
atomicpoet, avatar

Wired says is the space for “the Internet elite”.

So what they’re saying is that is for status seekers and clout chasers.

You know, the spot for media gatekeepers to pad their articles with social media posts that say something to the effect of, “This!” and “This!” and “You, sir, just won the Internet!”


atomicpoet, avatar

I don’t want journalism to be taken over by AI, but the task of compiling tweets for reactionary takes on whatever scandal could totally be done with AI—and that would be a big improvement.


here's the thing


PS this is what I mean about the MSM and tech press jumping on the Bluesky hype bubble. It's complete with really shitty clickbait headlines like "Bluesky's best shot at success is to embrace shitposting" or "'BlueSky' wants to market itself as a 'Musk-free' space, says CEO". I can almost see the alien bat baby on the cover of Weekly World News supermarket tabloids when reading these search results LOL. Honestly this feels like an episode of the HBO show Silicon Valley almost at this point.

Screenshot of DuckDuckGo search results for Bluesky, Page 2


@anders You're welcome. This one works with Friendica at least on my system, but not on mobile Firefox. 😔
@hankg @anubis2814


@hankg @anubis2814 @z428 yeah same here. works on desktop but not mobile. would be great to have it for mobile too

williampietri, avatar

Reading about , it's impressive to me how little Jack has learned.

As somebody who (briefly) worked at Twitter on anti-abuse, the place is a goldmine of lessons on fucked-up behavior. And the CEO comes out of the cryptocurrency space, which also has a rich history of garbage people run wild.

But instead of something that applies any of that, they have apparently produced the same sort of tired neoliberal marketplace-of-ideas horseshit product that Twitter was to start.

williampietri, avatar

I haven't used it, but from what I've read, Bluesky launched with no block button, and possibly no moderation at all. Which is unconscionable.

Maybe in 2006 you could pretend that the Internet was a nice place of hugs and rainbows. (That was untrue; even founders of the earliest social web sites in the mid 90s have abuse problems, and they were the same problems seen in the pre-Internet social computing spaces.) But today acting like 4chan doesn't exist is just announcing you aren't serious about abuse.

williampietri, avatar

So in conclusion, I think is off to a terrible start and that nobody should use it. I get that Jack is persuasive and good at fooling people. As a recovering Twitter user, I also get that people just want those feelings back.

But as things stand now, Bluesky looks like it will be worse than Twitter in terms of abuse, and that will fall disproportionally on marginalized people. Ask yourself if you want to lend your personal slice of credibility to that. Whether you want to generate free content for a billionaire, the same billionaire that fucked this up last time.

evan, avatar

So, open message: if you're from and you are working on this service, you should contact the to work on compatibility with .

We're excited about your project and we're here to help.

fifilamoura, avatar

@evan This seems like the most constructive approach to me (though clearly there's absolutely no consensus around all of this, a lot of competing desires and a lot of fear of change...though I'm not sure how people think they can stop an open protocol from evolving and changing, other than building a wall around their own garden, which is fine if what someone really wants is a closed web experience, which may be entirely appropriate in some cases!).

evan, avatar
pallenberg, avatar

Es hat wirklich ein gutes halbes Jahr gedauert, aber inzwischen bin ich echt clean!

Damit meine ich vor allen Dingen dieses ausufernde Mitteilungsbeduerfnis! Auf habe ich am Tag locker 50 Tweets abgesetzt, diese zum Teil geplant...

Hier auf reichen mir 2, 3 Toots und die Interaktionen mit euch. Ich lese so viel mehr und das was ich hier lese, ist verdammt angenehm.

Mastodon muss nicht das naechste Twitter werden, sondern einfach Mastodon bleiben!

pallenberg, avatar

@Tomm2135 und genau das ist es... wir brauchen nicht diese Mega Community. Diesen vermeintlichen Marktplatz.

Und ich glaube auch, dass dies die Zukunft von Social Media ist


@pallenberg Also davon bin ich auch fest überzeugt.

ebinger, German avatar

zum Thema
blocken oder föderieren?

Beim 6. wollen wir mit euch zusammen über die Situation rund um und eine eventuell zukünftig stattfindende Zusammenarbeit einiger Fediverse-Instanzen mit der geplanten -App sprechen, die mit Mastodon interagieren kann.

