
jensorensen, avatar

This week's comic: Makeover for a Takeover

stuartmarks, avatar

@jensorensen Great comic!

I have to say that — for some reason — when I read the third panel, I thought the sign said “The Texas Institute for Extremely Serious Thought”.


@andrewfelix @jensorensen I had missed the sock! Excellent 😃

pshread, avatar

I was let go after 24 years in the same job so I’m actively looking. It’s no time for modesty, so tbh I’m the best IT and cybersecurity editor I know, and a great writer too, and my longevity speaks to that. My IT knowledge is deep and I have a gift for seeing the broader implications of a trend and bringing that out. I’m open to work for vendors, publishers, agencies, full- or part-time. Thanks for any boosts/leads!

Thanks Fedi friends!

#FediHire #LookingForJob #Boost #Journalism #TechNews

Legit_Spaghetti, avatar

Trump: "Immigrant vermin poison the blood of our country."

Media: "Here's why an incredible economy won't save Biden."

Trump: "I'll be a dictator."

Media: "Breaking: Biden gets a word wrong, kinda."

Trump: "1/6 was an insurrection."

Media: "Voters worry Biden is very, very old."

Trump: "I did nothing on gun control."

Media: "Biden is losing the religious vote."

Trump: "Also I'll end NATO, start WW3."

Media: "And now, the weather!"

Dear journalists: DO YOUR FUCKING JOB.


bsdphk, avatar


The people you call "journalists" have as their top priority, if they want to keep their job, to generate clicks on their employers home-page. Many of them are on a quota measured in "click-through per some unit of time" or, if they are lucky "stories per day".

The sane way to do that job, is to concentrate on who and why clicks happen, and spending time on getting to the bottom of things or holding power accountable will distract you from that.


MichaelPorter, avatar

@Legit_Spaghetti @cjmoorehead A lot of “journalists” are doing their job. The problem is, they are not working for us.

Jennifer, avatar

The media is finally getting their shit together and writing accurate headlines about the former president. This is my favorite from today.

MaryAustinBooks, avatar

Hats off to Esquire for pulling no punches the whole time, but yeah, maybe other outlets will also get it together now.



wow. "nazi-curious" is just a brilliant take. glad to see some of the press finally taking the threat to democracy seriously.

JoshuaHolland, avatar

The press could tell an accurate story about how Biden's 50 yrs of legislative experience helped him pass huge infra & green energy bills through a 50-50 Senate that contributed to a robust recovery. The feedback loop of a million stories about his age leading to a million stories about polls showing that voters to worry about his age was an editorial choice.

f800gecko, avatar


All true. The issue now is can voters be able turn their minds from his eager willingness to support a genocide in Palestine.



The US has probably more influence than anyone in getting aid to Palestinians. If Biden supported genocide, would he be negotiating passage from Gaza to Egypt or ongoing safe windows of time for people to escape Gaza?

I'll admit that saying "I am a Zionist" is not a good look, but Biden has not supported attacks on civilians.

ben, avatar

The investigative newsroom I work for, @ProPublica, is raising money right now. We report on abuses of power in the public interest - stories like corruption on the Supreme Court. It was the first outlet to win a Pulitzer for web-first journalism. And if you donate through this link, you'll let our team know that Mastodon is an audience to pay attention to.!/donation/checkout?c_src=mstdn

chargrille, avatar



I have donated to ProPublica over the years (not as much as I should, though!) and I strongly encourage my friends on here to donate now.

ProPublica is a great pro-democracy, anti-corruption resource here in the US, and it would go a long way for them to know Mastodon is an audience aligned with their work.

In that vein, I would be super grateful if you guys had a Mastodon share button on your articles instead of, or in addition to, buttons for Twitter & Facebook.


ben, avatar

Holy wow - the Mastodon community really came through. This is huge, and makes a massive difference for our reporting. Thank you everyone - and thank you for showing how active and engaged this network is!

dw_innovation, avatar

🚀 We're happy to announce DW Innovation has just launched on Mastodon!

