jack, to random
@jack@berlin.social avatar

@brejoc @jstepien @jack Or an alternative to using in a form that can potentially solve more real world use cases and would not suffer from the same drawbacks of and gemini? gitlab.com/bkil/gemiweb codeberg.org/Weblite/HTMLite/s… nerdica.net/display/ab7da4c0-d…

Fenreliania, to unity
@Fenreliania@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

If you have been using #Unity and you wanna jump ship to the nearest competitor, #GodotEngine is gonna be your best bet. The structure of a project isn't exactly the same, but it's similar enough that it won't take long to adjust.
Below, I'll give a few tips and talk about pain points you might run into, to help you try it out properly, and make an evaluation. #GameDev

@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@Fenreliania How good or bad this works depends on how much a Platform Owner wants on their :

None of the 3 big Platform holders are obligated to support .

And never even attempted to turn the into a to begin with...

But with the on , and a bit on the chances are good however for them to get something worked out.

EU_Commission, to random
@EU_Commission@social.network.europa.eu avatar

📞🇪🇺 New upgrade available...

From 7 March, the designated gatekeepers – Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, ByteDance, Meta, and Microsoft – must comply with all obligations in the Digital Markets Act.

These changes give you control of your:

📱 data: decide freely how your data is used
📱 phone: choose your default apps, browsers and search engines
📱 apps: install the apps you want and remove pre-installed apps

Learn more → https://europa.eu/!7YNvdp

#DigitalEU #EUDelivers

@chbmeyer@digitalcourage.social avatar


This one definetively is in the right directiion, it only came 'a bit late' and is way too short.

There is no choice, if soneone wants me to use WhatsApp, AirDrop or AirPlay.
In my private environment I can say 'no, thanks' (and socially isolate myself), but when it comes to companys (e.g. discounts), communities (e.g. soccer for kids) or public services (e.g. schools), I have no choice. I simply have to use a device that supports it.

Still no chance for other manufacturers or data sensible devices.

When my school says (obviously it has the right to do so): we use AppleTV (they call it 'concept') then I can not use my Devices or my . In this case even or are useless because of patents and s.

So the 'digital market' still isn't abke to regulate itself and still is a game of monopoly.
Still no reason to celebrate

drahardja, (edited ) to fediverse
@drahardja@sfba.social avatar

The beauty of federated social media is that commercial apps that support it make the network stronger, not weaker.

As long as not a single app or website becomes the overwhelmingly dominant gateway to the , wide support of the protocol will lead to the strengthening of the network.

This was also the case with Podcasts. Despite Spotify’s attempt to annex the protocol, podcasting via plain old RSS remains wildly popular.

Same with email.

Open protocols are the key to fighting privatization of public communication. I hope we’ve learned a lesson for the next time someone invents a .

“Flipboard becomes first app to support Bluesky, Mastodon and Pixelfed all in one place”


governa, to android
@governa@fosstodon.org avatar

14 blocks all modification of system certificates, even as root :android:


@AstaMcCarthy@mastodon.pirateparty.be avatar

@governa From open platform to a walled prison :blobangery:

Probably too easy for advanced users to expose exactly what ​data robbery is going on, like to toolset that @privacyint provides:

johnhamelink, to microsoft
@johnhamelink@emacs.ch avatar

Microsoft Teams is:

  1. A terrible user experience
  2. Slow and resource hungry
  3. Low-key spyware
  4. A walled garden that shuts down competition due to the way the product fundamentally works
  5. With poor uptime
  6. Poor discoverability
  7. With insufficient privacy and notification controls
  8. Aggressively and in my view inappropriately pushed - particularly into public services contracts
  9. Resulting in a massive attack and personal identity fraud vector just waiting to be exploited

Perhaps we shouldn’t outsource our logistical means of communications in organisations that rely on good communication to operate? Just a thought.


campuscodi, to random
@campuscodi@mastodon.social avatar

YouTube just confirmed it launched a "global effort" against users with ad blockers

Here's a tip... instead of subscribing to YouTube Premium or disabling your ad blocker, just subscribe to Nebula. It's what YouTube should have been in the first place, not the trash fire it is today

@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@campuscodi The problem with is that unlike , it's a with creators, thus it's no real competition.

Needless to say that using , , pfBlockerNG and others does work quite well...

