bumble, to fediverse

It's great to see so many new people joining various services.

Let's talk about some terminology to help you -- don't worry, we will keep it simple.

The is a word used a lot. Basically, it is a way for lots of social servers to talk to each other and share posts. Like email, we are all on different email servers, but they all communicate.

When you join the fediverse, you pick a server to join. Some servers cater for niche topics. Don't worry, they still talk with the fediverse, but it means your server has people with the same interests as you. Other servers are more general.

There are various server types. Here are a few examples:

Importantly, all these servers talk to each other. So, if you are using Mastodon you can follow someone on Pixelfed and Lemmy and Calckey, all from your one account -- and interact with them too. How great is that?

There are NO computer algorithms in the fediverse to force content on to you. You only see posts from people you follow. So follow lots of people; you can unfollow later.

Do an post to let people know about you. Use the hashtag '' to allow others to browse collective posts and maybe follow you.

You will see I have used the # a lot here. Hashtags help others find similar posts. Use them for key topics in your post.

Don't be afraid to ask for help if you are not sure.

Enjoy, be safe, and be courteous.

danielmrose, to fediverse
@danielmrose@writing.exchange avatar

I just can’t stop being in awe of the tools here in the dear :

@write_as :: WP/Substack/Medium

/ etal :: Twitter/Threads

/ :: Facebook

:: YouTube

:: Discord

@pixelfed :: Instagram

Snap.as :: photo hosting

Remark.as :: Disqus

/ :: Reddit

Just amazing!

hankg, (edited ) to fediverse

OK Enough playing with the new Friendica...back to the tasks I am supposed to be doing. The Bluesky bridge, the thing I've been looking forward to the most seems to be working very well. Posts from Friendica shows up there, with proper segmentation if longer than their paltry 300 character limit. Reshares/likes/comments on Bluesky posts done in Friendica are properly reflected there. Reshares/likes/comments on fediverse posts do not show up over there, as expected. The Bluesky content is not federated to other fediverse servers, as expected. I can't even get it to come up with a direct link search. So all thumbs up! The only hiccup I've found so far is posts that are reflected from Friendica to Bluesky seem to show up in Relatica as from my Bluesky user since the API doesn't seem to know to filter it out like the UI does. Still overall excellent work to everyone that worked on it, especially @heluecht

dansup, (edited ) to Pixelfed
@dansup@mastodon.social avatar

Fixed Pixelfed federation with Friendica*, and will be working on PeerTube next!

#pixelfed #friendica #peertube

Sylkeweb, to fediverse

I‘ve updated my blog post about the interconnectivity of Fediverse services with a new table. There are still many gaps where I need to test more but here we go for now:

notizie, to mastodon Italian

Pulizie di primavera sulle istanze poliverso.org e poliversity.it: eliminati quasi tutti gli utenti inattivi a più di un anno. Cos'è successo e perché l'abbiamo fatto? E perché (quasi) nessun altro fa questo tipo di pulizie?

Uno dei grandi problemi del è che solo un 10% degli utenti complessivi si è effettivamente collegato da meno di un mese, intervallo di tempo questo che segna la differenza tra un "utente attivo" e un utente disperso che presenta un'alta probabilità di essere "deceduto".


Nelle scorse settimane abbiamo provveduto a verificare l'esistenza in vita dei nostri account più vecchi per capire se si trattasse di utenti realmente inattivi oppure solo di persone ancora interessate al Fediverso e i risultati hanno confermato le nostre aspettative: solo una minoranza esigua di questi account ha infatti confermato un qualche interesse a lurkare su o su in posizione sefalica*.

  • sefalica, agg. usato solo nella forma femm. sing., dall'espressione vernacolare "se-fa-li-ca(zzi sua)*"* che indica l'approccio di chi è orientato sul proprio interesse e risulta scarsamente votato all'interazione con terzi

Il risultato di questa pulizia è stato decisamente significativo:

D'altra parte abbiamo notato un dato in apparente controtendenza:

  • l'istanza poliverso.org è passata dai 141 utenti complessivi di fine marzo, ai 161 di fine aprile (dati fediverse.observer) e ad oggi viene indicata (dati fedidb.org) con 183 utenti complessivi: 42 utenti attivi in più, ossia un incremento del 30% degli utenti attivi.
  • l'istanza poliversity.it è passata dai 47 utenti attivi di fine marzo, ai 56 di fine aprile (dati fediverse.observer) e ad oggi viene indicata (dati fedidb.org) con 58 utenti complessivi: 11 utenti attivi in più, ossia un incremento del 23% degli utenti attivi.