Follow us for discussions on media tech and journalism, from ideas and concepts to prototypes and unfolding trends – and ethical dilemmas. Let's dive into the world of digital media together!


@kkarhan @dw_innovation
Is there a DW main account with links to editorial content and news?

dw_innovation, avatar

@FroehlichMarcel @kkarhan Not an official one, no. But we're encouraging our colleagues in the news rooms to launch here as well.

jensorensen, avatar

Neglected to post this cartoon from a couple weeks ago: Always blame the left!

#uspol #media #journalism #authoritarianism #democracy

jensorensen, avatar

I want to add that this comic is intended not so much as a statement on centrist Democrats vs. the Left in the US, but how the media always blames the Dems/progressives/left for Republican misbehavior and Trumpism. As another commenter mentioned here, this phenomenon is known as Murc's Law.

jensorensen, avatar

As David Roberts is quoted in the above linked post:

"This is not some quirk, it is central to reactionary psychology. Every fascist (and fascist-adjacent) movement ever has told itself the same story: our opponents are destroying everything, they’re forcing us to this, we have no choice but violence."

GottaLaff, avatar

From focus on the 'soft voice' of extremist to soft-selling 's dictatorial plans to calling killing civilians 'a crater,' something's very wrong with the today

It's called cowardice

From Gaza City to Capitol Hill, a cowed media is chronicling the death of democracy in a passive voice

If @willbunch wrote it, you should read it.© & I thread it. 1/...🧵

GottaLaff, avatar

2/ "Shocking, incredibly important story on the front page of NYT... warned its readers that Trump — if returned to the WH in 2025 — is grooming a new team of extremist government lawyers who would be more loyal to their Dear Leader than to the rule of law, and could help Trump install a brand of American fascism.

You say you didn’t hear anything about this? That’s not surprising. The editors at the Times made sure to present this major report in the blandest, most inoffensive way possible..."

GottaLaff, avatar

13/ Via Ian Bassin:

Let’s call this what it is: Trump is planning a military dictatorship. This is radical stuff that would end America as we know it. It must lead every newscast until every voter fully understands what this is. Yet it’s not even the top story in the Post.


Amazing story. Have you followed it?

Texas A&M announces a new journalism dean. She's black and she's qualified— and an alum of the school! Ex-New York Times too.

They announce her appointment in a splashy event.

Dark forces of reaction mobilize.

The offer is watered down to one year, with no tenure. She says no way, and withdraws. National news is made. It's negative. And today, the president of A&M resigns!


An even more incredible turn in the Texas A&M story, after the president of the University resigned July 20.

The current chair of the journalism department, who recruited Dr. McElroy, released a statement accusing the former president of rank duplicity.

More serious: he says someone altered the draft offer letter to reduce the McElroy appointment from five years to one, without telling him.

It's his signature on the letter.

Read his statement:


@jayrosen_nyu @pluralistic Yeah a fellow Aggie shared this with me yesterday. 🙄

mastodonmigration, avatar

Want to find ACTIVE journalists on Mastodon? This spreadsheet is just amazing. A couple days ago Martin Holland @mho posted a project of his to promote journalists. It starts with known journalism accounts from the @tchambers list, but also tracks their activity, so you can see who is actually posting regularly.

This is an absolutely wonder resource, and a great asset for the fediverse!

Check it out!

Martin's Feb. 7th post:

#journalism #lists

mastodonmigration, avatar

Martin @mho has also created a similar spreadsheet that lists and tracks activity for state owned accounts. The lists are ranked by number of followers or the date of their last post. The biggest is the @EU_Commission.

Martin's post:


@mastodonmigration @tchambers @mho

Collating reams of journalist accounts is a good thing.

The problem I have with most of the folks on that list is that it's almost misleading, in some respects. The old Twitter mentality is persistent with the perceptions of these journalists (that's our fault), and as a result, we get a tease and a link, and depending on the particular Fediverse platform or client we're using, we may or may not get a link preview.