Organisiert von @ueckueck @ebinger und @w4ts0n

Anmeldung und Infos:

kkarhan, avatar

@ebinger @ueckueck @w4ts0n Ich hoffe ja dass der wie von @vantablack vorgeschlagen mitratifiziert wird.

ebinger, avatar

Wir freuen uns sehr, dass @stux zugesagt hat, beim morgen Abend (20 Uhr) dabei zu sein. Bisher sind auf 11 Personen angemeldet, macht gerne nochmal Werbung, damit wir uns gemeinsam eine Meinung bilden können zum Umgang mit im

@ueckueck @w4ts0n

stux, avatar

Oh my... This is just.. :flan_laugh:

is becoming a graphic circus

All those badges.. is the dude like 6 years old or something

elpeque_29, avatar

@stux Would be better to add a pink star next to the verified and whatever that tweeter icon means.


@stux What is wrong with Elon? What is his problem? I really mean it. It's a serious question. I don't get this guy.

GottaLaff, avatar

’s Truth Social platform has lost $73m since launch, filing shows

Platform posted loss of $50m in 2022, with net sales of just $1.4m, and lost $23m in first half of this year, with net sales of $2.3m

JBShakerman, avatar

@GottaLaff Truth Social’s financial failure is further evidence that Trump himself would have failed but for the support of the fascist billionaires like Koch, Murdoch, and Mercer who call the shots in the .

Just_Tired, avatar

Now, we know of two things Devin Nunes is unqualified to do.

chiefgyk3d, avatar

I’m noticing threads is missing quite a few features


@chiefgyk3d As I expected they rushed the release to profit off of the

chiefgyk3d, avatar

@elessar I mean can you blame them? We didn’t know if Twitter will be off next year or next week 🤣🤣

greenback, avatar

Die Verlagsgruppe Rhein-Main, hat heute in der Allgemeinen verkündet, dass auch sie ihre Aktivitäten bei pausiert. Als Gründe wird u.a. der Missbrauch der Plattform für private Zwecke angegeben, und dass freier dort nun unmöglich sei

Link zum Artikel:

OrntLaOkro, avatar

@raccoon Ja bitte, weiser Mann, erleuchte mich. Ich kann selbst nicht so gut denken, deshalb bin ich immer froh, wenn mir jemand was erklärt.

Meine Güte, wie arrogant kann man sein...



Wie arrogant man sein kann? Lass uns gemeinsam in einen Spiegel schauen.

Arroganz hat viele Gesichter und deins ist gerade die Prämisse anzunehmen, dass du gar nicht Unrecht haben kannst.

Aber bitte. Machen wir es umgekehrt. Erklär du mir warum Gendern richtig und wichtig ist. Vielleicht liege ich ja falsch.

GottaLaff, avatar

blocks restrictions on administration efforts to remove contentious posts

The Biden administration had called a lower court injunction “unprecedented” for restricting officials’ ability to raise concerns about problematic social media content on issues like Covid-19.”

GottaLaff, avatar

2/ Via @emptywheel:

NBC WILDLY misstates what this is about, basically vomiting up fascist claims unfiltered.

Mike Walker:

Supreme Court blocks restrictions on Biden administration efforts to remove contentious social media posts

GottaLaff, avatar

3/ NBC issued a correction, but my damn phone sent me nowhere.

The headline from CNN: "SCOTUS lifts restrictions on Biden admin communications with social media companies"

ajsadauskas, avatar

The thing about Twitter is that it really lacks a lot of the features you'd expect from a true Mastodon replacement.

For example, there's no way to edit your toots (which they, confusingly call "tweets"—let's face it, it's a bit of a silly name that's difficult to take seriously).

"Tweets" can't be covered by a content warning. There's no way to let the poster know you like their tweet without also sharing it, and no bookmark feature.

There's no way to set up your own instance, and you're basically stuck on a single instance of Twitter. That means there's no community moderators you can reach out to to quickly resolve issues. Also, you can't de-federate instances with a lot of problematic content.

It also doesn't Integrate with other fediverse platforms, and I couldn't find the option to turn the ads off.

Really, Twitter has made a good start, but it will need to add a lot of additional features before it gets to the point where it becomes a true Mastodon replacement for most users.


freeformz, avatar
bezorp, avatar

@xian @FlyingTrilobite yeah definitely not as easy

rodhilton, avatar

I realize the mistake in posting this to Mastodon, whose whole deal is decentralization...