Come si spiega questa controtendenza

In realtà, benché alcuni nessi potrebbero essere di carattere contingente, non c'è necessariamente una causalità stretta tra l'eliminazione di utenti inattivi e l'incremento di utenti attivi e il motivo principale è il primo della lista:

  1. quando abbiamo cercato di prendere contatto con gli utenti inattivi, si è avuto un risveglio di alcuni di essi che ha determinato la "resurrezione" dei profili inattivi da più di un mese
  2. è possibile che alcuni utenti che hanno ricevuto l'avviso ma che non erano interessati a recuperare il profilo corrente, abbiano deciso di reiscriversi
  3. è possibile che alcuni profili fossero di bot automatizzati che, una volta risultati eliminati, si sono reiscritti automaticamente

Il risoltato è comunque quello di avere uno scostamento minore tra utenti complessivi e utenti attivi.

Ma perché questo ciclo di pulizia?

  • Il primo motivo è la privacy dei nostri utenti: se i nostri utenti non utilizzano il nostro social, non c'è motivo che noi continuiamo a trattare i dati personali necessari a gestire il loro account
  • il secondo motivo è la sIcurezza, intesa come sicurezza di noi amministratori ma anche di tutto il fediverso. Infatti, il fatto di avere in pancia utenti inattivi, non significa né che lo siano davvero, né che non siano utenti pericolosi. Una delle vulnerabilità del Fediverso che nasce dalle istanze a iscrizione libera è che qualche attore malevolo potrebbe far iscrivere utenti fittizi come parte di una botnet da attivare in certi momenti per produrre spam, far aumentare follower, alterare i flussi regolari dei messaggi. Ora, i socal commerciali dispongono di alcuni sistemi di mitigazione del rischio che, sebbene non risolutivi, consentono di sospendere o annullare gli effetti di queste campagne di alterazione della visibilità. Il fediverso invece non dispone di questi strumenti. Ogni utente inattivo è pertanto una piccola potenziale bomba a orologeria, piazzata dentro gli ingranaggi del Fediverso: una botnet dormiente, incistata in tutte le istanze del mondo e pronta a esplodere sarebbe impossibile da fermare in tempi rapidi!
  • Sebbene abbiamo riscontrato che l'eliminazione di profili inattivi non abbia avuto effetti positivi sul risparmio di risorse da parte del sistema, è chiaro che sul lungo termine, la nostra istanza si risparmierà di visualizzare in timeline quei contenuti che sarebbero stati visibili solo perché prodotti da contatti di secondo livello del nostro utente inattivo.

Ma perché questa pulizia non la fa nessuno?

Eh... ora tocca a voi: rispondete nei commenti!

liaizon, to fediverse
@liaizon@wake.st avatar
hankg, to fediverse

The latest beta of the Relatica mobile and desktop Friendica client, version 0.6.0, has just been released. This release includes three major new features: blocks management, post/comment filtering, and image gallery management functions. It also includes fixes for the jankiness and apparent freezing that could be seen when processing posts coming back from the server, a problem where delayed logins could prevent the app from loading, and several other bug nits. The CHANGELOG file has more details. The Install file can be used for installing Android, Linux, and Windows version. Apple has it in review for iOS and macOS users so should be available within the next 24 hours. If you would like to join the beta on Apple platforms feel free to DM me here, on Matrix, or in the Relatica Matrix room. Enjoy! gitlab.com/mysocialportal/rela…

stefan, to fediverse
@stefan@stefanbohacek.online avatar

Are you making apps and browser extensions for Mastodon?

Here's a few tools and notes that will help you extend your project into the wider fediverse.


stpop, to fediverse German

Registrierung ist offen für stpauli.social — eine Instanz für @fcstpauli Fans im .

hankg, to fediverse

Every day another cautionary tale for larger organizations why they should be ditching Birdshite/$8chan and jumping to a social network that lets them self host (e.g. etc) so that they aren't setting themselves up to be under the capricious control of some other Silicon Valley Techbro or his billionaire financiers (e.g. , , Notes, etc.) who will inevitably pull the same maneuver eventually. A lesson they will eventually learn? If I were a betting man my mone would be on "no" but fingers crossed! On another note, I guess my account isn't safe after all with this recycling new recycling policy. Fuck it. I'm never logging back into that site again. If my placeholder strategy of keeping the account be deactivating it fails then so be it.
Elon Musk threatens to re-assign @NPR on Twitter to

justdude, to Pixelfed
@justdude@mastodon.nl avatar

So much more to explore, new projects, new apps:
like Instagram but no ads
like Youtube but not ads
like Facebook but not harvesting your data
like Reddit
@MonaApp a new app which costs some money but it’s worth it every penny

They all communicate together, you can use any or all, keep your people, your following circles across all of them.