The volume of journalist published information is minimal, much akin to what things like Lemmy and Kbin, HackerNews, or Reddit might afford us - and it's unnecessary. A list of external, 3rd party news resources is great, but I am here. Right here - In the Fediverse, with my Fediverse client (That's my reader), and a shitload of journalists who themselves have already migrated over. I have RSS, ActivityPub Follow and alert capabilities, and can appreciate journalists actually publishing their articles here, in the Fediverse, much more than elsewhere that I have to travel to, so to speak... and maybe hit a God damned paywall.

I think part of the problem here is that many of the journalists flowing into the Fediverse are indoctrinated with the old mastodon/twitter decrepit shortcomings that left them with little capability other than to publish elsewhere and link to it from here. I don't want to have to go somewhere else to read the things that interest me - and there's no need. All the tools are here. In the Fediverse. Now.

Most Fediverse platforms don't constrain the users and publishers like the old mastopub way of doing things. i.e., lack of or other capabilities and the inclusion of inline graphics or other multimedia file types in articles, or that persistent, cringy, paltry, 500 character limit that the draconian mastodon interfaces are constrained with, along with their inability to Quote-post. This is why the so-called have been so successful, overcoming many, if not most of those barriers, although they're still almost indistinguishable from the typical interface.

We're building critical mass amongst journalists, and this is remarkable, yet we need to encourage greater awareness initiatives on just what the Fediverse platforms have to offer nowadays (and it's only getting better).

Those journalists that I've had the pleasure of admiring here have for the most part, leveraged things like one of the Misskey family of platforms with multiple link previews per post, and quite the rich formatting of their text to make their articles pop with life and entice the reader to visit.

Another issue? Many of these journalists and commentators publish their articles and provide links, but they resolve to paywall sites. I think we need to rethink our ability to, at the instance level for each and every individual user, block shit that links to paywalls. We already have several good browser plugins that do so.

The sooner we sufficiently inform the lions share of these journalists to the opportunities they have on Fediverse platforms that are more contemporary and capable than mastodon, the sooner they can get down to the business of focusing on the monetization of their repertoire here in the Fediverse (and keep ALL the money earned); in turn, we (the rest of us) get quality, original, unique content here, compelling even more folks from the world of the proprietary, privacy disrespecting, deprecated monolithic silos to come and co-exist here with us as fellow Fedizens.

Already, several Fediverse platforms enable the full immersion into the ecosystem here with facilities for monetization - either native to the platform or as a plugin. For example, one of the quickest ways for a journalist to take advantage of a "Substack", "Medium" or other popular monetized platform in the Fediverse is to merely create an account on one that provides these utilities - Like WordPress or Mitra or WriteFreely - create an account, plugin your donation/subscription payment info, and start publishing interesting, informative, original content :)

***One thing we as consumers of the news can do right now, is take the time to individually contact each person we can on this list of journalists and let them know these things. Point them to this article with a link, or to the actual resources that they can experiment with and deploy their unbridled and untapped resources to reach out and in turn themselves be reached.

I'll leave links below, to a couple of the Fediverse platforms I've referenced above. If you're viewing this post on a platform that is one of the Misskey family of forks, then you'll see the graphic below as well as all of those link previews for all of those resources.

Enjoy, and I hope that helps!




"Describing [RFK's] views as ‘controversial,’ I think, is dishonest. They’re not controversial. They’re false. He’s not spreading controversial views, he’s spreading lies. And so the framing matters enormously, and that’s something that I foresee being a huge, huge issue in the 2024 campaign."


Some key distinctions made by journalist Seth Mnookin in this sharp interview. (He wrote a book about the anti-vaccine movement in 2011.)

mem_somerville, avatar

@jayrosen_nyu Ah, I remember when HuffPo was anti-vaxxer central.

Nice of them to 'fess up to that.

nazokiyoubinbou, (edited ) avatar

@jayrosen_nyu I don't know why the media all struggle so hard to just say the word "lie." Frankly it's way past time. Every time they just print or say what someone else said word for word but don't add proper distinctions like "they lied about so-and-so" or etc, they add legitimacy to it in people's minds. Just saying "controversial opinion" or etc doesn't fix that at all. I don't know why it works that way with people, but it does.

jackiegardina, avatar

Meta blocked a story critical of its climate change ad policies on all of its platform. An independent journalist asked permission to repost the story verbatim on her substack. It was blocked too.