But I had a thought. One of the things people seem to like most about right now is just that you can post jokes and memes and stuff without being bombarded by hatred. And that's because nobody invited the trolls.

So... what about a totally invite-only social media platform? Invite-only, forever.

The trick: if someone gets banned, the person who invited them gets banned too.


@rodhilton Someone said that Clubhouse worked like that. I don’t know whether it’s true.


@rodhilton That seems like a pretty sound plan, actually.

danyork, avatar

Two more questions that I would love to hear perspectives about (either or both):

1- what do you see as the biggest ways the potentially contributes to ?

2- what do you see as the ways the Internet can help address issues or find solutions?

For me I think for 1 it’s the general need for electricity, and specifically power(and water)-hungry data centers. For 2 it’s remote working, and the sharing of ideas, research, sensors.

denspier, avatar

@squiblet of course many factors contribute to the divide, especially in the US. But I still hold this as the No. 1 detrimental effect big social media has, putting it before energy consumption and other kinds of waste.

JetlagJen, avatar


1a. High-intensity low-value (actual helpfulness, rather than money) uses like crypto mining and hoarding user data add massively to the materials and energy needed.

1b. Internet-enabling appliances that never get hooked up is a total waste.

1c. Dissemination of disinformation is bad for all causes.

1d. Too-easy, cheap ordering encourages wastefulness.

2a. Collaboration in all fields, both in easy data sharing and avoiding travel.

3b. Sharing of accurate information.

tagesschau, German avatar

Meta erwägt offenbar Abo für werbefreies Instagram und Facebook

Mindestens 10 Euro monatlich und dafür keine Werbung: Die Facebook-Mutter Meta erwägt einem Bericht zufolge die Einführung eines Abos zur werbefreien Nutzung von Facebook. Wer weitere Dienste, wie etwa Instagram nutzt, soll dafür zusätzlich zahlen.



Lieber 10€ für alle statt nur für verstecken der Werbung, sodass die Leute den Laden endlich verlassen.

karsbehr, avatar

@tagesschau Wie gut, dass das im Gegensatz zu nicht nötig hat. Dort gibt es keine . :awesome:

aral, avatar

Elon Musk is launching the presidential campaign of Ron DeSantis, the man working to make The Handmaid’s Tale a reality in the US.

At least the Germans had guns to their heads if they opposed the Nazis. What exactly is your excuse for continuing to support this man and his social network?

dibi58, avatar


guess those have jeebus in their head which gets the same result ...


@aral There is no excuse.

sysop408, avatar

This is looney. Jack is proposing micropayments because crypto. He’s pitching this as if we haven’t already been down the micropayments path before with traditional currency.

One of the huge problems with micropayments is because it forces the user to make a disproportionately high cognitive effort for the value being exchanged. It’s untenable to keep expending $10 of effort in order to exchange $.10 of value.

rlb, avatar

@jwz @sysop408 oh, so sorcery is the key to pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps?!

isagalaev, avatar

@meejah @sysop408 a browser is perfectly capable of storing a credit card number, or Paypal credentials, or any other payment system credentials. In the case of a credit card there probably will be some legal hurdles to clear, but it's not the only way.

ipg, avatar

so on , rather than going with the well-documented and defined webfinger protocol, behind the .well-known directory, decided to make their own shit for verifying domains via HTTP.

thus, somebody took the S3 bucket name "xrpc" and now is on the platform

going great

screenshot of a Bluesky post where somebody has taken the domain, saying "Hello it's me your good friend Amazon S3" earlier in the thread, somebody with a domain ending with is saying "I wonder who's gonna be the first to get a handle on a domain they don't actually own..."


@ipg so far I've seen this, cross site scripting, and a literal fucking @everyone

jesopo, avatar

@mars @ipg it could be so much worse and i look forward to someone figuring out how to make it so much worse 😌


So one of many drawbacks being on , there are no DM's, or Hashtags


@og 👀


@og ah ok... I may consider moving to the AT instance, but wondering if can migrate my followers/followings too 🤔

pallenberg, avatar

Lebe nicht in der EU, zahle dort keine Steuern, habe auch kein deutsches Appstore Konto....