Sylkeweb, (edited ) to fediverse
feb, to random German

Hast du schon einmal etwas von gehört? Das könnte für Menschen interessant sein, die verschiedene Dienste im Fediverse nutzen wollen, ohne sich auf den verschiedenen Anwendungen neu anmelden zu wollen.

Stellen wir uns vor, du hast einen Account auf einer Microblog Instanz, willst aber von Zeit zu Zeit über einen Fotodienst Bilder mit deiner Community teilen oder über eine Videoplattform Videos hochladen.

OpenWebAuth stellt sicher, dass du dich anmelden kannst, ohne einen neuen Account anzulegen. Du nutzt die Ressourcen auf der Plattform, um das zu tun, wofür sie gebaut wurde. Natürlich nur mit den Rechten, die dir die Plattform einräumt.

Geht nicht? Doch das geht!

Als erste Fediverse Plattformen haben und OpenWebAuth integriert. Damit kann z.B. ein Friendica Nutzender sich mit seiner Identität auf einer Hubzilla Instanz Ressourcen greifen, um z.B. ein Wiki neu anzulegen, oder einen bestehenden Wiki Eintrag zu ändern, Bilder hochzuladen und diese in das Wiki einzubinden. Dafür benötigt der Friendica Nutzenden keinen Account auf der Hubzilla Instanz.

Wäre doch ein Traum, wenn das auch bei anderen Projekten funktionieren würde, oder?

Weitere Infos zu OpenWebAuth

crossgolf_rebel, to fediverse

Meine mittags #Fediverse Wolke

Danke, das das Fediverse so bunt an Software ist und jeder seine Software finden kann. 👍

Falls ihr eine Funktion vermisst, liegt es vielleicht auch nur daran, das ihr die falsche Software für das Fediverse nutzt.
Mastodon scheint für viele zu reichen, nur ist Mastodon nicht alles

#Friendica #Pleroma #Akkoma #Firefish #Calckey #Peertube #Pixelfed #Mastodon #Hubzilla #Fediverse

rakoo, to random

Euh mais c'est trop bien en fait

  • Ca parle avec Mastodon/Pleroma/toute la galaxie microblogging Activitypub
  • Les likes/boost sont groupés, finie la colonne notifications pas hyper navigable
  • On peut ignorer un thread spécifiquement
  • Ya une vue Forums, dans laquelle on peut avoir ce que les autres appli appellent par exemple groupes, ou communautés Lemmy. On peut donc participer confortablement à Lemmy/kbin avec une vraie interface de forum !
  • On peut créer des vrais forums nativement
  • Organisation en mode conversation, avec post initial et réponses indentées
  • On peut rajouter des flux RSS nativement, et Friendica récupère du contenu à chaque item si besoin
  • On peut dialoguer avec des gens par email: envoyer du contenu directement à des gens qui ne veulent pas utiliser une n-ième plateforme, et recevoir des messages de ces personnes. Tout est affiché comme un post classique
  • Un Calendrier ! Avec export ICS et ical ! On peut créer des événements, ils seront envoyés aux followers, et on peut directement cliquer pour dire J'y vais/J'y vais pas
  • Compatible avec Mobilizon/Gancio/Gath.io, donc on peut chercher un événement Mobilizon par exemple, il se retrouve dans le calendrier (wow) et on peut directement dire qu'on participe (re-wow)
  • Une vue Médias pour lister directement les photos par ex
  • Avec de la messagerie instantanée plus ou moins intégrée, via IRC ou XMPP
  • On peut avoir plusieurs profils avec le même compte, par exemple un pro et un perso
  • C'est léger, c'est libre, ça se déploie sur à peu près n'importe quel hébergement mutualisé
symfonystation, to fediverse
@symfonystation@phpc.social avatar

Enjoy our article: You say you want a revolution: help the free, fair, and friendly Fediverse destroy Big Social. https://www.symfonystation.com/Fediverse :fediverse: :mastodon:

MsDropbear84, to mastodon

Given my ethos is , i tend to recycle & minimise waste. Thus this stale reheated blowie-bloated Intro is lazily rehashed, with only minimal tweaks, from the plethora of other , & fediverse whose various doorsteps i've darkened since Nov 2012.

Today, after weeks & months of indecisively weighing Pros & Cons, i've finally, formally, perpetrated my latest . Sorry about that; i'll try not to wee on the carpet.

I wonder if a new introduction is really needed? I mean, i'm still me, for worse or worserer 😜 My original intro afaik remains at https://fosstodon.org/@dropbear42/109318341169759339, with subsequent variants scattered all over the fediverse now. Sorry about that.

I suppose that hypothetically, if i were to do another Intro, i might mention that typically i'll mumble, grumble & mutter about various topics including , in all her glory & fun, , ghastliness, , our self-induced , random whimsical thoughts, & particularly stuff.