Here it is.

skykiss, avatar

This article should be required reading so people know what is happening to our environment. ⚠️

When Facebook fails, local media matters even more for our planet’s future

The World Meteorological Organization issued a “red alert” as it released its latest report on the “State of the Global Climate” earlier this month, noting that 2023 was the warmest year in recorded human history — and 2024 will likely surpass it.


msh, avatar

@jackiegardina if anyone wonders why Meta is taking so long to properly support ActivityPub federation (ie. allow Threads users to follow us, not just the other way around), and what is in store if/when it finally does, this article should give you a good idea.

Meta is making sure any incoming AP feeds on Threads are put through their content filtering algorithm reliably, so that inbound federation stays UNreliable and Threads can remain a vapid feed of cats, minions, bragposts and corporate brandposts.

Meta is also betting on this having the side effect of maintaining an imbalance of information flow in their favour. If The Algorithm randomly buries, filters or blocks inbound fedi content for being "political" they'll just say "hey we are just making this a Safe Place for our users!" as an excuse to severely restrict federation.

THAT is what will truly choke off AP information flow, not the Fedipact instances preemptively limiting federation with Threads.

literalgrill, avatar

You might see friends today suggesting you support Hard Drive on Patreon today. You know, the funny video games version of The Onion? As a journalist, I will firmly tell you DO NOT GIVE THEM A DIME.

The CEO has pushed out all former staff that have built the site up to its current greatness and has been pushing use of AI to write articles. The staff begged to have a Patreon before basically all being fired, but the idea was refused until now, when it will only line the pockets of a single person instead of hard working writers.

I know they might have provided laughs before, but Hard Drive is a shell of what it was once. Let it die and support the people who actually made those moments of joy possible.

#Journalism #VideoGames #Patreon

literalgrill, avatar

Kevin Podas is just among one former employee speaking out on the subject over on the bird site, there are other corroborating this evidence and dropping more.

Seriously, DO NOT SUPPORT HARD DRIVE! Their CEO does not deserve to rake in profits after exploiting their entire staff.

#Journalism #VideoGames #Patreon

Kevin Podas, a former worker for Hard Drive, on Twitter: For the past few years or so I put a lot of myself into this website. I pitched a ton of jokes, got over 120 articles published, & met a lot of great people. I'm sure if you've been following me for some time you could easily see this. However, there is a lot of misinformation I was eventually promoted to Managing Editor of the site & was ecstatic. Grateful for the opportunity. Felt like all of my hard work in the comedy mines was finally paying off. But things took a turn for the worst, & each day there were new surprises that affected our livelihoods These were all very
Kevin Podas, a former worker for Hard Drive, on Twitter: I put a lot of myself into this project. I pitched all sorts of ideas that could have helped-- we all did. Merch collaborations, Patreon-integrated YouTube content, so much more. And most of them were shot down out of sheer stubbornness and nothing more. To see lie after lie spread, and multiple big publications and YouTubers that I am a fan of promote this Patreon under these pretenses is incredibly upsetting. There are so many receipts. Please share this and consider pulling out if you've already put money into this.

literalgrill, avatar

Going to just add this to the end of the thread as well, I'm doing my best to compile all this information into one post over on Tumblr right now for ease of reading. You can find that here:


Pay attention to what's happening in this case: the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals just essentially ruled that it's fully legal to jail journalists for reporting leaked information, or any information they obtain from government officials without going through "proper channels."

This is a serious issue for #journalism in #Texas, #Louisiana and #Mississppi and we should hope the Supreme Court sets things right quickly. via @TexasObserver

#SCOTUS #PressFreedom #FirstAmendment #news #politics #USpol #CriminalJustice #media #law


@kitoconnell @TexasObserver Are these judges Trump appointees?

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