ErosBlog, to random
@ErosBlog@kinkyelephant.com avatar

If you spent a dozen years building something great that depended on search engines and people being able to see your content on a certain social media platform, and then you woke up this AM to find out it was all locked inside a newly-built :

Damn, ouch. Uf-da. That truly sucks. {glyph of sympathy} {facebook "caring" emoji}

This is not "I told you so", this is "what to do next, better late than never edition": http://www.erosblog.com/2013/06/11/bacchus-first-rule-of-the-internet/

See also: http://www.erosblog.com/2022/02/07/someone-elses-land/

thisismyglasgow, to random
@thisismyglasgow@mastodon.scot avatar

The Walled Garden at Gartnavel Royal Hospital in Glasgow. Designed in the 1830s, it was originally created for the sole use of the hospital superintendent and their family. It's now used as a space where volunteers can work with patients as part of their therapy. It is also thought to be home to the oldest pear tree in the city.

oldwalker, to random
@oldwalker@pixelfed.de avatar

looking out from the walled garden at Polesden Lacey, near Great Bookham, Surrey, England. March 2024.

tallship, to internet


WRT your post here: #^https://hub.netzgemeinde.eu/channel/jupiter_rowland?mid=b64.aHR0cHM6Ly9odWIubmV0emdlbWVpbmRlLmV1L2l0ZW0vOGMyZDQzMjAtYTBmYy00MzljLThmOWQtOTU4ZGQzMzQ1OTQ4

and notice the last paragraph at the end of my article where mastodon is removed an replaced, here:

This should cheer you up with a bit of validation for what you're conveying :)

#tallship #FOSS #Fediverse h/t to Yukio @Yohan Yuki Xieㆍ사요한・謝雪矢 @♾️ Yuki (스노 雪亮) 🐬 🌏

https://c.im/@youronlyoneYohan Yuki Xieㆍ사요한・謝雪矢 wrote the following post Sun, 03 Mar 2024 04:40:15 +0000

My SNS apps.
A screenshot of my #SNS apps as of 2024-03-03. 🤣🤣🤪🤪🤪

#SocialNetwork #SocialMedia #Fediverse + #ATproto + #Silo / #WalledGarden

publicvoit, to Youtube German
@publicvoit@graz.social avatar

schmeißt -Nutzer raus

Eine Warnung an alle -Owner: jedes , das nur bei YouTube vorgehalten wird, ist langfristig verloren. Das hier ist nur ein kleiner Schritt von vielen, sie YT zu einem umwandeln werden.

Bitte spätestens ab sofort Alternativen wie beispielsweise zumindest parallel nutzen!

Und bitte auch weiterhin zu deiner eigenen IT-Sicherheit weiternutzen!

cslinuxboy, to diy
@cslinuxboy@mastodon.social avatar

Does anyone know if there is a maintained list of companies that are known to be hostile towards projects/products such as and ? I think we need one to let companies know there are financial repercussions to their company if they choose a walled-garden and litigious approach to users and of their products.

publicvoit, to iPad
@publicvoit@graz.social avatar

Why I won’t buy an (and think you shouldn’t, either)

This article by from 2010(!) is more valid than ever. Not just related to iPads but for the whole ecosystem. You rarely own an Apple device whose biggest value it only gets by accessing the walled gardens Apple has total control over.

It's for and not for people who want to play with their devices in a way!

And this is why Apple is so bad for .

via @lproven

@publicvoit@graz.social avatar

Besides: with Android apps like I get so much value from my otherwise not so smart phone.

For purely political and financial reasons, forbids to offer and run such applications in its and an Apple "owner" can't do nothing about this.

Furthermore, there are many stories where Apple used their total power to get companies out of the Apple market in a very dubious way. They're not the people you want to absolutely depend on.

Delphi, to gardening
@Delphi@mastodon.scot avatar
kubikpixel, to internet
@kubikpixel@chaos.social avatar

👋 Ich grüße alle meine vielen neuen 'innen und die, die sind, dass ich eine Bereicherung für eure sein möge.

🐦 Natürlich begrüße ich auch all meine alten aus dem die jetzt oder wieder hierher gefunden haben.

✊ Ausbruch aus den 's vom - Für ein freies und selbstbestimmtes !

tagesschau, to bluesky German
@tagesschau@ard.social avatar

Soziales Netzwerk Bluesky - eine echte Alternative zu X?