Sooner or later, my view will pop up here & there that , & are historically + currently at the heart of most human misery & devastation. I also probably won't be able to resist frequent quips about & allusions to fabbo & stuff. Did i mention ?

No, on second-thought, i really think another Intro is unnecessary, redundant, tautologous, unwarranted & superfluous, not to mention shamefully gratuitous, so i certainly shan't bother doing one. Silly idea altogether. Sorry about that.

🐳 🌻

chris, to mastodon
@chris@mstdn.chrisalemany.ca avatar

Anyone know some #PEI Fediversians? Maybe we could get our last (but first!) Province represented for signature #300! (Currently 297) Canada #Mastodon #Fediverse is killin' it!
Please share and spread the word on other Fediverse platforms too! #pixelfed #Lemmy
#peertube #Friendica
#Bookwyrm #funkwhale
#firefish #kbin
#Pleroma #sharkey
#e4769 #cdnpoli #canpoli

EN: https://www.ourcommons.ca/petitions/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-4769
FR: https://www.noscommunes.ca/petitions/fr/Petition/Details?Petition=e-4769

gnulinux, to fediverse German
@gnulinux@social.anoxinon.de avatar

jointhefediverse.net - Ein einfacher Einstieg ins Fediverse in 13 Sprachen

Die Seite möchte ein niedrigschwelliges Sprungbrett ins Fediverse bieten und die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten des Fediverse zeigen.


gnulinux, to fediverse German
@gnulinux@social.anoxinon.de avatar

Fediverse-Serie: Gancio - ein föderierter Community-Event-Kalender, der Menschen verbindet

Gancio ist ein offener Kalender für Gruppen aller Art, egal ob es lokale, thematische oder andere gemeinsame Interessen gibt.


ueckueck, to fediverse German
@ueckueck@dresden.network avatar

Das ist für alle da :fediverse:

Ich war bei @gnulinux im wöchentlichen Captain it's Wednesday zu Besuch und spreche dort mit @ralfhersel über die weiten des Fediverse.


War ein cooles Gespräch und ich habe den -Podcast jetzt auch endlich bei mir im Feed!

youronlyone, to mastodon
@youronlyone@c.im avatar

The software setting of is now a dropdown menu. Currently only for mastodon.social and mastodon.online.

Maybe it's temporary but if it's not, they'll have to add at least a hundred reputable and popular servers. Also, it's Mastodon software only. There are far more software, older and/or better than Mastodon which will probably not get support, at least as far as the approach I am seeing.

Since they are only adding cross-posting support, it should be fine to add support for other software like and , to mention a few.

Still, what I want to see is for Spoutible to federate with the network as well as network (a.k.a. ).

Original thread: https://spoutible.com/thread/23239609

hankg, to fediverse

Watching the social media landscape news the past couple weeks has me in a dual mindset of despondancy and determination about the fediverse. The despondancy comes from the reinforced realism that usage decisions around these systems will forever be driven by FOMO and frictionless entry and our systems aren't really ready for either yet. I have mixed feelings about Mastodon changing onboarding to make it all "mastodon.social" by default (where 90% of the users will go now) but getting rid of the biggest analysis paralysis part of getting people here is vitally important. To be frank, normal people don't give a damn about decentralization or data control they care about FOMO and "it just works". Friendica, my network, has even further to go on that front than Mastodon even. The determination comes from the knowledge that we did get a glimpse of people being able to feel FOMO about the fediverse thanks to Musk's Twitter enshitification. As people, including me, continue to refine the fediverse we could be in a position where more of them feel it enough to stay on the next wave. The fact is I'm not working on these systems to "conquering the world". I'm working on these systems because I enjoy using them on a daily basis and I want to improve that experience for myself and others. I hope that as we improve more will come into the fold and we could eventually hit a critical mass to be a real fraction of the social media space. If we remain niche though I have to be fine with that too. "Be the change you want to see in the world," as the saying goes...

sylkeweb, to random German
@sylkeweb@c.im avatar

Ich folge jetzt seit ein paar Wochen dem Feed der Stadt Hannover per . Funktioniert hervorragend und ich kann die gelesenen Posts einfach weglöschen, so dass sie nicht mehr in meinem allgemeinen Feed auftauchen und ich immer sofort sehe, was neu ist. Die halbwegs interessanten Posts teile ich hier mit den untenstehenden Hashtags.
Die Tage habe ich dann mal verglichen mit dem, was die Stadt auf X/Twitter postet und festgestellt, dass das eins zu eins das gleiche ist.

Wer Friendica nicht kennt, sollte es sich ruhig mal anschauen, es gibt da tolle Funktionen und Kommentare werden viel besser lesbar dargestellt als auf Mastodon.

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