (edited ) avatar

Wow! The response to RSS Parrot in the first day has been overwhelming ✨ Thank you all for the enthusiasm and the overwhelmingly positive messages!

Plus, the birb survived the day 🦜🦜🦜 :)

I started a "Changes" section where I wrote up what's happened since the launch:

I'll be slightly more hands-off in the next few days. May the feeds be strong with you! 🧘‍♀️

twilliability, avatar

Just released an update (details at

  • Birb now accepts DMs

  • No more ' entities for apostrophes etc.

  • Birb can reply if you're on a secure server ("authorized_fetch"). If you received no reply earlier, this hopefully fixes it.

  • Audio link included for podcast episodes

Enjoy :)

#RSS #Atom #FeedReader #Fediverse

kbin Enhancement Suite: a community-curated script manager that lets you customize your kbin experience

A couple of weeks ago, @shazbot made this post about a project that they were working on. Since then, @shazbot, @ori, @minnieo and I have been hard at work, and we are excited to finally announce the official release of kbin Enhancement Suite (KES)!...

Gargron, to threads avatar

If for whatever reason you never wish to interact with , you can personally block it for your account. This hides all posts and profiles from Threads, prevents anyone from Threads from following you, and stops your posts from being delivered to or fetched by Threads. Simply click the "Block domain" option on any Threads profile or post you see in Mastodon.

stux, avatar

For anyone wondering how..

If you go to a profile on Threads, so for example @mosseri you can click or tab the 3 dots and go with "Block domain"


stux, avatar

Little extra notice for people using apps:

The blocking of an complete instance may not be shown on all apps! ⚠️

If you use the web interface (browser) this option will always be there :cat_hug_triangle:

ben, to random avatar

Stack Overflow announced that they are partnering with OpenAI, so I tried to delete my highest-rated answers.

Stack Overflow does not let you delete questions that have accepted answers and many upvotes because it would remove knowledge from the community.

So instead I changed my highest-rated answers to a protest message.

Within an hour mods had changed the questions back and suspended my account for 7 days.

Diff view of a stack overflow question showing it being changed from the original text to a protest message, then being changed back again by a mod. Protest text reads: Why does OpenAI get to profit from our work? I have removed this question in protest of Stack Overflow's decision to partner with OpenAI. This move steals the labour of everyone who contributed to Stack Overflow with no way to opt-out. OpenAI has a history of flooding the web with inaccurate information and have explicitly stated that they will never pay creators for their work.

ben, avatar

It's just a reminder that anything you post on any of these platforms can and will be used for profit. It's just a matter of time until all your messages on Discord, Twitter etc. are scraped, fed into a model and sold back to you.

ben, avatar
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