Die Plattform Bluesky könnte eine Alternative sein zum Kurznachrichten-Dienst X, der seit der Übernahme durch Elon Musk Nutzer verliert. Welche Erfolgschancen hat das neue Netzwerk? Von David Zajonz.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/soziale-medien-bluesky-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

@Winterstar@fosstodon.org avatar

@tagesschau Warum öffnet ihr nicht eure Instanz für andere Benutzer und bewerbt sie mal kräftig, anstatt einen weiteren zu bewerben, der quasi Twitter in grün ist und die gleichen Probleme hat. Dann schreibt ihr auch noch, dass Mastodon nicht so zündet. Ihr habt die Möglichkeit, das zu ändern. Wenn man auf eurer Instanz eure Artikel diskutieren könnte, dann wäre das schon einmal ein Schritt nach vorne.

vintprox, (edited ) to godot
@vintprox@techhub.social avatar

Community Forums were made read-only by a new owner.

At May this year, the previous owner of GCF @TwistedTwigleg has burnt out and tranferred the ownership of forum to @cybereality. Andres was granted all the permissions needed due to his enthusiasm. In the middle of this week, zie suddenly created an exhaustive post accusing to be a scam.

Now, I'm not going to peel the layers of threads and subthreads of this incident for you, so better read for yourself.


🧵 1/3

@vintprox@techhub.social avatar

Community Forums is but another with the puppetteer. I would not ask enthusiasts to host similar indefinitely and users to depend on them, since each one of them remains a .

I think we should gather more around the distributed communities on , and such. This way, nobody feels sick of being in the single room with hot-headed decision makers.

🧵 3/3

Luke, to internet
@Luke@typo.social avatar
@Luke@typo.social avatar

…put another pot on the stove, it's a long one…


nixCraft, to random
@nixCraft@mastodon.social avatar

According to iPhone users, once you switch to the iPhone, there's no going back to Android.

Is it true? 🤔

@islamicaudiobooks@mastodon.social avatar

@nixCraft Former iPhone user, or should I say "usee" since I felt being used rather than me controlling the device. Now enjoying @calyxos on mobile and @pop_os_official on desktop.

So definitely not true in my case. However, I didn't just jump or switch overnight. Rather, migrated apps and services gradually using ios/Android and Windows/Linux in parallel on different devices before I could switch completely.

schizanon, to webdev
@schizanon@mas.to avatar
timapple, to linux
@timapple@social.lol avatar

Another challenge I have is, I really want a Mac. But the platform goes against many of my ideals, it’s anti , it’s a , and though they are much more private than a Windows machine, they make questionable choices when it comes down to profits… which push me to .

pluralistic, to random
@pluralistic@mamot.fr avatar

Today's threads (a thread)

Inside: NLRB rules that any union busting triggers automatic union recognition; and more!

Archived at: https://pluralistic.net/2023/09/06/the-goons-and-the-ginks-and-the-company-finks/



I read the interoperability article with the biggest most detrimental in mind: . Certainly interoperability is the weakness of many walled gardens. But when the marginalized group is small (Tor users, CGNAT users, bots, etc), your playbook doesn’t seem to cover that one. If lawmakers were to push interoperability & force CF to accommodate those they exclude, CF is still “the internet” (future reference).

yakkoj, to random
@yakkoj@fosstodon.org avatar

you know... maybe TikTok isn't the best place for you to hold your debate about anything.

Of course, where else are you going to debate that thing where "everyone" can see it? Twitter? YouTube? (Do the cool kids even use YouTube anymore?)

@bignose@fosstodon.org avatar

> For me, the only winning move is frequently to not play.

To not pour our lives and effort into the social media, is sensible.

And it frees up time and energy, to put into systems like the . Not everyone needs to do it, but the more people who do, the more options expand for everyone.

More effort before a payoff, sure. But far less wasted effort when yet another platform submits to .

jwildeboer, (edited ) to Facebook
@jwildeboer@social.wildeboer.net avatar

I deleted my account 12 years ago.

I deleted my / account 2 years ago.

I deleted my account in January 2023.

I still have a happy social life and I am totally satisfied with the wonderful communication I have in the since 2018. On my own instance. Because decentralisation ;)

(I still miss Google+, apologies if that doesn't fit your agenda ;)

@buzzdee@mstdn.social avatar

@jwildeboer but is also a single point of failure and a

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