Aber laut bin ich halt in verwurzelt.... Mein Account auf ist nicht mehr nutzbar. Laeuft 🤣

bookstardust, avatar

@pallenberg aber kannst du nicht mit einer anderen Emailadresse ein neues Konto anlegen? Es wäre ja eh besser das IG und Threads Konto zu trennen.

pallenberg, avatar

@bookstardust dann fehlt mir halt mein Netzwerk. Aber Facebook und Insta hatte ich ja angemeldet als ich schon gar nicht mehr in Europe lebte

J12t, avatar

From recent conversations, it appears the faction who wants to block from the get-go is much more outspoken, but also much smaller than the faction who does not (at least not from the get-go).

I don't have any numbers, and my sample size is too small to have any predictive value, but I thought to post about this, in case somebody else has corroborating anecdotes.

Melpomene, avatar

@J12t I'm not against commercial instances per se, but I'm against Meta specifically because of their history as a bad actor. Initially I was on the fence, but I've shifted after listening to the arguments.

Having said that, the number of people who legitimately don't care / are okay with it is likely much higher than those opposed.

WhyNotZoidberg, avatar

Without looking up names on the 'net, how many old search engines do you remember using back in the day?

I start:
Alta Vista
Ask Jeeves
Yahoo Search

djsaunders03, avatar

@WhyNotZoidberg I remember using and Yahoo for search at one point back in the day.

domingo, avatar

@WhyNotZoidberg 🫣

BeAware, avatar

So, it seems that is finding out, after fucking around :kek:

People are complaining about their dwindling count after mass defederation. Probably due to the frivolous handling of user content/data by federating with .

This is why is on the decline unfortunately. Why would people use a service that causes their follower count to drop massively due to one selfishness?

@Mastodon Isn't this the reason you exist? 🙄

jay, avatar

@FinchHaven @BeAware @Mastodon It's also very clearly NOT in decline at all.

ramsey, avatar

@BeAware @kikobar IMO, since it’s an open source project, we all share the burden of fixing it.

liztai, avatar

In 2023 I read 15 books.
My usual rate: 60-100.
I think I've lost the ability to read anything longer than a pithy essay on Substack 😭
I read essays, blog posts, articles, posts.
But, but ... I feel that I'm losing something with this.
It disturbs me that I can't even focus long enough to complete a chapter. And that all that social media blog content was affecting my mood somehow.
Am I blathering?
How do I regain my reading abilities? 😅

ajlewis2, avatar

@EllenInEdmonton @liztai

Ellen, neuroplasticity sounds fascinating to me, too. Do you have a suggestion from something you've read? I'm interested.

liztai, avatar

@ajlewis2 @EllenInEdmonton I read the Brain that Changes Itself. It's pretty good 😊

NatureMC, (edited ) avatar

🧵 1/3 Was an toll ist: Ich kann Dummbratzen, Schandmaulende und Müll ratzfatz blockieren. Was wir heute im Museumsdienst erlebten, mussten wir mit professionellem Lächeln und einem inneren Stinkefinger quittieren.
Es ist unfassbar, wie fies ein gewisser narzisstischer Menschenschlag sein kann. Ich wundere mich nicht, dass sich viele dem ehrenamtlich nicht aussetzen wollen.
Unsere Profistickerin, über 40 Jahre im Metier, muss sich

Nike_Leonhard, avatar

@NatureMC @CorinnaVahrenk1
Bei "Schmiermittel für die Haut" kann ich Hühnerfett empfehlen. Ich habe damit Creme nach einem Rezept aus der Trotula "nachgebaut" und sie hat nicht nur unerwartet gut gerochen, sondern die Haut auch wunderbar zart gemacht.
Leider ließ sich nichts davon gut für die Darstellung übernehmen. Die Besucher haben sich schon bei der Erwähnung "Hühnerfett" gegruselt und sich darin bestätigt gesehen, dass das Mittelalter wirklich eine barbarische Epoche war.

NatureMC, avatar

@Nike_Leonhard Glaub ich sofort. Geflügelfett war in unserer Region teurer und vor allem wurde es für Delikatessen verwendet, nicht zum Schmieren. 😉 Gänsefett - ein Must im Choucroute. (Ich bin übrigens froh, dass ich nicht in der Epoche leben muss, die ich im Museum zeige, und die liegt noch gar nicht sooo lange zurück).


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